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Tagged: FAT
- This topic has 59 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by
Terrianne McGrath.
01/01/2024 at 11:22 am #94988
ModeratorTerrianne M has volunteered to host her dog, Sophie, as our next Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) during January 2024. You will enjoy getting to know this wonderful animal teacher.
We encourage all of you to connect with Sophie now and throughout the month.
Tune into Sophie first and see what you sense. It’s not just about getting words although that’s a lot of fun when it happens. Remember that telepathic comes from ‘tele’ meaning over a distance like telephone and television, and ‘pathic’ that comes from pathos. So literally telepathic is emotion over a distance.
How does Sophie feel to you? Happy? Sad? Excited? etc. Ask Sabrina ice breaker questions as you might with any new teacher. It’s not about “getting the right answer” but about connecting with a wonderful animal.
Gold and Platinum members will have an opportunity to connect with Sophie along with Val on the Q&A call January 13th. Check your time on a world clock for call time of 11:30am Eastern / 10:30am Central Texas. World Clock at https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) Call reminder emails will be emailed to you. Also, call information found in your course materials.
Have fun practicing your communication skills in this supportive setting! Lots of interesting discoveries happen here.
01/03/2024 at 9:23 am #95009
Penny Stone
Platinum Memberi had a great conversation with Sophie. At first she felt like she is doing the FAT out of duty. It wasn’t something she was really happy about doing. But as we went forward in the conversation that changed. She is mostly a serious kinda girl.
She loves to go for walks and showed me her joy, wiggling, bouncing, etc. She likes going to a place in nature. A park? She doesn’t feel comfortable interacting with other dogs in this setting, but gets praise and flattery and maybe pets when y’all encounter other humans. So she likes that. And they talk with Terrianne and she thinks that’s good. She is so good for Terrianne!
She is trying to help you and give you confidence that you can talk with animals. She hears what you think and say, and she watches what you do.
Is there a teenager or young adult female in your life? She loves this girl. She’s part of the reason that Sophie is with you. You need to give this person appreciation, affection and praise.
You worry and feel unsure. Sophie says it will all be ok. You can do this. This better communication with animals.
She is obedient. She wants to do what’s right. She is willing to be the FAT even though it is not something she thought she would want to do.
She tells me not to be so full of myself. All of us need to get over ourselves. Stop all this crazy hustle and bustle. Listen to all of the animals. To the trees, the rocks, the soil. Listen to all of it. Stop all this craziness. You are hurting all of us. We are begging you to put us as equally important to you. All of it is more important than you are. And you are causing chaos and destruction. this cannot go on. We will all be destroyed. Your way of life will be destroyed. If you don’t stop the chaos and destruction of everything your way of life will be destroyed anyway, so stop trying to be something other than animals.
I said that’s pretty deep. Sophie said Not so much. WE all see it.
She said I need to share this. She showed me social media. I said ok. that takes courage. You have to talk for us. You have to talk for the planet. I hear you say there’s nothing you can do. this is the most important thing. We are counting on you.Ok. I will write this message. And thank you. You are amazing, Wonderful. Thank you for doing this. I so appreciate you.
01/03/2024 at 6:53 pm #95020
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Penny, thank you for being the first person to talk to Sophie during her month of being FAT. I’m not sure if it was that Sophie didn’t want to be FAT. She’s a very bright girl and She does love to talk. I think she just didn’t know what to expect more than didn’t want to do it. I’m glad she loosened up during your conversation.
You are right she does love to go for walks and she does love to show her joy by wiggling her backside. We call that the Rottie wiggle, She likes to go out to the parks although she does prefer other dogs versus strangers, She does not like strangers coming up to touch her. People can admire her from afar, but that’s as far as she wants them to go. She does love hearing how pretty she is too, it’s nice to know that she likes for me to talk to other people. I’m not sure if that is in a professional manner or just a social manner, maybe both?
Sophie and I have shared a special bond from the moment I picked her up from the breeder. You are also right that my daughter is a young adult and Sophie absolutely adores her! They have a very close, affectionate bond and I’m happy that she has that relationship with my daughter.
Sophie at times is a support system with regard to my AC. If I am not able to make a connection and start getting frustrated, she will come close and lean on me for support as if to say “Don’t worry, you can do it”.
Sophie is very obedient. She knows exactly what to do just by looking at me.
I laughed when you said she told you to stop being so full of yourself and we need to get over ourselves as humans, slow down with the hustle and bustle, listen to the animals and listen to nature. We are all equal and need to work together. I swear she looks at me at times and shakes her head as if to say “stupid human”. 🤣Our family doesn’t really have roundtable conversations about Social media, so I don’t know where she would’ve picked that up. Out of the mouth of babes, you never know right?
Thank you so much Penny you got a lot of Sophie‘s character and being her first one I’m sure she was a little nervous and you broke that chain and I’m sure she’ll be able to talk to the other students without a bundle of nerves. You both did a great job. Please feel free to speak with her again. I would appreciate it and I think she would love that.
01/05/2024 at 10:18 am #95042
ModeratorTesting notification to Terrianne
01/09/2024 at 2:45 pm #95071
Martha Breeding
Platinum MemberHi Terrianne,
Thank you for offering Sophie as the Featured Animal Teacher.
I sense Sophie is very sweet and that she can be bashful and cautious. She says she knows when to back off and give humans and other animals their space. She says she’s also very much a Helper and her main purpose in her body named Sophie is to be a Healer. « I do much Healing on myself now that I live a good life with good humans and on other beings. I even Heal plants! »« I have done much Healing on my mom and continue to do so as do your kitties on you, my dear darling. »
Me- You calling me, « my dear darling » makes me smile, Sophie.
Sophie – « You’re Healing and will smile more, Martha. Just wait and be patient. It’s all on the same time line anyway, my dear »
I sense she’s very patient as well. I forgot to mention that before.
Me- Sophie, what can you tell me about yourself, my dear?
Sophie – I came from a rough life in this lifetime until my humans adopted me and saved me. I knew Mommy was coming for me. We are reunited. I was her human child a long time ago. As Sophie, the dog, I act like a child at times. Sometimes I pout a little or get moody. It’s me trying to communicate with Mom that she’s not « getting » what I am trying to tell her.
Me- Sometimes humans are too caught up in something that they don’t understand the animals.
Sophie – I know. Mom is getting better as she meditates more. I Love when she meditates! I meditate with her and guide her to her Heart.
Me- Us humans sometimes need help with that.
Sophie – If only you humans could feel how simple things actually are.
Me- I am on the path to realizing this. I got way off track for a long Time. I have a ways to go to fully learn it, but am learning it. I am learning self care as well. It’s nice doing self care.
Sophie – I know! Right? I Love self care! I make sure my humans do self care, too. I never could understand why Mom didn’t do self care much before. She is getting better and better. The more Love I give her, the more self care she does. She had a challenge acknowledging, being aware even of, and accepting Love from me. She has Healed a lot and transformed ! You will, too.
I thanked Sophie for talking with me and she thanked me for talking with her and said she is going to go Sun now.
I told her I’d Love to talk with her again and Love her and thanked her for sharing the special messages for me. I sent her gold and pink Love energy and gave her a pet and sent her a smile. She did the same and rubbed my face.
Love to Sophie !
01/09/2024 at 6:10 pm #95080
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberMartha,
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. Right off the bat you are correct that she is very sweet and patient. She is also shy/bashful with strangers. She needs to have a few seconds to smell them to get a sense of them before allowing them to touch her or enter her personal space.
Sophie does fill the role of a healer for me. She also fills the role of a healer for our other dogs as well. I’m glad she let you know that your cats are healing you too. For you to continue down the forward path and to be patient for change. Easier said than done! Knowing the change you desire is on your forward path must be comforting to hear.
