*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) for November 2022 is Sean A’s Coco
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- This topic has 57 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by
Monique Lewison.
11/02/2022 at 1:32 pm #90168
ModeratorSean A has volunteered to host his gecko, Coco, as our next Featured Animal Teacher (FAT). You will enjoy getting to know this wonderful animal teacher. Gold and Platinum members will have an opportunity to connect with Boumba along with Val on the Q&A call Saturday, November 12, using the call in numbers found in your course materials and check your time on a world clock for 11:30am Eastern / 10:30am Central Texas. Call reminder emails will also be sent to you.
We encourage all of you to connect with Coco now and throughout the month.
Tune into Coco first and see what you sense. It’s not just about getting words although that’s a lot of fun when it happens. Remember that telepathic comes from ‘tele’ meaning over a distance like telephone and television, and ‘pathic’ that comes from pathos. So literally telepathic is emotion over a distance.
How does Coco feel to you? Happy? Sad? Excited? etc. Ask Coco ice breaker questions as you might with any new teacher. It’s not about “getting the right answer” but about connecting with a wonderful animal.
Have fun!
11/04/2022 at 11:09 am #90209
Krys Batts
Inactive MemberHi, Sean —
Coco is a beautiful gecko, but there is much heaviness in her. Throughout our conversation, I could feel her sadness, but it’s not because of her life with you. Sometimes with the FATs, they tell me about their past lives and I end up learning some world history that I had no prior knowledge about. This is the case with Coco, who told me about a prior life as a Mongolian warrior. She spent most of our time as this Mongolian man rather than in her current gecko form. With that said, here’s what Coco shared. Maybe some of this will help you to understand what you observe about her today. (?) I look forward to your thoughts. For my part, the conversation was completely unexpected. I know nothing about geckos and had to research Mongolian history after this conversation in an attempt to authenticate things like where ancient Mongols lived, the weather conditions, names, etc.
Immediately at the start of our meeting, Coco transforms into a Mongolian man. I thought he said his name is ‘Ming’, but I did some research on Google after the conversation and found that the Mongolian empire was conquered by the Ming dynasty. So I think he was telling me that he lived at this time. He is wearing a snow-hat made of fur and looks somewhat chubby under his fur coat. We’re sitting near a fire as he uses a stick to move the kindle.
He tells me that as the Mongolian man, he was a warrior in the mountains and he did not have honor. There was plenty of drink, women, and food everywhere. He was free to roam and he enjoyed the plunder that he and his troops accumulated. He was a terrible man, full of himself, he says.
Now as this lizard, it is a humbling experience. He has a very good life, but he doesn’t have his freedom. He’s well taken care of, but he not forgotten those golden days of freedom. He did not appreciate it. So here he is in this lizard body, wishing that he had appreciated what he had.
Question: Are you happy?
Answer: Happy is a relative word. (I sense a great deal of sadness. There’s a heaviness in my chest.)Question: What can Sean do to make you more happy?
Answer: More sticks to climb on and a feeling of being in the woods. I want to feel free and not confined. There’s a lot of interaction between us and I don’t feel lonely. But I do want freedom with a lot of sticks and leaves around, things to hide and rest in. (He shows me wood branches brought inside a building with leaves on them. They’re not in an enclosure. He’s free to run across the floor and he climbs up the wood and finds a hole to go into.)Question: Why did you choose this life as a gecko?
Answer: This time I am a teacher. I am teaching and learning respect as well as learning gratitude. (I again feel a deep sense of sadness from Coco). As I said, I was not a good man. From this vantage as Coco, I must rely on the kindness of others, kindness that I did not give when I was a man.Question: Did you know Sean when you were Mongolian?
Answer: Sean rescued me when I was dying. I had been stabbed with a sword and left to die in the cold on the side of a mountain. He didn’t know how terrible I was and he showed such kindness before I died. (I see a woman smiling at the Mongolian man to indicate that Sean was a female at that time.) His smile was like sunshine and I was so grateful. I didn’t deserve it. When I died, I knew how much I had to learn and to teach. And through this experience as Coco, I am learning the importance of kindness.I wish that I was in the woods and free as I was in that lifetime. Can you hold my hand for a moment please? I want to remember how it feels to do this. So beautiful. It is my deepest regret that I didn’t do this more often with the people I loved. I was too self-absorbed and so I will now learn what it means to need someone. I want my wife to know how sorry I am for not being with her. How terrible I was! Tell my wife that I have the deepest regret for my behavior.
Question: Who was your wife? Was it someone in Sean’s family?
Answer: My wife was Sean’s youngest daughter. (Sean, I don’t know if you have a daughter or there’s someone close to you who feels like a daughter. But I keep hearing ‘daughter’.) I am enduring this challenge so that I can be better the next time I live in a man’s body. This is a lesson in humility and I’m doing my best in this life. I will be better for it.-
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Krys Batts.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
11/04/2022 at 2:00 pm #90213
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Krys
This is a very interesting and surprising conversation that you have had with Coco. I just read it for the third time to be sure I got everything right.
I got Coco at the Reptile fair in Virginia when she was the size of a pinky finger, she was on my palm and we looked each other in the eyes and I know we have a strong connection.
Now she grow up and she is the size of my hand ( together with her tail).
We have a lot of conversations and the topic of freedom and going out from the terrarium come up a few times. A few mounts ago I upgraded her terrarium to a really big one with a lot of places to climb because she definitely loves that. ( Gargoyle geckos in general -like to be on the ground) but she likes to climb and for her, I got a really tall and big terrarium. Still, I got a feeling that something is missing. Very often I open the door of her terrarium so she doesn’t feel trapped and I also told her that we are very far from New Caledonia and the climate here is very cold so going outside will not be very good for her.
She said she understand but still this didn’t remove the problem in the background of our relationship. She didn’t tell me anything about her past life and I was sure that after some time she will give up her desire to be free in the forest.
As you can see your conversation with her makes a lot of sense and I think you got it right.
Thank you for your conversation with Coco, I really appreciate it.-
11/04/2022 at 3:02 pm #90214
Krys Batts
Inactive MemberHi, Sean —
Thanks for the rapid response. 🙂 Your answers explain why Coco decided to tell me about her past life. She wants you to understand why she yearns for her freedom in a forested area. However, she also remembers your kindness and you both know that you have a wonderful bond.
