*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Snowy is our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) for December 2024 & January 2025
- This topic has 54 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 4 days ago by
Sharon Kincaid.
12/02/2024 at 10:48 am #99168
ModeratorSharon K. has volunteered to host her Dog, Snowy, as our next Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) during December 2024. You will enjoy getting to know this wonderful animal teacher.
We encourage all of you to connect with Snowy now and throughout the month.
Tune into Snowy first and see what you sense. It’s not just about getting words although that’s a lot of fun when it happens. Remember that telepathic comes from ‘tele’ meaning over a distance like telephone and television, and ‘pathic’ that comes from pathos. So literally telepathic is emotion over a distance.
How does Snowy feel to you? Happy? Sad? Excited? etc. Ask Snowy ice breaker questions as you might with any new teacher. It’s not about “getting the right answer” but about connecting with a wonderful animal.
Gold and Platinum members will have an opportunity to connect with Snowy along with Val on the Q&A call December 14th. Check your time on a world clock for call time of 11:30am Eastern / 10:30am Central Texas. World Clock at https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) Call reminder emails will be emailed to you. Also, call information found in your course materials.
Have fun practicing your communication skills in this supportive setting! Lots of interesting discoveries happen here.
12/10/2024 at 7:48 pm #99271
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Sharon,
I reached out to Snowy tonight, 12/10/24, at 7:20 pm US Central Time. What a sweet girl! I introduced myself and asked if she would like to talk with me. She said sure! She showed me that she snuggles on the couch watching TV with mom. I told her she was SO cute and that I loved her fur! Then she started chatting away….she was so excited and just started throwing a lot at me really quickly. LOL In fast mode! 🙂“I am cute, aren’t I! ❤️ I am a curious girl. I like to know what is going on. I like butterflies. They tickle my nose. I would like a treat. I like cookies, the kind I am allowed to eat. I have a teddy bear. I love belly rubs.”
I asked what her purpose was in this lifetime with you. She said, “I make mom smile. I cuddle to keep her happy. I’m a good girl. I bring her joy and uplift her spirit. That is an important job. I’m happy. I have all I need.”
I asked if there was anything she wanted me to let you know. She said, “I like to sit near a fireplace, nice and warm. Be at peace, why worry, why be so busy. Relax, rest, and enjoy the here and now. Enjoy the moment. Kiss and hug me and snuggle me and I’ll get you back there. I am a good girl!”
I told her I loved her and appreciated her talking with me. She said, “I love you too! Be good! Thank you for talking to me and letting me share my world with you!”
She had such a happy, spunky, joyful energy about her. Her fur was so soft and she was so warm to the touch. She radiated such pure love and happiness. I can only imagine how wonderful it is to have such a joyful spirit around all the time. You are blessed. Thank you for sharing her with us this month. I hope you both enjoy this experience and grow closer to each other from it.
Much love and many hugs to you both! ❤️
12/14/2024 at 11:46 am #99299
Melanie Appleyard
Platinum MemberHi Sharon, I haven’t looked at any other messages yet, as I wanted to share what I picked up first, so I can guage my accuracy.
I picked up that Snowy is a young soul, with a gentle energy. Although the energy felt quite feminine to me I did ask and got that Snowy is a boy? I felt a calm presence and therapy dog came to mind. When I asked if he was one I received ‘ not really, but I’d be good at it, as I like people and snuggles. I asked how old he was and got the number 2, but that he has also been with you since he was a puppy.
I asked who Snowy lived with and got mum, dad and 2 boys. I asked their age and got ‘I don’t know – one big and one small. They like to play with me.’ I asked if Snowy liked to play with them and got ‘sometimes, but sometimes the small boy can be too noisy.’
I asked if he lived with other animals and got the word cat and a brief image of a ginger cat, which he said was a friend. When I asked what he liked to eat he told me ‘poop.’ and when asked what you thought about that I got the words ‘naughty snowy.’
I asked what Snowy’s role was and got ‘to care, to love and to bring joy.’ I asked if I could help him with anything and he said lots of people have been talking to him and everyone is so nice. He did say he didn’t like you going out without him though and I felt a sense of sadness around that, so I explained why people have to go out – that lots of people have to go to work and aren’t allowed to take dogs and that children have to go to school to learn, but that you always go back to him. He said you do and you have snuggles then.
This conversation felt very precise, which is always scary to share, but the best way to learn, so please don’t worry about being honest with your reply. Thank you for letting me practice my communnication with your beautiful boy. -
12/20/2024 at 5:37 pm #99343
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberHi Sharon! Here’s my first communication with Snowy. He (I got the definite impression he was a boy) is a feisty little guy who is prone to zoomies, but likes to cuddle as well. He’s not always a fan of getting his picture taken because he feels it doesn’t always show his best side, ha! His aura came to me as green, which indicates a time of renewal or healing, but also that someone is full of life. I also got an orange aura from him, which can indicate warmth and happiness. He indicated that he loves his mom and has an animal companion he also loves.
He told me that my mind was very busy and I needed to slow down and enjoy the moment. He was right–I was feeling a bit discombobulated when I talked to him.
I got the impression that Snowy is not a young dog but isn’t old either. He said he was just old enough to understand the world a bit and he was glad I was asking him questions because he felt he had wisdom to share. I asked him if he had any wisdom for me and he said, “Eat good food, live to play,” which I thought was very good advice!
I asked if he had any words for you, Sharon, and he said, “Play with me, more! You’re too serious.”
I hope some of this resonates with you.
12/20/2024 at 5:58 pm #99344
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberShelly
Hello. Thank you for connecting with Snowy!
You have picked up on her personality !
She is very loving, energetic and loves to cuddle. I agree that she is a very happy and grateful dog. Always happy to c me and
Wagging her tail.