Sophie may have been referencing a past life when she was talking about having a rough start. I picked her up from the breeder at 8 weeks old.
She does get frustrated with me at times when she is clearly trying to communicate with me and I am unable to receive what she is trying to tell me. My dogs love to meditate with me. 5 minutes into it, they are all flopped on the floor in a loose relaxed body.
With regard to the self care… I’m not sure what you are referencing with regard to self care. I would need more help with that. Accepting Sophie’s love is an easy thing to do as it excludes from her being. Maybe the connection of communication with her is what she was referencing and will eventually come.
I would say that was a great connection with Sophie. She is so smart and can be stubborn at times, but I am learning more about her with every post! I look forward to others. Thank you Martha. -
01/13/2024 at 7:35 am #95119
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi
Many thanks for allowing me to talk to Sophie
I didn’t read other members posts prior to my communication with Sophie
This is what I received I hope some of it resonates with you
A kind gentle, happy soul without a mean bone in her body. She’s full of love for everything and everyone. Feels deeply – a warrior – for her mum. Anxious. Clever. Wants to know what’s going on. Loves running and the wind. Going for walks. Wide open spaces. Loves her family.
Her job is to help you and your family. Healer, teacher
Sophie, seated upright, sphinx style is looking around at her surroundings although there is nothing for me to see – blankness
I see and sense sadness deep within her eyes. She is panting excitedly as I asked her if she’s happy to talk to me. Bows her head in agreement.
Sophie tells me she’s good because she has been on a long walk with mum. Shown calm expanse of water. Sun is shining in the early afternoon.
A path runs down thru mounds of sand onto the clean, wide and long beach with small cliff type rocks nearby . A woman throws a red and white tennis-sized ball that Sophie eagerly chases and returns to drop the ball at the girl’s red painted toe nailed feet encashed in brown leather open work sandals. Shown blue material similar to a hem area of a skirt or dress flowing gently in the wind. Another girl wears white shorts. Her brown hair is tied back into a long ponytail. Sense she is an older child or a teenager. Sophie loves these ladies, bounces eagerly, excitedly around them Sophie suddenly stops and freezes, transfixed at what she can hear or see that the girls cannot. No other humans in sight. The moment passes and she’s back chasing round on the grass – see park type area
I ask if there is something that she wants to tell me today. Sophie strolls towards me, her persona has changed to a more serious note. We sit down facing each other. Sophie drops her head onto my lap as though it’s an effort to hold her head up high. Then moments of silence.
Sophie is worried about her mum, sinks her head lower into my lap. Her eyes look up to me and says. says it’s too much. I asked her to explain. . S Sometimes things get too much for her and her health suffers. Sophie can’t really explain it but tired, limitless, energy gone. Not her normal happy self.
M Tell Sophie that’s good and kind of her to worry about mum. Maybe your mum is tired because she’s been very busy, working hard and needs to rest or maybe like me and many other humans, because it’s winter, the daylight hours are short. Dark nights are long. I too feel tired, listless. It takes me ages to get going in the mornings and once the darkness descends in the afternoon I think it’s the end of the day. That’s because of where I live in the world – the northern hemisphere. Sometimes, I feel I want to hibernate for the winter and wake up when it’s spring, the flowers are in bloom and the sun is shining. Then I feel much better. That doesn’t mean there’s anything ‘wrong’ with me or other humans who experience these feelings. Sophie looks at me quizzically.
S This is different. Why won’t he tell me. Sophie can’t explain how or why it’s different but knows something is wrong and mum won’t tell her so is getting agitated. S Why won’t she tell me.
Explained to Sophie there may be nothing for mum to tell her or maybe mum has to work it out for herself before she lets anyone else know. S We could help her. Reassured Sophie is already helping her and supporting her mum by being with her.
Mum and Sophie like it when Sophie lays her head on your lap. Says mum enjoys stroking my head and when I sit tightly by her side. It makes mum better. It’s our silent time. M Am sure mum knows you are helping her in your way but may not say that to you
I could let mom know of your concerns. You have noticed the difference in her and importantly to talk and confide in you. S Yes please. We want to know and explains – the other dogs. Hear 2 names Sabrina and Casey.
Sophie is not worried about anything else except wanting to know, When’s dinner is. I’m hungry. We laugh and rub her head. M. I guess you are after all that running around. You must be tired.
S I like running and my ears flapping in the wind. It makes me feel alive. Do you like your ears flapping in the wind. M. I’ve small ears so they don’t flap in the wind but the tips get cold sometimes. Sophie screwed up her face making it clear she wasn’t impressed by my ears.
Is there anything else you’d like your mum to know. S No
Can you tell me something so your mum knows I’ve spoken to you. S Let me think, gives out a big sigh, lies flat down on her belly touching the floor. Four legs sprawled outwards, head resting on the front legs similar to the shape of a starfish. Sophie stays still and silent. No answer recived.
Shown green wisps followed by various large dark greeneries/ foliage
Shown a small blue bird, similar to a budgerigar, chirping in a cream/white dome shaped cage by a half opened window where soft sunlight streamed into the room. The sun would not harm the bird.
Shown an apartment located two or three floors up of a building. Another window with a small balcony nearby overlooking terracotta coloured roof tops atop of mostly white buildings. A narrow road with little traffic and a general street noise.
Have you a message for mum
Talk to us. We are here to help. Let us help you. We love you. I’m happy you’re our forever mum. Sophie, paw to her mouth, blows loving kisses, which I hear the sound of, to her mum
Wisps of green come floating by to wrap around Sophie as I give my gratitude to her for talking to me
Thanks for your and Sophie’s time in allowing me to talk to Sophie
Some aspect of the communication could be symbolic
E.g Bird – messenger. Spiritual status, angels. Blue bird – joy, love and hope
01/14/2024 at 1:29 pm #95137
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Sandy,
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. You are correct that Sophie is all of the things you mentioned… She is kind, gentle, a happy soul, who feels deeply for her family. She is very clever and likes having her brain challenged. She is the Matriarch of the animals in the family and will also act as a healer for me in different avenues. Sophie loves going on walks, sniffing every inch of the way! She does on occasion stand tall on one of our rocks around the pool, “surveying the area” for coyotes and basic security.
She loves having the wind in her face. I do allow her to put her head out the window when driving running errands. She is living her best life and she smiles ear to ear. The memory of being at the beach playing with a ball could be her memory of watching someone do this (which she enjoys watching others) or perhaps a past life experience.
Sophie being worried about me has come up once or twice and I couldn’t figure out what she could possibly be referring to. I just realized it could be in relation to a hard fall I had last week. I fell on concrete coming into the house and boy did it hurt! I was in quite a bit of pain for a good week and I’m sure Sophie has been worried about that. I will be sure to tell her that I am on the mend and I am healthy so she doesn’t have to worry. It was my fault not to explain to her what happened. We are closely bonded and I should have realized she would be worried for me.Sandy, you did get quite a bit from Sophie that makes sense to me. Thank you for making me realize that I need to explain to Sophie that I am fine and on the mend.
01/24/2024 at 5:23 am #95254
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi
Thanks for feedback and glad that something resonated with you.
Haven’t read other students comments yet.
Acting on your feedback I waited till I spoke to Sophie again. This is what I received
Sense and felt Sophie. was relaxed, happy and calmer compared to the first communication
Sophie’s tail is wagging excitedly and then walks towards me. Lowers her head to invite head and ear rubs which I do. Sophie is happy, joyful, playful, repeating ‘Thankyou’ breathlessly.
