What are the steps to learning – and mastering – animal communication using the Heart Wisdom Method? When you’re learning a new “thing”, you want to know the series of steps you need to take to learn it. Then, you want to put in the practice time so you get good at the steps. You […]
Animal Talk Blog
Remove Your Self Limiter And Be a Better Animal Communicator
Do you have a “self limiter” when it comes to improving your intuitive abilities and animal communication? As I understand this, it’s a device built into an engine (car, boat, plane, etc) that keeps the engine from going beyond a certain speed. I’m not a mechanic or engineer and no I don’t play one on […]
Can I Communicate With My Pets After They Cross the Rainbow Bridge?
When your pet crosses over the rainbow bridge, it may seem like they’re gone forever. You may wonder: “Can I communicate with my animals in spirit after they’ve crossed over?” This a great question. Many animal communication students struggle with being able to hear, sense, or communicate with their pet once they’ve transitioned. That happens […]
Improve Your Animal Communication Results: Shift The Energy
Animal communication is a fascinating intuitive ability to understanding your pet. That’s important because when you can communicate with animals, they will tell you how they feel, why they do what they do, and what they think. But you have to learn how to speak their language first, which is what I teach in the […]
Communicating With Animals: The 3 Biggest Mistakes
What are the biggest mistakes students make when they communicate with animals? People ask me what the biggest mistakes students make are when they practice communicating with animals. How do you know if you’re making mistakes when you try to talk to them? Hint: If your pet looks at you like this, you’re making mistakes. […]
Why Get a Private Animal Communication Session with Me?
Getting a private animal communication coaching session with the right coach, teacher, and expert mentor for your needs makes all the difference in the world. I get this question a lot, “how can I get a session with you?”, for various reasons. The reasons range from “make my pet behave better”, to “help my pet […]
Inspiring Professional Animal Communication Training with Susan Francis and Val Heart
Do you love elephants? Me too!! You’re going to love this! My special guest in the Professional Animal Communication Training Series is… Professional Animal Communicator, Pet Psychic and Colleague, Susan Francis! This heartwarming, inspiring animal communication training chat with Susan Francis is WAY good. (Tip: Get Kleenex!!) I felt like I’d found a kindred soul […]