*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Accountability May 9th – May 15th, 2024! Post & earn free session with Val
- This topic has 14 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by
05/09/2024 at 10:37 am #96627
ModeratorTo help you stay on track growing your communication abilities, each week answer these 6 questions. As an ethical bribe incentive, when you post your answers for 12 weeks in a row, Gold and Platinum members earn a free Student Breakthrough Laser Coaching Session with Val (regularly $125).
The 6 questions you are tasked with answering each week address multiple and interconnected areas and are clarified below. Please post your answers with specifics for each question.
The goal is to guide you to become more consciously aware of your journey, to celebrate your successes and share any perceived “failures” so they can be acknowledged, learned from, healed, and cleared.
You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best completing each assignment every week. Practice with animals and receive proper feedback about what you got (example: talk with Featured Animal Teacher) is the best way to know if you’re doing it correctly, if you’re making mistakes along the way, and help you discover what adjustments could help you improve.
Rather than copy and paste the same answers every week, the answers must be unique each and every week. If we feel you are not putting real effort into this or trying to hack the system, then you will be asked to try again. If you still don’t improve your efforts, then your weekly posting sequence count will start over.
1) Each week there will be a new Accountability Discussion posted for the current week period.
Post your answers anytime from Thursday through Wednesday. If you miss the weekly deadline to post, you will have to start over with your weekly sequence count.
2) When you’ve successfully completed 12 consecutive weeks of posts you will receive an email from the Coaching Club Moderator with the Subject “Congratulations – you’ve earned a coaching session with Val.”
Your Congratulations email includes instructions on how to schedule your reward Laser Coaching session with Val. You can use your session for communication coaching, intuition development, mentoring, healing, and/or Val’s help working with your own animal(s).
Refer to your Welcome Module in your student member dashboard for more detailed instructions about the Accountability exercises and office policies.
Answer these 6 assigned task questions in the REPLY box below. Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom. If you did not do a task, you get 1 free pass during the 12 week period. After that if you’re still not making the effort to complete the required assignments, then your 12 week counter will start over.
1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
We look forward to reading about your week. You are welcome to comment on anyone else’s posts offering encouragement, loving support, and celebrating successes. After all, we are here to learn from and inspire each other too!Need help or have a question? Click Reply below, OR look under HELP in the top menu, OR email [email protected]
TIP: We recommend you type your answers elsewhere first, such as in a document in Word, Google docs, or Pages, and then copy and paste them into the Reply field below. That way if something glitches with your post, you won’t have to start over rewriting your accountability post.
NOTE: All students are invited to participate, but only Gold and Platinum Club Members are eligible to earn the Laser Coaching Session Rewards. Silver members can Upgrade to Gold or Platinum membership at any time by emailing [email protected] and letting us know your wishes. Put “Upgrade” in the subject line.
Much love, Val
05/10/2024 at 2:08 pm #96650
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive Member#1 I started to give myself excuses to get out of meditation for a few days this past week. I ended up meditating but I’m glad I noticed that I needed an extra push, which I did.
#2 I spoke with a snake named Lilith. She was rehomed to her Nextdoor neighbors. Her previous owners couldn’t care for her as they would like to or as she deserves. Lilith understood this and is happy with the set up and attention she is receiving at her new home. Her previous owners come to visit which Lilith enjoys.
#3 I would like to celebrate my renewed confidence as of late. Riding the wave for as long as it will take me!
#4 Will an animal know or tell you their name if you asked them?
#5 I have not connected with this month’s FAT yet. This upcoming week for sure.
#6 Last week I was trying to isolate a certain sound within the environment and tune everything else out. It was very difficult for me to do. This week, I am tuning everything in the environment off when connecting to animals in a natural or noisy environment.
05/12/2024 at 10:31 am #96669
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum Member1. I did the HeartWisdom Love Connection Meditation this morning and yesterday. I’ve done a few Stress Busters throughout the week.
2. This morning, a friend asked me to reach out to her cat, Titus, who had passed on a couple of years ago. She’d really been missing him lately, as he was her soulmate. This was my first time to reach out to communicate with an animal in spirit and I asked some really basic questions, according to Titus, ha! He let me know that he is still doing cat things in the spirit realm—playing, chasing things, eating. We just can’t see him. He also said he still likes to be petted and that if his mom imagines it, it’s happening. That was a revelation. I’d met Titus a few times and he had a message for me, too. He told me to trust myself and to “talk to my parts,” which I took to mean the different parts of my mind.