Sophie told me you – her mum – had spoken to her and that she/we were worried but mum had explained what happened that mum fell on something hard and shook her up. Also that mum had changed. We felt it but she didn’t tell us. Tears formed in Sophie’s eyes, her lips quivered. I felt a tightness in her body and my chest and I felt and sensed Sophie wanted to cry but wouldn’t let herself do so. In an instant there was a change in Sophie, eyes bright and smiling body relaxed as she sat down on her haunches, legs stretched out in front of her.
Sophie was happy and said. Mum told me and thank you for telling her mum we were all worried about her
M Sometimes we forget to tell loved ones that there are problems
S She should have done. She knows this. She won’t forget again will she. This was a lesson for her and she learnt it well. I’m her teacher, to which I agree.Shown a small white curly haired dog . A red tartan band, with a small golden bell attached around the dog’s neck. The little dog trots over to Sophie places her black nose onto Sophie’s nose, then moves a few feet away to sit down mirroring Sophie seated position on the haunches legs in in front on a wood type brown flooring
Shown white cupboards with light coloured wood type worktops. Shown a single stem spout in the middle of 2 chrome taps handles. Nearby a window where shards of sunlight shine thu and across grass area
M. Is there anything else you want to tell me or your mum. Heared, Treats in the afternoon
Sophie, stands up as does the white dog and walk away. Sophie turns. Tell mum, I, we are pleased, happy she’s not hurt and she told us what happened. Told Sophie I will do so and if she had a message for mum
Message for Mum
We love you. We are family. Just because we wear a different physical body, that doesn’t mean we are different. We are the same but in different bodies. Remember that we love you and happy you are our mumSophie and white dog walk away side by side. Sense Sophie is also the white dogs protector for the white dog keeps looking up towards Sophie as though for reassurance comfort
Give my gratitude to Sophie for talking to me and white dog. Green coloured wisps hover then form into a solid mass wrapping itself around both dogs. Not sure if this is Sophie’s aura as don’t know anything on the subject
Thank you for allowing me to talk to Sophie and thank Sophie too
The white dog could be symbolic. Please find a few meanings below. Possibly worth checking
Symbolism: A white dog can represent unconditional love, protection and loyalty or closure, a guide or angels… Pure feelings and magical abilities. Dogs: Devotion, fidelity and faith
Beach: too has many symbolic meanings-
This reply was modified 1 year ago by
Sandy Doherty.
This reply was modified 1 year ago by
01/26/2024 at 3:58 pm #95277
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Sandy,
I apologize… This post slipped by me.
I think at first Sophie was unsure of how communication was going to flow, but then it became so much easier. I’m glad you let Sophie get her bearings before the start of your conversation. I’m sure she appreciated that. As much as she loves a good head scratch, it is appreciated. The picture submitted is tricky. It does make her look sullen but she just hates getting her picture taken. Slim picking.
I am glad my explanation about falling eased her fears. I promised to tell her if anything like that happens in the future. Yes, I learned my lesson and will keep her in the loop. Thank you for bringing this to the surface.
We are blessed to have the family that we do. Family is family, no matter what package you’re wrapped in.One of my favorite pictures is of Sophie standing over Jade who is (8 weeks old) looking up at Sophie. They are touching their black noses together, nose to nose. I believe the white dog you referred to is our youngest dog Jade. She is by no means small but she is our youngest so I guess she will always be the baby (dog). Jade is all white and looks to Sophie for guidance. Sophie is our Matriarch, and the only one Jade will listen to. Jade finds comfort in Sophie’s soft but firm touch. As with the green colored wisps and solid wisps wrapping around both dogs 🤔. I have not seen colors nor do I know what they mean, but you are not alone. Many students reported seeing color auras around her. Apparently she is extremely vibrant!
Thank you for connecting with Sophie again. Thank you for speaking with Sophie once more. I apologize for letting it slip by me. It was a great reading, with different things than in your prior reading. Good for you.
02/07/2024 at 5:28 am #95423
Sandy Doherty
Gold MemberHi
Hope you are keeping well and fully recovered from your accident.
Sorry for delay in replying. Been hectic these last few days/weeks and lost track of time, so just now catching up with everything.
Many thanks for 2nd feedback – much appreciated.
Glad all sorted between you and Sophie that she will no longer fret and will be kept informed of future happenings.
Your feedback with Jade and Sophie is so sweet and how I sensed and saw it especially with their noses touching. What a lovely photo. The size of Jade was small but not like a sausage dog or similar but about the size of shiatsu, Bichon Frise but of course as Jade is puppy the ‘small’ may represent that, either way am glad you confirmed there is another dog in the home
Glad others have seen colours around Sophie. I have just started to see them, so thanks
Once again, sorry for the lateness of my replay.
Many thanks for allowing me to talk to Sophie and of course thanks for your time and effort for your feedback
Take care
01/13/2024 at 11:57 am #95121
Erika Taylor
Platinum MemberHi Terrianne,
My first impression of Sophie is that she’s gorgeous, and I tell her this right away. Her eyes feel like she’s looking right through me to my soul. She’s emotional, sensitive, deep, and the word LOYAL comes to mind. She seems a little shy and reserved at first. I’m first attempting to talk with her in the Q&A session, and she feels a little overwhelmed, so I tell her that she can go at her pace and I’ll just sit here near her. I told her I’d come back and try again when we could both focus more.I’ll be back to try again. 🙂
01/14/2024 at 1:38 pm #95138
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Erika,
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. You are a girl after her heart. She loves being told how gorgeous she is! Those piercing eyes always seem to be full of ideas and wisdom. She is very complex as so many emotions describe her. She is as you stated, emotional, sensitive, deep and Loyal. She is definitely shy and reserved at first and appreciates a few seconds to warm up to new people. I’m sure yesterday’s class could have been overwhelming at first for her. She probably appreciated you giving her space, telling her you come back and talk when you both can relax and concentrate. You’re hitting the nail on the head so far. Please come back and talk with Sophie again.
01/13/2024 at 12:45 pm #95123
Lee Oliverio
Platinum MemberHi Terrianne,
I just love Sophie. She is a beauty. I had some convo during the call today. She told me she had some “concerns she would like to express” and when she saw I was distracted by what Val what saying to us, she said “I’m trying to talk to you”, very emphatically in fact. It was kind of funny, actually.
I got a sense that she is “headstrong and determined”
I asked if her concerns were about Terrianne and she said, “ She needs to take care of herself. She doesn’t take enough time for herself. She is taking care of everyone else!”Later I heard her say “Take a Ride on the Wild Side!”
I am assuming that was for you, TerrianneWhen she noticed all of us, I saw her “scrambling to her feet” and could hear her nails kind of scratching the wood floor as she clamored to stand up. It was really cute.
Sophie said she saw a healing quality in me and she wanted my hands on each side of her, and kind of placed them on each side of her mid-back behind her ribs, “just to feel the energy” as she put it.
I detected a lot of energy around her head and saw a lot of purple. Got the feeling she has a very developed crown chakra which makes me feel like she is a very evolved soul.
Her coat felt very tight and coarse to me, but a lovely texture.
The last thing I asked her was her purpose, and she said, “I am here to oversee the family”Thank you for the opportunity to connect with this amazing girl, Sophie!
I look forward to hearing if any of this resonates, but I really had fun writing it out, regardless.
Love and Light to you both,
01/14/2024 at 1:53 pm #95139
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Lee,
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. I laughed out loud when you said she was trying to get your attention back on her. “I’m trying to talk to you”. Too funny. Sophie can be very headstrong and determined. They may be her strongest characteristics. How sweet she realizes what I do for everyone in the family….she is the only one that notices. 🤣🤣. I am so ready to take a walk on the wild side…let’s go!