She is definitely a chatter box and makes me very happy! And she knows it too!
The biggest miracle is that she is almost
14, has a collapsed trachea and still runs outside with my younger dog Woody every day!I was asked to foster her by our county humane society so I did. I knew that at 14 and having a collapsed trachea. Absolutely no one would adopt her so I did.
This was a best decision I have made! This is my heart dog and soul mate and brings a lot of joy into my life!Thank you for you have captured her essence
And her personality!-
12/21/2024 at 10:00 am #99348
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberThank you for your feedback, Sharon! That is so exciting that I got her personality right. When I felt her energy, it came on very strong and there was no mistaking the joyful, happiness, spunky energy about her. ❤️ How could anyone be sad for very long being around that high positive energy. 🙂 She seemed quite proud of her job to keep you happy and shower you with love. How sweet. Thanks again for your feedback! Sending lots of hugs and love to you both. 🙂
12/20/2024 at 6:40 pm #99345
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Melanie
Thank you for talking to Snowy!
You are correct she does love to cuddle!Even though she is almost 14 I sometimes
Think she is a young soul in an old body.
She is bouncy and wiggly when I come home and ready to run out the door to chase Woody
To the back fence.Sometimes I think she has masculine traits
Because she is definitely dominant
And boss in this household.I think she may be so excited that she
Is telling stories. LOL. I know she has a propensity to be dramatic!I have never known her to eat poop but
I could be quite surprised !
I do live alone with my cat and dog woody.I do have “boys “ that come to visit often.
Snowy. Loves them.
She does not like it when I have to go to work or out. But she does understand.
Thank you for explaining that mom had to work. Just reinforces what I tell her!I appreciate your contact with Snowy.
It gives me more things to think about and talk to her about!-
12/26/2024 at 5:10 am #99406
Melanie Appleyard
Platinum MemberThank you for your feedback Sharon. Snowy is lovely.
12/20/2024 at 7:04 pm #99346
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello. Elizabeth,
Thank u so much for connecting to Snowy!Snowy is a little female dog who is about 14. You are right she is very fistie!
If u do something that she does not like she will sure tell u about it.
She loves to cuddle and I can’t duck the cuddle sessions. No way!The green and orange auras sound right as Snowy is in the process of healing from a lifetime of maltreatment and hardship!
The orange represents her unconditional love
A forgiving heart and a sweet soul.
Almost every time I look at her I feel happiness in her heart.snowy is glued to my dog Woody.
She loves Woody and I am sure that Woody has his moments of affection for Woody!Thank you for talking to Snowy!
12/20/2024 at 7:17 pm #99347
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberSharon, well, I got that one way wrong, lol! Oh well, something to learn from next time. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
12/21/2024 at 10:29 am #99350
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Elizabeth,
I just had to share something I learned in hopes it will give you and others encouragement. 🙂 I know some of us feel an animal is one gender and they turn out to be another and it may get discouraging, making us think we didn’t read something correctly. Actually, it is so different than that. All beings have both masculine and feminine energy – energies that show different ways of thinking and being. The masculine energy in us is characterized by doing, achieving, and being logical and rational. It can also involve assertiveness, organization, and protection. The feminine energy is characterized by being, receiving, and being intuitive. It can also involve creativity, listening, and vulnerability. (Definition credit to PauseMeditation.org.) So, when I communicate with animals, I most often have no idea of their physical gender (and to me gender doesn’t really even matter because we are way more than our physical bodies) but go by what I sense in their energy when I say “he” or “she”, the one I feel is most prominent.I just wanted to share in hopes it will give you encouragement that you didn’t get anything wrong on that. 🙂 You just felt Snowy’s masculine energy as being prominent. 🙂 Sending love and hugs! ❤️
12/21/2024 at 6:17 pm #99353
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberThanks, Shelly. That helps a lot!
12/26/2024 at 5:15 am #99407
Melanie Appleyard
Platinum MemberThanks for sharing this Shelly, as it’s an issue I always come across. I forget to ask an animal’s gender because it doesn’t seem important until I come to write up the response. Like you I then share the energy that feels more prominent to me.
As with angels I suppose our souls don’t necessarily have an aligned gender, as we can come back in any form, so what you have said makes so much sense xx
12/22/2024 at 11:05 am #99361
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberHi Sharon,
my attempt to read Snowy
Looking at Snowy I first thought I saw a very shy sweet boy, with lots of female energy.
But then I think a very faint voice said no « I am a girl ».
(I must have mistaken her hair around her mouth for a male accessory).I feel that Snowy is getting on in years, around 9-10 yrs old, maybe older. Sharon knows that she needs to take good care of her Snowy. However, Snowy might look frail to humans but she is quite a sturdy little dog determined to stay a lot longer than what her appearance looks like.
I feel she got lifted onto the bed in the picture.
She now gets lifted onto things and off places.
Snowy is small and her paws are small so there is a worry that Snowy could get tread/trampled upon (by horses’ hooves/people’s boots etc) so sometimes she is not accompanying Sharon.Snowy
Gets on well with other dogs unless they are too big and boisterous
Does not bark out of fear when they approach
Submissive but not overly, cautious, aware
Very loving and peaceful when at ease
Does not like to be left alone at home. Sharon knows that and does not leave her alone at home.
Sharon is at home most of the time anyway, goes out to do some chores but not a normal day job, and not too far away.
Sharon does not feel the need to go on holidays, Sharon is happy at home.Sharon
Quiet calm personality, politely reserved at first while observing and “reading” her environment. Profound. Reliable. Trustworthy. Anchored in herself.Animals are an important part of Sharon’s life, but Snowy says « it is all about me » – at least, that is what Snowy thinks – so I feel that the two have a particularly special connection, a deep loving bond.
