*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) for September 2021 is Barb G’s Tiki-in spirit
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- This topic has 45 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
Margaret Dexter.
09/01/2021 at 10:44 am #85069
ModeratorBarb G has volunteered to host her cat, Tiki-in spirit, as our next Featured Animal Teacher (FAT). You will enjoy getting to know this wonderful animal teacher. Gold and Platinum members will have an opportunity to connect with Pascal along with Val on the Q&A call Saturday, September 11. We encourage all of you to connect with Tiki now and through out the month.
Tune into Tiki first and see what you sense. It’s not just about getting words although that’s a lot of fun when it happens. Remember that telepathic comes from ‘tele’ meaning over a distance like telephone and television, and ‘pathic’ that comes from pathos. So literally telepathic is emotion over a distance.
How does Tiki feel to you? Happy? Sad? Excited? etc. Ask Tiki ice breaker questions as you might with any new teacher. It’s not about “getting the right answer” but about connecting with a wonderful animal.
Have fun!
09/01/2021 at 6:50 pm #85073
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberThis picture is of Tiki after his retinas detached and he lost his outer vision. It’s about a month before he left this physical world. You will need to get past this physical image to really connect with him. 💜
09/02/2021 at 2:54 pm #85080
Wolfie Tschida Myrvalder
Inactive MemberThanks Barbera and Tiki 🙏🏻🌈💖
I asked what Tiki would recommend for humans to do right now, what’s one of the most important things they can do?
The answer was: you need to let go of time!
We live in the now and that’s one of the big secrets you need to accept. You can only receive when you are connected to the Universe . When you’re running around trying to figure things out you become your own roadblock and then you’re complaining about not getting anywhere. Cats 🐈 understand this and we are connected and that is a good feeling. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed you need to allow yourself to let those feelings flow thru you, not reacting to them and they will dissolve.
Thanks 🙏🏻 🌈💖🙏🏻🧚🏻♀️🥰 -
09/02/2021 at 5:51 pm #85084
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberWisdom from Tiki! Wow!
1. “you need to let go of time!
We live in the now and that’s one of the big secrets you need to accept. You can only receive when you are connected to the Universe.”
Can you ask him if he has a special way to connect to the universe? I know Val does the grounding yogic breath and heart meditation and connecting to our star. Is that a good way or some other?
2. Let stressful and anxious feelings flow through by not reacting to them. I love this accept sometimes I am not aware I am stressed so does he have some wisdom to share about becoming more aware?Thank You! Wolfie
Barb -
09/07/2021 at 9:34 pm #85141
Wolfie Tschida Myrvalder
Inactive MemberOk, connecting again with Tiki. 💜
We are all the source , the Universe, but humans have a tendency to use their outer senses more than their inner. If humans went to nothingness, to infinity with no thoughts , bam there it is. Breathing deep is a way to stir up the auto pilot and focus on something different. Also if you let go of expectations it would be easier for you. They are roadblocks in your mind.
He says there’s many ways, find the one that feels best and most natural.Awareness is about checking your instrument panel often, your feelings. How do you feel right now? How do you breathe?
If you feel joy, peace, and good over all , everything is great. When you feel stressed or sad or different you get tight and you don’t breathe very well. Then take a few minutes to identify the feeling, don’t react to it. Sit with it and let it flow and move through you, or move with it, without doing anything about it . Then it will disappear.🙏🏻💜 thanks
09/07/2021 at 10:03 pm #85142
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberWOW!!! Wolfie!
You are REALLY clicking in to Tiki’s wisdom! BAM! You GOT it!!!
Thank you for going deeper!
This resonates truly and very deeply.❤️
09/11/2021 at 11:30 am #85196
Margaret Dexter
Gold MemberI got that he incarnated as a cat to make the connection with Barb and his real purpose with her is what he is doing now as her guide. He and Barb have been together many times before and knew each other very well before this lifetime.
09/11/2021 at 12:12 pm #85199
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberThank You. Margaret. This rings so true to me.