At the very start of the Q&A part, I also saw her going back and forth trying to get to everyone at once. That is quite a compliment if Sophie said she saw a healing quality in you. Also another compliment that she asked you to put your hands on her. Your energy must be vibrant. I agree that Sophie is an evolved soul. This is not her first rodeo. She has a double coat so it feels dense. It feels wonderful after a bath, which is my Son’s department, so sometimes she is overdue and can feel coarse.Thank you so much for connecting with Sophie. You had a great conversation. Feel free to check in again.
01/13/2024 at 1:31 pm #95125
Dianna Evans
Gold MemberExcellent call today!
I didn’t get much when tuning in. My energy is low due to so much going on right now.Sophie did communicate that she is an old Soul with many lifetimes experienced. Sophie said, “The things I could tell/share with you!”. She is a bit sad about some of the things she has witnessed in various lifetimes. She is a very wise and beautiful Soul!
Sophie is a very protective dog. She also enjoyed tossing the Love energy back & forth during the circle in the form of a pink ball (I used pink instead of gold during the meditation/circle because I resonate more with the pink light energy). We had fun tossing the “Love Ball”.
Sophie also came in energy to my right side and sat close to my knee while letting me pet her. This happens a lot when I work with dogs. It might be a method for the dog to let me know we have connected and their Soul energy has arrived.
Sophie is strong in her throat chakra and often works from this space first letting it come into the physical through barking. She is a healer and I saw a deep indigo-blue color around her which usually means I am viewing a healer that works easily with their 3rd eye.
It was weird for me when we experienced what it feels like to be in the animal’s body. I quickly got out and cleansed my energy.
01/14/2024 at 2:14 pm #95140
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Dianna,
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. I agree with you that Sophie has lived many past lives. She has wisdom beyond this lifetime. I would love to be able to sit down with her and listen to the stories of her past lives! Sophie has this wisdom that other dogs do not. She does have a very wise and beautiful soul.
Sophie loves playing games. I’m surprised she didn’t catch the love energy ball and go off and hide it somewhere. She is obsessed with balls and needs to rip them apart. Not a fetch fan. When Sophie is trying to communicate with me, she comes to me and sits up straight by my side and pierces through me with her eyes and entire body.
Sophie is a healer. I have on occasion taken our other dogs to the Vet because Sophie was paying particular attention to their ears. She has been correct everytime….ear infections.
Personally, I have not had great success in One with Body. I have experienced it a few times with our dog Athena. I find that this is an instrumental skill to develop in order to understand if an animal is experiencing pain, nausea or delight.Great job! I feel you nailed Sophie’s persona. Thank you for communicating with her. Feel free to check in on her again.
01/14/2024 at 10:31 pm #95144
Kathy Simms
Gold MemberHi Terrianne
I connected with Sophie during our call. I had not read any of the other conversations with her and didn’t even get to hear Martha’s communication nor your reply as was at work and a customer came in at that time. I will try to recount what I got, if I can read my notes.She is definitely an old soul; emanates calmness. I feel like she wants me to tell her my problems; she knows that I’m trying, knows my problems with Sabrina and invited me to talk to her about it.
Me – what can I do to communicate better?
Sophie – stop giving up halfway thru
Me – Anything more I should with Sabrina?
S – continue to be patient, don’t get mad or upset as she knows when you do and that sets her back. She is mirroring you and she shuts down too. (like I do with communication and I do with her..WOW!)Me – Thank you. Can we talk about you? Are you happy?
S – Very happy.M – What do you like or like best about your life?
S – The respect that I get. My family, humans and dogs understand me. I have a great life.
M – How old are you?
S – “Mid age” not middle age but mid age. I got a feeling of 4 to 6 yrs then later got 9 . ??When I first connected with her I got a flash of white light. aura?? then didn’t see color, then yellow for a moment then just feelings. Get a big feeling of peacefulness and calmness from her. then color blue.
I sensed a little inflamation or soreness in her mid to lower back.
Me – What are your favorite things to do?
S – Play with the youngsters. ? I thought she meant dogs but could have been kids. I see now there were times when I should have asked more questions about things.
Me – Anything you want me to tell your mom?
S – Grateful for the life I have with her.
Me – Thank you for talking with me. I will try to talk more with you another time, would that be ok?
S Yes.Terrianne, no earth shattering revelations I’m afraid; but you two have such a beautiful bond. sort of like an old married couple where words are not needed, a look, a touch, and you each know what is needed. So beautiful..
Thank you for presenting her.-
01/15/2024 at 12:56 pm #95151
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Kathy,
I found your post to be very powerful. She definitely has an old soul. My wish is someday we can sit down and she can share her stories with me. There is so much wisdom wrapped up in that girl. She makes a great sounding board. If I am rambling on about something that upset me, I can count on Sophie to lift her head and at least pretend to be listening to me (while my other animals are nowhere to be found 🤣).
I am looking forward to the day that I am able to connect deep enough with her to get words of wisdom from her.
Sophie turned 8 this past December. It’s no wonder she is confused after the conversations we had around her birthday trying to figure out if she was 7 or 8. I have never experienced seeing an animal’s aura. That is very interesting. I will keep an eye on her mid to lower back for soreness.
You were correct when you thought one of her favorite things to do is play with younger dogs. She likes playing with our dog, Jade. She has great patience with her. She has been trying to teach her tag around the kitchen island for 3 years now, (Sophie’s favorite game).
It is so nice to hear that she is happy with the family and life that she has. We are very closely bonded, kind of like an old married couple. We can just glance at one another and the message can be understood. She is a blessing in our family.Thank you for your reading. I thought the conversation was filled with wonderful information. Great job!
01/14/2024 at 11:00 pm #95145
Platinum MemberTerrianne,
This is my first time posting after talking to the FAT, so it’s not as exhaustive any others.
I got that Sophie is and old soul and very wise. When I greeted her, she did the “bottom wiggle.” When I scanned her body, I felt like her hip was sore. I got the impression of her watching birds. She told me she is well loved and she loves to hang out with mom (you). When I asked about what food she eats, I got “wet food and meat.” She said she picks and chooses what people to trust and felt she was a pretty good judge of character. My impression was that there was a large blue aura around her and that her energy was a white light. Her body was warm, her fur was thick, and she had silky ears. She felt strong and powerful in her body. She said she loves to play with balls. When I asked her what she wanted to tell her mom, she said “Tell her she is so loved by me and many others.” When I asked her what she wanted to say to me, she said told me to trust my cat more. My impression is that she has many roles in this lifetime since she’s done this many times before – she’s a protector, teacher, and an angel.
She is a special girl and you both are blessed to be in each other’s lives.
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
01/15/2024 at 1:15 pm #95152
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi,
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. Well I don’t really know what to say except that If this was your first time…A+. She is an old soul who seems to have been around the block a few times (past lives). I will keep an eye out for her hip/lower back. She is on supplements and just had a complete physical. Her hips aren’t the greatest but they’re not the worst. I laughed when you asked her what foods she eats. When she gets wet food or meat it is when she gets into the garbage or my son’s room. She is quite the scavenger hunter.
You are not alone seeing white and blue aura around her. My knowledge of aura’s in non-existent. I will have to learn about them.
Sophie requires 30 seconds of uninterrupted smelling and investigation of strangers before they get the green light to befriend her. I trust her judgment of character completely.
She loves playing with balls… she was fibbing a little there. She is obsessed with balls. Not to play fetch. She will get a ball, run away and rip it to pieces. That’s her idea of playing ball.
She is for sure a protector, teacher and angel. Thank you for speaking with her.
Great job!Terrianne
01/15/2024 at 3:59 pm #95159
Platinum MemberTerrianne,
Thanks for your encouraging reply. While Sophie was a delight to have as the FAT this month, I also want to commend you on your role too. I have read all your replies and you genuinely take the time to thoroughly reply to each person and are gracious and informative. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and Sophie through your posts.