When I tuned into Coco, I thought she might talk about bugs and the life of a gecko. As I said, I have no knowledge about geckos so my mind was wide open to whatever she might say. I wasn’t expecting a story about the past or her sadness about it. She’s far from miserable, though, I feel. But if she had a room dedicated to trees and an outdoor nature type of setting, she’d be on cloud 10. 🙂
11/05/2022 at 9:16 pm #90216
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberI think you are right. It was very good for her to have somebody to talk about her past openly. For me, our talk is all about the present time and how to improve something. We are very respectful of each other. You were a very nice “in-between person” and I am thankful for that. About the room with the big tree – geckos from New Caledonia need a very high humidity level in the room, with terrarium is easy, I just spray it with a water bottle morning and evening and this does the trick. It’s hard to transform a room into a tropical forest.
Thanks again for your time and conversation with Coco
All the best
Sean -
11/06/2022 at 11:15 am #90217
Lee Oliverio
Platinum MemberHello Sean,
I tuned into Coco this morning, as I have been very drawn to her since you posted her photo way back, for our Q&A Call. In fact, I looked up gargoyle geckos right after that and studied a breeder’s website and looked at all of the available geckos, and really considered getting one for a hot second! (Then I got a hold of myself, and remembered I have 4 cats…)
Anyhow, I digress. I think Coco is just adorable and I feel she is quite pleased to be with you. You in particular, that is. The word I keep getting is “content”. Content with her environment and content with you. I feel she is appreciative of your efforts to make her “feel at home” in her environment. While maybe not exactly her natural habitat, again your effort is appreciated and she is comfortable within the confines of her terrarium. I think she is able to imagine the rest. She clearly loves you.
I got the impression that she was open to an energy exchange, or healing of sorts.(she can tell I am quite taken with her)
From her photo, I felt her reaching out her ”hand” and we connected through mine. She has lovely subtle energy. I asked if she had any message for you or me, and feel as though I just relayed what she wants you to know. As for me, I think she indicated I am headed down the right path. I don’t get many words. Just feelings. Also, she feels quite healthy to me.Thank you for the opportunity to interact with this lovely little creature.
Love and light,
Lee -
11/06/2022 at 12:47 pm #90220
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Lee
I am glad you love Coco and geckos in general. They are like two years old kids, very charming and always ready for something. I have so many pictures of her in some very funny position wondering what to do next. They are very creative and very alert all the time.
Like I am still working with her on handling – which means taking her out of the cage with my hands and holding her in my hands for 10 minutes. Most people watch nature videos on YouTube with geckos or show them the room or feed them. Well with Coco you can’t do it very easily. Every time I have a plan to do it she just disappears from the cage. She hears my thoughts and she is gone before I come to the cage. Her warrior blood doesn’t like situations where she is not in full control. One time I got her in my hand, and she didn’t look scared like my other gecko Gary, she was looking me straight in the eyes and she was upset. like: “What are you doing”? She is a character! You are right, on the level of feelings and conversation we are good and we love each other. Interestingly enough I never heard her voice like when I talked with Gary – my other gecko. Gary has some kid’s voice very charming and innocent, with Coco I communicate with thoughts, and when I go inside her body.
Yes, she eats well and she is very healthy, and you are right having cats and geckos in the same house is not a very good idea. Geckos will smell cats in the house and hide all the time.
Thanks for your time with Coco
Love from Sean -
11/07/2022 at 9:00 am #90222
Lee Oliverio
Platinum MemberThanks for the reply Sean! I’m looking forward to what she will tell us on Saturday
11/08/2022 at 5:16 pm #90238
Lydia Pyun
Gold MemberHi Sean,
It was a brief connection, but I got the feeling that Coco is young (or has child-like energy), very curious, but shy and/or cautious. She has a very joyful energy about her. She seems content with her current situation, but may want a larger environment where she can explore more and experience more freedom. Is she the only gecko you have at this time? If yes, then she might enjoy having a friend or two of her kind. Although jovial personality, I felt a sense of loneliness from her.
She also loves and appreciates you very much.
11/08/2022 at 7:33 pm #90240
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberThanks Lydia for talking with Coco
Coco changed her behaviors in the last few days. She is more in one place, quiet, and kind of listening. Looks like she likes to talk to people and she is enjoying people’s attention and love. Before she was always on the move, doing something, like having fun with herself or making sounds, sometimes like a little crow, or little birds, or ( my favorite one) deep Echo sounds that I never heard in nature before. Now she is very quiet.
About company – gargoyle geckos are very territorial and don’t like companies of other geckos.
If we put two gargoyle geckos in the same enclosure they will divide the territory and have even smaller space for moving. Crested geckos are doing well in the group but gargoyle will chase out all crested geckos from her/his corner and stay alone.
Thanks for your love and attention to Coco-
11/09/2022 at 8:30 am #90242
Lydia Pyun
Gold MemberThanks for your feedback Sean. Glad to hear she’s enjoying the attention from everyone. Hope that’s easing the loneliness and longing for more freedom she feels.
11/11/2022 at 1:20 am #90285
Monique Lewison
Gold MemberHi Sean,
Last night (my time, afternoon US time) I tried to reach out to Coco.
I saw him like bouncing around like a cartoon character, lol. It really made me laugh, at myself for “imagining’ him that way as I have never seen a Gecko do that or look silly or comical, and at the image of it, but I went with it and asked him to please tell me about him.
I decided to not read any other people’s input until afterwards so I have no idea what has been seen or heard or done.
But he was like, unfortunately I do not remember the exact words, but it was very reminiscent of the cartoon character that sounds like a Chicago boss, without the cigar but with the accent and literally getting up on his back legs and sort of doing a jig. Like life is good and have fun.
Probably my imagination gone wild with a tough week, but thought I would put it up here anyway.
Is Coco a more bubbly and active Gecko?
I will work on tuning in to him again more and for sure this next call.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to check in with Coco!
