*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Accountability Feb 22nd – Feb 28th, 2024! Post & earn free session with Val
- This topic has 12 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 11 months, 1 week ago by
Terrianne McGrath.
02/22/2024 at 11:51 am #95578
ModeratorTo help you stay on track growing your communication abilities, each week answer these 6 questions. As an ethical bribe incentive, when you post your answers for 12 weeks in a row, Gold and Platinum members earn a free Student Breakthrough Laser Coaching Session with Val (regularly $125).
The 6 questions you are tasked with answering each week address multiple and interconnected areas and are clarified below. Please post your answers with specifics for each question.
The goal is to guide you to become more consciously aware of your journey, to celebrate your successes and share any perceived “failures” so they can be acknowledged, learned from, healed, and cleared.
You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best completing each assignment every week. Practice with animals and receive proper feedback about what you got (example: talk with Featured Animal Teacher) is the best way to know if you’re doing it correctly, if you’re making mistakes along the way, and help you discover what adjustments could help you improve.
Rather than copy and paste the same answers every week, the answers must be unique each and every week. If we feel you are not putting real effort into this or trying to hack the system, then you will be asked to try again. If you still don’t improve your efforts, then your weekly posting sequence count will start over.
1) Each week there will be a new Accountability Discussion posted for the current week period.
Post your answers anytime from Thursday through Wednesday. If you miss the weekly deadline to post, you will have to start over with your weekly sequence count.
2) When you’ve successfully completed 12 consecutive weeks of posts you will receive an email from the Coaching Club Moderator with the Subject “Congratulations – you’ve earned a coaching session with Val.”
Your Congratulations email includes instructions on how to schedule your reward Laser Coaching session with Val. You can use your session for communication coaching, intuition development, mentoring, healing, and/or Val’s help working with your own animal(s).
Refer to your Welcome Module in your student member dashboard for more detailed instructions about the Accountability exercises and office policies.
Answer these 6 assigned task questions in the REPLY box below. Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom. If you did not do a task, you get 1 free pass during the 12 week period. After that if you’re still not making the effort to complete the required assignments, then your 12 week counter will start over.
1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
We look forward to reading about your week. You are welcome to comment on anyone else’s posts offering encouragement, loving support, and celebrating successes. After all, we are here to learn from and inspire each other too!Need help or have a question? Click Reply below, OR look under HELP in the top menu, OR email [email protected]
TIP: We recommend you type your answers elsewhere first, such as in a document in Word, Google docs, or Pages, and then copy and paste them into the Reply field below. That way if something glitches with your post, you won’t have to start over rewriting your accountability post.
NOTE: All students are invited to participate, but only Gold and Platinum Club Members are eligible to earn the Laser Coaching Session Rewards. Silver members can Upgrade to Gold or Platinum membership at any time by emailing [email protected] and letting us know your wishes. Put “Upgrade” in the subject line.
Much love, Val
02/24/2024 at 12:18 pm #95586
Erika Taylor
Platinum Member1. I meditate daily (for varying lengths of time). I have been using Val’s stress busting meditation the past few times, but also listen to binaural beats or pull another meditation from our courses.
2. I finally connected with Keely (my own dog)! That was very exciting and I’ve been trying to continue doing it. I also connected with an ATH, Estella. I am quite rusty, but I think I got a general idea of her personality and maybe some more specific details. I’ll await feedback from her mom to see if I’m on the correct track, and then I will try again.
3. I’m especially grateful for a laser coaching session with Val that helped me to remove a mental block that’s kept me from recognizing communication. It was the first time I “knew” I had connected with my own dog, and it helped me to develop my clairsentience. I’m also grateful for some insight Val shared around my other abilities that I haven’t been able to identify; that affirmation gave me more confidence to continue on my path, since my logical brain (and hectic life) was getting in the way of my ability to “feel.” It was also a useful reminder that even when I’m working 12+ hour days, I need to make time to disconnect and take time for myself to do the things I love and need. Many, many thanks, Val!
4. I discovered that I’m unlocking a bit of clairvoyance and clairsentience. Claircognizance has been my main clair, and I couldn’t tell if I was able to “use” the others. In the past week during various meditations, I’m starting to realize that I’m getting signs and messages that I may have not recognized before. It’s exciting!
5. Yes, she lives here, so we talk a lot 🙂 But, I was able to truly connect and communicate, so I’m motivated to keep practicing.
6. I’m practicing with some of the clairvoyance activities from the courses to help build that ability.
02/27/2024 at 6:44 am #95603
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Unfortunately I’m still not out of the woods so just doing short practices like The great invocation (used in pranic healing), chants, Ho’oponopono, stress busting and ambiance meditations.2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience? Post at least one.