01/15/2024 at 11:04 pm #95160
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberThank you so much. That is very sweet of you to make note of that. Sophie and I are taking the role of FAT very serious. I am enjoying what conversations that have transpired between Sophie and the students. Thanks again.
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
01/15/2024 at 2:00 pm #95153
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberDear Terianne,
Thank you for sponsoring Sophie to be our FAT this month! Here’s what I got from the Q&A call – and any feedback would be so helpful. Thank you!Sophie is an old soul. She had big energy, heart energy. I saw her as a white light – her presence is bigger than her body. Angel energy.
Her coat is cool and smooth. She was wagging her tail, but I think it might be docked.
I got that she might have something going on with her lower spine, hips – perhaps stiffness.
She loves a shoulder rub!
She has a deep bark. She was ready and waiting to do the call.
I asked her what she liked to do. She said: Play? Did someone say play? – like she was joking around – very playful. I also got that she likes to chase a stick. I got rabbits come up – and I’m not sure if she lives with rabbits or loves to chase them. She lvoes running.
I asked about her favourite food. I think she said all meat and cheese.
I asked her to show me something I could verify with you. She took me to a sliding door leading to the outside, ready to go for a walk.I think she said she lives with two cats. Seh showed me running in the wind, the countryside, and water nearby.
She is a very balanced dog. She prefers to check people out first before getting close.
She is very kind and motherly. She is affectionate, warm and strong.
Her purpose: to learn more for her own development and to guide and keep stability in the home.
Thank you so much Sophie!
01/18/2024 at 12:36 pm #95207
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Rosemary,
That was a wonderful read. Sophie is an old soul with a big heart. You are not the first one to mention seeing a white light around her. Her presence is also much bigger than her body. Others have also mentioned she seems to grow into the size of a bear. She has been docked and will wiggle her whole backside when excited to see someone. Her backside was also mentioned as well for having stiffness.
I think she enjoyed doing the call as well. I know she took it very seriously. At the start of the call, I saw her frantically going back and forth, making sure no one was left out. She is very playful and will eat just about anything she can find (Good or bad for her 🙀). We don’t have rabbits but when we go for walks, we usually see a few darting across the street in front of us. We did have 2 cats and recently added a kitten, 1/1/24. The dogs have not met the kitten yet.
Her running in the wind, I believe is symbolic for putting her head out of the window during car rides around town. She is a very loving but stern Matriarch. She keeps the home running smoothly. Perhaps the most important of all is that she requires 30 seconds to sniff and get a sense of a person before they should touch her. If people can respect that boundary, they most likely will become fast friends. Sophie is always the fan favorite of all our visitors.
Thank you. You did a great job ❤️
01/22/2024 at 8:01 am #95225
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberDear Terianne,
Thank you so much for your kind reply. It’s so helpful in building confidence. Sophie is so warm and supportive – grounded – how lucky you all are to live with her!
Talk soon,
Rosemay -
01/22/2024 at 2:22 pm #95230
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Rosemary,
I’m glad Sophie and I could be a sliver of help in building your confidence. I’ve found that confidence comes and goes in waves. So for me, confidence is like a pot of gold that is to be coveted. Sophie is amazing and it is a blessing to have her in our family.Thanks again!
Terrianne & Sophie
01/15/2024 at 2:59 pm #95155
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberDear Terrianne, Dear Sophie,
I will share what I got during the call:
Sophie is sad. She’s missing someone. She gets up lightly wagging her tail.
I see my self standing on a chair, so she approaches and starts sniffing my pants. I call it reading the newspaper, as all my friends do this when I meet with them. 🙂
– Are you sad Sophie?
– Nah, the pic was taken I was sleepy.
I feel that she is guarded, won’t put her heart out to a stranger.
I see her aura is golden. She notices I study her and she sits, and shows me a red heart with golden aura…
I said Thank you! I needed that!
I feel her energy is playful. She shows me a red triangle pointing up. Than she turns the triangle with base up, and presses on the base line with her right front paw, until the triangle takes the shape of another heart.
I tell her: Sophie your name is “Wisdom” in Greek … show me something more.She shows me a beautiful waterfall in a greenery set. We both are at the base of the waterfall, and we go fast up an a meadow near the edge of the waterfall. I than see an orange kitten crying, being taken fast by the currents and soon will be thrown over the fall.
From somewhere behind me, running fast appears a brown bear that jumps into the water, grabs the kitten and swims to where I am, laying him on the grass.
Luckily it was sunny and comfortable temperature and the shaken kitten started to wash himself.
The bear was also dripping water but he didn’t mind as much as the kitten. He just stood there moving his gaze from me to the kitten.
I than see the bear transforms into Sophie. Sophie goes towards the kitten and starts licking the fear away and provides extra comfortTerrianne I don’t know if you can recognize something from here, but I never had such mini video played for me before!
You can imagine, on live call when I heard Martha saying that she got too that Sophie was a bear before I had a biiig holy crap! reaction.. 🤣
Thank you both for offering such experience!
Looots of 💖!
01/18/2024 at 12:56 pm #95208
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Lucia,
When I submitted that photo, I was hesitant because she does look a little sullen. She hates getting her picture taken and I was having a hard time getting her to look at the camera. I’m glad she was able to tell you otherwise. Approaching you to sniff you before socializing…”reading the paper” is very important to Sophie. If someone is able or willing to allow her to get a sense of them, they are most likely going to become fast friends (which is a lifetime membership). If not, she seems to think the person has shady intentions.
Apparently Sophie has quite an aura that travels with her. I can not verify this as I have never witnessed seeing an aura on Sophie or others. I didn’t know that Sophie means “Wisdom” in Greek. It certainly suits her!.
When I read the part about the Bear saving the kitten from the water, I automatically interpreted that as Sophie being “Momma Bear” at the poolside, running back and forth or standing on the steps in the pool watching every move the kids make when swimming. No one is going to drown on her watch. Momma Bear is watching her cubs. This is what happens whenever someone swims in our pool.
I recognized a lot from your reading. I love mini videos.
Great job, thank you for speaking to Sophie!
01/18/2024 at 1:25 pm #95210
Lucia Potre
Platinum MemberHi Terrianne,
Thank you for your feedback!
I still have the feeling that Sophie has a mysterious air surrounding her.
She has the air of a bodyguard alert to everything happening around the house, taking the guarding job so seriously, actually being her life’s mission.
She definitely is the Wise Watcher of the family.
She sees all of you soooo important to her that makes Air Force One seem pale.💖Thank you once more for giving me hope, because as it wasn’t a clear conversation I know it’s not easy to reply to these kind of posts. 😄
Thank you GORGEOUS Sophie!
Looooooooots of love,
Lucia -
01/18/2024 at 1:54 pm #95211
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi,
Sophie is very much a bodyguard of the family. Actually she is one of 3 bodyguards, but she is in charge. Rottweilers are a guarding breed. She is very good at it too. If she doesn’t recognize a sound, she will look at me first and if I can’t identify it, she goes to check it out for herself with our other dogs in tow.
I found both of your posts to be on target on many points. In the first post, you picked up that she looked sad from the picture but you didn’t feel that she was sad. Her confirmation that it was the picture versus her actual feelings. That was huge. I would be doing a Snoopy dance if I got that on a read.
The symbolism of “Momma Bear”. That was fantastic also. Give yourself grace. Believe in yourself. It’s there! ❤️
01/17/2024 at 12:38 pm #95189
Dakota Duncan
Gold MemberI had a conversation with Sophie yesterday after listening to Saturday’s recorded call. I think she recognized how much I love Rotties because after only a little hesitation was eager to show me things. I asked her to show me what it was like to be her – her home, favorite things, anything she wanted me to see. I saw her looking out a big window or glass door into a backyard that she loves. She can hear birds – up and to her left. I think outdoor birds but maybe not. She like to roll around in the grass outside, run around and be goofy. I feel joy from her. She loves her yard, her home, her people and is proud of them, too. It felt like – look at this, it’s mine and my family’s, isn’t it cool?
