*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Gold & Platinum members Q&A Call September 14th, 2024 + Golden Nuggets
Tagged: live Q & A call Sept 14
- This topic has 19 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago by
Elizabeth Burton.
09/02/2024 at 10:23 am #97978
ModeratorThe next live Coaching Club Question & Answer Call for our Gold & Platinum members is on Saturday, September 14th to Ask Val Anything about Animal Communication, including reposting any still open questions. These audio only calls last up to 2 hours to provide:
– coaching and modeling how to do animal communication
– the healing Heart Wisdom Meditation
– a live guided practice communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month
– in addition to answers to your questions with modeling of how to do animal communication yourself.Please, in your specifically focused questions include specific details especially related to food, events, etc. for better clarity. If your question is related to communicating with a specific animal, please attach their picture using a small sized image that is named with your specific animal’s name and your name. This allows all of us to practice our communications skills as Val models techniques for us.
NOTE: The deadline for your questions to be considered during the call is 24 hours before the call (Friday at 12:00 noon Eastern). Val wants to have time to prepare.
Call-in information will be emailed to active members. Also, information on how to connect to this conference call can be found in your Gold or Platinum member course lesson on Question and Answer (QA) calls. Be sure to identify yourself by your full name when using the conference line’s computer application to login (VOIP). We do not recommend using Skype for these calls.
These calls are audio/voice only to keep our focus on heart communication. On the day of the call, log into your student account to see question details and pictures of the animals in this discussion in the Forum.
This Live Q&A Monthly Coaching Call is only for Gold & Platinum Club Members in good standing. If you’re not a Gold or Platinum Member and want to participate, email [email protected] and ask to be upgraded now.
If you have any trouble getting onto the conference call live, email [email protected] to ask for assistance.
09/06/2024 at 5:14 pm #98015
Karyn Morgan
Platinum MemberCan animals hear everything we are thinking?
09/06/2024 at 7:08 pm #98016
Karyn Morgan
Platinum MemberWhen you ask an animal a question and an answer forms in your mind, how do you know it is the animals
response? -
09/11/2024 at 3:27 pm #98079
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberI don’t mean to take up time and resources from other people, but I’m at a loss. Nicholas is gaining weight and settling in well, but he’s suddenly lame on his back right leg. His fetlock joint is swollen like it has liquid on it. This has just happened in the last 24 hours. I’ve had a small but painful injury on my heel for the past several weeks. Does this have anything to do with Nicholas or not? Can you offer him any healing?
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09/12/2024 at 2:02 am #98084
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberWill send some healing. What a lovely horse Nicolas is, and Smokey helps him so much through his sheer presence, how sweet. Just yesterday Smokey told me “I am not giving Elizabeth as many worries as another horse” and now I can understand what he meant.
The symbolical message: It is time (for you both, but especially for you Elizabeth) to take it slower, time for you to heal. Not too many projects at once (say “thank you, but NO, thank you”). Concentrate on yourself and your own (animal) family, for the time being. I know you have a lot of energy and a lot to give, but still.Pls disregard this if it does not resonate with you and simply attribute it to my vivid imagination as I am only practicing.
Many blessings,
G.Fetlock Injuries In Horses – Approach To Diagnosis & Treatment
09/12/2024 at 7:48 am #98085
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberHi Gabriela! Thanks so much for the healing energies! My life is slowing down a bit, thankfully, and this DOES resonate well. Unfortunately for Nicholas, we live in a very rural area and vets have to come a significant distance, so we have to schedule vet visits in advance. One is coming out next week, and we have Nicholas on anti-inflammatories, but that seems like an awful long time to wait for answers!
And thanks for talking to Smokey! I hope he doesn’t feel left out. He’s my beloved boy.
09/14/2024 at 5:23 pm #98144
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberHi Gabriela! I just wanted to give you an update on Nicholas. Val said that MY injury is mirroring Nicholas’ old injury from a nail that went in wrong when he wore shoes (when he was on the road with the Amish). She suggested I detach with a rainbow shower and sent healing energy to Nicholas and me. My heel stopped hurting immediately, which was amazing!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
09/15/2024 at 3:30 pm #98149
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberThanks, Elizabeth, for getting back to me on that. Amazing indeed …
09/13/2024 at 8:08 am #98098
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberNot a question, but just to add to Elizabeth’s post with a similar experience. I developed a sore throat (without any reason, after decades!) around the time Sunny began to have problems swallowing, 5 months ago (I still have it, on and off, though nothing serious). I can’t remember if I got it first, or mirrored him later! When we had spoken about this, Elizabeth referred to the Human Animal Body Mind connection lesson…a reminder to revise it and work on the exercises.
