*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Accountability November 30- Dec 6, 2023! Post & earn free session with Val
Tagged: Accountability
- This topic has 13 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 2 months ago by
Lucia Potre.
11/29/2023 at 8:58 pm #94611
ModeratorTo help you stay on track growing your communication abilities, each week answer these 6 questions. As an ethical bribe incentive, when you post your answers for 12 weeks in a row, Gold and Platinum members earn a free Student Breakthrough Laser Coaching Session with Val (regularly $125).
The 6 questions you are tasked with answering each week address multiple and interconnected areas and are clarified below. Please post your answers with specifics for each question.
The goal is to guide you to become more consciously aware of your journey, to celebrate your successes and share any perceived “failures” so they can be acknowledged, learned from, healed, and cleared.
You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best completing each assignment every week. Practice with animals and receive proper feedback about what you got (example: talk with Featured Animal Teacher) is the best way to know if you’re doing it correctly, if you’re making mistakes along the way, and help you discover what adjustments could help you improve.
Rather than copy and paste the same answers every week, the answers must be unique each and every week. If we feel you are not putting real effort into this or trying to hack the system, then you will be asked to try again. If you still don’t improve your efforts, then your weekly posting sequence count will start over.
1) Each week there will be a new Accountability Discussion posted for the current week period.
Post your answers anytime from Thursday through Wednesday. If you miss the weekly deadline to post, you will have to start over with your weekly sequence count.
2) When you’ve successfully completed 12 consecutive weeks of posts you will receive an email from the Coaching Club Moderator with the Subject “Congratulations – you’ve earned a coaching session with Val.”
Your Congratulations email includes instructions on how to schedule your reward Laser Coaching session with Val. You can use your session for communication coaching, intuition development, mentoring, healing, and/or Val’s help working with your own animal(s).
Refer to your Welcome Module in your student member dashboard for more detailed instructions about the Accountability exercises and office policies.
Answer these 6 assigned task questions in the REPLY box below. Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom. If you did not do a task, you get 1 free pass during the 12 week period. After that if you’re still not making the effort to complete the required assignments, then your 12 week counter will start over.
1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
6. Developing ALL your intuitive abilities is important. You have many Intuition Development Lessons available in your student members account, under the Welcome Module. These are not games, they are exercises and lessons especially designed for our communication students. Do not use an intuition game app.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what did you do to practice growing your intuition?
We look forward to reading about your week. You are welcome to comment on anyone else’s posts offering encouragement, loving support, and celebrating successes. After all, we are here to learn from and inspire each other too!
Need help or have a question? Click Reply below, OR look under HELP in the top menu, OR email [email protected]
TIP: We recommend you type your answers elsewhere first, such as in a document in Word, Google docs, or Pages, and then copy and paste them into the Reply field below. That way if something glitches with your post, you won’t have to start over rewriting your accountability post.
NOTE: All students are invited to participate, but only Gold and Platinum Club Members are eligible to earn the Laser Coaching Session Rewards. Silver members can Upgrade to Gold or Platinum membership at any time by emailing [email protected] and letting us know your wishes. Put “Upgrade” in the subject line.
Much love, Val
12/01/2023 at 11:46 am #94624
Nicole Thorne
Silver Member1. I did an extended awareness meditation and mindfulness meditation.
2. I have attempted a couple of animal communications, but haven’t made any breakthroughs yet.
3. There’s a multitude of things I am grateful for, but this week we moved into a new house (my first real estate purchase) which has a huge backyard. My Australian shepherd has been loving it as we no longer have to drive to a park to play fetch/toss a ball around. I feel grateful to see him so happy, grateful I had the means to buy this home, & grateful for the cooler weather allowing us to actually enjoy spending time outside (I live in Arizona)!
4. Can’t think of any discoveries this week, but one question that has been on my mind is if pets ever get annoyed by their owners narrating/making up thoughts for them?
5. I attempted to make a connection with Ranger but unfortunately was not able to get anything back.
6. I keep trying the intuition exercise where I pull a different colored marker from a bag and try to sense the color. So far I haven’t been able to get a single one right which frustrates me.
12/01/2023 at 12:24 pm #94625
Val Heart
Platinum MemberWell done, Nicole! Congratulations on your new home – that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you and your Aussie puppy. 🙂
Re your communication practices: I know how frustrating it can feel to not get anything back. There are many reasons that can happen, including not having developed your “Clairs” enough yet, or your mind is interfering, or you’re glossing over what you ARE getting. Be sure to listen to the Q&A Coaching Call recording(s) where I guide you in 1) quieting your mind and connecting through your heart, then 2) use the guided Featured Animal Teacher exercise I guide you through.
