*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Live Q&A Call September 9, 2023 – Post your questions (Gold & Plat)
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- This topic has 21 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by
Tricia Wentrcek.
08/12/2023 at 12:35 pm #93363
ModeratorThe next live Coaching Club Question & Answer Call for our Gold & Platinum members is on Saturday, September 9 to Ask Val Anything about Animal Communication including reposting any still open questions. These audio only calls last up to 2 hours to provide coaching and modeling how to do communication including a live practice communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month after Heart Wisdom Meditation in addition to answers to your questions.
Please include specific details especially related to food, events, etc. for better clarity. If your question is related to communicating with a specific animal, please attach their picture using a small sized image that is named with your specific animal’s name and your name. This allows all of us to practice our communications skills as Val models techniques for us.
NOTE: The deadline for your questions to be considered during the call is 24 hours before the call (Friday at 12:00 noon Eastern). Val wants to have time to prepare.
Call-in information will be emailed to active members. Also, information on how to connect to this conference call can be found in your Gold or Platinum member Course lesson on Question and Answer (QA) calls. Be sure to identify yourself by you full name when using the conference line’s computer application to login (VOIP). These calls are audio/voice only to keep our focus on heart communciation. On the day of the call, log into you student account to see pictures of the animals in the discussion in the Forum.
This Live Q&A Monthly Coaching Call is only for Gold & Platinum Club Members in good standing. If you’re not a Gold or Platinum Member and want to participate, email [email protected] and ask to be upgraded now.
If you have any trouble getting onto the conference call live, email [email protected] to ask for assistance.
We do not recommend using Skype for these calls.
Note from Val:
Prior to the Call, I review the posted questions and will choose how to best answer them in the time we have. Some questions and their answers may be combined or adjusted to better serve the group. Typically questions are answered in the order in which they are received but I reserve the right to change the order. Note that we may not have time to answer all questions during the call. If you have a deep, personal or urgent question, you may be better served by signing up for a personal session with me.
There will be a recording of the call available after the call within 72 hours. However, student interaction can be the catalyst that produces remarkable insights, and your participation is vitally important. Please plan to be on the live call.
Thank you for being a member of the Coaching Club and for sharing your love of animals with all of your fellow students. I’m looking forward to hearing what’s on your mind and discovering how I can best guide you on your journey!
Love, Val
08/17/2023 at 3:26 pm #93407
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberWe have talked about this before… It’s difficult to feel the difference in a connection between living and spirit connection if I do not know beforehand. Does the questions asked or the way the questions are asked guide the way you get your answers? Ex. How many times a day do you eat? That question doesn’t apply when in spirit.
08/27/2023 at 11:40 am #93495
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Val,
To echo Terrianne’s post, I too can’t distinguish between a living animal and one in spirit. That’s why I didn’t realize it when I connected with the “wrong” in spirit dog when I thought I was communicating with a physical one.
1. So how does one make out the difference….or does it come with practice?
2. When communicating with one in spirit, should I ask more questions (even if irrelevant) like their favorite food, toy or past time, which can be validated, simply to make sure that I’ve connected to the right animal?
3. Can the colors of the aura one sees be that of a reincarnation of the animal? Would the spirit/soul have an aura similar to the (earlier) physical body?