09/11/2024 at 8:31 pm #98081
Karyn Morgan
Platinum MemberI don’t know whether I should put this here or in the forum, but I’m really not familiar enough with the forum to know where to put it there..anyway. I have a problem cat, Horus. He keeps attacking my other cat, Sheba. I talked to him and he said she did not respect his authority. He thinks he’s a king. My other two cats seem to get along with him fine. I guess they respect him. Sheba doesn’t talk to me. (Once she said ”Leave me alone, I’m trying to nap!”) In desperation I tried keeping Horus in the bedroom and Sheba in the living room. I checked with Horus and he said he was fine with that. All went well until today. The cleaning lady came. Not the first time. But for some reason Horus got spooked and ran upstairs where Sheba was and a big fight ensued! Hair everywhere. Screaming. Trauma. And I haven’t been able to find Sheba. I’ve attached a picture of both cats—Horus is white. I hope someone can help.
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09/16/2024 at 4:43 pm #98164
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Karyn, I was so saddened by your post about Horus and Sheba. It is so hard when you love them both so much, but they don’t feel the same towards each other. That makes things so difficult for everyone. Were you able to find Sheba? I hope you found her and that she is okay. I have not yet attempted to communicate in this type of situation so I would like to try and see if I can get connected to help you. Maybe they will share some helpful information with me that I can pass on to you. Sending comfort, love, hugs, and healing energy to you all! ❤️
09/16/2024 at 7:40 pm #98165
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Karyn,
I tried my best to connect with both Horus and Sheba and wrote down what I received from both of them. Please know this is my first attempt trying to do this type of communication where I try to find out why they are at odds with each other. If this doesn’t resonate with you, please chalk it up to me practicing and hopefully I will be able to fine tune my feelings next time to get a more accurate interpretation for you. I was hesitant to share what I got as I don’t know if I interpreted properly but I won’t learn how to do this properly if I don’t try and practice. Hopefully this is helpful to you….Today, 9/16/24, at 5:47pm US Central Time, I checked in with Sheba first. The claircognizance kicked in for me and I got her message so fast (almost like an instant download of the whole conversation at once), I had to replay it in my mind a few times to catch everything. I felt that she was telling me she was resting peacefully, minding her own business when Horus burst into the room and came at her so fast that it made her mad. She said she told him to get out and when he kept coming at her she had to stand her ground, and they got into their fight. She said he hurt her, so she ran off and hid to get away from him. She said she just wanted to be left alone, and HE interrupted her! She wasn’t aware that he had gotten spooked and that was why he ran frantically in the room. She just assumed he wanted to dominate her again.
Then I checked in with Horus. Same claircongnizance kicked in with him too. He did share that he got spooked and really frightened. When I asked what caused that, I got that there was a bad or scary energy on the cleaning lady, like a big scary dog scent and Horus got really scared. I sensed from him that he wasn’t a “real” bully, he is actually afraid of a lot of things, and he just acts like he is in charge because he is afraid and that is how he is dealing with the fear. Make others afraid of him so he can better hide being afraid of others, is what I felt from him. He said when he got scared because of the energy/scent of the dog, he took off hoping to find a safe place to hide and “just happened” to run into the room where Sheba was. He said he certainly wasn’t looking for a fight. He realized he made a bad decision going into that room, but it was too late to back out. He didn’t want to appear afraid of Sheba, so he had to play out the whole “in charge” persona. When he saw Sheba ready to pounce, the fight started before anyone could do anything to stop it.
I asked both if there was something Karyn could do to help them get along and I got nothing. They both seemed to blame the other. What I did sense was that Horus is actually afraid of Sheba and to deal with that, he tries to dominate for survival (in his view of things). Sheba, I sense, just wants to be left alone. She doesn’t have any interest in interacting with him. I felt like Sheba did get hurt in that fight and that is why she fled and hid. I didn’t sense from Horus that he got hurt, unless he was trying to be “tough” again and hid that from me.
I am so sorry they had that fight. I did sense that it was an unfortunate turn of events and Horus just found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Please take this lightly, but I would benefit from your feedback so I can know if I am off track or not and so I can do better next time. I can certainly try talking to them again if I didn’t interpret this correctly.
Thanks so much for letting me try to help. I am sending love and hugs, and I hope they are both okay now. ❤️
09/12/2024 at 10:43 pm #98093
Erika Taylor
Platinum MemberHello,
Our 3-year-old dog, Kamryn (Kam), has started peeing in the house. She goes outside regularly, but we’ve found pee spots on random rugs around our home during the middle of the night, and she’s the only dog who can fit through the cat door of our baby gate in our bedroom to get to the main part of our house. Tonight, she peed on the couch (and our other dog, Keely). Can you please help us understand why she’s doing this and what she needs from us to help her stop? She doesn’t seem to be sick, so I think it’s emotional/behavioral, but i don’t know what’s caused it or how to stop it. My assumption is that it’s related to Kaden’s physical decline and death, but i dont know for sure. My clairs are blocked while i work on inner/shadow work (says my spirit guides). Thank you very much!Edited to add: this has been happening occasionally for a couple of months. We thought it might have been Kaden, but since he died 2 weeks ago, we are realizing it’s Kam who’s been doing it.
