*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Accountability Mar 28th – Apr 3rd, 2024! Post & earn free session with Val
- This topic has 13 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
Martina Sluková.
03/28/2024 at 10:10 am #96012
ModeratorTo help you stay on track growing your communication abilities, each week answer these 6 questions. As an ethical bribe incentive, when you post your answers for 12 weeks in a row, Gold and Platinum members earn a free Student Breakthrough Laser Coaching Session with Val (regularly $125).
The 6 questions you are tasked with answering each week address multiple and interconnected areas and are clarified below. Please post your answers with specifics for each question.
The goal is to guide you to become more consciously aware of your journey, to celebrate your successes and share any perceived “failures” so they can be acknowledged, learned from, healed, and cleared.
You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best completing each assignment every week. Practice with animals and receive proper feedback about what you got (example: talk with Featured Animal Teacher) is the best way to know if you’re doing it correctly, if you’re making mistakes along the way, and help you discover what adjustments could help you improve.
Rather than copy and paste the same answers every week, the answers must be unique each and every week. If we feel you are not putting real effort into this or trying to hack the system, then you will be asked to try again. If you still don’t improve your efforts, then your weekly posting sequence count will start over.
1) Each week there will be a new Accountability Discussion posted for the current week period.
Post your answers anytime from Thursday through Wednesday. If you miss the weekly deadline to post, you will have to start over with your weekly sequence count.
2) When you’ve successfully completed 12 consecutive weeks of posts you will receive an email from the Coaching Club Moderator with the Subject “Congratulations – you’ve earned a coaching session with Val.”
Your Congratulations email includes instructions on how to schedule your reward Laser Coaching session with Val. You can use your session for communication coaching, intuition development, mentoring, healing, and/or Val’s help working with your own animal(s).
Refer to your Welcome Module in your student member dashboard for more detailed instructions about the Accountability exercises and office policies.
Answer these 6 assigned task questions in the REPLY box below. Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom. If you did not do a task, you get 1 free pass during the 12 week period. After that if you’re still not making the effort to complete the required assignments, then your 12 week counter will start over.
1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
We look forward to reading about your week. You are welcome to comment on anyone else’s posts offering encouragement, loving support, and celebrating successes. After all, we are here to learn from and inspire each other too!Need help or have a question? Click Reply below, OR look under HELP in the top menu, OR email [email protected]
TIP: We recommend you type your answers elsewhere first, such as in a document in Word, Google docs, or Pages, and then copy and paste them into the Reply field below. That way if something glitches with your post, you won’t have to start over rewriting your accountability post.
NOTE: All students are invited to participate, but only Gold and Platinum Club Members are eligible to earn the Laser Coaching Session Rewards. Silver members can Upgrade to Gold or Platinum membership at any time by emailing [email protected] and letting us know your wishes. Put “Upgrade” in the subject line.
Much love, Val
03/28/2024 at 3:21 pm #96020
Nicole Prömmer
Platinum Member1.Meditation: yes. Every morning and evening. silent meditation and chakra cleansing
2.Animal communication: No, this week not. I had no time
3.Grateful: It’s such an intense time and I do feel I am making steps slowly but in a good direction, confronting my fears, moving forward. this feels good
4.questions, discoveries: I was going through the intuitive lessons and I discovered, that I am very bad with all the card/ Marble exercises. I am good with picking up on things, if it is a real problem, but whenever it comes to a “game”exercise , something inside of me just blocks it. I wonder why. There is a voice inside of me and it said: we don’t play with that things. Noone ever said this to me, so I wonder where it comes from.
5.Fat: yes. when I contacted him, he immediately recognized me and was amused, saying, oh, you are back. after long time (2 weeks). he was busy, playing with something which looks like a feather on a stick. I ask him, how he was and he said, goo, busy talking to people. I asked him if he liked it and he said yes. he asked me: what do you wanna know? I have to pause and then I ask him about a situation I am in where I have to find a solution. he answers promptly: just be yourself. I asked him about when he feels general in the world, because for me everything at the moment are so intense and. he sais it will get better. just hold on to your strength. he said : everything is an illusion. now he gets hungry. I thank him and the conversation is over.
6. intuitive Development: I asked myself when I was talking the first time to animals and I don’t remember talking to them, but what I remember clearly, is, that I had a strong feeling of being very connected to everything around me (plants, animals) and I did not hear words, but it was like I was moving together in the energy this beings evaporated. and There was a strong sense of being protected by any nature being and animal. I remember also, that I had a huge love connection to all animals, which came very natural. And what was always the case, was that animals always came to me and sat next to me. I remember my grand parents had a Belgian shepherd dog a female and she would not go off my side, when I was there.