Take care
11/11/2022 at 11:22 am #90306
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Monique
Yes, Coco is very active playful, and silly like every gecko from New Caledonia, this is why they are so popular. Every time I look at her enclosure she is in a different funny position and I look for my phone to take a picture. They are very charming like two years old kids. On top of that, gargoyle geckos change their colors according to the background they are on, making them even more interesting.
Coco is a girl but has a warrior personality, so when you add that to the picture than you see something like you saw when you contacted her.
Thanks for tuning up with Coco, this girl likes to talk to people.
11/11/2022 at 6:47 am #90296
Britt-Marie Berg
Inactive MemberHello Sean and Coco.
Had a little talk with Coco without having any pre-info about her here in the forum. I did not even know what kind of animal she was when I started. Some kind of lizard.She told me; it is good for you to talk to me. I am interested in a little chat. At least five people to talk to by now.
She says she regretted a little not taking the opportunity and go out of the cage this morning, she wanted to feel the forest again, freedom. She talks about that she can sense a few big houses outside around your place. And there are some steep edges in the ground. Sometimes she can hear something snaping in the middle of the house, she talks about a mouse the run.She says I am happy, bubbly and not jealous. I would like a little less lights on in the taytime, thank you.
I ask her about her characteristics:
She replies, I am remorseful when I sometimes trust in others to much. Seems she´s had some setbacks there with other beings.I had a small wound on one of my tread pad wich gave me a little trouble for a while, but now it has stopped burning.
She wants to give you Sean advise: She says I´ve seen tears on your face, and it is not easy to watch. She says; Think before you talk sometimes, be humble. Do not borrow things from others without giving the same back. It is just a tip, she says.
Something also about an argument over a cold and wet basement floor.She adds; I need my rest at night but also in the daytime. During my first year I was very fast, I am not quite as fast now. I like it when I get rubbed in my neck, I like more of that.
I dont know if you have a cat also or if something else is popping in to my conversation. But I got some anxiety about a cat, and some decision about keeping or not keeping some other animal in your house. And Coco is a little worried about not getting as much attention as before, if it would happen.
Thank you
Regards Britt-marie-
11/11/2022 at 12:08 pm #90307
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberHi
Thanks for talking with Coco, I am really surprised by how much she likes to talk to people. I always invite Coco to come out from her enclosure with me and have a tour around the house. So far she didn’t come to my palm or given any sign that she is ready for a little trip. We are still working on it. Will be nice if somebody will tell me how she prefers to do it. I have a feeling she likes to go out but I need to find a way for her to be comfortable with it.
Yes, we are living on a steep hill in the forest with big houses around us. Unfortunately because of geckos’ temperature and humidity requirements they won’t survive outside.
My next-door neighbor is making noise during the night, and the light is from my computer, this is the only way how I can see her without turning the big bright light in the room.
She has night vision and unfortunately, I don’t 🙂
Coco is one year old. The first year she was a little baby, now she is the size of my palm and she slow down a little bit but she is still active. They live 20+ years.
Right now I have only Coco in my apartment but our cook from outside the ashram has a two-month-old german shepherd that I play with outside my building. She probably smells it on my skin when I come back.
About the small wound – I saw some little blisters on her leg but because they shed their skin I was sure this is a part of the shedding. Now, this is gone.
Thank you for sharing your nice conversation with Coco.
Sean -
11/12/2022 at 12:23 pm #90320
Krys Batts
Inactive MemberHi, Sean —
In response to your question about how to coax Coco into a tour around the home, I asked her this specific question during today’s coaching call. I will start by saying that she insists on transforming into the image of the Mongolian warrior rather than engaging in her lizard form. I assume that she does this to emphasize that she’s explaining herself from the perspective of this past live as opposed to the experiences as Coco. Here’s what I picked up:
I know that Sean wants me to be more affectionate, but it’s not easy for me to engage as a warrior. It’s not my way, and I know that this disappoints him. He should not take it personally. I must work on this part of myself as I experience my present life. It’s a journey that I’m taking with Sean and it’s going to take time for me. I’ve known him for many, many lifetimes, too many to count. We have a bond that transcends our bodies and it is my intent to become the companion that he envisions.
The warrior shows me an image of you holding the palm of your hand out to Coco with a wiggling worm in it for her to eat. I think he’s saying that she would come for the worm. She may not stay in your palm longer than necessary to get the worm at first, but over time she would associate your hand with the food and come looking for the food in your palm. After a while, she would enjoy being in your palm and experiencing short movements with you. Objects going by quickly might startle her so move slowly. Don’t
rush her and she’ll get comfortable with this type of experience more quickly.I’m not sure if this helps, but I sure hope that it does.
Krys -
11/12/2022 at 6:11 pm #90327
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Krys
Thank you very much for tunning up with Coco again. I am trying to do it with empty hands but I think it is a great idea to have some of her food in my hand and try it that way. We don’t need to hurry since she live for 20+ years and she just passed her first birthday we will have plenty of time to master it.
Thanks for your help
Love from Coco and Sean -
11/12/2022 at 6:24 pm #90329
Krys Batts
Inactive MemberHa! Ha! Yes, you two have a long future ahead. What continues to stand out to me is that you are a teacher for Coco. You will both learn a lot from each other, but you’ll be teaching her how to open herself up in several ways. Your heart is obviously wide open, which is one reason she’s learning about kindness from you. When I heard the love you have for her during today’s coaching call, the lessons that the warrior mentioned in my first post made complete sense. You are the perfect person to help her grow in the ways that the warrior described are needed. ❤
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Krys Batts.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
11/11/2022 at 8:41 am #90300
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberHi Sean
Not being aware of Coco’s sex, I got perceived a masculine essence. I greeted him and immediately heard, Get that light off me! He seemed very upset, had a gruff demeaning aura about him. Not knowing anything about his species, I asked what he liked to eat, he said you make a plate of lettuce with cut up vegetables for him but he likes to hunt and eat bugs. He likes to scamper up and down your arm, and he likes the sunshine but he likes to hunt at night. I told him that tomorrow a lot of people would be talking to him and he said yes, I will teach them a lot.And then I started nodding off as I tend to do anymore when I get to sit and ret for a few minute so I had to stop. He seems a very interesting character.
11/11/2022 at 12:49 pm #90308
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Kathy
Yes, this is her – a girl warrior that is fearless and expresses herself very clearly.