I asked about a favorite toy and she can’t seem to find it. Maybe a stuffed football or something of similar shape…but it’s hidden or maybe she destuffed it and doesn’t quite understand it’s not coming back.
She adores her Mama and is her best friend and protector. She’d do anything for her.
I cannot see auras in real life yet, but spiritually I sometimes get colors. I sensed a lot of orange around Sophie. After showing me parts of her life, she sat next to me and let me rub her neck/chin/chest area. I think she likes chin/neck rubs. I asked if there was anyplace I should not touch and saw an area of red near her back left abdomen – maybe kidneys or bladder – or just a sore spot in that general area.
Sophie seems happy and sure of her position in the family. She knows she belongs there.
Terrianne and Sophie – thank you for volunteering to be teachers this month. This is my first communication outside of my own animals in a long time and I am eager to learn. I appreciate your patience.
01/18/2024 at 1:19 pm #95209
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Dakota,
If this is the first communication in a while, I can tell you that there is no dust that you need to wipe off. You are ready to jump in with both feet! I’m glad Sophie settled in with you and shared such lovely things about her family and life in general.
We have a few bird feeders in the backyard for cat TV. She can be a big goofball and likes to make us laugh. We are a very close family, humans and animals equally important and loved. I am so glad she loves her family and home environment. She is jammed packed with love.
My guess about the toy is that she shredded it and I threw it out. She probably didn’t see me pick up the poor toy’s dismantled pieces and throw them away. She may think they are in the house somewhere. It’s amazing how many people have seen the aura around Sophie. I have not witnessed that before. Lots of talk about her lower back being sensitive as well. She just got a full exam. Her kidneys are good, liver is a little high but that has been the case all of her life. Hips are not great but not horrible. She is 8 years old. I am keeping a close eye on her. ❤️
Sophie is serious and good at her position of Matriarch in our family. When another dog gets out of line, she is fast and quick to reprimand them and just as fast, issue resolved, life goes on.
Thank you for speaking to Sophie. It was a great conversation.
01/18/2024 at 3:12 pm #95212
Dakota Duncan
Gold MemberThank you for the feedback. I really appreciate it and look forward to having another conversation with Sophie in the future. She’s a wonderful soul.
01/18/2024 at 8:03 pm #95213
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberThank you. I’m sure Sophie would love it. I am enjoying hearing being privy to the conversations as well.
Thanks again!
01/21/2024 at 9:27 am #95220
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Terriannne, thanks for allowing me to talk with Sophie. I communicated with her twice, mainly with the call guidelines, and have not looked at the earlier posts. I’m quite a novice, so I hope some of this resonates with you.
Sophie jumps up and has high energy, and has a definite presence. She has a jaunty walk. She enjoys smelling the heady scent of flowers.
Her breathing is even and she has a high pitched bark. Her fur is soft and smooth, and feels warm, when I could touch her briefly. In being one with her, I feel a tingling in her front left paw. There is some slight itching on the body too. Her aura is large, and greenish yellow, though at first it seemed orange-yellow. There is more energy around the middle of the body.
I see her near a tall window. Did she come from a situation involving other dogs, as she seems to have had a special friend. She loves her comfortable home but would also like more walks.
She seems a bit overwhelmed at so many people connecting to her. She is not very receptive to being touched, and stays at a distance, choosing to greet by a glance. The first time I connected with her during the call, she seemed extroverted, but when I spoke to her later, it didn’t seem so. She is cautious and knows her own mind. She is an old soul who has had many lives. She was bonded to you during some other lifetime too.
She is very curious and a deep thinker with an active mind. She tries to bring different experiences for you to learn new things and wants you to stay calm. Her role is to nudge you along!
She comforts me for the loss of Khush and tells me to be more observant.
Much love and thanks to both of you.
01/21/2024 at 2:34 pm #95222
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi,
Wow, are you sure you are a novice? I would say that you should believe in yourself a little more as you were spot on in your reading of Sophie. 😉. She enjoys having the opportunity to check new things out by smelling them first, especially people. When she is excited to be with someone she barks with a high pitch asking them to come and spend time with her, petting her. She is in need of a bath. She probably is experiencing allergies in her feet and body.
You along with others have commented on her having an aura. I need to learn about them as I have not seen any auras on an animal nor do I know what the different colors mean. So good for you!
We have a door by the driveway that is very tall and is almost all window. The dogs like to stand by the window and watch as we leave the house. She lives with two other dogs and she especially enjoys trying to teach our youngest dog, Jade, how to play tag around the kitchen island. She is very comfortable in our family and knows she is loved very much. For sure she should go on more walks than she does. We will all pick a day and take her out for walks. I will tell her that she is getting all these wonderful walks thanks to you.
She can be cautious around strangers and definitely knows her own mind and can be quite stubborn if she doesn’t get her way. She is a very old soul. This is not her first rodeo! I do feel that she is connected to one of my past dogs in some way but that is in this lifetime. It would be fascinating to learn about our past lives together. She is very smart and likes to have her mind challenged. I have yet to find a dog puzzle that is a match for her. She does act as a healer to the entire family (2 legged and 4 legged). I’m glad she was able to give you some comfort regarding the loss of Khush. Grief is never easy.
That was a great read. Thank you so much. You got so much of Sophie’s character. 👍
01/22/2024 at 10:51 am #95229
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Terrianne, thanks ever so much for your prompt and very encouraging feedback. I’m glad that I got some things right but wish I could go deeper….maybe I will connect with her again once I have more practice!
Regarding the colors of the aura, it’s not that I actually see them, just get a sense. In Pranic healing we simply scan the aura to feel the energy, without looking for colors. However, we do use colors for advanced healing, and those have specific uses. I think the chakras masterclass covers this, though I haven’t done that series yet.
Thanks again and much love to you and Sophie.
01/22/2024 at 2:34 pm #95231
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Nita,
I think you were right on target with mostly everything in your first read. Acknowledge all connections and accuracy’s, big and small. It is great if you want to try to talk to Sophie again. I am very sure she would welcome the communication. I guess what I am trying to say is you had a great read and should celebrate that and not worry about going “deeper”. Our skills will keep developing, you are on the fast track! 😉 🎉
Terrianne & Sophie
01/23/2024 at 10:08 am #95239
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Terrianne,
Thanks very much for your time and thoughtfulness in writing again, when you have so many posts to reply to…your support means a lot. I will truly try to remember what you said and not overlook the smallest positives. Don’t know about the fast track, as long as I’m on the right track! Look forward to carrying on the conversation with Sophie again sometime!
Much love and blessings to both of you.
01/23/2024 at 8:37 am #95238
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberHi Terrianne,
Sophie has a favorite toy that she regards as hers only. I believe there is another dog that playfully wants to take that toy from her and which annoys her a little. At first she appreciates the other dog being around because it is a friendly und funny dog but Sophie finds it tiring after a while that she needs to guard her toy from being taken away.
Could that be right or is this my imagination, thank you.
Rgds, Gabriela-
01/23/2024 at 3:37 pm #95245
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Gabriela,
You would be correct! Sophie will get a “treasure” in the house (ball, chew toy, empty water bottle) and it is hers and only hers. The playful dog you mention is our youngest dog, Jade. Jade can be the laugh of a party but she doesn’t know when to quit. Jade is sometimes brave enough to try and take whatever Sophie is holding close to her chest, just to get Sophie upset. Half the time I don’t think she even wants it. Sophie will quickly put Jade in her place if Jade continues to carry on. Great job!