09/15/2021 at 10:19 pm #85234
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberHi Barb. Thank you for the opportunity to talk to Tiki (in spirit). I connected with Tiki and this is what I recorded:
Me: Hello Tiki, I’m Angela. Would you be able to talk with me?
Tiki: Of course you dear sweet soul I am here to help you. Don’t be afraid I can feel you are tense – there is nothing to fear. I am an angel now, I am love and I send that love to you. I am eternal, as are you. I was in a cat’s body, but now I am free – free of old pains, not suffering now, but I am in a glorious state of bliss. I am in what you humans call Heaven. I connect with you in love and gratitude, that you are one of the few humans who is trying to connect with us – even though it causes you so much pain and discomfort. Don’t be afraid of me, I am an angel, I only send you love and want the best for you. Just relax, be with me, be in my serene energy, my love energy. Feel my serene love energy, bathe yourself in it.
Let me heal your heart and calm your fear. Just relax, be with me. Feel me, sense me, we don’t need to say anything – just be, just relax. See it’s easy, it’s nice isn’t it? Just realize that all is well, all is enfolding as it should. There is no need to worry dear Angela.
What a wonderful opportunity this is, being able to pass on my love and wisdom to humans on Earth. I am very grateful to have been given this opportunity to be able to be of service.
Now stay with me, do not drift off. Now next time you can ask me some questions, but this time is just for getting to know each other – and I do like you.
Cats are a very high ranking and special species – we are great healers, most people don’t realize yet what great healers we are. We are connected now Angela, so go about your work and we will talk again.I felt a very tranquil, angelic loving energy. I had an image of Tiki above my head, looking down at me in a very loving, benevolent way, very serene.
All best wishes
09/16/2021 at 9:15 pm #85253
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberThank You Angela for sharing your connection with Tiki.
I feel that you were definitely connected to his truth and conveyed the essence of everything he was sending you.In physical life, Tiki was very direct and to the point so some of this doesn’t seem that it is from Tiki. He wasn’t a philosopher and conveyed what he wanted us to know quickly. It could be your translation of what you received which is sometimes all we can share.
He was instinctive and shared his thoughts quickly. He wasn’t a lovey dovey type of cat so the terms dear sweet soul or Angela dear don’t resonate with his essence as I knew and know him.
I do feel his sending of love could be interpreted through these words though.He would be able to feel if you were afraid or tense.
These parts feel true: “I felt a very tranquil, angelic loving energy.”
“Just relax, be with me, be in my serene energy, my love energy. Feel my serene love energy, bathe yourself in it.”
“I am eternal, as are you.”
“ Just relax, be with me. Feel me, sense me, we don’t need to say anything – just be, just relax.”
I hope this is helpful and I really appreciate the time you took to share Tiki’s wisdom with all of us. Relax, Feel, Sense, Just Be.
09/17/2021 at 9:51 am #85283
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberHello Barb and Tiki,
I didn’t get a lot from the FAT call this month. I just got a great big golden light from Tiki, a connection to Egypt, that he is a master teacher and that he still watches over Barb. Fish was a favourite when he was in his Tiki body.
I will try to connect again,
Thank you both Barb and Tiki,
09/17/2021 at 12:00 pm #85298
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberThank You for sharing Rosemary.
It’s interesting that fish came up as a favorite when he was in his body because I only fed it to him at the very end of his life.
Other people have also said he still watches over me. I am learning to use him more as a spirit guide and feel grateful for his role in my development.
09/18/2021 at 12:21 am #85304
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberHi Barb. Many thanks for your feedback. Love Angela
09/23/2021 at 6:14 pm #85338
Wolfie Tschida Myrvalder
Inactive MemberBarb and Tiki ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Tiki what do you know and like to share about processing feelings in a body?
