You've learned how to communicate with animals, but do you know what it really takes to be a successful professional practitioner?
You’ve taken courses, and you’ve advanced and mastered your intuitive skills. And you're good at it!
Now you're wondering you could make this your career...
Maybe you are already working with clients but you are struggling to grow your business…
OR, you are an animal talk student who dreams of following your passion by launching your own business.
But you’re worried. Can you really do this? What does it take to be a successful practitioner? Can you make enough money doing it? This is a unique business model, not a one size fits all kind of business selling widgets…, where do you go and who can you ask for help?
Holli felt the same way. She said:
“I was taught how to communicate with animals and I loved it. Then Penelope Smith certified me how to teach the basics course. But nowhere was I taught how to market or price my stuff! I was just told to do what feels right. But without good business guidance from someone I can trust, who’s done what I want to do, I just don’t have a clue how to reach my ideal clients. How exactly do I grow my business? I am working really hard but I’m not making enough money to quit my day job. I feel so discouraged and overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start.”
Can you relate?
Do you really have what it takes to run your own successful professional animal communication business? Not every gifted animal communicator does.
Without learning what it actually takes to create, launch and grow a successful business working as a professional practitioner, you may find yourself saying things like:
"If I could just book enough clients so I can quit this lousy day job and live my dreams..."
"If I could make enough money doing the work I love so that I don't lay awake in bed at night worrying about how to pay the bills..."
"If I could just set my own hours, be my own boss, work whenever I want, and make an extra $1,000/month - or $5,000/month or $10,000/month - I could have more time for my family and other important things..."
You're right to be concerned because 3 out of 4 new businesses fail within the first 2 years!
Don’t let that be you or your dream will become a nightmare.
Working together we can gain more clarity about what it really takes to start your own business, learn how to attract great paying clients, improve your confidence and ability to launch and grow your practice, and identify what types of services you should offer (and what you should not offer unless you want to be miserable and poor).
You'll also avoid making the mistakes most newbies make which can ruin your chance of earning a good living helping animals and their people.
Over the years, I’ve learned a LOT about what it takes to manage and grow a successful business practice as a professional animal communicator.
My path hasn’t always been easy… but it's been worth it.
Learning how to attract the right clients (and learning how to deal with the bad ones) was a struggle; paying the bills some months was a challenge; and, working 12 hour days, 7 days a week took a huge toll on my health and marriage. Then the internet hit and the way entrepreneurs do business forever changed.
For instance, here’s one thing I’ve learned the hard way.
Being gifted with a highly sensitive, creative right brain along with the gift of being able to communicate with animals simply isn’t enough in this day and age to build a successful, thriving entrepreneurial internet practice. Being good at helping people with their animals doesn’t automatically provide the lifestyle you want to have, one that meets all your personal needs.
For me, it helped a lot that I graduated magna cum laude with a masters degree in business, minoring in marketing. It helped that I worked for IBM and a small business insurance agency, and I have a background in computers. It helped that I launched and ran my own market research corporation in 1988. It helps to be good with business details, vision, and logistics.
But many right brain creative, highly sensitive folks like us don’t speak geek, are not tech or business savvy, and the mysteries of cyberspace elude and frustrate us.
Right brain intuitive skills are not the same skills as left brain logic and analysis. Technology, business systems, policies, marketing strategies, and procedures are the foundation of every successful business and this is especially true of psychics, healers and animal communicators.
You might think that you can't do this because you don't have a business background or you don't know how to get the right clients, but I'm here to tell you're wrong. You CAN do this!
Nobody is born knowing how to be successful in business. They have a vision (like you) and then they go to work learning what they need to know to make that vision a reality.
I've invested well over $150,000 in business mentoring and coaching teaching me how to build and fill my practice with VIP clients and students that I love working with. It’s gotten me through challenging economic times. AND, it’s how I’ve made it to the top of my field.
In the many business coaching and mastermind groups I’ve participated in (and managed over the years), I’m known as a highly creative, respected businesswoman. I have helped colleagues create miraculous turnarounds in their business. In short, in addition to coaching students and working with clients, business coaching is one of the things I absolutely love doing.
It breaks my heart to see so many of my professional animal communicator colleagues, also very talented and gifted, wind up quitting and having to get a “real j.o.b” out of despair, frustration, burnout, lack of support…
They just can’t make enough income to support themselves. The business challenges they face seem insurmountable, and they struggle every day.