Apart from again (unsuccessfully) trying to connect with Tikli (maybe I’m trying too hard) I’ve been invoking the mountains around (which I had done earlier and got answers from) …hoping to find some meanings.3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I’m grateful for the wonderful classes and courses on pet loss and navigating grief which are very helpful.4. What questions do you have about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
This is a personal one….why am I unable to connect with my in spirit animals?5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not?
Yes, and posted.6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
I’ve been listening to Exploring Claircognizance, and will do the exercises once I’ve recovered.-
03/02/2024 at 3:16 am #95649
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberHi Erika!
First, I want to thank you for taking your time to talk with my beloved Estella!🙏 🤗
I have posted the reply as soon as I saw your post. Honestly I was looking forward from a sign from your side. 😄
I don’t know what happened but I didn’t get any email notification on the forum activity even though I am subscribed to ALL forum since perhaps more than a week. Only today morning I have realised that no email notification came on the weekly reports.
If you haven’t seen my reply on the ATH page of Estella, please go there and let me know if you see it.
Maybe it’s some tech glitch that should be reported.
I have unsubscribed and than subscribed again to all forum discussions and I will wait and see if it works.
I will check from time to time to see if there is any sign from you these days. 😊Have a lovely weekend!
02/27/2024 at 1:52 pm #95616
Nicole Prömmer
Platinum MemberMeditation: Yes. Every day morning and evening. at the moment. Kriya Yoga
Name of animal: I communicated with a dead horse. It was the horse of my neighbor, when I was a child and I was allowed to ride it . one day, when I went there, it was gone. my neighbor just mentioned that he did not have space anymore with all the other farm animals and he brought it to the slaughter. I was very heartbroken at the time, but because my environment was so hard, there was no space for emotions. After I worked recently with val in the master course, she asked me to try to communicate with a tortured animal and just this week, suddenly Tschita, the horse knocked on my “door”. she showed me, how she was transported to the slaughter, how much fear she had. How devastated and heart broken she was on her way there. It is the first time, that I am able to perceive this emotions. For some reason, after she showed me all this horrible things, there was suddenly a feeling of peace. I am not sure, if it is my peace or hers. Thinking back to her makes me sad and I feel a bit of grief. It’s also grief, that I grew up the way I did, where I never had space to express my shocks and sadness and heartache for what ever I experienced, because there was no space for it.
Right after I had the very touching contact with tschita, I was walking on a street and a big truck filled with pigs stopped on the crossing next to me. itvwas a very cold evening and there was humidity steaming uo from the transported animals. while the truck stopped, one pig looked out trough a thin slice and looked right into my eyes. we had a short moment, and again I felt so much love in my heart. I thought, in this moment that , what we do here on this earth is actually not possible. I ate meat the last 2 years , because after my covid infection I thought Should, but intuit moment, I decided to not do it anymore
I found very amazing what happened during the masterclass. something in my heart changed and I am more able now to receive the pain and difficult emotions, but I must say, it is a long way for me. I realize, that my clearvoiance and clear audience is often a bypass for me to feel and yielding into my heart is the most difficult thing for me.It feels, like I am doing baby steps into this directionQuestion:
I am working now since many months on an aspect, which is connected to my female energy and earth energy and essence. It is located in my pelvis and I need it for healing and being and also contacting other species. I lost it doe to very cruel treatment when I was 13 or 143 years old and since then I try to find ways to get it back. It is so painful for me, that it is gone (It came back, when ever I left the country for a longer period, so I know, how great it feels, when not is there) I wonder how I can have it back.Featured animal:
not this week, since I was on a very intense seminar and I did not have timeIntuition:
I went through the different exercises and they are great fun. I stopped with the exercise on food.I used to do it a few years ago and I completely forgot to do it the last years. so last week I took time to scan the food I am buying and it is very interesting and feels good. Interesting is, tat a lot of vegetables in the organic shop are also empty. -
02/27/2024 at 3:09 pm #95617
Rosemary M
Platinum Member1.Did you meditate this week? If so, about how much time total did you spend meditating? What meditations did you do? If you didn’t meditate, why didn’t you?
Yes. Some every day in the morning before work. Sometimes evenings when I wasn’t able to do the mornings.
2. What is the name of the animal with whom you communicated this week? What did you talk about? What did you assist with or learn from the experience?
I really only did a quick connect in with a friend’s dog through a photo. The dog was feeling unwell and I immediately picked up a strong sense of nausea. That’s the first time I was aware of having the same physical sensation as an animal is having.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate about your journey in learning how to communicate with animals this week.