With a bit of personal coaching, I can show you where you’re getting stuck and get you UNstuck.
You’re welcome to post questions for our next Live Q&A Coaching Call too, so I can help.
Re the Intuition Exercises: The color exercise is a great one to work with. “Trying” is mind talk and will sabotage your efforts. It’s not a “game” where you keep score about what you get right and what you don’t. It’s an intuition development exercises. Your goal is to learn how to sense energy, and the subtle distinctions between them. It’s normal to feel frustrated in the beginning.
Shift into FEELING sensing mode and notice what the color marker feels like. What is smells like. How is this 1 marker different from the other one. You can work with other objects too, which might be a bit easier than colored markers. 😉
Hope that helps!
Keep going.
BIG hugs and much love,
Val -
12/04/2023 at 10:29 am #94645
Martha Breeding
Platinum Member1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
I meditated to Healing vibration frequencies. I meditated in the sunlight. I meditated with the treees butterflies birds and flowers.2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
I communicated with a rabbit and a lot of what I said to verify was right.I communicated with two cats who are not mine.
I communicated with Serenity and Hawkeye. I don’t remember exactly what all was said. I remember though one or both cats doing something in response to what I said and I could tell they understood.
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
The usual plus the resonating realization that part of what is weighing me down from having amazing happiness and presence is the negative emotions and all this stuff I pressure myself on about what to say and ask and do and when.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one. That maybe Hawkeye knows what his body needs when he takes one of the treats from Serenity’s dish and that maybe sometimes the treats don’t affect his bowels negatively and maybe he needs something in the treat. Maybe sometimes it’s best to let the animals lead the way.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I have not yet. When I do I will post.
6. Developing ALL your intuitive abilities is important. You have many Intuition Development Lessons available in your student members account, under the Welcome Module. These are not games, they are exercises and lessons especially designed for our communication students. Do not use an intuition game app.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what did you do to practice growing your intuition?
Tuning into the color of my pants. It really resonated with me and provided a sense of being nurtured as if a young girl. -
12/04/2023 at 2:43 pm #94646
Mary Hill
Platinum Member1.Healing meditation, meditation to transform and delete negative energy I picked up.
2.I talked to a tree that was shedding its bark and asked what species of tree was it? I got jack pine. I sent love to the tree.
3.I am extremely grateful for Chigusa”s help identifying what was causing so much neck pain. I had a very strong negative energy stuck to me, mind control and my soul strength was very low. She suggested I go back to one of my tapes we made and use lots of power to Transform the negative energy and mind control. I did as suggested and felt the pain shift to where I could finally sleep after 2 days of struggle. I will continue to meditate for healing and transforming.
4. no questions
5. no, no concentration due to pain.
6. I tried to guess correct answers to questions and did well on the answers. Some answers are here in a flash and some take a minute or two. My guide and I are working smoothly. -
12/04/2023 at 9:12 pm #94648
Erika Taylor
Platinum Member1. Meditations: so many! I used the Calm app and some from the platinum member course
2. I communicated with my own pets, but I was very distracted this week and had a difficult time receiving responses.
3. I am grateful for nature and its healing properties, and for beautiful people in my life who showed love and support during a difficult time. (I was laid off)
4. No questions or discoveries this week; it has been a very challenging week personally.
5. Not yet
6. I have been going through the Clair master classes and using those exercises as practice
12/05/2023 at 6:40 am #94649
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
The regular Twin Hearts mediation, followed by Stress busting and meditation on mindfulness. I’ve also started the 31 days of Gratitude meditation challenge with a senior Pranic Healing instructor (takes place every August and December) whereby every day of the week is a reflection/ guided meditation based on gratitude for one aspect of life….for example, Friday is for “I am thankful for the people in my life”.2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience? Post at least one.
I connected with ATH Ashton, but unfortunately did not get much. I think that was because I was preoccupied with pending tasks yet felt I had to keep to my schedule of speaking with an ATH per week. Maybe I have to be flexible and choose a better time. So I will try again in a day or two.3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I’m very grateful for the masterclass recordings, specially finding the specialty topics like Time travel fascinating, so just listening the first time, will take notes later.4. What questions do you have about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
This is based on what I described in 2….should one stick to a schedule to maintain regularity, as otherwise there may be a danger of finding reasons to procrastinate, which could be due to subconscious fears or blocks. Or should one choose a “comfortable” time?