4. As with living animals, is it more difficult to connect with one’s own deceased pets than others’? I thought I couldn’t connect with Brownie because of the trauma and guilt, but I don’t have that with Rani, yet I can’t connect. Could it be that it’s too early (5 months) and I haven’t processed the grief fully? -
08/30/2023 at 8:33 am #93539
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Val,
So, Hawkeye has been isolating and sometimes under the couch. He doesn’t get on the bed like he used to. He still does, but not as often and not as early for when I relax before I go to sleep and I think he doesn’t spend as much time on the bed while I sleep maybe. He used to be on the bed during the day even when I wasn’t. I feel he feels not connected well to me or not nurtured enough and the like. My being to the side glued to my phone with focus and stress or anxiety affects him and me and it affecting him affects me too. I am trying to do better.Hawkeye has also always at times had loose soft runny poop. Lately I have noticed bloody mucus. I have contacted the vet office. I have him scheduled but asked if I need to sooner. Is his poop and the bloody mucus from dust somehow, involving me, and/or vaccines? He is not current and never again will be. I have not detoxed him with thuja. The thuja company I emailed said thuja is more for if it’s more recent vaccine from what I could determine. The vet tech suggested Adored Beast product but felt the time frame wouldn’t work. His last one was in 2018 or 2019. 2018 I believe. With all the vaccine talk and detoxing talk in the group lately, I have an even heightened concern, worry, anxiety, and fear regarding vaccines and my cats and if Hawkeye’s poop stuff or their inflammation or elevated cancer cells (from earlier this year and for the first time last year in test results) or Serenity’s constipation before turmeric treats or her stuffy breathing ir when they both breath a little fast maybe or when her hip turned out a bit or she trembled a bit when standing and eating ir when she wobbled a bit in the past- I wonder if this is from
Vaccines. Neither are current and will never be current ever again. Serenity got thuja and the vet said that was all she needed because she wasn’t current and her inflammation and elevated cancer cells still were in test results.
Am I over worrying about them (and everything else I worry. or think about or try to ask questions on)? What is going on? How can I stop being the toxic me and be good for us all and us all and everything be our Highest and Best Good?-
08/30/2023 at 11:38 am #93547
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberAlso, is this from my lack of nurturing, warmth, giving Love, having fun, playing with him, and with him mirroring me (in some regards) in his isolation, is that not only showing me that I kind of isolate with the phone and also saying my energy affects them, and also with him isolating he isn’t getting nurturing and such which he and his Soul need and thrive on and he (true self) is very warm nurturing and Loving and fun Loving and playful? Am I sort of killing all three of us? Maybe I need to live with the toxins and deal with inconveniences and not be so particular about some things? What is the absolute Highest and Best Good stuff for us and how and what is causing the cats’ issues and what to do?
08/31/2023 at 10:28 am #93572
Val Heart
Platinum MemberMartha,
Your questions need to be reframed into a format that I can answer in a group class setting. I need clearly asked specific questions, not a general ramble of your anxiety, fears, etc. This along with your other question submitted later is more appropriate for your private session(s).As your coach, it’s important to learn how to focus in and be more specific when you communicate. That goes for your work with animals and also for people too. Otherwise, you make it very difficult for anyone to help or guide you because you are all over the place like a pinball machine, lacking focus.
Consider the viewpoint that if you had a client come to you with these questions, how would you help them?
Tune into your SOUL, feel your love, get still in your mind, and set your intention for clarity in what the real question(s) are beyond your feeding more of your fears and anxieties. What you feed and pay attention to expands.
Please edit your questions accordingly and repost what you get.
Much love,
08/31/2023 at 10:57 am #93573
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberTrying again:
Hawkeye has had loose soft poop off and on and vomited regularly but not daily since getting him 20217. Is this from vaccines? He has a vet appointment and will have had it by the time we have the call. Serenity had thuja but I don’t know if it worked since she has inflammation supposedly or did and has or had increased cancer cells. Maybe because if the last vaccine being in 2018 thuja wouldn’t work for Hawkeye? There’s a product the vet tech suggested but she wasn’t sure if it would work given the last vaccine date.
Also Hawkeye isolates usually where he’s visible though. He did this last year. Is this because if stuff involving me being stuck in my head, not present, and on the phone screen? I discovered if I sing he likes that and I feel if I lessen my anxiety and such and lessen screen time that would be good for all of us. He’s on the bed while I write this. I Hope Serenity isn’t going to go back to being under the bed. I feel like I am partly the problem. What to do for fun? -
08/31/2023 at 1:36 pm #93588
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberFor Serenity- is her stuffy breathing and sometimes faster breathing from dust or vaccines or simply just her body? Is it from inflammation from vaccines or inflammation from something else? Is her inflammation that showed on test results and her elevated cancer cells that showed on test results from vaccines or are they skewed at the labs or from something else? At times and not recently she would wobble a little when walking and I have noticed at times a turn out of the leg at the hip I believe when sitting (not real recently) and also a little trembling in the legs a couple of times when standing to eat- are these from inflammation from vaccines or inflammation from something else or nothing involving vaccines and nothing involving inflammation? Did the thuja she got even benefit her?