Tiki: It is easier than you think. Just know how powerful it is to be aware of a feeling, to know what feeling it is and to not be afraid or avoiding it. It won’t last forever and when you acknowledge it , just relax and do not give it fuel by connect other emotions and stories to it. If you feel pain just move around and let it move inside you and it will leave I guarantee you it will. You might have to do it many times because you humans build so many layers of the same feelings and one day they will just be too much to handle. The more you do this the more you make room for other things , like good feeling emotions and light to vibrate higher. The higher you vibrate the less you take in and store emotions that are painful or heavy.
Thank you Tiki, very good information 👍🏻❤️🙏🏻😍-
09/23/2021 at 7:53 pm #85340
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberHi Wolfie,
My goodness! Tiki is quite a philosopher! This information is down to earth too, as Tiki was in the physical world, so it feels clearly coming from his spirit. It is also something I have been working on myself! When you know and acknowledged the feelings they are able to move on! So true and so brilliant and so simply stated by Tiki. The higher you vibrate, the less you take in! Wow! Thank you for sharing this wisdom.
09/24/2021 at 11:32 pm #85361
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberHi Barb. I connected with Tiki again and this is what I recorded:
Me: How are you?
Tiki: This is sacred sacred work. I welcome you. So few have the chance to express themselves, I am truly blessed. I am love, I want to help you as much as I can but you seem so unsure of yourself. Why is this? You really are truly capable, an amazing being and you need to realize this. Have more confidence in yourself and love yourself more. You are truly amazing. I am in an amazing priveliged position to look down on you humans and I can see so much of what is wrong with you all – you are so anxious, always so worried, worrying about such inconsequential things. If only you could see how blessed you are – how supported you are – it would help you to live more freely, more joyously, like us animals do. We don’t have these terrible hang ups that you humans do. We know it is dreadful for you – you seem to be in a state of continuous pain, rather than loving life as you should be. That is my message to you, and to all humans, to live more joyously – to embrace life. Just be, just flow in the moment.
We are connected now and I will look after you, just like I look after Barb. So don’t worry, be happy and then your animal communications will be much better, clearer, stronger. I know you are not sure that these words are coming from me, but they are, ok. This is sacred, sacred work, for you and for me. Please continue, it is so important. We are all depending on you.Me: Have you got anything you would like to say to Barb?
Tiki: Tell Barb I love her so much and I am often with her. We will be together again, as we have been before, it is only a temporary parting for us – we are Soul mates. But Barb knows that, she is a very spiritual person. This makes life so much more meaningful, richer, for people if they have a spiritual outlook.
I am very blessed to be able to pass on my wisdom – because I am a very wise cat. I am a sacred being, that is why I was chosen for this work, this Holy work.Me: Thank you Tiki
Tiki: No, I thank you.I don’t know if this communication resonates with you Barb. It made me feel quite emotional. All best wishes. Angela
09/25/2021 at 3:27 pm #85363
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberOhhhhh…wow! This is so deep and truthful. Do you feel how it is so very different from your last connection with Tiki????
Yes—-very sacred work and you connected with Tiki on that level. Beautiful Angela.(I know I live life more joyfully when I connect and listen to all my inner parts and practice self love on a daily basis.)
09/25/2021 at 10:45 pm #85369
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberThanks so much for your feedback Barb. Angela
09/27/2021 at 3:49 pm #85387
Nicole Prömmer
Platinum MemberHi Barb,
It is the first time I contact with Tiki.
What comes at me, when I connect is a very big green light. The color is not from this earth, it is much more intens. I perceive his spirit, not in a cat body and he is very big and eminates power, wisdom and consciousness. He us very fast. I just have to think of something and he aswers, but not with words, its an energetic answer, i perceive as feeling or state. I perceive old lifes in Egypt and other planets. Now he is smiling. His smile eminates very big love, which touches my heart. His energy is clear and straight. He is love and he ia very clear about his jib- he is one aspect in holding consciousness for us and he has a special role if protecting and guiding and healing you. You have a long history with him and at one stage, you saved his life in an other time. This made the bond in between of you stronger. You have been not rich at the time, but you took care of him with all your love.
For some reason I dont hear at the moment, what animals say, and also i don’t hear anything of him, but this is, what i see.
