*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Post your questions & Nuggets for Gold & Platinum members Q&A call July 13, 2019
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- This topic has 17 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
Jill Gibson.
06/22/2019 at 1:23 pm #58697
ModeratorPlease post your questions and re-post questions you previously posted for our next Gold & Platinum Member Live Q&A Monthly Call on Saturday, July 13, 2019 @ 8:30 am Pacific / 10:30 am Central / 11:30 am Eastern Daylight Saving Time.
NOTE: The Live Q&A Monthly Coaching Call is an opportunity reserved for Gold & Platinum Members Only who are in good standing in the Club (membership dues are paid up). If you’re not a Gold or Platinum Member and want to participate, email [email protected] and ask to be upgraded now.
Calling All Questions! If you’d like a chance to get a hot “love” seat in the next call to interact personally with me, then post your question here no later than 24 hours ahead of the class time to assure that they are included on the call. Questions are normally answered in the sequence in which they are posted, so it is best not to wait until the last minute. Be sure to post before the deadline of 12 noon Eastern on Friday, the day before our QA call.
Remember to let us know if there are specific topics on which you would like more teaching.
Prior to the Call, I’ll review the questions posted and will choose how to best answer them in the time we have. Some questions may be combined or adjusted, answers combined to be of great interest to the group. Typically questions are answered in the order in which they are received and we may not have time to answer all questions during the call. Come prepared with your questions as this is your time to get the answers you need to move forward in deepening your animal communication skills. If you have a deep, personal or urgent question, you may be better served by signing up for a personal session.
There will be a recording of the call available after the call within 48 hours. However, student interaction can be the catalyst that produces remarkable insights, and your participation is vitally important. Please plan to be on the live call.
Thank you for being a member of the Coaching Club and for sharing your love of animals with all of your fellow students. I’m looking forward to hearing what’s on your mind and discovering how I can best guide you on your journey!
Love, Val
07/09/2019 at 12:06 pm #59507
ModeratorPOST your questions for July 13 Gold and Platinum members Questions and Answer call HERE
07/09/2019 at 2:14 pm #59513
Inactive MemberWhen you say
“greet the animal and ask if they have time to talk with you”
What exactly is supposed to happen so that I can be sure I am in contact with the animal?
I know its a basic question, but I want to exclude misleadings of my imagination or brain.www.animalsviews.com
07/09/2019 at 9:52 pm #59532
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberVal, I wonder if you can check in with DeeDee for me. She doesn’t seem to be herself lately and today she has had diarrhea and a little vomiting. But I feel that it is more than an upset stomach. A couple nights ago I was letting Georgia out to potty when she turned around and asked Dee if she was coming. DeeDee was laying on her bed and didn’t get up to go out with us so Georgia turned around and went up to Dee, she they sniffed her rear and DeeDee jumped up snarling and going after Georgia. I had to calmly talk her down. That is totally not like her. She hasn’t seemed very engertic, and just not herself. And just now when I was taking them out for bedtime potty, asked her if she was coming out and she just looked at me sort of like she couldn’t really see me or understand. She did finally get up and come out and acted a little better but there for a minute I was wondering if she was having some kind of seizure. Can you tell me if there appears to be something else going on with her. At 10 and 1/2 I do worry.
07/13/2019 at 11:52 am #59771
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Kathy,
I got that DeeDee has a parasite or something in her intestines. “Burning” also came to me. -
07/13/2019 at 12:16 pm #59773
Chigusa Sansen
Platinum MemberHi @kathy-simms ,
I tuned into DeeDee during the monthly call with Val and I’m pretty sure I was the one who was absorbing negative energy from her that Val felt. Val thought it might be unconsciously done by someone, but I’m learning to do that on purpose so no harm done there…When I connected when DeeDee was talking with Val, she didn’t want me cut in so I just waited in line to talk with her. After Val stopped talking with DeeDee, that’s when I jumped into action with her permission. It was so funny and unexpected when Val noticed, isn’t she great?
It looks like DeeDee might be empathic herself and she might have gotten it from somewhere. I couldn’t get the negative energy completely cleared our but it is a bit better. She might get a bit better, but I am with Val, you should have her seen by the vet because this energy seem to just grow back quickly…
Love and light,
Chigusa -
07/13/2019 at 12:49 pm #59783
Yaarit Yanovsky
Inactive MemberHi Kathy,
When Val invite us to communicate and check up with DeeDee
I felt her stomach ache too in 6-7 level of pain.
