*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Accountability January 9th – January 15th, 2025! Post & earn free session with Val
Tagged: accountability Jan 15
- This topic has 8 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by
Melanie Appleyard.
01/13/2025 at 10:31 am #99642
ModeratorEarn a Free Laser Coaching Session in 12 Weeks
To grow your communication skills, answer these 6 weekly accountability questions. Gold and Platinum members who complete 12 consecutive weeks of answers earn a free Laser Coaching Session with Val ($125 value).
- Post answers weekly in the designated Accountability Discussion (Thursday–Wednesday). Missing a deadline resets your 12-week count.
- Answers must be unique and specific each week. Copy-pasting or insufficient effort may require restarting.
- Upon completion, you’ll receive an email to schedule your session with Val for communication coaching, intuition development, or animal work.
For detailed instructions, see the Welcome Module in your student dashboard.
The 6 Weekly Questions
- Meditation: What meditations did you do this week? Use the Meditation Module for guidance.
- Animal Communication: Describe your interaction with an animal (name, species, and key discoveries). Use the Featured Animal Teacher page for practice.
- Gratitude: Share at least one thing you’re grateful for this week.
- Questions/Discoveries: What questions or discoveries did you make about animal communication?
- Featured Animal Teacher (FAT): Did you communicate with this month’s FAT? If not, why?
- Intuition Development: Which lessons or exercises did you do? Avoid intuition game apps—use resources from the Welcome Module.
Helpful Tips
- Type your answers in a separate document first to avoid losing your work.
- Comment on others’ posts to encourage and celebrate their progress.
- Silver members can upgrade to Gold or Platinum anytime by emailing [email protected] with “Upgrade” in the subject line.
Need help? Click Reply below, check HELP in the top menu, or email [email protected].
01/13/2025 at 10:33 am #99645
ModeratorMartha B post:
Meditation: What meditations did you do this week? Use the Meditation Module for guidance.i did ones from recordings from private work I did with Val.
Animal Communication: Describe your interaction with an animal (name, species, and key discoveries). Use the Featured Animal Teacher page for practice.
Serenity and Hawkeye- I talked with them about the fire stuff a bit. I tuned In with Hawkeye about his eye. It’s being affected slightly by the aur quality because of fires. He says to leave it be though.
Gratitude: Share at least one thing you’re grateful for this week. The support of the group during the horrific fires surrounding me, my cats, Hunter, Ben, my Healing, all humans helping me during this tragedy I am living where it’s life and death and who knows what it will be like one moment to the next. Thé opportunity to probably go to Anaheim soon until things are safe in LA. It isn’t onky thé fires. Its water tgat is unknown if it’s safe and air quality. Some looting too. Also police not being responsive like when I was in an accident yesterday to get water because LADWP said maybe the water isn’t safe. The police refused to come when called and drove right by when I waved to them after I was in an accident tgat wasn’t my fault. I was avoiding someone coming towards me going opposite direction who was avoiding being hit by someone else. I crashed into a pole. The air bad didn’t come out. I swerved left and cars were near. ANGELS PROTECTED AND SHIELDED ME. I am grateful for ALL my Angels!!!! the young lady I avoided hitting helped me and let me use her phone and took me to the store I was on my way to. Thé AAA man was really awesome too and towed my car and I don’t have AAA! He Loves cats and I mentioned I have two. I think he had a soft spot because of tgat for helping me.he and the young lady are angels in human bodies and I had as always angels in non physical form and my cats are angels who extend their energy to me when I am not in their presence.
Questions/Discoveries: What questions or discoveries did you make about animal communication? Considering things from their point of view it makes things a lot easier and forgiving of yourself.
Featured Animal Teacher (FAT): Did you communicate with this month’s FAT? If not, why? Yes. I got accurate things.Intuition Development: Which lessons or exercises did you do? Avoid intuition game apps—use resources from the Welcome Module. I did. I connect with Katerina’s dog, Bella (in Spirit) and posted for her. It might have posted automatically somewhere else though. I wrote about it to Jade though. Also the exercise was one for talking with an animal in Spirit.