Much love,
09/27/2021 at 7:11 pm #85389
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberThank You Nicole,
This is very beautiful, deep and amazing. I have had no idea that I have a connection to what is truly real through Tiki. I feel in awe and know that somehow this development is moving me forward in my spiritual growth, so thank you for sharing this. It feels deep and true.PS: I do not “hear” animals much, only when they really need my attention and then it’s very clear. But I start to write and their thoughts, feelings, images and words appear on the page like a downloaded translation. That’s the only way I can describe it, so I know you can understand Stupsi without words. The words aren’t really necessary.
09/28/2021 at 4:11 am #85392
Nicole Prömmer
Platinum MemberThank you Barb for sharing. Yes, this is how I perceive it also. And as I read your lines I hear Stupsi saying- you dont need to hear me 😄.
09/30/2021 at 7:39 pm #85423
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberSuch a wise bunny! 💜
09/29/2021 at 6:16 am #85406
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberThank-you for the pleasure of talking to the very wise Kiki
A happy Tiki comes towards me tail held high. I stroke Kiki who is a lovable, gentle independent spirit. Watches everything but doesn’t say very much. Keeps everyone guessing what’s going on in Kiki’s mind and thoughts.
M – I introduce myself and ask him how he is feeling today. K – Am good. Tell mum I love her. I’m ok. She doesn’t have to worry about me. It’s great where I am.
M – Are you in spirit or are you in a physical body. K – I’m still in spirit and waiting to be born.
M – how do you feel about that. K – it’s good. I have a job to do. I like doing jobs.
M – What jobs do you like doing. K- Any job. Best job was with a family. Shown a circus tent and a woman of distinction who wore a white Edwardian style dress strolling around. She was lovely but she died young.
M – I’m sorry to hear that. What happened to you. K – Stayed with the family till I left my physical body. Shown an older girl and boy. The girl is dressed in a similar clothes to the woman. The boy wears blue knickerbockers style trousers, a sailor style top – blue and white stripes. Black socks to his knees and lace-up shiny shoes. Sense there are servants in the house where they liveTold Kiki I’m learning to talk to animals. K – You’re not learning. You already do it. Have confidence, you’re good. You’ll be a great communicator, so don’t worry. I thank Kiki and give my gratitude. K
M – What was your favourite thing you like doing living with Barb G K – Chilling out on the grass, lazing about.
Shown big backyard/garden. Wooden fences enclose the garden, From the red brick house is a patio area with statues on either side with a few steps going down onto the grass. Shown a tortoise. A young boy and girl running laughing. Visitors are seated on white filigree style chairs, a table in front of the people. An older woman comes out of the house carrying a tray with a jug of lemonade and talk glasses. She calls George and Jenny, the children run to her. A blow-up children’s paddling pool sits in a corner of the garden. Nearby, a wooden lounge style shed, outside is a whirlpool.
M – What was your favourite toy. K – Didn’t have a favourite toy. Sense Kiki didn’t play with toys much. Shown a fabric – felt type material mouse Kiki is toying with her paw. Plus a red and yellow feather on a long string and stick. Red feeding bowls in the modern style kitchen that has grey slate flooring
M- Kiki is there anything you can teach me as you are a great, compassionate, and a wise teacher. K – Be yourself. you’ll be fine ok don’t worry. The problems you are experiencing now will go away but not in the way that you expect but changes on the way. M – Are you willing to tell me more. K – No it has to take its course. Time is the essence. Time is universe but change Is coming
M – Is the change for me only or for us as humans. K – Both but you are in line for the change. Embrace it. It’s all for the good. – M – I thank Kiki and give my gratitude. K – You’re welcome Farewell
Would’ve liked to have gone deeper talking to Kiki
Thank-you for letting me talk to Kiki
09/30/2021 at 7:12 pm #85419
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberHi Sandy,
This is an interesting conversation. When I see a picture like this—so detailed—I will ask what relevance does it have for today. I know you were asking him about jobs he has liked but I do not see that he is showing you the job he is doing with these people or maybe it is just showing you that these were his people is enough for him. I’m curious if that is why he showed you this!