Are you living in a rather colder part of the world, where it is cold now?
Sharon knows that dogs do not like perfume, hairspray and strong cleaning scents.
However, Sharon does have some perfume (a bottle in a drawer?) but does not use it.For Sharon I see a male friend (or son or guide or deceased loved one) somewhere at a distance, standing by, but I see Snowy being closer to Sharon, and I do not know how to interpret that. So there seems to be a male friend in Sharon’s life playing a certain role but Sharon is not dependent on him. She’s a pretty strong person herself, who takes her life into her own hands and stands on both feet. She has learned that over time, through life experience. She’s comfortable in the physical world, copes well with earthly/human 3D stuff, and is also comfortable with the invisible world.
There are not many thoughts in Snowy’s head. She is content and thinks loving thoughts. She doesn’t worry nor think about food all the time. She is not so much into treats as she is into affection. So when she does get a treat, she doesn’t think “yummy, a treat”, she thinks “I’m appreciated”.
She doesn’t have many wishes, she likes to go outside into nature with fresh air and interesting smells, that’s where the real life is happening. But she also appreciates being inside, where there is warmth and safety, a true home. Snowy is just happy and grateful.Many blessings,
Gabriela -
12/22/2024 at 10:19 pm #99362
Jhiehan Lim
Platinum MemberHello Sharon!
I think I caught her on a bad time. She didnt say much because she was busy playing with a ball or eating a (toy) bone? I was behind her and all I could see was her butt and wagging tail. I felt like she wanted to show me something in the kitchen, a brown bag made of some wooden like material? Over all, she’s super excited now and full of energy. She is so positive, happy and fun. And definitely busy! Hahaha.
12/24/2024 at 12:13 pm #99384
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberHello Sharon,
I tried to connect with Snowy and this is what came up:
A very feminine dog – eager to help. Very bright.
A good dog. A big spirit. Friends with everyone. Spreads love everywhere.
She loves being a dog because it is really exciting smelling everything. It’s easy to feel joy as a dog.
She lvoes being with her mom, taking her places, doing things together, showing her what life is like from a dog viewpoint.
Likes to meet other dogs.
She barked to show she was ready to talk. She showed me rolling over with her legs in the air – not sure if it’s a trick or for a tummy scratch – I think tummy scratch.
loves chicken.
She loves everyone.
She looks after her family by guarding them, she contributes by being herself and sharing her perspective on things.
She likes to curl up at night, cosy after the end of a busy day.
She doesn’t like draughts.
She has memories of being a working dog, outside – maybe past life or a dream for the future.
I’m not sure if this is right – any feedback would be helpful.
Thank you Snowy and Sharon. -
12/24/2024 at 5:52 pm #99387
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Sharon
Thank you for offering Snowy as thé Featured Animal Teacher. I connected with Snowy and sensed he is hyper and high strung at times but other times calm. He said it matches Mom’s energy or he tries to shift your energy.
He says he came into your life at à topsy turvy uncertain challenging difficult time. He says he was your rock and did a lot of Healing work with you and was the only one who accepted and understood you at times.
He says things are good now.
He says you’re learning how strong you are.
He says his favorite thing to play is you and he being silly and dancing. He says he Loves to butt wiggle.
He says he is getting ready to eat dinner and will talk to me later.
I thanked him , wished him a good dinner, and told him I Love him!-
12/24/2024 at 5:55 pm #99388
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberInteresting, must have been intuition, whenever I wrote, “he” I sensed Snowy is female. I believe my human brain was getting in the way thinking Snowy is a boy name!
12/25/2024 at 7:06 am #99391
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Sharon, thanks for letting us speak with Snowy, and sorry for this late response. I haven’t looked at the earlier posts, to remain objective, especially as I need practice.
When I greeted Snowy and told her why I was here, she came up full of curiosity, and with a high excited bark, to say “What took you so long”!
She has medium energy, the breathing is even, and the aura is largely yellow, and the coat is smooth to the touch. She likes being tickled around the ears! I see her kicking up her hind legs and running! Is there an issue on the back, right side?
Snowy is an old soul but with a youthful nature. She has been with you in an earlier life, and is your protector and companion. Her message is for you to stay calm, and worry less.
I hope some of this resonates with you. Thanks again and love and blessings to both of you. -
12/27/2024 at 11:14 am #99442
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Anita,
I am glad that she is happy to talk to you.
You have got her personality down.She is an old soul. Who has been in a previous lifetime with me!
I remember some of the details and find it fascinating.
She does have a young essence and spares no
Effort showing me and Woody how “bad” she can be!
She does have an issue on her right side
Which is in the front around the arm pit area.
Snowy has a collapsed trachea so her breathing is as good as can be considering
The issues at hand.Thank you so much for talking to Snowy
And confirming my “knowing” of our past lives together! -
12/27/2024 at 11:15 am #99443
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberSorry. Nita.
Got name wrong!-
12/28/2024 at 10:46 am #99487
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberThanks so much, Sharon, grateful for the feedback. And no worries about the typo! Love and blessings
12/28/2024 at 6:34 am #99481
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberThank You for allowing me to communicate with lovely Snowy.
I do not read other members posts prior to my communications.. This is what I received. Hope something resonates with you
Loving kind dog. Wise, .Older dog with lots of energy. Sense some slight masculine energy. Knows her own mind and will do what she wants to do. Is she with or lived with other dogs. Has a young spirit. Loves mum and being around her. Brings lots of joy and happiness to anyone who comes in contact with her.
Snowy, tail wagging is eager to come forward. Her dark bright eyes sparkle with happiness while his body exudes happiness.
Snowy enjoyed being the Dec FAT. Talking to everyone who communicated with her who were different in many ways. It was fun but tiring.