01/13/2025 at 7:10 pm #99648
Shelly Chance
Platinum Member1. Meditations?
I did the awaken your intuition meditation and handpan and steel tongue drum music meditation from youtube. I meditated with thought quieting while crocheting this week. Each day I work in as many quiet the mind meditation moments as I can.2. Communicate with at least one animal?
A couple of small spiders on a plant I brought in from the cold. One was hanging from a web from my forehead (I guess she got on me when I brushed up against the plant) and the other one was sitting on a leaf on the plant. I got the web onto my finger and put her back on the plant and told both of them to hunker down and get to a warm spot and hang out until I am able to take the plant back outside in the next week when it warms up. They both found a good spot and got snuggled in.I also sent a message to our neighborhood tuxedo cat (the one who I think helped Petunia rat return to her spirit nature and who I also now think may not actually have a home of her own). She has been hanging around my house a lot since it started getting very cold. A couple nights ago, my husband heard her meowing near the front door late at night. We just thought maybe she was passing through. In case she had no warm place to sleep, the next day I got a box, lined it with Styrofoam sheets and covered that with cardboard, and filled it with a fleece lined sweatshirt and a bunch of t-shirts. It was a nice cozy little set up. I put it on the porch under my bench. When I finished setting it up, I looked over and she was standing right in the yard looking at me! Usually she runs away. I started talking to her and let her know I made that for her to sleep in and keep warm through this very cold weather. She sat intently listening to me. When I went back inside, I looked out the window and she had come onto the porch and was checking out the box! ❤️ I hope she will use it if she doesn’t have a warm place to sleep.
3. Grateful for?
I am so grateful that my husband told me about the kitty hanging around and actually supported me making the box for her to sleep in. 🙂4. Questions/discoveries?
I discovered that sometimes animals will seek us out first. Like with my neighborhood kitty, she needed help and she came to me for that help. It made me feel good and confident that she came to me, knowing I would help her. Having her pick me and show her trust like that warms my heart. It was nice having an animal seek me out this time as I feel like I am the one always seeking them out for a chat. 🙂5. FAT communication?
I did. It was a fun little conversation with her. I posted on her forum page. Waiting for feedback to know how I did.6. Intuition Lessons/Exercises?
This past week I focused on taste. I am trying to sense the differences in everything I eat. I had lost my taste in coffee a couple years ago, so I am trying to find a way to tell the difference in various coffees. So far, I can only tell the difference in acidity, bitterness, strength, etc. but hopefully if I keep at it, the taste ability will come back. -
01/13/2025 at 7:53 pm #99649
Mary Hill
Platinum Member1. Guided meditation for Intuition, Heart Wisdom Love Meditation and Group healing.
2. Grey squirrel, it came to window and starred at me looking for food. The birds and squirrels are great at asking, they put up a happy noise when the feeders are full and only sit a short distance away. I reminded them the hawk was around.
3.I am grateful for all the help from my fellow AC students and friends that are part of our AC family.
4. I sensed Layla’s love and compassion for me in my moments of sadness.
5. I tried again.
6. Feelings- explored them because they are at the surface and make me cry.
01/14/2025 at 9:08 am #99652
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum Member1. Meditation: What meditations did you do this week? Use the Meditation Module for guidance.
Twin hearts meditation, Full moon special meditation, I am, White light meditation, stress busting.2. Animal Communication: Describe your interaction with an animal (name, species, and key discoveries). Use the Featured Animal Teacher page for practice.
I have been trying to connect with Tikli in spirit, going back in time to change the story as Val had guided in a private session. I’ve also been connecting with one of the dogs here, as I sense she is out of sorts. I’m getting some response, of course, not sure if it’s my imagination.3. Gratitude: Share at least one thing you’re grateful for this week.
I’m grateful the snow passed us by, as it’s difficult for the dogs. The surrounding mountains are snow covered.4. Questions/Discoveries: What questions or discoveries did you make about animal communication?
I realize I need to practice more regularly with the ATH, as the random conversations without feedback are not very satisfactory.5. Featured Animal Teacher (FAT): Did you communicate with this month’s FAT? If not, why?