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09/13/2024 at 2:26 am #98097
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberI get that Kaden’s spirit is visiting and much more mobile (and cheerful) than before, so he is in all places, following the dogs around and that is very confusing to Kam (and Keely). She goes somewhere and says « occupied (pee), I am here now » but Kaden follows and she moves on to another spot. And sometimes out of curiosity she follows Kaden to see where he is going next.
Also, I get that you are a bit more pensive at the moment and the cheerfulness which is innate to you is a bit dimmed at the moment.
Those two factors are a bit confusing to Kam. A cheerful Kaden going everywhere and a pensive Erika.
Ashton seems to get it though what is going on.I will not be on the call (only silver member) when Val will give you the explanation but maybe you could briefly let me know what she said so that I can develop. Thank you
09/13/2024 at 2:23 am #98095
Gabriela Landolt
Silver Member-
This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by
Gabriela Landolt.
This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by
09/13/2024 at 10:21 am #98099
Patty Miller
Platinum MemberHi Val, would you mind checking in with Shiloh? First, I’m wondering how he’s doing, is he getting used to being by himself; is he still missing Willow? Second, we’re coming into another winter way too soon (for me), and I’m wondering how I”m going to get him through it. He has chewed his top teeth down so far they are even with his gums now. He’s devouring his grain in the morning and evenings. His pasture is not great to start with, and since he can’t eat regular hay anymore, I have been buying him chopped hay, and I got some very fine hay last winter which he tries to eat, but isn’t very successful with either one. He leaves most of the chopped hay spread around the floor of the barn. Would you ask him what he can eat and what would help him through the winter?
Also, one evening last week, I ran my hand over his right hip, resulting in a very enthusiastic stomp with that foot. I did it again, with the same response, this time taking time to notice the heat in that area. There was also significant tail swishing, as if he was trying to dislodge a fly. As I ran my hand further down to his hock area, I noticed even more heat, and another enthusiastic foot stomp. I left my hand there for a few minutes, which he didn’t seem to mind. I’m wondering what is going on back there? He’s been rubbing his tail like he does when he needs to be wormed, so maybe I’ll do that, and also give him some Reiki tomorrow. It seems to come and go. Thank you.
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10/02/2024 at 3:46 pm #98434
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberPatty, I spoke with Shiloh a few days ago. I can’t remember where on the forum I posted it, but look for it.
09/13/2024 at 5:39 pm #98122
Amber McCullough
Gold MemberHi Val, 50 doesn’t focus on pain and is not the most forthcoming when asked about his pain. It seems only the most exceled communicators can crack the code. How can I hone in on what’s causing pain when he tries to play it off? He has been shaking profusely for weeks now, and eyes are constantly grimacing, so I know he is considerable pain. And at this point in his life, as sweet as his vet is, the vet would rather have a talk about euthanasia versus try to treat. There is not a world that exists I would think that to be the next step, to euthanize just because I can’t figure out why he is in pain and not having tried to know. I have an appointment with you scheduled, but while I wait, how can I get him to open up so I can at least get him comfortable? And in the absence of 50’s input, how can I improve my senses about the bodily functions so that when I attempt a medical scan, I can turn that into a plan of action? Thank you!
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09/14/2024 at 12:19 pm #98135
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Amber,
During the heart wisdom love meditation today on the call when we had all our animals in the love circle for healing, I was drawn to seek out 50. When I found him in the circle, he told me that he hides the pain from you and others who ask him about it because he doesn’t want to talk about it, he feels you may make decisions he doesn’t want made. He wants to leave his body on his own terms. He doesn’t want any help in that area. He said he hides the pain as best he can from you because he thinks you may help him leave and that is not what he wants. He said, “I’ll handle me and when I am ready, I’ll go on my own.” He said it isn’t time and he wants to stay with you longer, for as long as he can.I don’t know if this is what others get from him, but I cannot deny what he showed me. As Sandy reminded me of recently, we have to trust what we get from the animal. Maybe this is how he feels in this moment, he may change his mind as the days go by. I hope maybe this helps in some way and I hope you get the guidance you need to help 50 live his best, and most comfortable, life. I can certainly feel his love for you, and I think that love is so deep, he isn’t ready to go yet. ❤️ Hopefully Val can help find what is causing the pain so you can help treat him to take away the pain.
Lots of hugs and love to you both!
09/14/2024 at 5:31 pm #98146
Mary Hill
Platinum MemberHi Amber, have you looked at homeopathic remedies for pain management? You should be able to find information on the web. I am no vet but I used Arnica 30 c for pain when Layla had her spay and I use it for my pain. It may help until you can get 50 to tell you what is causing it.
Sending much love and hugs, Mary
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