09/06/2023 at 7:31 pm #93647
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Val,
We had Hawkeye’s vet appointment. I told her about bloody mucus with his poop and she said colitis she felt and that it’s she thinks is related to his high microbiome bacterial levels from a previous test last year and maybe earlier this year. She suggested a couple of things I wasn’t comfortable with and another thing that I asked the company about. It’s Gold Detox from Pet Well Being. I have concerns about it maybe causing issues since three things professionals suggested before caused issues. Supposedly it wouldn’t cause issues and can help with some of the things they experience or were on tests. I am thinking about waiting for testing again before deciding. Also, from what I understand, vaccines would be out of their system by now. So, maybe I don’t need to be so concerned about that kind of detox? Do you feel I’m on the right track with all this?-
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
Martha Breeding. Reason: I remembered something to mention
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08/30/2023 at 10:09 am #93540
Mary Hill
Platinum MemberHI Val, just wanted you to know I am starting Layla on her second round of thuja. It seems to be working. Her hair is growing back in on her back and she is more active. She did have an ear infection and she is just finishing up with an antibiotic with prednisone in it. I had some vaccinosis liquid that takes away side effects but lets the product work. I got it from Adored beast. She is done this Friday with it. Should I wait a couple of days before starting her back on the thuja? My Big Question is: now that I have purged all the stuff that was connected to Abbey, will I see a shift in my AC? Thanks Mary.
08/30/2023 at 10:28 am #93542
Tricia Wentrcek
Platinum MemberMary, thank you for mentioning Adored Beast. That’s a new option for me.
08/30/2023 at 10:53 am #93544
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Val, as suggested by you, posting a question arising from Hedi’s post on the FB group….why do some of us fall asleep during meditations?
09/09/2023 at 12:18 pm #93663
Margaret Dexter
Gold MemberI do this too and not just with Val’s meditation. I used to space out during the initial breathing meditation. Now I can stay with it through that and space out during the circle and come back when the FAT communication begins. That has happened several times now.
08/31/2023 at 10:59 am #93574
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Val,
If we do videos we want to post online for business stuff and block background and use an app to do that- does this present a problem in any way at all?-
08/31/2023 at 12:01 pm #93581
Val Heart
Platinum MemberThis question is unrelated to our Q&A Call theme about improving animal communication and intuition. It is better suited for either private 1:1 business coaching/mentoring, or the Go Pro facebook group maybe which you’re a member of, or a business oriented Platinum member masterclass. 😉
08/31/2023 at 12:26 pm #93587
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberOkay.
09/04/2023 at 10:52 am #93615
Margaret "Peg" Kroeger
Gold MemberI would like to know if Lily is one of my previous dogs. Her eyes look like she is, maybe my Schnauzer, Heidi? Lily does not like to be picked up and Heidi does not like to be picked up. Thanks
Peg Kroeger -
09/05/2023 at 3:17 pm #93630
Mascha Doyle
Gold MemberHi Val 🙂
I have a few questions, though you might not have time for all of them but that’s fine:
1. To what extent can bringing our animals into a peaceful state of mind help them resolve physical problems?
2. When we get into our heart space to connect, when we feel so much love, is it possible to scare the animal off? Because we would be projecting a strong feeling onto them instead of being neutral?
3. Animals connect on a telepathic level naturally. But humans generally don’t (not consciously I mean). Can I connect to a person, feel the person and ask questions without telling them in person? Is that morally ok? Can I connect to anyone I wish, even someone I have never met that lives on the other side of the planet (that gorgeous actor for example hihi I am kidding!!) , or therefore on another planet?
I guess my intention should always be to be helpful, or to learn something maybe?Thank you for your always loving guidance.
Mascha -
09/05/2023 at 5:27 pm #93635
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberHi Val!