I did live in a small yellow brick house with Tiki and he liked the back yard. It had a hot tub but my children were all grown up when I moved there. The shed was my husband’s office so maybe his view of our world was slightly different. He also lived with us when we had a tall redwood style fence.
Right—Tiki did not play with toys. The outdoors was his entertainment. The bowls and floor must be from a different lifetime.
Love his wisdom: Embrace Change!Thank your for sharing your connection. Love, Barb
10/01/2021 at 5:26 am #85444
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi
Many thanks for feedback – appreciate your effort and time.
Always interesting what animals are showing and telling us. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to us but then we don’t know everything. It’s for us to figure it out
Take care
10/03/2021 at 4:55 pm #85463
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberOk. Thank You.
09/30/2021 at 4:14 pm #85415
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberHi Barb. I connected with Tiki again and this time asked some specific questions (which I am not usually very good at) but this is what I recorded:
Me: How are you?
Tiki: I’m very honored that you have chosen to talk to me again. I really want to help you. I am angelic but so are you.Me: Can I ask you some questions about when you were in your body as Tiki? What did you love to do?
Tiki: Mostly I loved to be with Barb, to sit on her lap. We enjoyed our time just being together. In my latter years I wasn’t very active so it was just comforting to be able to sit with her. When I was younger I was an expert hunter – I was very impressive. This was the wildness in me of course. I see this now and feel a bit guilty about it. But when we are in our bodies we can’t see the bigger picture, we just act on instinct – there’s nothing I could have done about it. Barb used to get annoyed at my hunting – birds were my favorite. I can see why it annoyed her, but she still loved me. I used to chase anything I could. I used to lie on my back holding something and kick. Chasing bugs was a favorite of mine – Barb didn’t mind this. I used to make my own entertainment but at the end of it I liked to come back and be with Barb – we loved each other so much. It was WONDERFUL.Me: How did you feel about Priscilla?
Tiki: I was a bit jealous of Priscilla as she got so much attention – so cute, everyone drools over her. But I didn’t really mind. I knew I was Barb’s favorite.Me: How did you feel about Luchien?
Tiki: Luchien looks quite scary but I was the boss. I was and am very strong willed and everyone respected me – as their leader. I was the leader of the whole house, I was in charge of everyone. I am a very strong minded, capable, confident being – but I am also very loving too. I was and am a very powerful but benevolent leader.Any feedback would be great. Thanks. Angela
09/30/2021 at 7:31 pm #85421
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberHi Angela,
Yes! Tiki liked to sit in my lap more as he grew older. Yes! He was a very good hunter.
I did not see him with birds but lots of mice were brought into our home when we lived in the country.
Tiki never lived with Priscilla or Luchien as he passed before they arrived. Priscilla is my son’s dog and they live with me when I am at home. Luchien is my daughter’s dog and lived with us 3 days a week when he was a puppy but never with Tiki.
I did not know that animals could communicate with people when Tiki lived with us so he may indeed be jealous on that level when he sees my growth and how Priscilla and Luchien have me in physical form…
Yes! He was extremely strong willed and all of those ways you described him! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Yay! Angela. I feel you are really growing and getting to the relevant information that touches one’s heart.
One thing I have learned this year is that people don’t always tell me full truths. They will ask me help with an animal and then I find out later it was their friends or a foster. I am very careful now about making sure it is their own animal they are sharing with me. As you can see with Priscilla and Luchien, how would you know the situation unless you asked more questions.
09/30/2021 at 5:07 pm #85417
Wolfie Tschida Myrvalder
Inactive MemberThanks Barb and Tiki🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
You can not believe the colors I see and I know you will be able to see them soon. Pay attention to colors and their vibration! They can give you lots of guidance. Many of you feel what color you like to wear, you see and enjoy the colors of the fall and so on. Just sayin there’s so much more you can understand about colors if you just take then into your heart and not just in your head. They can give you lots of guidance both what’s good for you and what to stay away from.