I am also looking for some answers regarding healing a trauma, so studying the masterclass recordings.5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not?
Not yet, as I like to do it the first time during the call. Val’s guidance makes it easier.6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
I have gone back to studying “Awaken your inner guidance system” as it’s linked to the recent masterclasses on healing (the ego, inner protectors etc). -
12/05/2023 at 11:17 am #94653
Tricia Wentrcek
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Silent meditations with box breathing, was guided to the Spiritual Exercises of ECK and have been trying those.
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience? Post at least one.
Leo ( cat in spirit) – Guardian asking for comfort after fatal accident.
Snickers (cat) – Guardian asking about abuse from other cats in the home.3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I am grateful for the warm fall afternoons that allow for more grounding time with the dirt.
4. What questions do you have about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
How can you really communicate with a bird that comes to the feeders but it quick to leave? Is that even possible?
5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not?
I have not communicated with the December FAT yet.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
I spent time working on the Colors and Clairvoyant exercise. That was very interesting. Continuing to use my intuition for the Yes/No questions and honing in on that symbolism.
12/05/2023 at 4:09 pm #94657
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberCouldn’t delete a photo of Tuxedo Princess
1. Which meditations did you do
Silent meditation – need to work on. Stress busting exercise
2. Practicing with animals
For a few days, sensing Tabby Princess, a neighbour’s cat, there was something wrong. He seemed sad, lonely and lacked confidence. for he growled and lashed out at me, something he hasn’t done in a long time. He didn’t hurt me. Assumed was due to a altercation with a white cat visiting his garden
Not seeing his guardians for months and knowing it was not ethical to communicate with the animal without their consent, decided to help him by checking what, if anything was wrong and sending him healing energy, even though little of what to do but checked the subject
Told me the ‘Confidence not his but a 24 year old woman family member some 40+ years ago. Worked through healing. Later that day sensed a change in him. He wanted stroking on and around his head. Plus ate the little dry food I often give him (guardian aware). Days following this, his ‘friendly’ behaviour continued and back to ‘normal’ with me.
3. What are you grateful for this week
That more substance and layers e.g symbology, of animal communities is opening up for me
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Concerned about Tabby Princess, a neighbour’s lovely shy, nervous, gentlemanly and mainly an outside cat, I feel sad and worried for him. Sense and feel he’s lonely. Watched him several times attempting to get inside his empty home which I checked.
His life and routine changed dramatically early in the year due to the elderly guardian passing away, however, a family member still remains in the property but not always around. Had chatted to him at the time in regards to the new situation.
Believe there’s no ‘bed/house outside or access to the property to keep him warm and dry, which I wasn’t happy with when looking after him in the past. Presently, winter weather in UK is cold, frosty, wet, damp day and night with short hours of daylight
He’s stopped entering my home since Tuxedo Princess has almost taken up residence and will often flee from the garden if tuxedo is around. Tuxedo seems to have stopped chasing him.
Aware it’s not ethical to communicate with animals without guardian’s permission. Should I communicate with Tabby without guardians knowledge or raise my concerns and how without seemingly being intrusive. Don’t see guardians for months on end. Am I imposing my feelings onto Tabby.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher
Not yet
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week
Guessing colour of pens picked from inside a bag – work in progress.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Sandy Doherty.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Sandy Doherty.
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12/05/2023 at 6:10 pm #94663
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Soft Focus exercise
Connect with animals exercise
The role of imagination2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience?
I communicated with my dog that passed away in June, Izzi. I must trust that what I received was real, since there is no way to validate it. She is delighted that I’m pursuing animal communication and will do everything she can to support me. She is still protecting me from above and still goes to work with me like she’s done for the past 10 years. She showered me with her love and infused me with her joy.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for.
I am grateful to have completed my 300 Christmas cards this weekend that will go out in the mail Monday. It’s usually such a chore, but it went really smoothly this time.
4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week?
In the clairaudience exercises, am I supposed to be able to hear like I would if someone was talking to me? It’s not like that for me. Instead, it’s more like I imagine what it would sound like.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not? You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
I spoke with Ranger during the last Q&A call. I am looking forward to talking with Sabrina on the next Q&A call. Her picture is so adorable.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition?
#2 Clairaudience & Conscious Hearing – I picked the most recent conversation I had with my sister. It was interesting to “observe” hearing in that manner.
#3 Clairaudience & Nature Explorations – I used my screensaver on my desktop, which is a picture of a beautiful tropical beach. It was like I stepped into the scene and was present at the water’s edge. I was able to imagine the sound of the waves crashing and the sound my feet made while walking in the sand.