It’s good that she loves me so I get a mild expression of it. She is also young and silly and charming but sometimes she goes into this warrior mood that is kind of funny compared to her size and what she is.
She is a hunter – my other gecko Gary didn’t hunt at all, every bug I put in his enclosure after a few days need to hunt down and pull out. Coco on the other hand cleans her enclosure from any bugs in one or two nights.
She likes to talk so tomorrow will be very interesting.
Thanks for talking to her.
Love from Sean
11/12/2022 at 12:32 pm #90321
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberDear Sean, Dear Coco,
Thank you for the opportunity to connect with such a gorgeous being!
I am not even sure if I have ever seen in reality a Gargoyle Gecko ! 🙂
This what I got during the call. Sean please be understanding that I’m a beginner. 🙂
So, when I got into my heart space she came out of a greenery.
Like a mini forest created for her.
She was smiling, and I was feeling curious about her.
As I was sitting on the chair I was keeping my hands palms up touching each other by the little finger as this is how I felt guided to do.
She sensed my curiosity and she came running fast, gave me a high five on my right hand and ran back into the greenery.
I felt her paws, soft and velvety, colder than my hands.
I admit a curious feeling for me, and she knew her touch was special.
She was watching my reactions from the greenery, but I knew where she was because I have seen her aura was whitish blue. She looked like a small ball of energy between the greenery 🙂
As the feeling of curiosity lingered on my hand, she just pushed the leafs and came again to my hands, turning belly up, rubbing her back on my hands.
She was so funny!
I feel that her purpose is to bring joy in the world.
She is a being that came here to teach all other beings to be joyous, to laugh more!
I hope she understood the feeling that i have sent to her, that she is important and this world needs her here for as long as possible!
I was happy that during the live call each person sort of mentioned what I got too.Thank you both for the opportunity to get to know the Gecko’s family.
Thank you both for the wonderful experience!
Lots of love and healing light!
11/12/2022 at 12:47 pm #90324
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberI must add something:
As the feeling of curiosity lingered on my hand, she just pushed the leafs and came again to my hands, turning belly up, rubbing her back on my hands.
And after a few seconds, she ran back to the greenery, feeling content and happy, and I was too. Her skin seemed very strange, as I would think that she is watery, but she was not. Her skin was soft, sort of velvety to me.
Please continue reading above. 🙂
11/12/2022 at 6:23 pm #90328
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Lucia
I fell in love with geckos when I first held them in my hand. You are right, they are so soft and they have body temperatures about 20 F cooler than humans so when I first have them in my hand was like touching slightly cold rubber. They were so soft, small, cute, and shy and this was it for me. Coco knows how to create bliss and love and spread it around.
Thanks for talking to Coco and please do it again.
Love from Coco and Sean
11/12/2022 at 12:49 pm #90325
Ulrika J
Inactive MemberHi Sean!
During todays session I meet Coco. She came up on my right shoulder:-) It was not so easy for med to communicate with her but her energy felt very strong and stabile, not emotional. She told me “Iam bigger then I look like”. I got that the voice is light. She likes to eat Flies. She is working with the purpose to make you laugh. I felt the aura more like green.
Thank you Coco for talking to me! And thank you Sean for letting me communicate with her.
Best Regards Ulrika-
11/12/2022 at 6:31 pm #90331
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberHi
Thanks for talking with Coco. Yes, Ccoc likes to climb. From the palm, she will walk all up to the shoulder and if nobody stops her she will go straight on top of the head. After that, she will enjoy a beautiful view from there. When she was little, the first thing that she tried to hunt was fruit flies. This is how I know she will be a hunter.
Love from Coco and Sean -
11/25/2022 at 10:38 am #90469
Ulrika J
Inactive MemberThank you for your reply:-)
11/14/2022 at 11:44 am #90336
Evelyne Lucain
Inactive MemberHi Sean,
During Q&A Call:
Coco literally jumped out of the frame (some time before Val said so – she couldn’t wait any longer), running from one side to another of her cage (zig zag like), to make sure that her home was neat and tidy and ready to host this great event. She gave me the impression she had eagle’s eyes to check that everything was ok (this reminded me of my daughter :-). She seemed absolutely thrilled to be gifted to talk to us.I sensed her breath on my left cheek, as if she was sitting on my left shoulder. And then she moved away to greet the other students.I felt her very energetic, eager, happy to be here.
Who is Coco: a great lady, sensitive, fine thinking, elegant, feminine
She has such a lot of love to give to you
Sparkling energy
Clairvoyant, clairsentient
Extraverted, outgoing
Aura: light green, bubble sized of normal strength
If I could touch her: dry, rough
If I could hear her: high note
Her purpose: make you happy, support you, protect you14.11.22
Connection with CocoWhen I asked her how she felt about last Saturday I sensed something I don’t know how to say in English, so I’ll explain it: When something is emotionally too dense for you because it is just too marvellous, you get small tears in your eyes, happy ones.
When I asked her to show me her cage, I sensed grey small gravel, green leaves, tree(s?) on which she can climb.
Is there a swimming pool: yes
Likes her home very much
What are her favourite things to do: everything
What does she least like: when her home is cleaned, it disturbs all her organisation
Yes, she understands that this must be done of course
Who’s your best friend: Sean
What does she love to do: I got “jump”, then she corrected me and I sensed “climbing high”
What you could do for her: I sensed “food”
She doesn’t like something that resembles brown pastry
Her favourite food: again kind of a pastry but green this time
I also sensed “leaves” (do Ghekos eat leaves?)
Have you always lived with Sean – No
Sensed a dark grey cloud and her tears. She did not want to talk about that.
What could you do for her: pet her
She likes to be petted, especially to rest in the palm of your hand, where it is nice and warm and where she feels secure.
What can Coco do for you: sensed “huge love”
Anything I could do for her: nothing
Anything she could do for me: sensed nice warmth energy all over my body
When I complimented her on her beauty I sensed that she already knew she was pretty
I asked her for advice in improving my communication with animals: Sensed “calm down, it will come when you are ready for it, persist, practice”
When I explained that I hardly could not connect with my own dog, I sensed “make the same as for me”
May I come back: “yes”
Anything else she would like to add: “no, everything is fine”
Ended our chat in sending big hugs and love to your smart and pretty girl Coco!PS: please note that I never read previous posts to mine in order to have a neutral approach.