Later today, I plan on communicating with Missy, Natalie’s horse, and involving my dog, Rose in it by letting Rose ask questions of Missy and seeing if Missy and Rose want to communicate. Thank you, Val, for the suggestion!
3. I’m thankful for my husband, who thinks this animal communication thing is both really cool and a little crazy, but he’s going with it. He said this morning that he was trying to relearn a language (telepathy) he hasn’t used since he was a young child. I’m thankful we’re in this journey together.
4. I was amazed by my dog, Rose’s, story of her past experiences with Missy during the live call. I was very drawn to Missy and when I communicated with her, I felt our connection was strong. Obviously, there’s healing that needs to be done there for Rose and I’m not entirely sure how to navigate the communication between Rose and Missy, but I’m going to do my best. The coolest thing to me was the realization that our animals are with us in past lives!
5. I communicated with Scarlett last week, but talking to Missy and wondering what was going on with Rose’s reaction to that took up most of this week’s energy. I plan to communicate with Scarlett again next week.
6. One of the intuition development exercises asked me to think back to a time when I felt completely understood by an animal. I thought back to the day my horse, Sam, had to be put to sleep due to a neurological disorder. Sam wasn’t the most affectionate horse in the world, although he loved rubbing his head on me, but that day, he knew he was dying and he knew I was extremely sad. While we were waiting for the vet, Sam did something he’d never done before: he laid down beside me and very gently placed his big head in my lap. I held him and cried for hours. It was such a gift!
I’ve loved other horses deeply, but I’ve never felt the same kind of connection to one that I felt to Sam. He trusted me with his thoughts. -
05/12/2024 at 2:07 pm #96671
Shelly Chance
Platinum Member1. Which meditations did you do?
The Heart Wisdom Love works great so I just did that every night in my 20 min meditation with soft meditation music playing in the background. I am practicing meditation randomly and spontaneously every day, in the midst of distractions and commotion and when I am busy doing something. The more I practice the better I get at being able to stop the thinking and be in peace in an instant.2. Practice communicating with at least one animal, what did you discover from the experience?
I communicated with Jasper-in-spirit (Dakota’s kitty cat) and my pup Cubby-in-spirit (thanks to Dakota’s and Cubby’s encouragement to reach out to him 🙂 ). These were my very first attempts at communicating with animals in spirit. I noticed that reaching out to them was more about feeling and not as much on mental images. I was expecting images like I get when ACing with animals in physical bodies but realized it didn’t happen that way for me, yet, for in-spirit animals. I mostly got feelings and senses. When I connected with Cubby, I was filled with a lot of love energy and while I felt it was only for maybe 5 minutes, when I looked at the clock, 20 minutes had passed! I guess Cubby’s love energy took me someplace else! 🙂3. What are you grateful for this week?
I want to express extra gratitude to my AC buddy Dakota. Dakota reached out to my pup Cubby-in-spirit and her email to me about that visit was the most wonderful gift I could have received. Dakota and Cubby healed my lingering sad emotions from losing him almost 7 years ago, and I could just feel that load come off of me and I had a new, happy story to focus on for Cubby. Thank you, Dakota! I am grateful for all the animal teachers, here and in spirit, and for Val and all my classmates. I am learning so much from everyone.4. What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week?
That I really enjoy the AC experiences I am having with other animals, but feel I am missing out on REALLY connecting with my own pups. I scheduled a session with Val to get her help on how to connect with my pups physically with me and with my pup in-spirit. I need help feeling that connection, so I know I am actually connected to them and not my own thoughts. I don’t feel I have been successful with that on my own. If I can get better at feeling those connections, I just know I will be more successful feeling the connections with all other animals. I also learned I need to work on my interpretations. I know I am receiving messages and feelings, but I need to get better at how I interpret those messages and feelings. I can’t seem to zoom out yet and tend to box myself in with trying to define in too much detail, missing the bigger picture.5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I did! Scarlett and I had an “on demand” chat (she called me that time!)! 🙂 So fun talking to her. I posted more of that fun experience on her FAT forum page. I think she is making me work extra hard to get her full story of how she came to be with Sue. She gives me a tiny piece each time we talk so I guess she wants to make sure I talk more with her to get the rest of the story. LOL! 🙂 I also connected with her on our Q&A call. Right away I saw her playing with her favorite toy and felt she was playing at that very moment. When Sue came on later and said that Scarlett was playing during the talk with everyone, that brought a huge smile to my face because Scarlett showed me just that!6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
I finally got enough courage to try the communicate with an animal in spirit exercise. I could really tell the difference between communications with one in spirit compared to one in a physical body. -
05/14/2024 at 10:48 am #96690
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Meditations based on The Great Invocation and Om Mani Padme Hum. Val’s stress busting, Mindfulness releasing thoughts and High level Energy Hygiene Practices 1.2. What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
I spoke to ATH Kola (a dog) and posted, awaiting feedback. I can now discern which Claire the dog is using to convey information.3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I am extremely grateful for Val’s communication with Sunny during the last call, without which I would never have known what was wrong with him.4. What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
After hearing the story of Rose and her past life (during the call) I wonder if animals remember all their past lives!5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? If not, why not?