I tried the card exercise and the one with the marbles and I was very bad in doing it.
But I do read Taro cards and I am very good in doing so. the card s speak to me, so I don’t know what it is about that failure with getting just the right colours. -
04/02/2024 at 12:39 pm #96086
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Twin Hearts meditation, meditation on the Lord’s prayer, stress busting and Heart wisdom Love meditation.2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience? Post at least one.
I once again tried connecting with one of the mountains (part of the Himalayan range surrounds us) as last year I had done so, and got incredible insights in a dream.3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I’m grateful for some lessons learnt from Tikli’s passing, though it was a high price to pay. I’m also grateful as always for the amazing resources here…think it would take a lifetime to study them thoroughly!!4. What questions do you have about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Should one refrain from communicating while on a personal healing journey…will post this for the call.5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not?
Not yet with 50.6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
“Develop your ability to sense time”….a very fascinating concept that animals know what time is. I’ve been trying the exercise of guessing the time before looking at the clock. -
04/02/2024 at 3:07 pm #96098
Martha Breeding
Platinum Member1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
Active meditation
Meditation with my kitties
While listening to vibrational frequencies
In sunlight
While listening to birds
While on walk and with my bird and tree friends and friend named Val! He’s a dog.
While doing acupressure on myself
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
My kitties
My friend who lives at the cat food store
My bird and dog friend on my walk
A squirrel
A crow or two3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
My cats
My Healing in different ways
My feeling feelings if my own and my kitties
My intuition and animal communication blessing gifts
My forgiving
My team of people
My other blessings in life
Much more
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Not sure
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I did and his mom responded. I was right on about the wacky on catnip!
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
I did the Easter egg hunt.
I also tuned into my teeth and organs and food qualities
I am tuning into myself and discovered that if I don’t know if I want to do something specific or not then try it and feel how it resonates or tune in more to know if getting psychically whether reason other than want it don’t as to why or why not do it.-
04/02/2024 at 3:09 pm #96099
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberI just noticed the featured Animal Teacher is 50 now. I have not spoken with 50 during his present time of being the Featured Animal Teacher. I intend to though.
04/02/2024 at 3:57 pm #96109
Dakota Duncan
Gold Member1. Meditations: Breathing, Soft Focus, Being the Animal
2. Who I talked with: Main interaction this week was with my cat, Max. We had a special moment where he came up on the bed and snuggled with me for the first time since the new kitties arrived. I wanted to express how grateful I was for his bravery and willingness to try doing the things he used to do. Mostly, I wanted to share my love for him so he knows he always has me and the new kitties are not replacing him. The way he looked at me and snuggled his head against me made me feel that we’d connected.
3. Gratitude: I am grateful that Kola and Shasta continue to bond and that Lexi is feeling more free to give and accept love. She has come a long ways from being quite frightened around us two months ago. We can even pick her up just to move her slightly, like onto the couch, without it freaking her out like it used to.
4. Discoveries: I have started clicker training with Shasta and am seeing how quickly she picks up on things, both with and without the clicker. She is learning to sit and wait while others eat and not shove them out of the way to get to their food. Her manners are appreciated by Max and Lexi. She’s a smart cat and I suspect I am going to be struggling to keep up with her! 🙂
5. I have not yet spoken to the new FAT for April. I plan to this week.
6. Intuition Exercises: Instead of choosing exercises from the Coaching Club I am continuing with the Beginning Animal Communication Course. I finished part 2 and am into part 3 this week.
04/02/2024 at 4:02 pm #96110
Sandy Doherty
Gold Member1. Which meditations did you do
Grounding Meditation and started to learn Protection/Shielding Meditation exercises several times this week
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with
Squirrels play havoc in a garden (not mine) by ripping up plants and burying mostly peanuts. The person has tried everything and now resorts to enclosing each plant and seedling in several layers of wire mesh till plants are well established, however the person enjoys watching their acrobatics as they attempt to raid the bird feeders . Sometimes the squirrels, who boldly sit on the fences or the outside table, still find their way into the soil surrounding the plants.
Spoken to the leader of the squirrels who thinks it’s fun and a game. Explained the situation and asked if they could refrain from damaging the plants and leave the bird feeders alone. In exchange the person will leave some shelled nuts for them to eat.