11/14/2022 at 9:29 pm #90343
Sean Andre
Inactive Memberwow, this is a nice talk to Coco. You did it really well with a lot of details. I love your questions and I like Coco’s answers. 🙂
I am really happy you talked to her today because she was asking me ” why do all those beautiful people don’t talk to me anymore”
Coco is very calm and friendly with me today. The last call and a lot of communication did a lot of good for me and Coco and our relationship.
Most of the geckos eat Pangea or Rapashi fruit powder gecko food that needs to be mixed with water to make it like a pudding. They also eat bugs for protein. Some of them don’t like bugs and some do. Coco loves to hunt bugs.
I got Coco when she was little baby at the reptile Expo in Virginia. Maybe she remembers a time when she was a baby with a lot of brothers and sisters in the same cage. Unfortunately, when gargoyle geckos grow up they are very territorial and not very friendly with each other.
Coco is very active and she lives to climb and she is an excellent jumper.
Thank you very much for talking to Coco and please do it again, she really loves it 🙂-
11/16/2022 at 7:38 am #90359
Evelyne Lucain
Inactive MemberI just realized I had answered your message on e-mail instead of doing so in the forum.
So here it is:hello Sean,
When I submit a post after a communication, I feel always stressed and am worrying that what I got was wrong. So reading your message was relieving, thank you so
much for your interesting reply. I’ll certainly come back to Coco! She is such a sweet girl.
warmest regards to both of you
11/15/2022 at 9:03 pm #90356
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberHello Sean. Thank you for the opportunity to talk with Coco. I tried to connect with her and this is what I recorded:
Me: Hello Coco would you be willing to talk with me?
Coco: Yes, I’m surprised and delighted, it’s a hoot. I’m finding it amusing. Ha ha, what a blast. I can’t stop giggling. GREAT.Me: Do you like being a gecko?
Coco: I do I suppose. But it is different for me than being in the wild. But I make the best of things, I’m happy. I always look for the positives in life. I enjoy myself in all I do. I have a lighthearted outlook, nothing gets me down. It’s the only way to be.Me: Is there anything you want to say?
Coco: Enjoy your life, don’t take anything too seriously. Always look for the good things – be the happiest you can be. Be grateful for your life and be happy. Look at the bright things and then you will never be miserable. Life’s a hoot. Ho ho. I accept everything, everything makes me happy. I am just happy to be here. I’m very happy and very loving, humans don’t realize that. So it is GREAT to be able to talk about me and all others like me – I can spread the word, we are so misunderstood. I am very happy to be able to represent us, my species. It is a very special experience, so thank you.I had a sense that Coco is very sweet, loving and happy and excited to be talking to humans.
Best wishes. Angela -
11/16/2022 at 8:31 pm #90368
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Angela
Thank you very much for talking to Coco. Yes, she is charming and loves to talk to humans.
These conversations make her really happy and calm. She is still active and confident but also more friendly toward me. I love it!
Love from Coco and Sean -
11/17/2022 at 7:34 am #90370
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberCoco FAT November
Hello Sean , thank you for allowing me to connect with Coco.She came across as someone who moves and thinks very fast, an “old” soul with much wisdom to impart. This is the first time I’ve connected to her species, and I’m a novice at communicating, so it was enlightening.
She has a vibrant energy but seemed a bit bored and tired about having a conversation, perhaps because she has had to do a lot of chatting this month!
Her morphic field is yellow, with orange in some areas, a bit weak towards the back. The aura is big. She is dry to the touch and has a deep voice.
She is very comfortable and grateful to Sean….likes to lie in the sun. Does she eat gnats?
Her message to me is to get some rest! Her purpose is to teach Sean commitment …I’m not sure if she meant something specific.
Thanks again Sean, do hope I got something right!
11/17/2022 at 2:30 pm #90374
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Nita
Yes, you got a lot right about Coco. She is very fast and she talks with dignity like an old soul. I also got that she has a yellow field with an orange, like a sun.
She is dry to the touch but soft and slightly cold, like touching slightly cold rubber.
Her voice is deep, but most of the time she communicates with feelings and body language.
She eats fruit powder and bugs from time to time. Fruit powder mixed with water like a pudding is her main food. And about commitment, you are absolutely right, I never had a family, always free to do whatever I like and now for the next 20 years, I have this girl to care about.
A big change in my life.
Thanks for talking to Coco.
Love from Coco and Sean-
11/21/2022 at 9:43 am #90435
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberDear Sean, Thank you very much for the prompt and encouraging feedback, and sincerest apologies for this delay in responding.
So glad I got a few things right….really need some self confidence!
You are truly committed to her, and I wish both of you the very best for a long, happy life together.
Thanks again and blessings to both of you.
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Nita Mukherjee.
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
11/17/2022 at 6:08 pm #90378
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberThank you Sean. Angela
11/18/2022 at 4:34 am #90389
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberDear Sean,
This is what I got when I tried to connect with Coco.Eats insects. Not young, not old.
Fast. Climbs well. Uses her tail as balance to climb up trees.
Finds human energy very different from hers, and says that all species are very different. Loves people.
She lives in a warm tank which is illuminated.
She has a croak/grunt sound. (Hard to describe – sorry)
When I asked her if she minded living in a tank she said: the world is no good for those like me. I am protected here. I do miss lviing in a forest. I love Sean.
She showed me a picture of bark pieces on the floor. I’m not sure if that is where she lives now or an image of a forest that might be the native habitat for her kind.
She is confident, very clear on who she is. She does get lonely sometimes. Her family is Sean. She is very connected to earth. She has healthy skin. Her skin feels a little bumpy and cool.
Her bowels might need some attention – possibly through diet.I’m not sure if any of this fits or resonates. Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet her. She is a truly delightful female with lots of wisdom, ideas and very good company.
Thank you
11/18/2022 at 7:56 pm #90402
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Rosemary
Thank you for talking to Coco, and thank you for loving her. She never has enough of that.