Thanks for talking with Sophie.
01/29/2024 at 10:45 am #95281
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberHi Terrianne,
Would there be any problem regarding her right ear ? At first I had the impression she scratches it, later I had the feeling there was some kind of throbbing pain.
It could be physical, but it could also be due to sudden loud noise.Looking at the photo sensing her left shoulder : would you have noticed any muscular tightness in her shoulder due to jumping down somewhere or some other activity. Or have you observed her lying differently lately in order to relieve her shoulder ?
Is she often lying on the floor on a soft kind of bed, sleeping mostly on her right side ?
Could any of this be correct ?
Thank you and kind regards,
Gabriela -
01/29/2024 at 1:00 pm #95284
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Gabriela,
Hmmm I’m not sure about her right ear? She just had a full exam. They had to knock her out so they took the opportunity to test everything. She hasn’t been scratching or rubbing, but I will keep an eye on that.
Her shoulder, I will watch for sensitivity or stiffness. She seems to lay on both sides equally. When she sleeps her body is extremely relaxed. She goes out like a light. 😉. She also switches from laying on an orthopedic bed and the hard tile floor. I think the tile floor is cool but certainly not as comfy as the beds.
She is 8, which isn’t old but she isn’t a spring chicken either. Thank you for your observations. I will keep a close eye on her.
Thank you,
01/31/2024 at 1:53 pm #95305
Gabriela Landolt
Silver MemberHi Terrianne,
… oh dear, I was completely off track, which is good for Sophie!Here are some more things I wrote down earlier:
I feel you have had her from a very early age
I believe there is a deep connection beween the two of you (even more now due to your interest in animal communication)She is physically very strong but with you a friendly softie
You (and your family) taught her to be friendly which is wonderful because it could have turned the other way too, depending on who raised her
She reacts to people being afraid of her, senses their fear, smells unknown scents
She then thinks them suspicious and growls / barks, defends her territory, that’s her jobShe is very protective of you
She is very brave and would not even be afraid to protect you from a snake, she saysShe thinks the more food she gets the better she is loved/revered, unfortunately
She thinks she is in her prime years but I believe that Sophie is not as fit as she used to be, now it is time to begin watching her weight for her to stay comfortable in her body
She does not run as fast and as much as she used toShe likes things to be the same, she likes routine, her usual places and smells
Unusual places do not only give her excitement but set her on high alert and this can easily be recognized in her body languageThere is somebody missing in the house who used to live there and whom she misses (human, maybe a son of yours?)
She believes she is the head of the pack and proud of it
Just like Terrianne is the female human leader of the house, she says
She says “the two of us run the show”Sophie cannot get enough attention
She likes extra attention
She is completely focused on Terrianne
She is always aware of where you are, even with her eyes closedThere is a bit of a discussion going on amongst your dogs about who is your favourite one
Sophie is convinced that she is your favourite. And even when you, Terrianne, say that you like all of them equally, Sophie claims to know “the truth”. From the ATH page I see that you have two more dogs and I assume that info is up-to-date. I do not tune in to the other two dogs much but Athena seems to say “let Sophie think that if she wants” and is rolling her eyes upwards (in my mind). Jade is busy playing with a ball and is not interested in this topic.
Sophie enjoys a good scratch along the spine and a little to the sides (and to be petted on the head) i.e. the parts that she cannot reach
But with the hands preferably, not a brushSophie likes to be clean, not muddy, she likes to look good
Sophie:“Terrianne likes our short-haired coats, she likes how we feel when she touches us”. And Athena adds “… (and) because it is less work for her, Sophie ….!”. Athena rolls her eyes again because of Sophie (symbolically, in my mind’s eye). Athena says she is more realistic in how she sees things, and “Sophie is a bit in the clouds sometimes”.Sophie feels good about herself, she thinks herself doing a good job and she is very very happy. She is eager to stay a lot longer. She has a strong zest for life.
If she could wish for one thing it would be an « artificial bone to chew » that no other dog has had in their mouths yet.
Thank you and
Many blessings,
Gabriela -
02/01/2024 at 1:42 pm #95329
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Gabriela,
We did pick Sophie up from her breeder when she was 8 weeks old. You are correct that we have a special bond. Especially when Sophie was little, she was almost hyper-bonded to me to the point that she wouldn’t go for a walk with anyone but me. The kids would have to call me to come get them because Sophie refused to walk for them.
Our relationship is still very strong. Since starting animal communication, I really have not been able to have open communication with my own animals. I know they are communicating with me all the time but it’s frustrating when I can’t decipher their messages.
Rottweilers are very strong dogs. Most just like Sophie, are the clowns of the family. They love their family hard. Sophie being true to the breed, can not get enough attention. You are correct regarding where and how she likes to be pet (by hand vs brush). Sophie requires a moment or two before interacting with them. If not, she will be aloof and keep her distance. She would protect her family against anything if necessary, even if down deep she would like to run away as fast as she can. 🤣. She does enjoy her routine but is up for an adventure as long as it is explained to her before getting in the car.
I laughed when she said the amount of food she gets equates to how much she is loved. She is pulling the wool over your eyes with that one. She is such a scavenger. We have to do a full house sweep before we leave to make sure there is nothing left out within her reach. I feed her the max amount adding green beans and other low calorie foods to her diet. She hates when anyone mentions that four letter word D*I*E*T.
We do share the title of Matriarch. We make a good team. I loved the conversation between Sophie and Athena. That would be exactly how I would envision the conversation would go between the two. Athena is more chill, don’t sweat the small stuff. If it makes her feel good about herself then let her think that. While Jade is off somewhere playing.
So glad to hear Sophie sees herself doing a good job and sees herself staying a lot longer. She does have a zest for life!
So funny that you mentioned she wanted a bone that no other go has had in their mouths yet. I have three new bones that I have not given to them yet. I guess now is the time!
Great read! On target and you captured her humor as well. ❤️
02/01/2024 at 2:02 pm #95330
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Gabriela,
We did pick Sophie up from her breeder when she was 8 weeks old. You are correct that we have a special bond. Especially when Sophie was little, she was almost hyper-bonded to me to the point that she wouldn’t go for a walk with anyone but me. The kids would have to call me to come get them because Sophie refused to walk for them.
Our relationship is still very strong. Since starting animal communication, I really have not been able to have open communication with my own animals. I know they are communicating with me all the time but it’s frustrating when I can’t decipher their messages.
Rottweilers are very strong dogs. Most just like Sophie, are the clowns of the family. They love their family hard. Sophie being true to the breed, can not get enough attention. You are correct regarding where and how she likes to be pet (by hand vs brush). Sophie requires a moment or two before interacting with them. If not, she will be aloof and keep her distance. She would protect her family against anything if necessary, even if down deep she would like to run away as fast as she can. 🤣. She does enjoy her routine but is up for an adventure as long as it is explained to her before getting in the car.
I laughed when she said the amount of food she gets equates to how much she is loved. She is pulling the wool over your eyes with that one. She is such a scavenger. We have to do a full house sweep before we leave to make sure there is nothing left out within her reach. I feed her the max amount adding green beans and other low calorie foods to her diet. She hates when anyone mentions that four letter word D*I*E*T.
We do share the title of Matriarch. We make a good team. I loved the conversation between Sophie and Athena. That would be exactly how I would envision the conversation would go between the two. Athena is more chill, don’t sweat the small stuff. If it makes her feel good about herself then let her think that. While Jade is off somewhere playing.
So glad to hear Sophie sees herself doing a good job and sees herself staying a lot longer. She does have a zest for life!
So funny that you mentioned she wanted a bone that no other go has had in their mouths yet. I have three new bones that I have not given to them yet. I guess now is the time!