Tilting her head to one side as though deciding what to do, asked,. Is she leaving? Meaning you, Sharon, his mum. Assured Snowy I did not have the answer but would let her mum know her thoughts. Are you having thoughts about your current life and or your future, although it may not be clear to you at the moment and perhaps not included Snowy in your thinking process
Across my nose and eyes the sensation of a heavy metal grip squishing my face for a few seconds.
This could be symbolic. For example…. Metal: strength and durability..Lead Metal Alchemically, it’s viewed as a metal of death and transformation:
Snowy says her mum hesitates at ‘doing the right thing’ . Her Heart tells her it’s time to move on but her mind doesn’t agree. Explained decisions can be difficult and it takes humans time to process what it is they desire and work out what is best for them. She understands and knows this is different, more serious and about your future. At a crossroad – what and wants to do also not to do.
Snowy added. Work is required on decisions. What is needed in life to achieve the changes Peace and quiet time will achieve the desired outcome to renew oneself. Only you what know what you want in this life
Snowy wouldn’t give me details in regards to the situation or outcome of the decisions taken.
Snowy says, Mum has to work on her decision of what she wants her life to be and how to achieve it, Mum has it in her to change what she doesn’t want or need. She needs peace, quiet time for herself, to renew herself. I will be part of your future and will always be so there. Only she has options. Only she knows what she really wants in this life
Shown from inside an open woodland, sunlight, similar to small sparkling diamonds filtering through the open canopy of leaves and branches and onto the ground .
To our left, a lady walks beside us, her outstretched left hand gently sweeps over the passing foliage as we walk along slowly and mindfully down the path of mustard coloured compacted clean small rocks and pebbles.
Yellow can be symbolic of: Growth, transformation, and inner light, guiding individuals toward their Higher Purpose. Fosters a sense of calm, clarity, and positivity, radiating warmth and optimism.
A short distance further on, the view becomes more countryfied. The sun is brighter, its rays cover the landscape of green and yellow square patches of ground, A sense of calmness prevails. The air is fresh to breath, A contrast from whence we came, one of darkness with little light but not of foreboding but of tranquility, calmness, uncertainty and a path to walk
I give a big sigh of relief of contentment as though it’s a place of belonging. There is joy, happiness and contentment. The lady skips along the path. Beside her trots a dog similar to a Golden Retriever and Snowy who often looks up to the lady..
Love radiates from Snowys’ face and with a ‘knowing’ smile, Snowy stays silent when asked,’ is the dog from a past life or a future life’.
Golden Retriever dog symbolic: A guardian or totem. Deep connection to their surroundings. Teach us that achieving our goals requires dedication, discipline, and a touch of that signature doggy enthusiasm. Additionally, the dogs remind us to embrace life enthusiastically and never give up on our pursuits. Photo attatched
The lady is wearing a light flowered fabric dress that swishes gently as she walks in the warm soft breeze. A wide brimmed straw colored hat adorns her head to keep the sun off her face. She laughs and feels the air sound her. The three exude happiness. The sun lowers as a three continue forward
Message for Mum. You know in your heart what you must do. Hold the faith. This is you, your true self. I am here. We are here together. We are one. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Life is for living. Live your life. Be Happy
Let the communication sit for a while. Perhaps check the symbolic meaning that may suit you at this moment in time
Many thanks
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12/28/2024 at 6:40 am #99483
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberThank You for allowing me to communicate with lovely Snowy.
I do not read other members posts prior to my communications.. This is what I received. Hope something resonates with you
Loving kind dog. Wise, .Older dog with lots of energy. Sense some slight masculine energy. Knows her own mind and will do what she wants to do. Is she with or lived with other dogs. Has a young spirit. Loves mum and being around her. Brings lots of joy and happiness to anyone who comes in contact with her.
Snowy, tail wagging is eager to come forward. Her dark bright eyes sparkle with happiness while his body exudes happiness.
Snowy enjoyed being the Dec FAT. Talking to everyone who communicated with her who were different in many ways. It was fun but tiring.
Tilting her head to one side as though deciding what to do, asked,. Is she leaving? Meaning you, Sharon, his mum. Assured Snowy I did not have the answer but would let her mum know her thoughts. Are you having thoughts about your current life and or your future, although it may not be clear to you at the moment and perhaps not included Snowy in your thinking process
Across my nose and eyes the sensation of a heavy metal grip squishing my face for a few seconds.
This could be symbolic. For example…. Metal: strength and durability..Lead Metal Alchemically, it’s viewed as a metal of death and transformation:
Snowy says her mum hesitates at ‘doing the right thing’ . Her Heart tells her it’s time to move on but her mind doesn’t agree. Explained decisions can be difficult and it takes humans time to process what it is they desire and work out what is best for them. She understands and knows this is different, more serious and about your future. At a crossroad – what and wants to do also not to do.
Snowy added. Work is required on decisions. What is needed in life to achieve the changes Peace and quiet time will achieve the desired outcome to renew oneself. Only you what know what you want in this life
Snowy wouldn’t give me details in regards to the situation or outcome of the decisions taken.
Snowy says, Mum has to work on her decision of what she wants her life to be and how to achieve it, Mum has it in her to change what she doesn’t want or need. She needs peace, quiet time for herself, to renew herself. I will be part of your future and will always be so there. Only she has options. Only she knows what she really wants in this life
Shown from inside an open woodland, sunlight, similar to small sparkling diamonds filtering through the open canopy of leaves and branches and onto the ground .
To our left, a lady walks beside us, her outstretched left hand gently sweeps over the passing foliage as we walk along slowly and mindfully down the path of mustard coloured compacted clean small rocks and pebbles.
Yellow can be symbolic of: Growth, transformation, and inner light, guiding individuals toward their Higher Purpose. Fosters a sense of calm, clarity, and positivity, radiating warmth and optimism.