I want to celebrate my constant new understandings that everything sentient – I’ve been realising that a lot about fire this week. It’s been cold here so I’ve been lighting a fire in the evenings.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
I’m still prevaricating around practising during the week on my own – I think this is because of lack of confidence, but I’m not sure.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? If not, why not? If so, what happened (give us an overview of the conversation)? If you did, remember to post what you got in the Discussion with that animal if you have not already done so.
Not yet this week.
6. This week did you practice one of the Intuition Development exercises? If so, which one? If not, what did you do this week to practice growing your intuition for easier connection and communication with animals?
I’ve been practising being aware of sentience and not looking for a message or words – just focusing on being aware of other sentience around me. -
02/27/2024 at 4:02 pm #95622
Martha Breeding
Platinum Member1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
While walking (for Spiritual reasons not basic walking), while listening to vibrational frequencies, while doing acupressure on myself, while rubbing Serenity’s belly and being with her and Hawkeye, while getting sunlight.
I did active meditation as well.
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
Serenity and Hawkeye
My friend who lives at the cat food store
My friends in the building I live in (cats)
The dog on my walk I am friends with
A client dogWhat is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
My intuition leading to Healing
My cats
Other Goodness and more Goodness on the way I feel.What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Nothing new
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I have before this week and Erika gave feedback.
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
I intuited the color of marbles while not looking at them and getting them out of the sac they are in.
Tuned into what color of clothes my body needed
Tuned into my body for the causes of things and what it needed. -
02/27/2024 at 5:28 pm #95624
Sandy Doherty
Gold Member1. Which meditations did you do
Stress Busting and Breathing exercises
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with
TRIGGER WARNING…… Saw a young rain drenched pigeon sitting on a wall sheltering under the house entrance canopy. Didn’t notice injuries on the pigeon who was pacing back and forth. Pigeon flew off but quickly landed on the pavement to walk a few yards then hopped onto the one way road where it continued to walk extremely slowly possibly due to the weight of the rain on its feathers so it couldn’t fly properly. I called several times for it to go back to safety on the pavement due to the danger from passing cars.
A car headed along the street, tried again to get the pigeon to move but it stood still as though it had no choice even when I stepped onto the road to usher it away and make the car stop but all efforts were useless. I rushed to the car as it stopped a short distance further along the street to move onto another street. Shouting at the woman driver who wound down the window, so again, shouted what she had done.
Not leaving the pigeon alone, I laid the wrapped up bird to rest in an area behind the houses where other pigeons were.3. What are you grateful for this week
The pigeon was loved and not alone for that short time I met him and that a human cared enough for his wellbeing. My ‘lost’ voice due to shouting at the driver recovered after 5 days
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Am aware everything is pre planned. This is borne out by events prior to incident in Q3
The lunch venue had changed to near a shop where I planned to visit in a few days to collect a package which I did before lunch. At lunch I checked the package which had the wrong content so I went back to the shop. In doing so I took a different route home, where I came across the rain drenched pigeon.Would any of my actions/decisions have made a difference to the bird. If I had not gone back to the shop that day or stopped to check the pigeon. Once home and out of wet clothes, realized I could’ve brought the alive wet bird home wrapped in my scarf. It had rained heavily but turned to lighter rain on my way home. Unusually I had been given 2 full and heavy bags of shopping to take home for another purpose leaving no hands free.
That particular driver was pre planned to be along that street at that time. I wore a hooded coat due to the heavy rain. The incident affected me emotionally a lot and still does
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal TeacherYes. Will post in forum
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week
None this week.
02/27/2024 at 10:31 pm #95627
Dakota Duncan
Gold Member1. Meditations: Mindfulness, Meditation for sleep, breathing
2. Who I talked to: Our cats – Max, Lexi, and Shasta. I had surgery this week so didn’t get much time to talk with others.
3. Gratitude: Shasta and Lexi are becoming more accepting of human touch and are showing us some affection.
4. Discoveries/Questions: I wonder why sometimes I see colors around an animal but not very often.
5. FAT – I talked with Keely twice this month.
6. Intuition exercises: Color identification on a multicolored ball, Feeling the length of sticks with eyes closed, Focused awareness
02/27/2024 at 11:07 pm #95628
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Heart Wisdom Love Connection Meditation
Deep Soul Connection guided mediation2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience?
I communicated with the ATH Nita’s Brownie-in spirit and shared with her what I received. Nita was able to validate that a couple things I received were things that Val had previously shared with her about Brownie.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for.