Thank you Tiki, never really thought of that 🙏🏻❤️-
09/30/2021 at 7:38 pm #85422
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberWow! Tiki!
A few weeks ago Val elaborated on why if you see colors surrounding an animal they are important when reading the animal. She said for instance if you “see” a blue/green aura it is showing you health. If it pops out at you, you may want to explore it more deeply. Why am I seeing red? Etc. I love that Tiki is pointing this out!
Thank you again for sharing his wisdom.
10/01/2021 at 5:08 am #85442
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberHello Barb,
Thank you for your feedback.
I didn’t communicate again with Tiki but I did get a left over communication that floated in after I posted last week: this was it: Be more clear/uncompromising (not sure of the word here) with yourself. You know stuff but you act like you don’t. Use your wisdom and knowledge. These are your survival skills to live among humans. Wake up.
He’s right. It resonates. 🙂Thank you Barb and Tiki.
10/03/2021 at 4:58 pm #85464
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberYes Rosemary. I am glad Tiki’s wisdom resonates. There are a few students in this group that I will send referrals to and you are one of them. ❤️
10/08/2021 at 12:25 am #85521
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberThank you Barb for your feedback. I’m trying to take Tiki’s advice very seriously and I’m really inspired by reading all your posts – thank you. xxx
10/01/2021 at 10:47 am #85448
Margaret Dexter
Gold MemberTiki our FAT. I had a good chat with him or her, I forget. Since she is in spirit now, she is both and neither.
I asked her for help with the skin cancer on top of my head right on the crown chakra. I had a squamous cell skin cancer about 5 years ago and had it and a pre-cancer removed about 4.5 year ago. The site has never fully healed. When I went for my regular 6 month recheck my dermatologist discovered a new growth which she biopsied. It is another squamous cell carcinoma. She has removed previous growths over the years but referred me to a surgeon for this one. I am scheduled for surgery on 10/20 and I am concerned about it. The biopsy was very painful – numbing did not appear to work – and it was painful for a while afterwards.
Anyway, I asked Tiki about this. He said that this could heal or it could lead to my ticket out of here. He said I needed to decide and that this concern about it is feeding it. He suggested that I make up my mind whether I wanted to stay or leave. And if I want to stay, he recommended lots of Reiki on the place. Since it is right on the crown chakra, drawing Reiki in can be very healing.
Tiki is a very old soul and very wise and loving.
10/03/2021 at 5:01 pm #85465
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberWow! Margaret. He was certainly direct! Thank you for sharing his wisdom. He was very direct in his cat body so this resonates. You have had quite a few challenges lately so I am sending you a whole bunch of love. 🤗🙏🏼❤️ Barb
10/08/2021 at 11:53 am #85530
Margaret Dexter
Gold MemberThanks, Barb. I just found this reply.
10/01/2021 at 9:43 pm #85457
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberThanks for your feedback Barb. It has been a wonderful experience connecting with Tiki. Love Angela
10/03/2021 at 5:02 pm #85466
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberI am glad for you. Your posts have opened up my eyes to the gift of Tiki.
10/05/2021 at 12:29 pm #85482
Betty Shaw
Gold MemberHi Barb, thank you for this opportunity to visit with Tiki. I am still struggling but working on this. I never see auras of color when I look at people or animals. Tiki appeared to me to be surrounded by a jewel tone rainbow that encompassed his whole being. Haven’t a clue what that means. I asked him what his favorite earthly activity was and he said sitting on your lap feeling your love. I asked him if he was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the people that have been talking to him and he said not at all. He would love to keep doing this but he knows it is for just a short time. You have given some amazing advise to people. I have a lot more. How did you become a healer and a teacher. A very long time ago I was appointed to do this and receive on going training. Can anyone be a healer and a teacher? No they are appointed. How do you heal? There are many ways, it depends on the issue. Let me show you. You have problems with blockages because you have shut down feelings due to abuse and other circumstances. He put his paws on my head and started purring and caressing my head. He stayed there for awhile. He said that would help me to release and communicate over time. Another interesting thing happened. Pistol was there also. He was purring and rubbing against my chin and neck while Tiki was performing his healing. Have you ever had this happen? Thank you for your input and for Tiki. He was so sweet, kind and loving.