Yes, she has reptile barks on the floor of her terrarium (good job) Yes she is fun and confident, and someday she has a lot of fun with herself, and someday I feel she would like to have some company. She has beautiful and healthy skin (I pet her every night – sometimes she loves and waits for it and sometimes she loves to be alone). Skin is smooth with little bumps and a little cold – you are right about that too 🙂
About diets and bowels. She is very young and every time she sees the insects in her terrarium she loves to hunt at that time she eats only insects, then her stool is dry. She needs to combine that with her fruit pudding that is already in the terrarium. Sometimes she does sometimes she doesn’t, looks like she is learning about it. She is still a kid – one-year-old, and they live for 20+ years.
She is a very nice company and I am really happy I have her. Very joyful and charming.
You did really well !!!!!
Love from Coco and Sean -
11/20/2022 at 2:24 pm #90424
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberThank you Sean – I’ll connect again and talk to you soon. Rosemary x
11/18/2022 at 4:40 am #90391
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberHello Sean
I forgot to say something !
She emanates joy. and She said: I love to share my joy.And every time I look at her photograph and I am just stunned by her beauty.
Rosemary -
11/18/2022 at 4:42 am #90392
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberSean, there’s a little more:
Does she play ball or shove something around with her nose?
She loves to play I think.
A message to you is: I love him. Tell him to be playful.
She steadies and calms your energy. She says: have a calm and steady heart.
She said to me: Come to me with your questions. I have wisdom.
Again, I got this feeling that she is just great to hang out with, woman to woman.
She is just incredible.
Rosemary x -
11/18/2022 at 5:29 am #90393
Sandy Doherty
Gold Member1. Did you meditate this week? If so, about how much time total did you spend meditating? What meditations did you do? If you didn’t meditate, why didn’t you?
Appx 30 mins relaxation breathing exercises’ on and off all week. Watched a couple of Brad Yates tapping videos and delved into an hour hypnotherapy session
2. What is the name of the animal with whom you communicated this week? What did you talk about? What did you learn from the experience
Communicated with Coco, a gecko, during Saturday 12 Nov Q + A session. Coco Showed me he has a fun, entertaining personality
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate about your journey in learning how to communicate with animals this week.
Celebrate communication with Coco and appears what appears to be a ‘ cease fire’ between the two Princess’s
4. What questions do you have about communicating with animals this week? What discoveries did you have?
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? If not, why not? If so, what happened (give us an overview of the conversation)? If you did, remember to post what you got in the Discussion with that animal if you have not already done so.
Yes Posted in forum
6. This week did you play one of the Intuition Games? If so, which one? If not, what did you do this week to practice growing your intuition for easier connection and communication with animals?
Decided to follow my intuition. After leaving a meeting ,rather than the route, and places I planned to take/visit, I decided to let my mind take me on a journey that would eventually lead me home. This decision took me in a different direction and nowhere near the places I planned to visit. My intuition eventually took me inside at nearby library where a few moments later a friend who had also just arrived came over to me. We decided to go for a meal to a place we both know where we encountered other people we knew who were already in the cafe. A useful experiment
11/18/2022 at 5:41 am #90394
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberThank you allowing me to communicate with Coco. This is what I received during the ‘live’ Sat 12 Nov session. As yet I have not read other students posting. I hope to connect with Coco again soon
Shown coco slide off her branch within her tank before tank disappears from view and she’s in a open slightly dim lit space.
Coco, smiling, eyes bright trundles towards me. She’s very inquisitive, looking around her surroundings. A circle of people, with no distinctive features surround her, she is not afraid.
I hear the words ‘This is great’. Sense and see she’s bubbly and joyful with excitement. Coco is charging around and sense she’s wondering who she should talk to and then she is still and quiet
I introduce myself and ask if she’s happy to talk to me and how is feeling today.
C: ‘I’m great, This is fantastic. Show time’. Coco is hopping back and forth. A beam of sunlight similar to a theatre spotlight covers her as though she is on his stage. She’s wearing a black top hat and holding a cane. She is dancing, kicking each front leg in turn high in the air to music. It’s show time. Coco is a seasoned entertainer and bring joy to everyone. She’s is giggling in a low female voice. Coco is very extrovert and loves being so. Brings joy to everyone
M: Can you tell me something about where you live. Shown a white wood fronted house with long narrow steps. Coco’s tank sits on a recessed shelf, nearby a stone faced fireplace. Brown leather type of material sofa and armchair.
M: Have you a message for Sean.
C: Let’s have some fun
M: Will pass the message on to your friendI give my thanks and gratitude to Coco and cover her in white light
Hope some of the communication resonates but also can be symbolic in meaning e.g her tank disappearing, sunlight on her.
Thank you Sean for your and Coco’s time and effort allowing me to talk to lovely Coco, such a delight and has a lot to give
11/18/2022 at 8:09 pm #90403
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Sandy
Yes, Coco lives life on the stage and she loves it! She is always up to something. She really changed my life. You are right about the house and inside the house too. – impressive!!
You have very good visions of Coco’s surroundings, I don’t know how you did it. 🙂
Thanks for communicating with Coco, she is very grateful for that.
Love from Coco and Sean-
12/02/2022 at 5:24 am #90530
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi
Hope you an Coco re keeping well
Many thanks for reply – appreciate. Glad I got something righty ans or
Many thank for your and coco’ time and effort
Take care
11/24/2022 at 3:10 pm #90455
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Sean,
I connected with Coco but right away got an image of her putting her leg and foot out to stop me because she was busy eating. She showed me an image of something green and leafy. This was around 1:05 pm PST on Thursday (Thanksgiving).
I am getting she wants to talk now. She is telling me I am putting way too much stress on myself and it leaks out to my cats. I thanked her for sharing and told her I believe it does. She is saying, « More fun, more entertainment, more happy things, add to the Love . »
« Just be. Hold emotions lightly -this way even unpleasant things are not so bad. » « Come from your heart in the moment -best approach to everything. ». « Don’t plan so much. Don’t think so much. »
I thanked her for the advice and gave her a pat on the head.
I Love you, Coco.-
11/25/2022 at 7:59 pm #90475
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Martha
I am glad you have a lovely conversation with Coco. Most of the time she is ready to talk and play but in my interaction with her, few times she was busy with something and didn’t like to play. I am glad she give you some nice advice. She really like to be pat, thanks for doing it.