I have 2 difficult cases and I am at my wits end sort to say, and I am in need of help to sort things out.
Case 1: Jericho Rose, is a survivor of the terrible illnesses from last year November that got Minou to transition. He had a wonderful recovery and looked wonderful for a few months after that terrific episode.
Now he is in a bad shape again. According with blood count he almost has no red blood cells! His temperature is high and because he is highly anemic he can barely hold on his feet and walk. He is again in the hospital, and they checked for lymph cancer, but the results showed no malignant cells in his extremely enlarged lymph nodules from all over his body.
The doctors are pretty baffled as they can’t find the cause for his symptoms: high temperature, low red blood count, no specific infection… He eats very well what he likes, but his body is rejecting any kind of holistic support I have tried, meaning, that he takes them but in about 30 minutes, he vomits. Please help. Thank you!Case 2: good friend of mine, called Nose.
Nose is suffering for a long time of severe constipation. Each time I did an energy healing treatment he showed some improvement, he either eliminated something, or drank milk, or ate something.
Last week, his mom decided to take him to the vet, to extract the impacted ball surgically, because as he hasn’t eliminated naturally normal, for about a month or more, he refused food too… He is refusing any food except dry food, which is exactly contraindicated. He refuses too any other form of holistic support, liquids and so on. Please help in this case too. Thank you!They both accept energy healing, but that seems not be enough…
Thank you so much!
Today is my birthday and learning how to further help these 2 boys would be a wonderful present.
How should I tackle these 2 from now on?
I feel that something much more is behind each case, and I hope for your advice on how to go on.Another question would be, how can we help someone, if/when we are not feeling well ourselves.
Thank you!
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09/08/2023 at 4:48 pm #93656
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberUpdate 8th of September:
Case 1: Jericho had the blood transfusion done, on Wednesday.
He is more or less the same… He eats but he is continuing to be unsure on his feet. The vet took samples again from lymph nodes and from the spleen to be tested.
After the spleen puncture he also had bloated abdomen and received different type of medicines to mend the situation. I have also noticed he started to eat litter granules from the litter box.I put all my hopes in you, as I don’t want to take him to any vet to be punctured anymore, as I have learned that there is no local anesthesia done when collecting samples.
Though I have to express my gratitude to the donor, a boy named Fritz.
Case 2: Nose, has accepted one sachet of wet food with tuna and shrimps. Will he continue to accept this wet food, so that any medical issues are avoided in the future?
The vets are still amazed by Likurichu’s complete recovery from a situation that all their books say should have been done surgically!
Thank you Val!
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
Lucia Potre.
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09/10/2023 at 11:45 am #93669
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberYet another session of rare insights! I’ve been under the weather with very low energy for almost 2 weeks, and am pleasantly surprised that I still learnt more than I had expected!
Some excellent reminders from Val: animals have souls and are spiritual beings, one can communicate with them before, during and after they pass. It is indeed very common to be told that a period of time is required to allow them to transition, so it’s very comforting to know that this is not the case and that they can hear us, (even though they may be busy with other things like chatting!!) but we block the communication while being lost in our grief and guilt….Val reiterated this in the responses to my questions in the later part of the call. I had doubts cleared and gained valuable insights which I look forward to following in the next communication with an animal in spirit. The tips to ask the correct questions are also very useful, while the possible reasons for falling asleep during meditations and the suggestion to use a ball to stay awake are food for thought!As always, it’s an experience being guided to communicate with the FAT….and my main takeaway is that communication is linked to feeling, not thinking! The analogy of wiping off thoughts like words on a chalkboard seems so apt!
Finally, condolences to Klaudia and my admiration and congratulations to her for a wonderful communication with Xena so soon after her great loss….shows great fortitude and balance, for want of a better word. I also loved Val describing her approach to that of a dance…retreating and advancing as guided!
Thanks again Val for the usual enriching class, and Barb for the support as always!
09/12/2023 at 9:52 pm #93695
Tricia Wentrcek
Platinum MemberI am trying to locate the actual recording of this class. Help????
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