A short distance further on, the view becomes more countryfied. The sun is brighter, its rays cover the landscape of green and yellow square patches of ground, A sense of calmness prevails. The air is fresh to breath, A contrast from whence we came, one of darkness with little light but not of foreboding but of tranquility, calmness, uncertainty and a path to walk
I give a big sigh of relief of contentment as though it’s a place of belonging. There is joy, happiness and contentment. The lady skips along the path. Beside her trots a dog similar to a Golden Retriever and Snowy who often looks up to the lady..
Love radiates from Snowys face and with a ‘knowing’ smile, Snowy stays silent when asked,’ is the dog from a past life or a future life’.
Golden Retriever dog symbolic: A guardian or totem. Deep connection to their surroundings.Teach us that achieving our goals requires dedication, discipline, and a touch of that signature doggy enthusiasm. Additionally, the dogs remind us to embrace life enthusiastically and never give up on our pursuits.
The lady is wearing a light flowered fabric dress that swishes gently as she walks in the warm soft breeze. A wide brimmed straw colored hat adorns her head to keep the sun off her face. She laughs and feels the air sound her. The three exude happiness. The sun lowers as a three continue forward
Message for Mum. You know in your heart what you must do. Hold the faith. This is you, your true self. I am here. We are here together. We are one. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Life is for living. Live your life. Be Happy
Let the communication sit for a while. Perhaps check the symbolic meaning that may suit you at this moment in time
Many thanks
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12/28/2024 at 11:36 pm #99512
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberHi Sharon! I communicated with Snowy again and this time, the thoughts and ideas just came pouring out of her. I started by asking if she was ready to talk and she said, “Yes! Let’s get going!” I love her enthusiasm! I felt her reach up and lick me on the nose as we started. She’s a loving girl, a bit bossy but always with someone’s highest good in mind. She’s a teacher and a guide, with much wisdom.
I asked her to share some of that wisdom with me. It all came flowing out so quickly I felt like I was racing to keep up! She said, “People aren’t always good; they can be cruel. Animals can sometimes be cruel, too, but that’s more about instincts. The cruelty is never the point like it can be with people.”
I asked her about her philosophy of life. She told me to love, even when others hurt you. Especially when others hurt you. The act of love is healing. It’s for you and for the cruel ones only to a secondary degree. Love your enemies and heal yourself.
She gave me a message just for me: “You have a lot of anger about things done to you in the past. Let it go. It was fine to feel it for a time: anger is not wrong, it can help you survive, but it will eventually exhaust you. Give yourself to love and your world will be a better place.” This really resonated with me and I want to thank Snowy publicly for making me cry in the middle of a communication!
I told Snowy I loved her and she said, “I love you, too. You’re a soul with much to give. You all are.”
I asked if she had a message for you, Sharon. She said you need to learn from her: let go of the hurt and truly live.
Before I had a chance to say goodbye, she dismissed me (ever so gently) by saying, “That’s all I have to say for tonight. Come back soon!” I definitely will!
Thank you so much, Sharon and Snowy!
12/29/2024 at 3:35 pm #99523
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberThank you Elizabeth.
Wow U certainly picked up on Snowy’s
Likes to lick faces.
She is a fighter as she has lived through a
Lifetime of abuse, neglect and hurt yet she carried on in a most positive way.She is my teacher as well and is teaching me
Love, forgiveness, and sheer joy!
We have had at least one prior lifetime together!I am happy that she resonates with you!
Thank you!
12/29/2024 at 4:02 pm #99524
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberThank you Sandy.
I know that snowy is speaking directly to me via your voice! She is my teacher and helper! Thank you for this.Your description of her is absolutely on target.
Indeed I am at a crossroad and will have
To make some decisions in the near future!
I will mull over your “story”.
Thank you!-
01/22/2025 at 4:40 am #99696
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi
Hope you are keeping well.
Sorry for late reply. I did not see any notification that you had replied. Being unwell these past weeks I did not worry about it and knew it would come thru at some point. Now that I am feeling lot better thought I’d check again and found your lovely feedback.
Glad what I passed on from sweet Snowy resonated with you. Wish you well in our decisions which can be difficult to make
Hopefully I will connect with Snowy again soon for her ‘update’.
01/31/2025 at 7:42 am #99769
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi.
This is what Snowy wanted to pass onto you Hope something resonated with you.
Snowy, rose up from a seated position, came to me to lick my left check.I, rather, Snowy talked to me again
Snowy: She (Sharon K) will come to The right decision for her in due time. it’s important she doesn’t rush into any decisions.
I watch her. Her mind in turmoil but needn’t be so if she has confidence in herself. move forward, don’t stay, it’s not good to stay. We all need growth, love, expectations and happiness.
Snowy goes on to add. She (Sharon) needs encouragement, a gentle push to move forward. Whatever decision she makes will be the right one. Have no fear, I’m here at your side watching and guiding you. You must do what you have to do. Don’t look back, The way is forward.
Shown a woman with a small dog by her right side. They are walking along a flat solid path towards a bright yellow smiling and welcoming light, A thin pair of yellow arms with big hands reach out toward them to enfold them in a hug. They are drawn nearer to the light and they become one with the light.
Symbology: The Sun – sun stands for supreme authority and is a powerful energy source.The amount of sunshine we receive directly impacts our physical and mental health.Every morning as the sun rises brings new hope, a day to live fully with the sun’s energizing rays.
This makes the sunset equally symbolic, representing death as the sun ‘dies’ each night only to be ‘reborn’ at dawn. Maybe check more of the symbolic meaning of the ‘ sun image’ I often see images that are symbolic rather than literally, therefore have other meanings that may need delving into.