Love from Coco and Sean
11/24/2022 at 9:10 pm #90457
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberHi Sean. I had another chat with Coco and this is what I think she said:
Me: Are you still enjoying talking to people?
Coco: It is wonderful, AMAZING. It should be like this all the time, but sadly it’s not. I will miss it, being showered with so much love, lucky me. The first message is that we are all one.Me: What do you love to eat/
Coco: Things that move, I like the excitement. I like to work for my food you see, it’s a challenge then. It’s boring if it is just put in front of me. I like to be active. Sean could pretend he is giving me something alive – make me work for it. I love to play, I love a challenge.Me: What do you love to do?
Coco: I am so agile, I have remarkable climbing abilities that I am very proud of. I love to show off, I hope Sean appreciates them. I love to gamble all over the place – to hide and then jump out, it’s such a laugh. Everything’s a big joke to me, ha ha, I am such a happy being.Me: How do you feel about Sean?
Coco: He looks after me, he is my mate. We are great buddies, we are connected. It is a very unusual pairing but it works. He appreciates me, not all humans do. He can appreciate my remarkableness, so I love that. Good old Sean.Me: Any advice for me?
Coco: Relax, believe in yourself more, You’ve got this, just trust in your ability. I thank you so much for talking to me. We are ok aren’t we. Lots of people hate us, which is sad, but hopefully they’ll come around some day – when we can ALL talk to one another again. We are very athletic when compared to humans – humans are quite slow and ungainly really.Coco seems to have a delightful personality, so positive and happy.
Best wishes. Angela
11/25/2022 at 8:44 pm #90476
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Angela
Thanks for talking to Coco again. I am really happy you are continue to be in touch with Coco. Every time somebody talk to her she is more calm happy and content.
Yes she love to climb and jump and hunt. Very active girl. For the Thanksgiving day I bought for he one big tree and put in my living room. Because of humidity requirements I can’t live her there all night but for few hours this can be her place of fun. Now she need to be friendly and allow me to catch her pull her out from the terrarium and put her on the tree.
This will be a challenge because she is so fast.If you would like you can describe her what is going to happen and why in your next conversation with Coco.
Love from Coco and Sean -
11/26/2022 at 1:11 pm #90479
Silver MemberHi Sean
Thank you for allowing me to connect with Coco. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!As I tuned into her, She came up to me and waved me. I know she was a little girl but i sensed very strong, male energy from her.
She said she has been talking to many people lately and It has been quite busy but she loves it.She said she loves to get up on the rock or trees where she can oversee the room from her clear house. She showed me a chair and tables it was brown in color ( wooden ??) and Either TV or fireplace that she can see from her house. She often communicates with dad and sends signals for asking for more food!
She loves sunbathing but it was not direct sunlight. It felt like a spotlight (Sorry I have no knowledge about the reptiles )
She said she loves to hunt. She is a good hunter. She showed me brown insects that she likes to hunt and eat them. I wonder if it was crickets? She prefers eat them when they are alive and moving. She said also gets food that it is not moving and she likes them but she prefers to hunt and eat.She said she sometimes goes out of her house while he is cleaning her house.
She likes when dad picked her up but she cannot take it for a long time. But she enjoyed it when dad petted her forehead. she showed me how she closes her eyes and feet content and loved. She said she is not a type of girl that likes to cuddle too much. She likes to walk around and go on adventures.She showed me you are checking her leg. I am not sure if you were doing nail trim or just examining her leg. that is something she was not enjoyed.
I sensed she is very young. she said she is with you since she was baby. I sensed she is around 1-2 years old. She is very playful and she loves to rub her body against the sand or wood chips on the ground and wiggle her tail/body when she is excited/ happy. It almost looked like she was rolling over.
I asked her if she lives with someone in her little house. She said no. She sometimes let small insects to walk around in her house for a bit when she is not hungry. She said she likes to live alone and she enjoy her private life. But she showed me cats She said she knows they are interested in her. She does not like to be friends with them but she knows she is safe when she is at her house and they cannot get to her.
I scanned her body.
SHe has a very good night vision eyes. She sees yellow,redish colors. She can see the thermal imaging. Se can feel the vibration of earth and she feels the vibration of her food when they are walking by her.
She said she sometimes feel phlegm builds up in her throat. She has occasional bloated feeling. But she said she is very healthy so not to worry about.Any message to dad?
She love dad and she likes being with dad. She would like to have more changing in scenery in her house. She said you have been changing her house environments a bit. and she loved it.Thank you so much !!
11/26/2022 at 6:30 pm #90480
Angela Lavis
Gold MemberThank you for your feedback Sean. Coco is really delightful. Angela
11/26/2022 at 6:46 pm #90481
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Nami
Thank you for the conversation with Coco. I didn’t know before this month how much she loves talking to people.
You did really well in your conversation with Coco. Here is the summary:
“I know she was a little girl but I sensed powerful, male energy from her.” – Yes, she is a little one with a very strong warrior personality.
She said she loves to get up on the rock or trees where she can oversee the room from her clear house. She showed me a chair and tables it was brown in color ( wooden ??) and Either a TV or fireplace that she can see from her house. She often communicates with dad and sends signals for asking for more food!” Yes her favorite place is on top of everything (including my head) with a commanding view. She is in the room with a brown wooden desk and a brown leather chair and my 40″ computer screen. She talks a lot with me- mostly about things she needs and would like to have.
“She said she loves to hunt. She is a good hunter. She showed me brown insects that she likes to hunt and eat them. I wonder if it was crickets? She prefers to eat them when they are alive and moving. She said also gets food that it is not moving and she likes them but she prefers to hunt and eat. Yes her favorite food is crickets and she loves to hunt all the time, and she is never tired of it. She never eats dead crickets, only a moving ones.
“She said she sometimes goes out of her house while he is cleaning her house.
She likes when dad picked her up but she cannot take it for a long time. But she enjoyed it when dad petted her forehead. she showed me how she closes her eyes and feet content and loved. She said she is not a type of girl that likes to cuddle too much. She likes to walk around and go on adventures.” Yes this is her, she likes to be petted and I do that every night but she doesn’t like to be in my hands for so long because she doesn’t have control of the situation. I just bought a big indoor tree in the living room, because of the humidity requirement I can keep her there for more than an hour, but still will be an advanture. The only problem is, I need to catch her first and she is fast!
