Do you have trouble accessing, using (or trusting) your intuitive abilities, or feel blocked when you try to communicate with animals?
There’s any number of things that could be going wrong for you. I know because I teach students how to develop their intuition, senses, abilities and skills.
It may surprise you to know that I never studied intuition development or animal communication before I first started working professionally as an animal communicator in 1993.
So I didn’t learn from someone else how the intuition works, or even how many intuitive senses there actually are.
It turns out there are a LOT of them, most of them are not commonly known or spoken about, much less taught how to work with.
I discovered how to access, use and trust my intuitive abilities all on my own. I think I was very lucky in that regard too. Let me explain why I say that.
Upon being surprised – and delighted – at the success of my instinctive and highly intuitive approach to communicating with animals, at one point I decided to take a closer look at how I was accomplishing the great results I was getting.
That’s when I realized I was using my intuition in unusual ways, and after much experience with trial and error and learning from the thousands of animals I communicated with, I discovered what it actually took to solve problems with pets, which became one of my specialties known as the Heart System for Solving Problems with Animals.
I figured out what worked to develop intuitive abilities, and what didn’t work so well.
And so it began on my journey. Since then I’ve been a bit obsessed with healing, evolving, and growing ALL my intuitive abilities for most of my life.
Growing up I remember reading books about people communicating with animals.
I loved reading books like Dr Dolittle, Black Beauty, The White Dragon, Watership Down, Peter Rabbit stories, and many others.
The stories intuitively resonated with me as right. They felt true, not just fanciful imagination fantasy based stories, but REAL.
I knew it was possible to do those things myself, I just had to figure out HOW.
I guess that was my “10,000 hours experience to become an expert” training, which led me to where I am today, one of the leading expert animal communicators and healers, and teacher/coach and mentor.
If I’d known at the time I was working as I read the books and explored the concepts, I probably would have tried to procrastinate.
People say you should never do something you’ve not been professionally trained in doing, and I understand why, but I’m here to tell you, that those people are wrong.
Well, they’re not wrong.
They’re just less right than me. 😄
To be sure, if I’d had a worthy trusted mentor to teach me things and guide me properly in developing my intuitive abilities, I might could have avoided making a lot of mistakes along the way.
Or, I could have gone off track, wasted time going in the wrong directions following their teaching, or become limited if the teacher wasn’t so good or didn’t know enough.
Perhaps if I had had a worthy expert coach and mentor, I could have just spent maybe 100 hours instead of 10,000 hours.
On the other hand, going it alone like I did was how I learned some of my most important concepts, best intuition techniques, what worked and what didn’t, and went on to improve my intuitive abilities.
One of my gifts is creatively (and intuitively) thinking outside the box.
It’s how I developed my proprietary HEART Wisdom Methods of animal communication, and, the 5 Step HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets.
If you let me have a chat with you about your intuition development, animal communication training, spectacular pet problem solving proficiency, and healing abilities, or bedroom tidying needs, I will take you for coffee, lunch or tequila shots and promise to be somewhat entertaining.
If you’re lucky, I may even wear a top hat, my ballerina costume, or a tiara.
Probably not, but that would be great fun, right?
First off, I’d love to provide you with an intuition idea you’re free to steal.
I’ve included a sticker containing a picture of the most adorable little cowboy you’ve ever seen!
I found it online – he’s the rootinest, tootinest fluffiest cowpoke & I’m going to call him Tex (because… why not?)
I trust this will charm you into submission.
Are you smiling yet? 😁
One easy way to develop your intuition properly is…
So let’s talk about one of the ways to develop your intuition properly, the easy way. Tanja describes her experience beautifully.
She said, “Val, you write in ‘Developing your intuition the right way’ [from our extensive collection of personally designed just for communicators Intuition Development Lessons & Exercises
[These are included with membership in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club which is a part of the Heart School of Animal Communication® , and that’s where I teach my Heart Wisdom Methods]:
“Imagine that your heart has a direct connection with the Truth, and trust that this is so.”
When I did this (imagining and meditating on it), I immediately felt the connection and saw with eyes closed, how shining crystals came out of my heart. I had a feeling of liberation and relief.
It was beautiful and miraculous also, because I tried to open my heart for a long time! I knew there was something wrong with my heart chakra. I also developed chronic GERD/heartburn since March this year.
After I had this little meditation on the sentence of yours, I went for a walk with my dog Stella. Whenever it starts raining and it becomes windy, she wants to stop walking and/or hide somewhere.I always thought, oh poor girl, she is so scared. But today I got a very different information right after the heart opening experience.