Yes, last month, and will do so again on the group call.6. Intuition Development: Which lessons or exercises did you do? Avoid intuition game apps—use resources from the Welcome Module.
This week I made a shift to use the scanning learnt in pranic healing to gauge the aura, also of plants and animals, as well as to feel the difference in energy between objects like rocks. I also tried scanning to check the strength of thought forms and positive/negative words. -
01/14/2025 at 10:02 am #99653
Alana Bartels
Platinum Member1) Mediations: My daily morning meditation and heart wisdom love meditation
2) Animal Communication: A cockroach that showed up during my meditation to receive a message from it, my plants to see how they are doing and to see if they needed water yet and one of my animals in spirit Kitty. We talked about her transition, soul contract and lots more.
3) Gratitude: I’m so thankful for the experience of Kitty visiting me and communicating with me. Also for a period of rest after a busy month.
4) Questions/Discoveries: I discovered from Kitty that animals can help you energy wise to leave any bad situations or relationships.
5)Featured Animal Teacher (FAT): Not this time but I plan on connecting again this Saturday on the group call.
6) Intuition Development: Communicating with an animal in spirit and feel your food.
01/14/2025 at 4:38 pm #99654
Sandy Doherty
Gold Member1. Which meditations did you do
Still suffering from heavy flu, cough and thumping head symptoms. Stress busting. Listened to soothing music to let my mind wander. Shown woodland, sunlight streaming onto open fields,
2. What is the name (or species type of the being you practiced communicating with
Went back to secluded park as it’s quiet (school holidays) and to get fresh air. Called for the squirrels who came running from the trees and bushes for the food plus pigeons. Told one squirrel to stop chasing another as there was plenty of food. He stopped, looked at me and took the biscuits I handed to him in addition to praising him.Rescued a live 3 foot Christmas tree in its dry soil pot that was thrown away by person after Christmas. Told the tree I’m taking him home where it will get fed, watered, looked after in the patio garden
3. What are you grateful for this week
Thankful for not attending an overcrowded hospital with many people suffering same flu type symptoms
Enjoy hand feeding and watching squirrels enjoying their food and coming back for more. Watching some squirrels meticulously bury and camouflaging their spare food. Often wonder, do they remember where they buried the food. Feeding the grey squirrel is frowned on but like me there are other people who feed them and the various birds .
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Am aware I do not function well or motivated in the short daylight hours. Do not know the solution to this. During this week’s many frosty nights and often dark cloudy days there were a few times in the day where the sun shone briefly that raised my spirits and well being.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week
Being unwell, I lost the smell, taste of food and drink. Persevered, that some taste and smell is returning
01/14/2025 at 5:44 pm #99655
Karyn Morgan
Platinum MemberAccountability: Jan 9-15
1. Meditation: YouTube: Develop Your Intuition Meditation. Nurture & Enhance Your Intuition Now with This Guided Meditation, 35 min; Connect to your intuition guided meditation., 40 min; Heart-Brain Coherence Meditation || Gratitude 14 min; Heart Wisdom Love Connection Meditation – 18 Minutes; 01/13/25 WOLF FULL MOON GUIDED MEDITATION, 8 min; Guided Meditation – Speaking To The Heart, 22 min;
2. Communication with ATH:
I interviewed Lucia Potres, cat, Boumba. It was a surprising interview.
“Boumba isn’t my real name. It’s secret. It’s my spiritual name. I’m very spiritual. I’ve lived many lives and learned many things. Most are above your pay grade. Haha. I meditate. I speak to my spiritual guides. I live a good Loving life. Most important, be a loving person. Do good deeds. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Live a good life. You do good by giving homes to lots of animals. It’s a small thing, but they appreciate it. I know about your two new kittens. It will go well. My owner knows me well. She knows I’m a spiritual cat. And I sit with her, and we meditate together. I don’t play with toys or chase mice or any of those worldly things.”3. Being grateful: I’m grateful for two new kittens in my family. That makes six cats and four dogs. And I’m grateful for each one. I might need a Cockatiel. A bearded dragon. And a gerbil. That’s what happens when you work in a pet store.