“She showed me you are checking her leg. I am not sure if you were doing nail trim or just examining her leg. that is something she was not enjoyed.” Yes for some reason she doesn’t like her leg to be touched, my favorite part of her body because they are so soft.
” I sensed she is very young. she said she is with you since she was baby. I sensed she is around 1-2 years old. She is very playful and she loves to rub her body against the sand or wood chips on the ground and wiggle her tail/body when she is excited/ happy. It almost looked like she was rolling over.” yes she is very playful and does all kinds of funny things all night around.
“I asked her if she lives with someone in her little house. She said no. She sometimes let small insects to walk around in her house for a bit when she is not hungry. She said she likes to live alone and she enjoy her private life. But she showed me cats She said she knows they are interested in her. She does not like to be friends with them but she knows she is safe when she is at her house and they cannot get to her.”
Gargoyle geckos are very territorial and like to be alone. They have fun with themself and they are masters in camouflage. They change colors like chameleons – amazing! I don’t have cats in the house and I don’t see any cats around us. Maybe bobcat, we are in the forest.
“SHe has a very good night vision eyes. She sees yellow,redish colors. She can see the thermal imaging. Se can feel the vibration of earth and she feels the vibration of her food when they are walking by her.
She said she sometimes feel phlegm builds up in her throat. She has occasional bloated feeling. But she said she is very healthy so not to worry about.” Yes she sees at night very well, unfortunately, I don’t so for me we need to have my computer monitor light. I don’t know about thermal images, I need to check about it but you are probably right. About health, she is very healthy. The only problem she has is when she eats too many crickets in one night and doesn’t mix it with gecko pudding so everything is dry, but she is young and she needs to learn it.
You did very well! Congratulation!:-)
Love from Coco and Sean -
11/29/2022 at 5:04 pm #90493
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi, I communicated with CoCo today. What a fantastic creature! I told him my daughter is thinking about getting a reptile as they are so fascinating and full of hidden personality. I asked him questions about himself. He told me he was an arboreal versus a land dweller. He likes to eat leaves, a small amount of fruit and meal worms. He loves his enclosure and prefers to live alone. He isn’t a huge fan on being handled but he does enjoy hanging out on his Dad while watching sports or a favorite show. I asked him if he was fast, and he assured me that if needed he could in fact go very fast. When he wants to come out of his enclosure, he will go the the front glass and stare at his Dad. It has proved to be very successful. I thanked him for speaking with me and I hope to speak with him again. Thank you Sean for allowing us to speak with CoCo.
11/29/2022 at 6:20 pm #90495
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberHi
Thanks for talking to Coco. Yes, she is fascinating and has a beautiful personality.
Geckos from New Caledonia are easy to take care of (spray cage two times per day, morning and evening every second day, and for food mix gecko powder with water, and put in the cup every second day) if your daughter is very young than Crested geckos are way to go. They don’t have teeth and nails on the fingers so they are harmless. Gargoyle geckos on the other side have very sharp teeth but Coco never tried to bite me, no one single time.
Crested geckos can live in a group but Gargoyle geckos love to be alone – you are right about Coco. Coco also likes to be patted on the top of the head but holding her in the hand is somehow still dramatic for her. In the beginning, she tried to escape from the hand, but now she is calmer there. She is really fast but most of the time gargoyle geckos believe in camouflage and change the color of their skin according to the environment so it is easy to get them. Crested geckos believe in running and hiding because they don’t have abilities to change the color of their skin. Yes, Coco gives me clear signals when she likes to go out of the cage mostly early evening.
Love from Coco and Sean
12/01/2022 at 1:39 pm #90514
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Sean,
I connected with Coco the other day. She shared with me what it’s like to be in her body, but I don’t have words really -except for « slow » maybe.
She also told me I need to get out if here-where we live-it’s not healthy, which I know.
Thank you, Coco. You’re very special. I appreciate you. -
12/02/2022 at 4:30 am #90527
Monique Lewison
Gold MemberHi Sean,
I have been reaching out all week and before to Coco and keep feeling blocked or something. So I decided to listen to the call from earlier in November and try to reconnect again.
Before I talk about that though, I have to say that several nights I have gone to bed and worked on heart communication with Coco and each time I was faced with a warrior, sort of like the one Krys described but maybe different. This was a tough man that sort of blended with Coco and then either became from her or stood in front of her. The warrior did not say anything that I remember hearing and at first I thought I was picking up from what I had read early on that Krys wrote. But since it only come when I was focusing on Coco and it happened several nights in a row, I decided to explore that. The warrior was wearing leather armor an a round shield that had a star like design, so that the points of the “star” were at the edge of the shield. Maybe he was protecting her? HE did not seem angry or aggressive, almost like he was presenting himself, almost curious.
I asked to be able to communicate tithe Coco and so when I listened to the call again, as I was starting the heart meditation with Val’s guidance from the call, Coco seemed to be hanging around like she was waiting form me to start, smiling. Like she was crossing her arms waiting almost impatiently and I asked her to please wait until I was ready. (Thinking back, I guess I was ready and did not need to go through the whole meditation because she almost humphed at me).
She ended up walking away and so when Val’s call got us to turn the video on, she was off looking for food in her enclosure. I asked he to communicate but she seemed not interested by then. She smiled at me and I feel like she was telling me to trust myself more and communicate when it is time and not hesitate and wonder about what I get.
I hope to be able to improve my skills soon as this is getting to be a long time already with little improvement. I know I need to practice more.
Thank you for sharing Coco and you are an inspiration. Enjoy each other as I figure you do!
12/02/2022 at 5:37 pm #90548
Sean Andre
Inactive MemberDear Monique
Don’t worry about Coco’s warrior side, she has it inside her but she loves people and she loves to talk to them. She is so calm and happy every time she talks to somebody.
Just send her love and start asking her questions, she will love it.
Love from Coco and Sean -
12/06/2022 at 9:04 pm #90574
Monique Lewison
Gold MemberThank you Sean
I am working on it, slowly
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