Yes, during the call. I will connect again and post.6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
I am generally impatient to move on to the next exercise, but remembered the advice not to give up if the results are disappointing, so I’m persisting with the basic exercise of the deck of cards (instead of which I am using photographs) till I get a better success rate.-
05/14/2024 at 9:07 pm #96706
Dakota Duncan
Gold MemberNita – I am so sorry I have not replied about Kola. I did not get a notification. I’m fairly certain I subscribed to replies. Anyway, the feedback is up and I was really excited you did so well with Kola. 😀
– Dakota
05/15/2024 at 11:02 am #96711
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberThank you Dakota….no worries and thanks for the encouragement! I just replied to your great feedback! Love and blessings.
05/14/2024 at 12:47 pm #96692
Sandy Doherty
Gold Member1. Which meditations did you do
Stress busting and quick connection several times
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with
A spider was found in my kitchen. Got him/her to walk on a piece of cardboard but it kept running to the edge and all over the cardboard. Told her/him firmly to ‘stop running, I will take you outside in the garden where you’ll be safe’. Immediately the spider stopped and stayed still till i went outside and paced the cardboard was on the ground outside, where the spider waited a moment then moved off on his/her journey
Beautiful Scarlett, the FAT for May
3. What are you grateful for this week
For the animals that allowed me to communicate with them ands help the spider. In doing so, they have given me more confidence in my ability
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Amazed at how quickly the spider stopped running when asked it to – in its tracks to help him/her
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher
Yes. Posted in forum
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week
Card game, flipping cards over, guessing, colour, number and suite. Work in progress.
Using my intuition whenever possible. Guessed correctly that I’d meet a certain friend on the same bus I was traveling on when reaching her local bus stop some 20 mins later. She was surprised to see me. I was pleased with myself in guessing correctly
05/14/2024 at 7:15 pm #96703
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Sandy! I know that was a wonderful feeling you got when the spider heard you! I experienced it with a fly. Sometimes it is those little experiences that really give us the kickstart we need. 🙂 I find that when I start questioning my AC ability, I will seek out those small conversations, like the one you had with the spider and me with the fly, to get me going on the right track again. I find those super encouraging and actually so much easier compared to the more in-depth conversations we seek with the animal teachers. With the ATHs, I think sometimes our minds can get the best of us and we think too hard and, in a way, put up that pesky block. The spider and fly experiences, if you think about it, didn’t take much thought at all, we just DID it. 🙂 And it worked for us! Woo hoo! 🙂 Thanks for sharing that story! I hope it gave you a good boost in confidence because that was great!
05/14/2024 at 9:05 pm #96705
Dakota Duncan
Gold MemberShelly,
Thank you for this reminder. 😀– Dakota
05/14/2024 at 3:33 pm #96694
Dakota Duncan
Gold Member1. Meditations: Breathing, the top six meditations in the Bonus class of the beginning communication course.
2. Who did I talk with: My own Max cat – I spent time sending lots of love to him because he seems to be feeling a bit displaced by the new cats. His spirits seem high today. Scarlett – this month’s FAT. I posted my conversation but here is a short version – I was having trouble staying focused and she helped me through that by telling me to breath and by asking about my animals. She is very kind, patient and really wants to help people. She feels like an old soul – very wise. I asked about her mom and got a feeling of tons of love, and was told her mom loves and understands that she is beautiful inside and out. Scarlett also told me that she and Mom are a team. When I asked about her home, I saw a lot of light and a big window. She likes the sun but not rainy, cloudy days. I was happy to find out that much of what I saw, felt and heard were on target.
3. Gratitude: I feel grateful to be working with Shelly, who is another fairly new student here. It’s been interesting and fun to talk with her animals. I am also grateful to see all of our kitties getting along better every day. The younger cats are having more success when they rub up against Max – he doesn’t always walk away anymore. Also – Kola dog and all the cats are doing very well together. I am proud of and grateful for her patience with them.