12/06/2023 at 9:38 am #94671
Penny Stone
1. Meditation: I always do the Meditation on Mindfulness meditation before I begin communication. It’s short and it really helps me “get right”. I also frequently do the Love Connection meditation.
2. Practice: I talked with the FAT Sabrina. She seems young, Her energy is kind of wiggly. We talked about what her home is like. What she does at home. Her purpose in being here. She asked me why I do this. This conversation was not as in depth as some others I’ve had. I’ll revisit her in the weeks ahead.
3. Celebrations: I’m celebrating a great opportunity in music. And continuing to celebrate my progress and the support of all of this community in expanding and solidifying my animal communication skills.
4. Questions: It seems that conversations with animals is like talking with various friends. Some are more in depth, some are more surface. True? And my openess and connection to source at the moment probably also influences what information I get.
5. FAT: Yes. I talked with Sabrina. See the description on the FAT post.
6. Intuitive games: I did the colored pencil exercise again. Still not a very high success rate. I reviewed
Developing Your Intuition the Right way. I also did Remembering when an animal understood you. This one helps because it is very reinforcing. However, I’ve known for a long time that animals understood me. It’s hearing and understanding them that has been my challenge. This is what I am working on the most. -
12/06/2023 at 11:54 am #94676
Rosemary M
Platinum Member1.Did you meditate this week? If so, about how much time total did you spend meditating? What meditations did you do? If you didn’t meditate, why didn’t you?
Some every day in the morning before work; some silent quick sessions.
2. What is the name of the animal with whom you communicated this week? What did you talk about? What did you assist with or learn from the experience?
I haven’t been communicating much this week – with anyone!
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate about your journey in learning how to communicate with animals this week.
I want to celebrate the diversity of life.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
I realised that being anxious and in a rush to learn this is holding me back. I just need to be patient and accept that my journey will unfold as it unfolds, and that’s ok – no need to get frustrated. Hmmm…may have to keep reminding myself.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? If not, why not? If so, what happened (give us an overview of the conversation)? If you did, remember to post what you got in the Discussion with that animal if you have not already done so.
6. This week did you practice one of the Intuition Development exercises? If so, which one? If not, what did you do this week to practice growing your intuition for easier connection and communication with animals?
Not really. -
12/06/2023 at 12:52 pm #94677
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberTTA 11/30-12/6 Accountability
#1 I continue to meditate. This week I tagged along on a business trip in order to visit friends. I meditated in different places with different distracting environments.
#2 This week I had a conversation with a 17 year old Scottie dog. His Mom wanted to know if he still wanted to go to work with her each day as there are 25 stairs to reach the office. The Scottie said if going up and down the stairs gets too much on a given day he will just stop on whatever step he has reached. It will be obvious whether help is needed on a given day but that does NOT mean he wants to be left behind at home.
#3 I would like to celebrate how I have set myself up to be around so many different animals in different settings which offer opportunities for communication.
#4 I’m doing what I have been taught so far with regard to greeting animals I come in contact with. I am mindful not to be overpowering with my energy. I am not attempting to have conversations at all. Ex. I’m not trying to converse with the horses at the ranch. Instead I am just sharing space together, enjoying the proximity.
#5 I have not spoken with the FAT yet this month. However, I have in the past had the pleasure to speak with Sabrina and she was very easy and descriptive during that conversation. I’m looking forward to having another opportunity to speak with her again.
#6 While purposefully including “extra” intuition development learning, I am finding that this will always be an area that I will continue to focus on and increase my skills everyday. I place it as important as meditation.
12/06/2023 at 4:57 pm #94684
Lucia Potre
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
I meditated every day or almost every day, and sometimes shorts during the day. I have listened to purifying guided meditation of Archangel Chamuel Attunement, from Diana Cooper, as I felt I needed support.
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience? Post at least one.
I have practiced intense energy healing for Mr. Ming. I thought he will transition yesterday evening… but after the intense energy healing done, releasing him from all his duties on Earth, asking for forgiveness to him, and all the good byes, today he came back! He hasn’t eaten since Saturday, and today he did.
I am trying to see the lesson here, but I can’t now…3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I am happy for being alive, for being me.4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Q: If an animal is sending us an image or a short video that involves a human that we know, how to put the situation to the person that he did a wrong or unjust thing to that animal. How do we say from where we know, and how not to loose credibility.
5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not?
Not yet. I will wait for the call,
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
I played just daily basics like traffic…
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