Await feedback from the person. Will connect again to the squirrels
3. What are you grateful for this week
The feedback from Penny S in regards to Opie. Thought I was off the mark when shown and felt a problem in the upper area in Opies right hind leg. Penny confirmed there is a problem with his leg and now knows the area to work on by providing additional healing to help Opie, if he allows her to do so This boosted my confidence.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Must be more confident and trust myself that whatever I receive from the animals, is what they want to impart to me.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher
Not yet
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week
Went back to practicing colours intuitive games. Didn’t do well so work in progress
04/02/2024 at 5:48 pm #96122
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive Member#1 I continue to meditate, although this week I admit that I was distracted when meditating. First I would try to go deeper using the 321 Silva method and other times I pushed it off for another time.
#2 This week I connected with a cat named Charlie. Charlie had slipped out of the house and ran away and was hiding in a tunnel near the house. He would not come out of the tunnel even though his owner was pleading with him. I asked Charlie why he didn’t want to come out of the tunnel. He said he wanted to be an indoor/outdoor cat like one of the others that lived in the home. His owner tried to explain about the dangers outside and that she was worried about his safety. Letting some of the cats outdoors but not others kind of ruined her credibility. I suggested his owner think about why she lets some cats out and not others and explain the reasoning to Charlie (and others who are not allowed outside). If they seem to have come to a resolution…fantastic. If they needed my assistance, I would be happy to help once more.
#3 I want to celebrate when I felt a strong connection in which I strongly felt a true connection.
#4 It’s imperative that I learn to feel what my pets are feeling in their bodies. If there is a question regarding if one of my pets requires veterinary intervention, I am not able to decipher that on my own accord.
#5 I have not communicated with April’s FAT yet.
#6 I enjoyed reviewing the many intuition classes. I need to, on a regular basis, include one intuition class each week.
04/02/2024 at 11:53 pm #96123
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Deep Soul Connection Guided Mediation
Heart Wisdom Love Connection Meditation2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience?
I practiced greeting and sending appreciation to every animal I came in contact with. There were times when the animal made eye contact and I got acknowledgement that they had heard me. But even if they didn’t give me eye contact, I felt confident that they felt my appreciation for them as sentient beings.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for.
I am grateful for a new medication that is helping to reduce the migraines I have suffered with for the past 34 years.
4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week?
What would be some of the reasons that an animal wouldn’t want to speak with you?
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not? You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
I am looking forward to speaking with 50 during the Q&A on 4/13.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition?
I did the “Communicate with every animal you meet” lesson. I practiced greeting every animal I came in contact with: dogs being walked by the owners, cats in the window as I passed by, birds nearby, and even a lizard sunning himself on a rock. It felt good to send appreciation for them as sentient beings.
04/03/2024 at 9:41 am #96126
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberWhich meditations did you do?
es did something every day, morning and night and sometimes during the day. Mostly just did my own meditations on being grateful on all things beautiful, nature and animals, and lots of stress busting.2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with?
I’ve tried communicating with the dogs from my past and talked to them. Unfortunately it was more of a “to” not “with” although I am sure they heard me, I’m just not so good at receiving.3. Name one thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for.
Sabrina and I seem to be getting closer everyday and I am so grateful that she didn’t give up on me. She is doing so much better with her reactivity and seems to be so much happier and I am so proud of her.4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week?
I posted a caption on facebook. it said “Sometimes I think…, then I forget”
That is me. I have questions but when it comes time to post them I forget. I need to carry a little recording device around with me.5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)?
yes. I ‘connected’ with him more than ‘communicate’. I got that he is so chill. Such a wonderful guy. He exudes happiness . He is calm, a peaceful being, loves everyone and the world around him. Very happy and grateful to be here.6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition?
I mainly did a lot of reading, as in the Easter Egg game. I read a lot of material and marked things I wanted to go back and study and practice. This week has been very difficult trying to juggle everything. This week have been very busy at work, always try to spend time with Sabrina and work with her and this week I have had IRS breathing down my neck and trying to deal with them and show them this is their mistake not mine is a never ending battle and has been so stressful, has affected my health and I have had a lot of stress related problems this week. Trying to keep a positive attitude about so many things. Thank God I have Sabrina and she has been working hard to help me release my stress by making me laugh this week. -
04/03/2024 at 11:12 am #96133
Mary Hill
Platinum Member1. Meditations to quiet my mind, cleansing meditations. meditation so I can listen.
2.A cardinal bird came to comfort me while on a walk. It sang for me. I knew Abbey sent it. I listened and thanked the cardinal for sending me love and comfort.