4. Discoveries/Questions: I still battle with wondering if I am getting things right or just making them up. When I am communicating it feels real and I often get good feedback, but then I think for anyone who knows cats and dogs, some of my messages seem generic. I have to remind myself that some things are specific enough to be real and I should just get out of my head.
5. FAT: Yes, I talked with the month’s FAT – Scarlett. See above. I do plan to talk with her again this month. She was so easy to be with and is so sincere about helping.
6. Intuition Exercises: Identifying colored pens, continuing with Bonus section of the Beginning Animal Communication course.
05/14/2024 at 4:53 pm #96699
Martha Breeding
Platinum Member1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
Vibrational frequencies
Walk2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
Client cat
Spider3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
My cats4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Nothing new5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I did during the club call and I posted for Sue to read and give feedback.6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
No lessons. Tuning into body. -
05/15/2024 at 11:52 am #96713
Rosemary M
Platinum Member1.Did you meditate this week? If so, about how much time total did you spend meditating? What meditations did you do? If you didn’t meditate, why didn’t you?
Yes. Some every day in the morning before work as well as after work. This has been to help me cope with the amount of work over these weeks and it has kept me buoyant. I’ve also had insights into ways of living in a less ego centred way and time seeming more vertical than linear.
2. What is the name of the animal with whom you communicated this week? What did you talk about? What did you assist with or learn from the experience?
I haven’t done an active communication this week – again due to very busy weeks at work. After next weekend things will calm down and I will have time to catch up. I have been aware of listening as much as I can as I go about my day, quieting my mind, reading about people who spent two days on a rock in order to get quiet enough to hear.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate about your journey in learning how to communicate with animals this week.
I began to ask myself if I should give up – accepting that you can’t do everything all the time. But it made me so sad that I realised its just a few weeks where I’m working every day and then I will have more time. Unfortunately I’m tired so every time I try to tune in, I fall asleep. So I know I will continue.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
Listening to an interview with an animal communicator, she referred to The Mother Tongue – the language of energy, of the earth, plants and animals. I love that. Of course I must learn and get fluent in this!
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? If not, why not? If so, what happened (give us an overview of the conversation)? If you did, remember to post what you got in the Discussion with that animal if you have not already done so.
No – I wasn’t able to make the FAT call and haven’t been able to catch up yet.
6. This week did you practice one of the Intuition Development exercises? If so, which one? If not, what did you do this week to practice growing your intuition for easier connection and communication with animals?
Listening, grounding as much as I can. -
05/15/2024 at 3:52 pm #96718
Natalie Shannon
Platinum Member#1 Which meditations did you do?
Focus again on the breathing meditation, and the Heart meditation
#2 What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
I spoke with a horse named Theo, and his companion a pony named Skye. I was able to provide some reassurance for their owner, and it was a very great example of this not being an interrogation of the animals but their opportunity to get their biggest concerns across. When I connected with Theo the first time back in 2022, he kept directing me to his feet. Last year he was diagnosed with navicular. This week I expected him to mention his feet but his main concern was his tummy and not one mention of his feet.
#3 What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
I had my first paid animal communication client! And even though I procrastinated for a few days when I sent the communication I didn’t sit and worry like I normally do and felt very comfortable with what I shared. This is a really big deal for me.
#4 Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Finding it a challenge to follow up with additional information on health concerns eg horse’s tummy hurts but why?
Discovery that doing this exercise of writing this down every week is helping things shift for me!
The 12D energy tools are becoming an essential part of my daily routine and I often do them several times, not taking on other’s energy is so important not just for the animal comms but for everything
#5 Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I communicated with Scarlett and Opie (finally) and posted what I got and received feedback.
#7 Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
I have stuck with the deck of cards exercise and really feel I am improving, hurray! -
05/23/2024 at 3:12 pm #96819
ModeratorPosting for Mary Hill:
#1 I meditate everyday mostly to get into my heart and out of my mind.
#2 I have been trying to communicate with the queen ant again as they keep coming into the house.
#3 I am grateful my new vet believes in animal communication and is helping me with Layla’s health problems.
#4 I discovered I am trying too hard to have a conversation and that blocks me.
#5 I haven’t tried talking to the FAT again as I am not always home and I am in pain and exhausted.
#6 I use my intuitive senses in the forest to try and identify sounds and birds songs not that there are many
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