Do you have a “self limiter” when it comes to improving your intuitive abilities and animal communication?
As I understand this, it’s a device built into an engine (car, boat, plane, etc) that keeps the engine from going beyond a certain speed.
I’m not a mechanic or engineer and no I don’t play one on tv or change my own oil or build cars in my spare time, so I could be missing the technicalities or exact nuances of the device here.
My point today is to explore the concept, not teach you how to dismantle your car’s limiter so you can drive like a “wild thing” crazy person and get speeding tickets. 😄
So this device basically “limits” how fast the vehicle can go.
It’s not that the engine or vehicle can’t go faster than that.
The idea is to keep the driver from getting in trouble going faster than their skills can handle competently.
How does the self limiter concept apply to developing your intuitive abilities and learning animal communication?
Let’s apply this concept to be more in alignment with our theme and the work we do learning to expand and grow your intuitive abilities to become a better communicator and healer.
You were born to be more, to do more, to go way beyond your self imposed limiter.
As a child, it was important to set some limits to help keep you out of trouble.
Like don’t touch the hot stove, crawl, stand, walk before running...
Things like that.
But as you grow and develop your intuitive abilities, it’s time to reassess and expand (reprogram and adjust) your self limiters.
The question is, how are you limiting yourself when it comes to using your intuitive abilities and skills in order to be a better animal communicator or healer?
And if so, how and why? And even more importantly, how can you uplevel your limiter, or, remove it altogether?
As a child learning to ride a bicycle, it makes sense to add “limiters” to their bike in the form of training wheels and brakes and the design of it.
Because bikes made for the little people typically can’t go terribly fast, not like a Tour de France kind of bycicle.
But when it comes to activating, accessing and growing ALL your intuitive abilities, and then learning how to apply and use those skills to heal, solve behavior problems, ease transitions, and reconnect in the afterlife, if you still have training wheels on your intuitive “tricycle”, then you are limiting yourself.
Until the limiter is adjusted, tweaked, or removed, you will never be as masterful in your intuitive abilities as you could be.
And, if you do feel ready to adjust or even remove your self limiter, then the question becomes…
HOW do you do that?
It’s certainly worth doing.
Just imagine how much more of a difference you could make communicating with animals if your intuitive abilities were at mastery levels?
How much easier everything could be if you were more proficient with your communication and healing abilities?
It boggles the mind and thrills the heart, doesn’t it?
Here’s how to uplevel your limiters.
Consider your self limiters for a moment, and ask to be shown where they live in your body.
Listen carefully, and FEEL where they are. Then explore them further.
Why are they there, and do they still make sense OR is it time to tweak them (or eliminate them)?
Make a conscious decision to adjust them so you can heal, evolve and grow your skills to be a better communicator.
Give it a go and see what changes.
Because there is no ceiling to how good you can become.
All you need is the right stuff, an open curious spirit, and the willingness to learn what you don’t yet know how to do.
And yes, the proper adjustment of your limiters. 😊
If you’d like expert guidance, healing, and training to help remove your self limiters, then here’s what to do.
ALL of our Heart School of Animal Communication® and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club with live monthly Heart Wisdom Masterclasses and live Q&A classes, including the intuition development exercises are designed to help you improve your intuitive abilities.
Our Club Members have ample opportunities to practice communicating with other people’s animals so you can get proper feedback to be more confident and accurate using your intuitive abilities – and to learn from your mistakes – are designed toward achieving this goal.
The Heart Wisdom Method of animal communication takes you on an all encompassing, spiritual journey to heal, evolve and grow into your best Self.
The program is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent you will be in my method.
And after studying Heart Wisdom Methods you will discover that there is no limit to your development as a proficient, competent communicator.
Nita said, “I’m taking the liberty of quoting from my accountability post as I know it will resonate with everyone here, and for new comers who haven’t yet experienced the magic. I am extremely grateful for Val’s incredible compassion, understanding and guidance during my Student Breakthrough Laser Coaching reward sessions. I am so grateful for this opportunity that I could otherwise never have, simply by writing posts which are primarily also a tangible way of keeping track of my own progress or lack of it. This kind of generosity is unheard of, and I can’t be grateful enough for it.”
Want to work with me privately?
If you’re feeling stuck or blocked, feel attacked or sabotaged by unseen forces, want my help cleaning your field to recover your health and vitality, or want my guidance to improve your skills faster by unlocking or adjusting your self limiters, then you’re invited to work with me one on one.
You have lots of choices depending on your needs, for today I’ll highlight 2 options.
Option A:
If you want my guidance improving your communication, healing, and intuitive abilities, removing self limiters, then I recommend the Deep Block Breakthrough Coaching & Healing Program.
You’ll gain more clarity and confidence so you can improve your accuracy and proficiency communicating with any animal, anytime.
In 6 hours together, we’ll focus on healing your inner wounds, improving and clearing dysfunctional patterns, and thinking habits that contribute to the problems you’ve been experiencing, whether it’s with your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, and yes, with using your intuition.
It’s about clearing your blind spots, activating your intuitive abilities, improving your skills in healing and communicating, and removing limitations.
You’ll find info about the Breakthrough Program toward the bottom of THIS PAGE:
Option B:
I highly recommend doing the Heart Wisdom Soul Repair, Body & Spirit Healing 30 Day Intensive Program.
It’s a complete game changer for your entire life in every aspect.
In 4 private training sessions, you’ll learn how to clear and block curses, witchcraft, entities, demons, negative soul contracts, old karma, seal up energy leaks causing fatigue and confusion, repair your genetic code (RNA/DNA), tap into prosperity using the power of pure manifestation, and recall your power, health, and unlock your access to the spirit of prosperity.
In the process you’ll discover how to create miracles of healing for yourself.
For instance you’ll also learn how to heal water like I do in our Heart Wisdom Love Meditations and Sacred Healing Water downloads.
Information including how to apply for the Program is HERE
The Heart Wisdom Method of animal communication takes you on an all encompassing, spiritual journey to heal, evolve and grow into your best Self.
The program is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent you will be in my method.
Click HERE and grab any of my charming and delightful ebooks, self study courses, memberships, classes and programs for beginners to intermediate to advanced and professional communicator business building courses and memberships, and one on one private student coaching/mentoring.
It’s a conversation worth having, healing worth experiencing, and intuitive skills worth developing.
See you soon on the Heart School of Animal Communication® campus!
What is the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club ?
A complete, uniquely different online portal with everything you need to grow your intuitive skills, improve and advance your communication abilities at your fingertips.
Our community is full of loving big hearted people just like you who are committed to growing, healing and evolving their intuitive abilities from newbie to intermediate to advanced mastery and proficiency.
Choose from 2 levels of Club Membership:
Gold Membership is for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students:
Platinum Membership is for Advanced and Professional Communicators:
You’ll find all the details on what else you get and how to join us to get YOUR questions answered HERE!!
Just starting to develop your intuitive abilities to communicate with animals? Begin by downloading my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
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