4. Questions and Discoveries:
5. Communication with FAT: I talked to Sharon’s dog, Snowy. And gave him an update on adopting the cat, Beverly whose name changed to Misty. “Well, I did communicate with your dogs. They didn’t seem to care about having a new kitten. What’s one more cat? They’re fine with it. Maybe not crazy about a kitten, but it’s OK. The cats had a different attitude. Wanted more information which I couldn’t give them. Horus didn’t mind because he’s always in his room. Basti’ is just too laid back to care. Sheba was nervous as usual. And Sophie said it was fine, as long as she minded her manners. Not sure what that meant. Sammy said he had talked to you and explained he had not reincarnated. He had other things to work on. Sounded very important. I wish I knew more. I think you will be fine with her. I don’t know much about cats or kittens. So, I understand you adopted two? I think they are better with companions, especially kittens, although they have reputations of being loners. Good luck. And enjoy your new friends.” My second kitten, Jack, now Sunny was an impulse.
6. Intuition development lessons and exercises: YouTube meditation: Develop Your Intuition Meditation. Nurture & Enhance Your Intuition Now with This Guided Meditation. Master Quan Yin Love Exercise. (I didn’t notice anything.)
01/15/2025 at 12:45 pm #99656
Melanie Appleyard
Platinum Member1.Which meditations did you do this week?
Joe Dispenza morning meditation x3
Grounding and heart- centre meditation and sending out love – most days various lengths of time
Yoga awakened heart meditation x 12. Which animal(s) did I communicate with?
Connected with my friend’s dog, who is nearing end of life. She felt very weary and tired and I sensed she was pretty much ready. She showed me an image of an angel decoration, that seemed to be made out of wool and we agreed that she would take it to my friend if and when she needed help to pass over. She was worried about my friend, who we both know will struggle when she goes.I shared with her what would happen if she got help and explained what Daisy has told me about the other side. I also shared that I love Daisy very much and still miss her and feel sad sometimes now, but that is normal and despite that I am very happy that Daisy is no longer in pain and is free and happy now. I told her my friend will be very said, but that she wants what is best for her too.
I shared this with my friend who confirmed that she does have an angel like that, but took it that she is not ready to go just yet.Whilst I got verification that my friend does have an angel that the dog described, this brought up some old feelings of doubt in me as to whether I have helped or made things worse.
I feel that this is something that has come up for healing within me, as it was doubts like this which blocked my animal communication previously. I guess this is where I need to learn to trust in myself and the animals I’m communicating with.
I also communicated with Martha’s cats, explaining about the fires and the importance of staying close to Martha and going in their crates when asked. Hawkeye suggested that they could maybe avoid the fires themselves, so I explained that they could get hurt or lost, or that Martha could get hurt looking for them if they did that. I showed them an image of Martha letting them out when they were safe and confirmed that they would all stay safely together if they went into and stayed in their crates until it was safe.
3. What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one thing.
2 new Angelic Reiki clients this week, just as I was wondering whether to give up my room at the centre.
Also, I’ve been given lots of time to catch up on things at work this week, which has relieved a lot of stress.4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
It was interesting connecting with Martha’s cats this week, as I spoke to them both at the same time and could somehow tell who was speaking from directional hearing as well as their different voices. That’s not something I would normally be aware of.5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
Not this week6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
This week I worked with my angel tarot cards to intuitively pick up messages.
Card 1 I thought was A.A. Rafael, but saw the card focussing on one path with more unseen opportunities around her, which kept alternating with a card with a girl meditating on a beach to determine her path. The card was actually A.A. Ariel confirming opportunities opening up for career advancement or more learning. Not too dissimilar energies and meanings.
The second card I intuited correctly as A.A. Metatron and the chariot.
The last card I sensed the energy of A.A. Ariel 5 of pentacles ( end of a situation)and A.A. Michael’s end of a situation card. I felt a little apprehensive with it. The card was actually the 5 of Raphael – release regrets and embrace opportunities for happiness, so again a similar energy. Overall I’m quite happy with this.
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