10/05/2021 at 2:54 pm #85483
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberThank You Betty.
This is beautiful. Yes Tiki enjoyed sitting in my lap especially towards the end of his life when he was physically blind.
He also loved to sit on my back when I lay in the grass in our backyard.
He just spent time with one of my clients who we were sure was going to leave the body. Roscoe, the cat, is now physically ok for awhile longer!!!
So YES! He is a healer extraordinaire!
I have never knew to ask him for help until recently. I was exposed to someone very sick with COVID. I could tell despite being immunized that I needed some extra help with keeping the virus at bay. Amazingly, I felt Tiki’s presence (as well as another healing being)with me pushing and clearing the virus and not allowing it to stick in my lungs. I tested negative to the virus yesterday. phew!
So thank you for sharing his perspective on being a healer. It sounds like you had quite a session with the two cats!!!
10/05/2021 at 6:54 pm #85493
Betty Shaw
Gold MemberHi Barb, thank you for your story. I am sorry about your Covid scare. The fact that we have a test to confirm it is wonderful but the wait is agony. I still feel insecure in what I am getting but as Val says don’t over think go with the first thing you get, over active imagination and all. I am curious about a couple of things: the colors, I don’t remember anyone ever remarking about jewel tone colors in an aura. Do you know what that might mean? It was very luminous with light spikes the rainbow was completely around him. I don’t ever see auras or color when I look at people or animals. The other question I have is: Pistol joining in the healing was a complete surprise since I haven’t connected with him in many months. He came to me one night out of the blue doing the same thing a few days after talking to him. He did that with you as well. So what am I to learn from this? I didn’t think I was a basket case but then maybe I am, LOL, or was this imagination? Thanks again I enjoyed Tiki he is a sweet kitty
10/05/2021 at 8:12 pm #85494
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberIt looks like the animals are letting you know that you are clairvoyant. Your strongest gift is seeing!
All that people have been sharing about Tiki feels that when he shows you all these colors that he is connected to all that is. Wow!!!
When I say there is a color surrounding someone I don’t see it but I know what it is. I am in awe that you saw Pistol with me too! I love Pistol. I must have needed A LOT of help getting the virus(‘s) to leave!
10/05/2021 at 10:23 pm #85500
Betty Shaw
Gold MemberI need to clarify what I said about Pistol. I do not express myself very well. When Pistol was the FAT I connected with him and he was very smart as is Tiki in seeing what we need. A few days after my contact with him he showed up in my sleep purring and rubbing himself on my chin and neck. Woke me up actually. I posted it somewhere and you responded to it that it was interesting because he did that to you as well. He was not invited by either of us. I did not see him with you during in your Covid scare. I’m sorry for giving that impression. It could be possible so maybe we should ask the question. Thank you for answering my questions. You are always so kind and helpful with us newbies. Thank you for that. I will not live long enough to get to where you are. xoxo
10/06/2021 at 7:49 am #85503
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberDear Betty,
I haven’t been doing this in this physical body very long either—-in the grand scheme of life. (2 1/2 years) I am a retired (30+ years) teacher. I practice daily, study and listen and MEDITATE.I have learned to trust and even when my mind is acting loud, I tell it that I will listen in a little while.
Also I work with my strongest “Clair” and that is why I am encouraging you to thank that part of you that sees so clearly! You’ve got this! And you are still in your body. 🤗
Pistol is helping you. 😊💜
Barb -
10/06/2021 at 4:39 pm #85507
Betty Shaw
Gold MemberThank you Barb, You are so amazing and inspirational. A woman more precious than Rubies.
10/06/2021 at 7:21 pm #85508
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberAaah…your very sweet comment touched me deeply (tears). I am glad something that was said has helped you. 🙏🏼
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