To reach the vision the Universe gave me, I want YOU to be successful too. Together we can help make the world a better place for animals and the people who love them.
I’ve also tried lots of things that didn’t work… before I learned what to do and what not to do.
As an established six figure Entre-Leader in the animal communication business, I have well over 30 years experience building successful thriving businesses. But how did I get to where I am now?
How did it all start for me?
In the summer of 1988 after graduating from college with my honors and my Bachelors degree in business, I contracted Lyme disease. It devastated my health so badly that I knew I would never again be able to hold down a full time corporate job, like when I worked at the Texas Employment Commission and IBM. It was a very long road to recovery…
One rainy day I was with my friend and her gorgeous black Percheron mare, Valkyrie. We were really worried because Valkyrie had a huge, painful injury on her hip that wasn’t healing well. I somehow managed to tune into the horse, and that was the first time I’d ever heard a horse whisper to me.
Even more amazing was that in just under thirty minutes, I was able to facilitate a miraculous spontaneous healing with Valkyrie’s hip.
It was a life changing, transformational moment for me because I knew I had found my destiny. I wanted to talk to and help heal other injured animals all over the world as a leading professional animal communications expert.
That was in 1993. Now?
I AM one of the leading experts in our field. The Real Dr Doolittle™ Show has touched the lives and hearts of well over 400,000 animal lovers all over the world. I’ve been in the media many times. I enjoy a wonderful, growing community of clients, students and joint venture partners. I’ve authored and co-authored several bestselling books.
Even better, I’m doing work I love with people and animals I adore, and have a full staff of talented assistants. I’ve generated a 6 figure income since 2006, and have even had the pleasure of receiving over $25,000 income in a single month!
In short, I have a thriving lifestyle business I’m proud of.
Money is important because it makes it possible to do this work and reach more people. But it’s not all about the money. It's about making the good we can do with it and at the same time, how well we can take care of ourselves.
My personal vision is to help teach 1,000,000 animal lovers to understand their animals, to hear their voices, to grow, evolve and heal. When we do that, we will change the world.
I have a really cool secret to share with you, “What you want, wants you!” Let me show you how to do this too!
If this resonates with you, then you are definitely in the right place.
Your dream of making this your life’s work — to help animals by being their voice — is in fact an important part of your purpose and destiny.
That's not just your own dream, that is the Universe's urging to fulfill an important need. You are hearing the call, seeing the vision.
There are animals and people out there who are praying for help and looking for you, but they can't find you... yet.
You have a choice. You can ignore it, sit on it, dabble with it as a hobby or put it off until the Universe gives up and goes to find someone else.
Or you can step up and say "Yes! I am doing this."
A magical thing happens when you set your intention. Connections are made, energetic networks formed, people and animals start finding you, and opportunities come to you from out of nowhere.
All you need next is the right guidance.
Let me show you how!
To be successful in your own thriving animal communication business, you will need these 3 things:
First, you must have the right mindset and attitude.
It's a fact. You'll encounter challenges and opportunities on your journey. You will make mistakes. You will miss things, and you won't always be right.
If you let your negative self talk, doubt and lack of confidence discourage you, then you will fail. If you don't do your inner work of healing, evolving and growing, then you will sabotage and undermine your efforts. If you never even try, then you've blocked yourself before you ever begin.
If however you learn to use the law of attraction and shamanic manifestation practices, you will be resilient, supple and flexible. When challenges and opportunities come your way, you'll make the best of them knowing that everything works for you, nothing works against you.
You will rebound better than ever with every lesson. You will know that there is no such thing as failure, only discovering things that don't work, that work but are inefficient and less than optimal, and things that work brilliantly well.
If you learn the right mindset and attitude, nothing can stop you.
Next, you must know how to attract the right clients with the right programs and services.
As a practicing professional animal communicator, you must earn enough income to take care of you and your family (2 and 4 leggeds), AND have enough to put back into your business to keep the doors open and growing. That's the very definition of a thriving successful business!
To do that, you have to attract ideal clients for you, take excellent care of them, and charge them what you're worth.
TIP: Would you like a job where you only work 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, and enjoy $5000 income a month? It's possible and doable.
Here's your roadmap to success:
Example: If your goal is to enjoy $5,000 income a month, and you want to charge $100 per session, then you just need 50 clients a month at that rate. That's only 12.5 clients a week, or 2.5 clients a day working 5 days a week.
If you don't know what you're doing, you don't know your numbers, or you have no goals or roadmap, then more speed won't help you get where you want to go.