I thank snowy for her message and ask if there’s anything that she needs for herself or I could do for her
Snowy: Only for her (Sharon) to be happy. be herself. Be full of love and life and be at peace with herself.
Gave my gratitude to Snowy who wanted to be wrapped in green and blue, Suddenly, flickering flames of green and blue emanated from her body filling the space around her.
Thank you Shelly for allowing me to talk to Snowy. To Snowy, thank you for talking to me again and your wise words
This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by
Sandy Doherty.
This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by
Sandy Doherty.
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12/29/2024 at 4:28 pm #99525
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello. Rosemary,
thank you for talking to Snowy!
You have described some of the most positive and lovable aspects of Snowy!She is friends with most people she meets. Always a waggling tail!
I can actually feel her joy when she runs out the backdoor to catch up with my Dog Woody. She loves him!
She is very much into “guarding “. Me and
My Woody and my Baby Cat! On top of it!
Rolling over legs up is her last ritual before bed time. So cute.And one of the most astonishing reveals is that she was a working dog in past life!
This is as exactly how I remember our past life together!
Thank you so much! Makes me so Happy!
12/29/2024 at 4:37 pm #99526
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Jhiehan Lim
Thank you for talking to snowy!
You caught her at one of her funniest moments!
Butt turned up face in pillow working on a bone treat! She definitely pays no attention to anything but that delicious bone she is knawing on!
Thank you for passing along the joy of this dog! -
12/29/2024 at 5:05 pm #99527
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Gabriela,
U r right Snowy does project a male energy in a lot of her actions.
Snowy is 14 but acts like a ten year old sometimes! Is young at ❤️.
I am glad she wants to hang around
For a while longer.She does get lifted up in my bed and sometimes I lift her down.
She leaps into my arms when I watch tv. Or when I meditate in the am.I do not take her to c my horse as she would be bold enough to go in Eldorado’s
Pen and get trampled!Home alone is not her favorite but
Most of the time has her companion
Woody to be with her.Snowy does have a male friend (human) comes over with dog. They play in back yard.
Thank you for getting to know Snowy!
She loves talking to all of you!
12/31/2024 at 4:21 am #99538
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberThank you, Sharon, for your feedback. There is a lot of love in your home.
Many blessings,
Gabriela -
02/06/2025 at 1:26 am #99822
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberSnowy: “What a noble gesture of Sharon, to take me on. No-one wants an old dog with ‘complications’. But she did, Sharon did. She opened her heart for me. And the door to her home and life. I love love love love love her (and she licks your face)”.
12/29/2024 at 10:35 pm #99531
Joelle Detlefsen-Fox
Platinum MemberHi Sharon!
This is what I got without seeing any other info first.
Snowy greeted me with a little hesitance, but warmed up quickly. Asked her preferred clair and she barked. I was getting her information through sounds, even though my preference is all the others. So this was a little more challenging.
Asked her age, got 12. I asked her favorite food, she said chicken. Any tricks you’re good at? Jumping high! Asked how she was feeling and she said sad, but before I could ask further, I felt a tugging sensation in my throat and asked if that was hers. She said yes, and when I asked if it had a color, she said red and yellow. I asked if she knew where it came from, and she said it was connected to her food but she did not want to discuss further.
I offered her a healing and she accepted, so created a protected space and performed a brief healing for her and she said she felt lighter after. She seemed content and I thanked her for connecting and told her I looked forward to connecting again later this month.
12/31/2024 at 3:40 pm #99557
Alana Bartels
Platinum MemberHi Sharon!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to connect with Snowy! She is a very sweet thing! This is what I picked up from Snowy. I haven’t read anybody else comments yet. Snowy has a joyful, loving, fun, playful personality where she can be both quiet and loud. I picked that she is around 13-14 years old but has a young heart. I feel that she is an old soul that has been in 2 lifetimes with you. Her preferred method of communication is Clairaudience(hearing). She really enjoyed being the FAT of the month. Said that it was awesome! She is happy to help us students to practice communication. She said that she is doing great and that her home life is great as well. She enjoyed being with you especially cuddling with you. I picked up that she has 2 other siblings with her. A dog and a cat. She said that she is very close to the dog sibling. She said that her job is to protect you so picking up a protector role. She is here to help guide you to make better decisions. I’m heard my mom is at a crossroads right now. She said to get in a quiet state and ask your inner guidance which decision is best and trust what you receive. However, she is fulfilling her purpose with you. Picked a green/yellow aura. Nothing came up during the body scan. I asked her if she had a message for me. She said yes that I needed to be confident and put myself out there. Thank you again! Lots of love and blessings to you and Snowy! -
01/01/2025 at 3:33 am #99578
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberDear Sharon,
Thank you for your feedback – it was very helpful. I tried to do a “quick connect” with Snowy. I didn’t have much time but didn’t want to opt out of practice so it was a bit of an experiment. I haven’t done it like this before. So I’m not at all sure if it was accurate or not. Thank you :). She’s so inspiring and beautiful.She didn’t seem interested at all in my questions but did convey this to me: She has very strong inner wisdom. She has very clear ideas and isn’t easily coninced otherwise. She is very happy – her life is full. She is like a housekeeper/house manager sorting things out between everyone, managing the household. I asked about her health. She says she is slower than she used to be, sometimes her back legs struggle to gain purchase on the floor, but she says that it is nothing that holds her back. She says: I am decidedly helpful to Sharon. I don’t know how she would ever run the household without me.
01/06/2025 at 6:42 pm #99605
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberThank you for your ongoing communication with Snowy.
U r correct. She is like a little homemaker.
Very tidy, no messes and acts like she is boss.She is keeping me in line and lets me know hey wants and needs.
I am sure she loves talking to u.
Thank you! -
01/06/2025 at 7:03 pm #99606
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Alana.