I felt it in my body and when Val said someone took it in and to give it back, I felt I couldn’t and understand that DeeDee wants my help. Then I felt my higher guidance helping me to offer her healing and loving energy and sending healing to her pain that I felt in my body and then return back to her.
I thank her for letting me help and she thanked me back.
I hope you will notice any relief in pain.
If needed I will love to send more healing energy to her, just let me know.Love,
07/10/2019 at 1:24 pm #59575
Pamela Ferarese
Inactive MemberVal, Help me with Jax! Please! is he alive and well? If he is on a walk-a-bout can you ask him why he won’t come home when he must know John is heartsick for his return. If he has gone to Spirit can you ask him what happened? I keep getting mixed messages; my intuition says he is fine, yet doubts and uncertainty continually creep in making me think bad thoughts…..Hawk got him, he got to hunting and went way to far out of his zone and is lost, he is trapped somewhere, he got nabbed by a human. When I start to downslide, I walk away and take my mind off it all until I can ground, center, calm, be the rock in the stream then try again and I get nothing….which then creates negative thinking that says I don’t know what the hell I am doing – after 3 fricking years – and blocks me more.
I realize my emotions and quelling them, as well as controlling and transmuting my negative thought patterning (especially about myself) is a huge part of my mission in overcoming my perceived inabilities at being successful in this work. It is especially being magnified now with this scenario due to my, apparently continued intertwinement with John’s energy. If I can overcome these pulls from John, from my inner critics, and shame judges knocking around in my head I know I can be an excellent Animal Communicator. aargh, please help me with any little bit you can today.
Pam, Pammie, Pammie Jean, Pamela.... you can call me any of these names.
07/15/2019 at 8:22 pm #59917
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberHi Chigusa and Yaarit,
So kind of you to check in with DeeDee. I wasn’t able to give an update to Val before the call and thought I would be able to at that time, but guess we were running late and was not given the opportunity to comment.
The fact is that I DID take Dee to the dr on Wed before the class. The dr didn’t think her stomach felt like there was a problem and truthfully she was not having diarrhea at that time but had thrown up the pumpkin with pepto bismo I had given her so I decided she should go in as they closed at noon on Wed and I wouldn’t be able to get her in until late thurs afternoon if she continued to get worse. So dr scooped a fresh speciman from her and tested, don’t remember what she said it was but was what she thought, and we both thought it perhaps had begun from stress as we had storms every night for about a week. Well the med they gave her made her throw up for an entire day, they said to stop for that nite and begin again the next day, which would have been friday and also not to feed her. She missed so many meals throughout this ordeal and at that time had lost 5 pounds which she didn’t need to, so I went ahead and got some organic bone broth and put probiotic in it and gave her a small amt of that. I gradually incorporated chicken and rice with that all in small portions. She has had no more diarrhea nor vomiting since I stopped the med on Thursday. By Sat I thought she was feeling pretty good. Then Val and now you two tell me this so I don’t know what to think. She had been losing energy, etc but by weekend was back to normal, we even went back to her scent work class fri nite. On Sat evening I did discover a bad place on her leg which had just happened while I was at work that day. I had to cut the hair away and it was red, raw , and oozing. It was very painful for her but she let me doctor it and by bedtime was much better. I would think perhaps that what you picked up on, but you specifically said stomach.
When I told this to Val, she said that Dee must have been showing her how it felt when she was having all this as the time frame for that was correct. It was bad for 2 days and it had been going on for about a week.
I thank you both for checking with her and offering her healing.
At this point I don’t think it was stress from the storms as over the weekend Georgia came down with same thing. I caught her quickly and did the same thing I did with Dee and she appears to be over it already.
Thanks again
07/11/2019 at 1:07 pm #59649
Yaarit Yanovsky
Inactive MemberHi Val,
I want to ask about my dog in spirit, Knight.
I helped him to pass the bridge on June last year.
Since then I got communication with him by myself and with help of Animal communicator. A couple of months after his death I’ve got that he wants to come back and will come to me as a little puppy. And will be kind of medium-large body size breed.
Before 2-3 month I’ve got from him his new name, Zeus, and the time he will come to me that was in the beginning of this month.
We haven’t met yet and I wish to know what you are getting in communicating with Knight.
I feel that this month especially it is hard for me to communicate with him and I feel less connected with him, like he is gone also in spirit. And I’m afraid that I’ll miss him and won’t recognize him but also I believe that we will find each other again.
What can I do to feel our connection again and be sure of it and what can I do to be more open and relaxed to communicate with him?
Thank you,
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07/13/2019 at 12:20 pm #59778
Barb Grout
Inactive MemberGolden Nugget
I pushed the wrong buttons on the call to be heard…so couldn’t voice my thoughts verbally…haha Val! I’m working on this!