If you don't know how to attract and keep ideal clients who become your raving fans and tell all their friends about you, then your client pipeline will remain empty and you will fail.
Finally, you need the right business systems, procedures and processes in place to support your success.
Many beginning professional communicators just wing it, playing it by ear, making things up as they go. They don't know what they're doing, and it shows. If you don't get it together and manage yourself more professionally, ultimately it undermines your client's confidence in you and your success.
Your best results are based on the business systems, protocol and the policies you setup.
How you setup your business legally is important whether you are online or offline or both. Internet business are more and more heavily regulated. Do you know what you can say and what you can't say on your website? Not knowing could cost you fines and penalties when mistakes are made.
How you manage your finances, do your books and pay taxes is important too. If you don't do this part right, you won't be in business long and your dream will definitely turn into a nightmare fast.
If you have a website, is it "pretty" but it doesn't bring you ideal clients? Then it's a waste of money, energy and time. Properly created and maintained websites work for you 24/7/365 bringing you a wealth of wonderful clients and income all day long.
How you manage your schedule is important. For instance, when you're working a fulltime schedule (with a waiting list), you really don't want to waste your time doing things manually when they could be automated. That's a sure path to burnout. Believe me, I know. Been there, done that.
How you guide your client's expectations is important, how you manage unhappy clients, and how you follow up with them determines whether they are happy with your services and will come back for more -- or whether they will blacklist you.
NOT having access to the best working, most efficient, tried and true business systems, protocols and policies can cost you your dream.
You Can Learn How to Create a 6 Figure Business in Just 6 Months With The Go Pro Business Builder Program for Professional Animal Communicators
This unique, insightful, foundational, all-encompassing 6 month Program is perfect for anyone who is good at communicating with animals and who wants to launch their own successful, thriving business.
Working together we can gain the clarity about what it really takes to start your own business, learn how to attract great paying clients, improve your confidence and ability to launch and manage your practice, and identify what types of services you should offer (and what you should not offer unless you want to be miserable and poor).
Join this wonderful combination self-study and coaching Program now so you can learn at your own pace, get help when you need it, and enjoy:
A spiritual, extraordinary journey to growing your best, successful, thriving business being the voice for animals.
A loving, compassionate kind, supportive, nurturing experience to help you grow, heal and evolve into your BEST self.
A brilliant Animal Communication Business Building Program designed to expand your education, knowledge, inspire and delight you.
This unique combination of expert coaching and master level content just isn't available anywhere else. How will learning to master these important areas in your business help you?
The Right Mindset and Shamanic Manifestation Techniques Toolkit to help you manifest abundance, be resilient and unstoppable.
How to find, attract and enroll your Ideal Clients, keep your pipeline full and your income steady. Confidently charge what you're worth, offering irresistible services, programs and courses.
How to make $2500 - $10,000 every month (or more) creating your own high end programs in 21 days and do it over and over again.
How to setup your business systems, satisfy legal rules, policies, protocols and guidelines to be safe from lawsuits and penalties or fines.
How to have your website bring in new ideal clients every day and isn't just an expensive pretty online business card that produces nothing to your bottom line.
Know which marketing strategies to use that will work best for you the easy peasy way, and identify which social media channels to focus on and which you can safely ignore
YES! I want Val to help me start and grow my own successful professional animal communicator business so I can make a bigger difference with animals and enjoy a good income!
Premium Program includes:
One Time Investment
or, $847 in 6 monthly payments
Starter (Do It Yourself) Package includes:
one time investment
or, 6 payments of $199.40/per month
Are you ready to fully embrace your VISION as a successful Professional Animal Communicator? Here's how it works:
Step 1:
Click the red button
Choose whether you want the Do It Yourself self study Starter Package or the Premium Program with Unlimited Business Coaching, and choose your payment option.
Step 2:
Check your email
You’ll receive immediate access to the course and can begin creating success in your thriving practice right away!
Step 3:
Start learning
Login and dive into the extraordinary 10 business training topics. Premium students should schedule their QuickStart Orientation Call as soon as possible.
Success Stories
Frequently Asked Questions
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it’s potential. The testimonials and examples used are deemed to be typical results but are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Val Heart, unless otherwise noted. Individual guest articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified pet health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Val Heart and her community. Val encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified pet health care professional.
(210) 906-8810 | (210) 764-0586 | Monday – Friday, 10 – 4 Central (Texas time) 16607 Blanco Rd, Ste 12105, San Antonio, TX 78232