U r spot on with many of your comments re Snowy. She is 14, is an old soul
And I believe. She had at least one lifetime
With me. I clearly remember one .She is youthful and likes to play with
E Woody. And baby cat. She likes to cuddle with me and exudes happiness.She is helping me with showering
Me with love and guidance.
I do believe she is here in this lifetime to
Help me .
I love her very much and very grateful for
Her. Thank you for your reading it just
Reinforces my knowings re Snowy! -
01/08/2025 at 7:30 pm #99629
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Sharon and Snowy!
I checked in with Snowy tonight, 1/8/25 at 6:54 pm US Central Time, and had a cute little talk with her. 🙂 I started by asking if she remembered me and she said, “Hi! I remember you!” I asked if she was having a good week and she said, “I’m sleepy, lots going on, busy time lately.”I asked her if she gets lots of cuddles and snuggles and she said “yeah, but I can never get too much of that! Need more!”
I asked what kind of toys does she like. She showed me a stuffed ball shaped toy made of yarn or thick string that formed little loops all over it, soft and fluffy.
I asked if she has enjoyed talking to everyone this past month and she said, “yeah, but it happens so randomly. I like a little more routine. Should I set talking hours?” That was funny! Like she needs office hours now! HAHA 🙂
I asked if she likes to go outside. She said, “I go wherever mom goes. I just want to be with her. If I go out and she isn’t with me, I hurry and come back in to where she is.
I asked if she has any messages for her mom. She said, “I want one of those lemon looking cookies please. I gotta go, mom needs me. Bye!” Just like that, she left the conversation! HAHA
She is such a sweet little soul. Made me smile the whole time. ❤️ I hope some of this resonates with you. Either way it was a fun little chat with Snowy! Love her! 🙂 Sending hugs and love to you both!
01/17/2025 at 12:21 pm #99670
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum Memberhello. Shelly,
Thank you for talking to Snowy!
U r right. She loved talking to
Everyone!I felt her joy!
She does get tired easily due to
Her medication. But that does not stop her from running outside to play when she can.
She does come right in when called!
Very good at that!
she does love love cuddles. And likes a set routine! Takes away her stress level.She does not play with or have any toys , however. She loves her treats.
She even tries to take Woody’s treats away.
Woody is about 4 times bigger!U r right she is a sweet and loving fur baby!
Thank u so much!
01/20/2025 at 5:59 pm #99684
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberThanks so much for your feedback, Sharon! I will have to find out from her what she was showing me when she showed me the yarn ball shaped item with loops all over it. LOL Apparently it wasn’t a toy, so I’ll have to see what she was showing me. 🙂 Thanks again! ❤️
01/18/2025 at 12:16 pm #99671
Alana Bartels
Platinum MemberHi again Sharon
I connected with Snowy again earlier on the zoom call that Mel hosted and didn’t read any other comments on here. Snowy is a beautiful soul! I picked up that Snowy is a female. She was so excited to connect with me again. I picked up that she has a loving, confident and playful personality. She said that her preferred communication method is Clairaudience(hearing). It sounded like she has an high pitch voice to me. I felt pressure in my heart area when I connected to her. I picked up that she is an old soul that has been in 2 lifetimes with you. I picked up a green aura that extends off of her body. Her energy felt warm all over to me. She said that she has a very good home life. She has a protector role. Her favorite activity is to snuggle with you. Snowy message to you is to relax more and enjoy the beauty of life. Her message to me was to have belief in myself. It was a beautiful connection with Snowy! Thank you so much for allowing me to connect with her! Many blessings to you. Much Love! -
01/18/2025 at 9:51 pm #99673
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello. Alana,
You are spot on with everything you
Received from Ms Snowy!She is loving, happy and beautiful soul.
I am aware of one past life time together
But would like to learn about another one?I know this is true as the chance of me
Meeting Snowy and adopting her would probably be a million to one. long story.She is a forgiving soul as well as she is not bitter about her abusive prior. Caretaker. I know that we met as she is here to help me heal! I when she looks me in the eye I can feel it deeply.
I am so grateful for everyone’s feedback
As it just confirms my knowings of who Snowy
Is and how lucky I am. To have herThank you Alana. This makes my soul very happy!
01/19/2025 at 7:41 pm #99677
Alana Bartels
Platinum MemberHi Sharon,
Thank you so much for the feedback! Happy to hear that I was spot on with everything I received from Ms Snowy and that we made your soul very happy! You’re so welcome! Lots of blessings and love to you and Ms. Snowy!Much Love,
Alana -
01/20/2025 at 6:02 pm #99685
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Shelly,
Would love yo know what Snowy had gotten herself into! LOL!
01/21/2025 at 7:51 pm #99691
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberHi Sharon and Snowy,
I was very curious what Snowy was showing me when I saw the yarn ball shaped object that had what looked to be stringy yarn like loops all over it. So, I meditated, got in the heart love space, and asked her. I was surprised by what she told me. Apparently, what she was showing me was indeed not a toy – at least not in the definition of what a toy means to me. LOL I learned a very important thing – a “toy” can mean something completely different to an animal. 🙂Snowy showed me that the object was, what looked to be, either a Puli dog or an Old English Sheepdog named “Barley” or “Marley” (I didn’t quite clearly hear the first letter). This pup was from her past. She said she loved to play with him. He was her idea of a “toy”. She had so much fun playing with him and was missing him. I am not sure if she knew him in this lifetime when she was younger or in another lifetime. To her, that part didn’t matter enough for her to take time to explain.
Both Puli dogs and Old English Sheepdogs do look like really big balls of yarn with stringy loops all over them when I think about it! LOL! 🙂 It never even crossed my mind that was what she was showing me. I am glad I asked her because I have learned to not question what I get from an animal, only question my interpretation. 🙂
Thanks, sweet Snowy, for clearing that up for me!