1. The meditation was sooo relaxing that I practically fell asleep. Bring Your awareness to everything around you even for a few minutes will be what I do every day. The quote: make your outer the inner and the inner the outer also is something I will be remembering.
2. Quelling your inner parts (or anybody) makes things worse. Communicate! Talk to them! They want to be heard. -
07/13/2019 at 1:45 pm #59790
ModeratorLooking for Intuition Games? Head over to the My Courses option in the left menu.
Click on your Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Membership level course.
Scroll part way down the page to the section Join Us Now In The Forum
and find the segment to click on called: Intuition Development Games! Fun Ways to Enhance Your Intuitive Gifts
Enjoy your adventures developing your intuition!
07/15/2019 at 9:06 pm #59918
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberLadies,
I just listened to the recording and I wonder if I can ask a favor. As I said, the time frame that Val got from Dee was right on and listening to this again and reading what you got, I wonder if you would mind checking in with her again to see how she is now.
I have always been in tune with her and all my animals and have known when something was bothering them. I wonder now if she was hiding this from me? Even tho she was no longer throwing up nor having diarrhea, she could have still been in pain. Also I was having upset stomach off and on throughout the entire time frame also so perhaps she was taking it from me or me from her. But to ease my worry, would you mind seeinghow she feels now?
Thanks so much.
07/15/2019 at 9:52 pm #59921
Chigusa Sansen
Platinum MemberHello @kathy-simms,
Unlike the last time I connected with Dee, I’m feeling the darkness on head. Last time, I got a knowing that it was some energy that she picked up. I didn’t feel it was specifically stomach issue. It was more like her entire top side of the body. Sort of like how you feel when you have a cold, like heaviness. I seem to remember I did feel nauseous when I connected. However I am not feeling the same energy today, so something did shift. I’m sensing she is confused as to she is not sure what’s going on. So asking her might not get an answer we want. I picked up that this is something of an energy thing rather than a physical issue again today.I think she is normally a very happy, easy-going girl? She wants to raise her energy up to that level and trying, but something seems to be pulling her down. Like when you feel like waking up but just cannot get out of bed for some reason…
I’m going out on a rim here since I’m not able to have an ongoing conversation with you to confirm in real-time, but is there something in your life that you might not be happy about or someone have done you wrong? I feel she’s absorbing negative energy on behalf of the rest of the family in a way. If so, stop thinking that. 🙂 If someone has done you wrong, then that’s just a lesson you are receiving. Nothing in life is really negative experience, they can all be turned positively into love.
The other thing I’m guided to tell you is to cleanse her energy. Not sure if you know of any energy healing like Reiki, but imagine she is covered by imaginary mud. Imagine using imaginary shower head and washing her with silver water that comes out of it. This energy cleanses her inside and out. When you feel she is cleaned, imagine wrapping her with a fluffy white towel and wrap her lovingly. It will keep the clean energy on her longer. Be sure to wash your hands after doing this as you’d have picked up something from her. Also, be sure to imagine all the water that washed off of her to drain into loving ground.
That’s all I got. Hope this might help.
ChigusaP.S. Do you do scent work with Dee? I do with my dog as well. 🙂
07/16/2019 at 10:27 am #59949
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberHI Chigusa
Thank you so much for checking with Dee again. Yes she is normally a happy girl who loves everyone and has a more calm quiet nature. As far as pain goes, briards are known for their stoic countenance and ability to hide pain, but yes she does of course pick up on feelings and much of what you said resonates with me.
Is there any way we could exchange email address or something?
And yes, I so some reiki and healing touch as well. Have been wanting to do some with her but life has interfered , there has been much going on the past couple weeks, with close friends health issues and also with dogs that I bred.
anyway thanks again
Kathy -
07/17/2019 at 10:22 am #60013
Chigusa Sansen
Platinum Member@kathy-simms , I sent you a private message. I hope it worked. 🙂 Chigusa
07/17/2019 at 6:06 pm #60033
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberYes. Just got home from work. Will get back to you later. Thanks
Kathy -
07/20/2019 at 6:09 pm #60259
Jill Gibson
Inactive MemberA Golden Nugget for me is to hear the questions Val asked the animal she was communicating with and the tone of her voice, very nonjudgmental and kind. It is just so helpful to hear it as it is happening like she did with Jax.
Hi everyone. I'm so excited about meeting more of you. I'm struggling a little with the web site but that is on me - it seems great! I work with dogs and grew up on horses, don't know much about cats but hope to learn.
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