I got the information from her, that she was LISTENING to the SONGS OF THE TREES and the WIND.
Stella was lying down beside a huge tree and when I tuned in I felt she was in a loving relationship with this tree. The feeling I got was, that she was not only listening, but also connecting with the Earth and the elements, with where her body touched the ground.We started our way home and we passed a front garden of some buildings where a huge bush was. I looked at the bush and it SANG! I was completely blown away. It sang OM!
I tuned into some other trees and all of them were singing, in very different ways.
This spontaneous experience or even healing was so miraculous! 😊 Plus I don`t feel the heartburn so much anymore, too.”
Way to go, Tanja!!
What an extraordinary and profound experience.
Improving your ability to communicate and use your intuition can happen just like this.
One seemingly simple adjustment to your intuitive focus that then expands your senses, and connects you to the living, sentient world all around you.
The process can also help you heal your inner wounds so you don’t block yourself from using your intuitive senses and abilities properly when communicating with animals.
Ultimately, you may – or may not – need my training in how to do this yourself on your own.
But if you want to improve your communication abilities as quickly as possible and don’t want go it all by yourself or make mistakes like I did, then I highly recommend training with someone who’s been there, done that, and knows how to guide you in the right direction.
Because if you’re going in the wrong direction(s), more speed doesn’t help.
That’s the point of my courses, training, live classes, memberships, and one on one coaching.
It’s also why I personally designed ALL of our 35 Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises to teach you something important about sensing, developing, clarifying, and applying
your intuitive abilities, which will help you communicate successfully and more reliably at will.
So if you’ve ever wondered what makes the Heart School and the Heart Wisdom Method so different from other teachers approaches, workshops, or courses…
There you have it! 😁
To be clear, in order to communicate competently and proficiently requires proper practice with feedback, the right education, training, guidance on fine tuning and developing ALL your intuitive abilities, healing your wounds, and acquiring more practical experience.
That’s because these are more advanced skills as I teach with the Heart Wisdom Methods.
There is a world of difference between:
- Trying to figure out how to develop and use your intuition by yourself without support or community or expert coaching and mentoring…
- Taking a one off course or workshop, or being a member of a practice group that lacks the proper training, coaching and guidance to answer your questions or grow your abilities in the right ways…
- Becoming part of a community of like minded students becoming highly skilled in communication and healing, using ALL your intuitive abilities, so you can become confident and competent using your skills to help animals.
I highly recommend the third option: being part of an online 24/7/365 big-hearted, loving community with live classes filled with engaged supportive students eager to practice growing their intuitive abilities, encouraging each other, and who receive additional advanced training to expand their education and practice.
Nita said, “I’m so grateful for the incredible resources / Masterclass Series recordings…. totally spoilt for choice! I enjoyed the 3 classes on the paranormal, and have started on the Advanced Healing Techniques … going through them once before I go back to make notes… then I’m eager to move onto the others!”
Students and professionals train with me to gain that “extra edge” by developing more than just the ‘average’ communicator intuitive senses and skills.
You know you can do better. BE better. You want more.
You know you have inner healing to do because you can sense limitations, blocks and blind spots in your communication and in your life.
Helping you with that is why I’ve dedicated so much of my life, education and training learning about helping people heal (45+ years), healing, and teaching so I can guide YOU to be the best you can possibly be using intuitive senses to communicate with animals.
You won’t find this level of training anywhere else.
After studying Heart Wisdom Methods of animal communication and healing, you will discover that there is no ceiling to your development as a proficient, competent communicator.
Let me show you how to develop ALL your intuitive senses, build your confidence, and expand your education so you can help animals with whatever they most need help with.
This page has all the Club details.
My “right fit” qualified students move through four levels of competence: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient.
In my 6 Months to Animal Communication Mastery Program (aka FastTrack Program) we work together with the goal of you becoming competent, confident and proficient using your intuitive and telepathic abilities by the end.
In addition to one on one support, you also get self-study materials and group coaching, practice, and training opportunities.
You can also choose to invest in the individual courses, private coaching sessions, and Club membership separately if you prefer not to do the whole 6-month program right now.
You can start right away.
The info you need is HERE
Today is a great day to take the next step in your communication journey!
Michelle said “Working with Val gets better faster results in 1 session than doing 18+ typical therapist sessions. If you want to stop being triggered by old wounds and traumas, Val is the BEST.”
If you’d prefer to work together privately you’ll find information about how to get a session with me one on one for coaching and mentoring (and healing) for you and/or your pets at
Learn more about using your intuition! Start by downloading my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
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