Lots of hugs and love to you both. ❤️
01/22/2025 at 12:17 am #99694
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberHello Sharon and Snowy,
thankyou both for supporting me in my practice.
Here is what I got on the last communication:
Snowy was very excited to talk. She greeted me by coming for an ear rub.
A lot of feminine/mother/organiser energy.
I asked her how she had found being the FAT.
She said that the more we come together, the better it is. It’s great! She says she has grown from being the FAT through her efforts to help humans understand. It has helped her stretch her compassion.
She is proud of her life experience.
She is confident with others – .She checks everyone, looks and considers and is happy to greet but aware and will withdraw when she feels necessary.
She showed me a picture of her wearing a crown – not sure what that means yet.
She said life isn’t just about learning but having the whole experience of it.
I asked if there was anything in her life that would help her. She said she does like to rest up and be warm after a busy day.
I see her running around the house, sniffing and making little tugs at things – toys or blankets – putting things in order or drawing attention to important things.
She is a little stiff in her lower back.
She isn’t overly barky – barks when necessary.
She loves going out, running around, sniffing and finding out about the world.
She thinks lack of confidence is a waste of time.
A message for Sharon: We all have different roles in our family. Trust me to do mine and get on with yours.
She loves to take care of people, help people.
Thank you Sharon and Snowy!
Rosemary -
01/26/2025 at 6:46 pm #99710
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Rosemary,
Glad u communicated with Snowy.
You have the essence of the Total
Snowy! She is quite a big personality and enjoys using it to charm people. You are on target as her confidence is quite high and she has no hesitation checking out anybody
That interests her.
The crown resonates as she is the boss of the pack, despite her small size compared to Woody’s massive size. LOL. She steals his bones runs and then grabs his big bed!She loves her ear rubbing sessions
And does run around the house smelling anything.
Snowy is helping me in many ways and cane into my life to help me be a better person!I am so happy that our class is getting to know the one and only Snowy! Thank you
01/31/2025 at 8:07 am #99771
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberDear Sharon
thank you for your feedback. I’m glad you could shed light on the crown! It’s so helpful to get feedback – thank you for your time,
01/26/2025 at 7:10 pm #99711
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello. Shelly,
Well your insights regarding Snowy’s
Past life are right on.We have had at least one past life together
In which I was a young male who was responsible for a lot of sheep.
Snowy was my guardian dog who was by my side constantly helping guard and protect
The flock. It makes sense that there were more than one sheep dog in play.This past life memory. Came to me in bits and pieces over a period of time and came to me before I met Snowy about a year ago.
I am sure He/she was playing working Ect with his/her fellow Sheep dogs.
My memories of this life are peaceful, beautiful and simple!
Snowy gives me nothing but joy and love!
Thank u so much for validating what I
Know in my heart!-
01/27/2025 at 6:04 pm #99722
Shelly Chance
Platinum MemberMy goodness, that is so exciting to hear that what she showed me resonated with you! 🙂 I am overjoyed that I was able to get a much clearer interpretation of what she was showing me. Thank you so much for confirming what she showed me. I think it is wonderful that you are able to remember something from a past life, how exciting is that! ❤️ Thanks so much for your feedback! 🙂
01/27/2025 at 10:57 am #99713
Mascha Doyle
Gold MemberHi Sharon,
What a cutie Snowy is 🙂
I thought it was a boy but apparently she is a girl. I have read the other comments but only after writing my own comments down. I am amazed with the accuracy some people got. I can only share what I got:Her heart space feels very strong, she is so loving. She can be super enthusiastic but also a bit timid or inwards sometimes.
When I greet her she is all excited and wags her tail. She puts her nose in my face. She is happy and excited.
Then she lays down. She says you have been going through a rough period. Christmas was supposed to be a happy time but it was not. I feel a bit heavy on the heart. She says you both lost someone, a friend. I see another dog, brown, but I am not sure she is referring to this dog regarding the loss. I feel like my solar plexus is wrenched, it feels sad, a bit depressed. I say I am sorry. She sighs.
When I ask about you, she becomes happy and excited. She plays with me, she says joyfully.
She also likes chicken with sauce. A rubber bone toy.She says she is a Teacher (proudly). To show there are beautiful things in life. That we should enjoy every moment. With each other. Enjoy the beautiful moments. When playing outside. When cuddling.
A message for Sharon? She is perfect and beautiful just the way she is. Nothing to change.
She then licks me again on the face.Message for me? To trust myself and keep going. That is what it’s about. Trust, believe in yourself.
This is what all you people should do more.
She then barks happily, so that is said!She has other things to do now. I thank her.
Thank you for your feedback Sharon.
01/31/2025 at 3:17 pm #99774
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberHello Mascha
snowy is a very loving and exciting
Soul.Her greetings always includes lots of wags and face licking!
She tells u that she is a teacher
And I totally agree!
She has been with me for nine months
And I have learned so many things
About courage, love, purpose and
Patience!As far as loosing someone I don’t know who that would be for me, I can’t say
Regarding Snowy as we have not been together
That long.As far as Christmas goes it was very nice
But a couple of days beforehand I was not in a good space! She picks up on my moods!Snowy lives talking to u.
Thank you very much! -
02/06/2025 at 10:26 am #99826
Sharon Kincaid
Platinum MemberThank you Gabriela!
Snowy is my heart dog and we “get each other”!
Funny I am saying this but she has help me intensify my heart method process
And I feel that my Clair’s are increasing
Or maybe I am just more in tune.She is always by my side when I communicate
With the animals!
She has helped me feel what love really means. And how to show it everyday!Am blessed to have Snowy. In my life!
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