3.I am grateful for all the help I receive on my healing Journey. I enjoyed going back to the intuition lessons to find the hidden Easter eggs. I stopped and reread several of the lessons.
4.I learned when we are sad, our animals in spirit are always near to cheer us up.
5. I went back again and tried talking with the kitty but with no success.
6. I guessed what was in the paper bag and I got it right. I am getting good at understanding what Layla is trying to tell me. I used my hearing sense in the forest to listen to the message in the wind. It was a whisper of promise of Spring to come, soft and subtle, like it was weaving in and out of the trees. -
04/03/2024 at 11:44 am #96135
Rosemary M
Platinum Member1.Did you meditate this week? If so, about how much time total did you spend meditating? What meditations did you do? If you didn’t meditate, why didn’t you?
Yes. A variety – I did what I call the “love self and others” from the website, as well as normal chanting and some just silent. It isn’t very regular – I’m travelling so time is not my own.
2. What is the name of the animal with whom you communicated this week? What did you talk about? What did you assist with or learn from the experience?
I communicated with Elsa. I did it formally following a meditation because I needed to communicate with her about travelling and what was going on. As soon as I tried to connect I heard “What is going on?” in quite a shouting tone – it was very clear but not a voice. I think she was really struggling – more than usual when we travel. But – was I making it up? I’m not sure, but I don’t think I can have been. I explained what was happening. She still isn’t eating properly, so maybe I didn’t manage to explain clearly or maybe she’s gone off this type of food. I will find out tomorrow. I think she advised me to “function at a deeper level” to keep my equilibrium while things are difficult because I have to follow other people’s timings.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate about your journey in learning how to communicate with animals this week.
That I have had my eyes opened to animal capabilities while around me so many people just can’t see, believe or understand.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
Questioning this really persistent and annoying lack of self belief – every time I think I’m over this crippling lack of self confidence, it comes back – but I guess it is a little lighter every time.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? If not, why not? If so, what happened (give us an overview of the conversation)? If you did, remember to post what you got in the Discussion with that animal if you have not already done so.
Not yet this week.
6. This week did you practice one of the Intuition Development exercises? If so, which one? If not, what did you do this week to practice growing your intuition for easier connection and communication with animals?
Coming to presence as I go about my day – a struggle still. Anticipating who is on the phone – got those right. Sadly no time to play the easter egg game because of travelling. -
04/03/2024 at 3:09 pm #96136
Natalie Shannon
Platinum Member#1 Which meditations did you do?
I have been doing a short daily meditation, being still and outside if the weather has permitted.
#2 What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
I communicated with a 15year old cat named kitten. He has had what seems like a bad reaction to some medication. He was not happy he had to take the medication and it has made him feel really sick. I haven’t shared anything yet with his caretaker, and not sure in this instance how much and what to share, of course I would never suggest anything other than what is recommended by the vet.
#3 What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
I got to spend the Easter with my family and it was so lovely, and I saw friends and family I hadn’t seen for so long.
The sun has been out so could enjoy being outdoors more.
I have had a couple of job possibilities that I can apply to
#4 Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
How to deal with boundaries of a communicator as a messenger and not as a person to diagnose, and being careful about delivering health related messages.
#5 Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I will connect with Opie this week
#7 Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
I have been trying to sense only the colours of the cards I have before turning them over, also the emotion. -
04/03/2024 at 4:09 pm #96137
Martina Sluková
Gold Member1. Which meditations did you do?
3 breath Meditation outside for grounding, it relaxes me into the healing state of connecting to the earth, it is super simple, but great.
Yoga exercising, horse healing and connecting a few times. I had a session of trauma therapy.
Horse riding into the woods. Spending lots of times with horses.2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week. What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
My shagya arabian horse Kordulka, she is tired because of her foal Kingston that takes lots of energy. She is ready for me any time, she knows I love it when she shows me she understands what I mean and she very quickly learns new things. I know she is so perfect for me. So I decided to surprise her and did the healing with her and other times I just took her for the spring grass. It reminded me of the time I used to spend much more time with her and which I realized I miss and do not understand why I stopped.3. What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
I am grateful for getting an envelope with some money for my birthday, which I can use for my another year golden membership :-))
I am very grateful I won the Easter egg count 15 minutes with Val:-)))
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
I am reading through 3 easy ways to heal pets using animal talk and animal reiki course and the Tapescript 4 of Beginning core foundation Class.5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not? I did not, why? As the week was too short this time??
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
I went through many of them briefly when searching for eggs, planning to read them properly soon.
I am learning to really enjoy little moments, being present and stopping my bossy mind.
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