I want to celebrate that I was finally able to walk through my fear of communicating with an ATH and being wrong. I know I can’t get better without practicing, but the fear of being wrong was preventing me from practicing with any of the wonderful ATH’s. I’m grateful that I didn’t let my fear stand in the way of me moving forward.
4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week?
I discovered that my mind is the only thing blocking me from progressing with animal communication. I need to stop giving power to my thoughts.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not? You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
I communicated with Keely on the Q&A call this month.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition?
#5 Clairaudience & Trust – I did this by talking with Brownie-in spirit and trusting what I thought I heard was really what I heard. I had to make peace with the possibility of making mistakes. I had to remind myself that trying and making mistakes was going to teach me more than not trying at all.
02/28/2024 at 2:35 am #95629
Kathy Simms
Gold Member1.Did you meditate this week? Not as much as I should have. Just short mini meditations, a few throughout the day and every morning and at bedtime.
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened.
I found myself communicating with different dogs of mine that have passed, and once decided to try to connect and communicate with my manager dog. I’ve only met her once when she was a baby and have seen pictures of her, she just turned a year old. As soon as I connected she started talking and she said “I know who you are. Mom talks about you and Sabrina all the time. I bet I’m smarter and prettier than she is”. I burst out laughing. Later I reported this conversation to my manager and asked if that sounded like her and she oh yes!3. Name one thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for.
I think I will just celebrate that as hard as thigs are sometimes, I am still hanging in trying to do my best and not giving up.4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week?
I wish I could say that I had a big aha moment about something but I can’t. No big discoveries , always questions but since I don’t write them down, always forget when I start doing this report.5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)?
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? I didn’t do any of the games this week, but have been using my own intuition and following thru on some matters that ended up being the right thing to do and shed some light on some problems, which has helped build my confidence in following my intuition. -
02/28/2024 at 3:11 pm #95630
Martina Sluková
Gold Member1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses for not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?This week I started to slow down and become more mindful and conscious of what I was doing. I am working on prolonging the time. And then having half an hour a day of passive meditation, which is more difficult for me, just to stop and be and not do anything. But I know this is very important for me, so I keep practicing every day. I will write to you next week more:-)).
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?I connected with Keely.
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.This week I am grateful for the connection with Keely. I am grateful for having a bowen massage. I am grateful for the therapy that helps me develop my potential and understand and let go of my past and patterns that don’t serve me any more.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.I understand how important it is to stop and really listen, and just breathe and see.
Animals are so wise, feeling creatures, trying to communicate with us all the time. The problem for us is that often we do not listen or do not understand and miss out on an important message they want to tell us.5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?Yes, I connected with Keely. I was so happy when Erika gave me feedback and that I could see so many things that were right.
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?I did an exercise: Remembering times when animals understood you. I did it already in foundation training. It is when I am not in a hurry, when the time doesn’t exist, then it just flows. Often with my horses when thinking about something and immediately the horse does it without any physical signal. This is the same with my dog when concentrating on running agility, she is very quick, so I do not have time to tell her I just think of it and she just does it.
I can remember when I decided to geld our shagya arabian foal Kingston. I told it to his mom, my lovely 8 year old mare Kordula Koheilan. I explained to her and to him that it is important for him to be able to stay with us in the big herd of horses. As a stallion he would have to leave us. Kingston didn’t understand what it really meant for him so was a little bit anxious about it. So I tried to visualize it once again for him. The day, when the vet came, everything was so great, so calm, Kordulka gave the foal the peace, eating the grass next to him and the vet doing the procedure. Also our two dogs behaved perfectly, lying quietly next to each other, also other horses were just watching us. Unbelievable, but we enjoyed it all of us together in harmony :-)) -
03/14/2024 at 6:22 pm #95795
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive Member#1 I continue to meditate each morning. I also have been doing mini meditations during natural transitions throughout my day.
#2 This week I connected with a dog that my daughters friend was adopting. I connected with the dog prior to being picked up and going to her forever home. She was very happy at her Foster Mom’s home and thought that was her forever home. I explained to her that she was meant to be with Maddie & Pat and her Foster Mom’s role was to get her back on her feet again until she was strong enough to find her perfect forever home. She had already met Maddie & Pat so we had a nice reference point to talk about.
#3 I want to celebrate my mini line for readings. All generated from my daughters friends, but each connection has been strong and raw at times.
#4 I’m still trying to quiet my mind and try to “receive” the communications from the horses at the ranch. I know they are communicating with me as they are giving me eye contact when I am in close proximity.
#5 Yes I have and have posted communication.
#6 I am trying to increase my intuition in all avenues. Increasing my meditation and grounding abilities. Listening to my gut and not second guessing because then all is lost because the communication has already occurred.
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