Great read! On target and you captured her humor as well. ❤️
01/24/2024 at 8:12 pm #95263
Kathryn Dean
Gold MemberI am a really early beginner totally new at this This is what I got and I don’t know if it’s my imagination or reality She said she comes from a long line of champions and a large litter She said she loves her life and she loves what she does. When I asked her what she does she said she makes stiff—and then Mommy has to clean the yard!
That’s all I got on my first tryKathy Dean
01/25/2024 at 2:24 pm #95272
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Kathy,
Well. I would say you’re off to a good start. If you ask Sophie’s breeder, I am sure she will be happy to give you a run down of her lineage. She kept one of the females in the litter for possible future litters, that is my only reference that it was a stellar litter. She was born into a litter of 12! Geez that is a lot. I met the Mom when our family traveled to picked her up from the breeder.Great job!
01/26/2024 at 1:28 pm #95273
Amber McCullough
Gold MemberHi Terrianne, I tried to talk to Sophie today. Immediately I saw lots of pink around her. My sense it that she really likes color, but could be her aura, Just really bright and joyful. I saw a yellow object too. I asked what she wants to say and she says she is very happy and humans need to be more happy and not so hard with dense energy. Take a break. And do you have a bunch of plants on a porch/balcony? Or maybe you need to get some plants. I then saw her on a walk and standing tall like really proud of you and proud to be your partner and a team. Either she has a favorite dog friend at the park or always up for making new dog friends. I asked what her purpose is in your life and she is the line to your star family. She said you don’t know it yet, but your star family has some plans for you. So she helps that connection to the stars for you. I asked if she has a message for me and she said my heart is broken so imagine seeing it being stitched up. Then a person blew star dust on on my heart so I imagine that is someone from the star family that she makes the connection with. Then she said she is going to go be a dog now. She likes to bounce and jump and wiggle for sure. Sweet girl. The name Sadie kept coming to mind. And I can see how people easily get it mixed up or maybe there is a Sadie around too.
01/26/2024 at 4:40 pm #95278
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Amber,
With a win right off the bat, Sophie apparently has many different colors around her. Very colorful and vibrant. What a nice read. Sophie wants peace and harmony at all costs. She will do a dance for you, if that is what it takes. We are building a family business out of the home and it can get intense sometimes. Sophie will take the opportunity to go around the table and put her head on people’s lap. They start to pet her, lowering BP before they realize they are petting her. Very sneaky but wise at the same time.
My daughter, who is very bonded to Sophie as well, has a green thumb. She has many plants hanging in her room. Sophie and I used to be a great team together. Sophie loves to be with us at all times. She does gravitate toward dogs versus strange people.
Sophie has always been a healer. No one will get hurt on her watch. She monitors how fast someone runs, running around the pool is prohibited….the list goes on. It’s no wonder she would give you healing advice as well. I loved “I’m going to be a dog now”.
Thank you for speaking with Sophie. Great Job!
01/30/2024 at 4:05 am #95287
Martina Sluková
Gold MemberDear Terrianne,
last week I tried to connect with Sophie. As I had only short time, I wrote down on the paper just what I felt. It was my first time with a picture of an animal. Then I told myself I do it again later but I did not. Today, when I tried to connect the second time, Sophie looked at me deeply and said, last time it was fine, just stay in your heart, do not try to be perfect because of other people to honour you. And so I got courage to write you what I got a week ago :))
Sophie is trying to amuse you, to make you feel happy, to make smile on your face. Sometimes she thinks, gosh how come that people do not SEE these beautiful things around us, they don’t understand how funny I am, what full of joy life is. How fun it is when we can run and jump and play outside.
Also me, as a stranger, would wait until she comes to me first, as I feel she needs time. I feel she is very empatic and trying to please others, she is very witty, ready to make joke any time. Afraid that she does sth wrong that her people don’t want. She teaches others to respect personal space of others, once she feels that we see that, she is very friendly.
So, that is it :-)). Thank you for the time with Sophie, she taught me not to be afraid to do things with ease, with love, simply but truly. Martina-
02/01/2024 at 2:06 pm #95331
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Martina,
What a wonderful read. You certainly captured Sophie’s character. I totally understand oscillating between posting and not posting. That one hit of the keypad can be intimidating at times. I’m glad Sophie was able to point that out to you. Great advice (for everyone).. stay in your heart space, do not try to be perfect, trust what information you get, even if it doesn’t make sense to you. It may make perfect sense to others.
Sophie is a total goofball with her family. We tell her how funny she is all the time. She seems to smile when we call her a goofball. We often rush through a day without taking the time to “smell the flowers”. Sophie does try to make us do that when we are rushing around too much. When she runs back and forth blissfully rubbing her eyes on the couch like that is the best thing in the whole wide world. Translation: Settle down people…take some time to sit together (preferably with food that may drop to the floor), look outside and enjoy God’s beauty. She does a good job at that.
If you can give Sophie a few moments to get a sense of you before engaging with her, you will have a lifelong friend. She is full of wisdom and comedy which she loves to share with her chosen friends and family.
I’m glad you got the courage to post. It was on target. Very nice!
01/30/2024 at 3:53 pm #95297
Dakota Duncan
Gold MemberI reconnected with Sophie this week, or at least, I tried. I felt like we had a bit of a fuzzy connection – like a bad connection on a phone line. She said she was happy to talk to me again. She said to relax and breathe, think about how dogs often lay around, watching, just breathing. She said humans need more of that, generally, and I did specifically, in order to communicate better. We breathed together for a short time.
I asked if she liked all the people trying to communicate with her this month. She said it’s been fun and interesting but sometimes confusing. Not everyone is very clear or has experiences she can relate to but it’s nice to try anyway.
I asked about a favorite thing in her life and I could see her resting on the floor with the family around on couches or chairs. She feels contentment and love when she is with her family. She also likes being outside, as she’d mentioned before when we talked.
I asked if there was another dog in the family she thought would be a good teacher. She laughed and said there was another dog but that he was too goofy to be an effective teacher – that she is much more qualified.
I was losing connection so I thanked her for her time and wisdom.
02/01/2024 at 2:20 pm #95332
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Dakota,
Thank you for speaking to Sophie again. Everything was spot on. I loved how she said you should think of how dogs lay around, watching and breathing. That is the definition of relaxation. Sophie does like to be in the room when I meditate.
At the very beginning of being FAT, I think Sophie was a little nervous because she didn’t know what to expect. I did say to her that some people will have deeper connections than others. She would need to pull out connections that need strengthening for communication. After the first few conversations she was enjoying it.
Bingo…Her favorite thing in the world (next to food) is to be resting with her family gathered around her. It doesn’t matter where it is as long as she can be with her family. We feel the same way.
I laughed when you asked her if there was another dog in the house that would be a good teacher. Sophie can not give such honorable praise to someone else. It is only her that can do justice as a teacher. Of course she is much more qualified! “Was that really a question???” 🤣🤣
Another great job. Thank you, I enjoyed reading this very much.
01/31/2024 at 2:58 pm #95306
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberHello Terrianne,
I spoke to Sophie yesterday and here is what I got.
I got the impression she was sleeping in a round bed, quite snuggly.
I asked her about a favourite memory. She showed me a picture of her by a swimming pool with children playing on the side. She was younger and they were splashing her – a girl and boy. Giggling and barking. She said she doesn’t play like that so much now. – I tried to avoid reading other people’s comments but I couldn’t help but see that you said you had a pool so I could be making this up.I asked her if she likes swimming. She said: not really but I can do it. I prefer sea swimming because the water helps you move.
I asked her about her family. She said: One, we are one. I protect. I asked about her mum – ie, you. She said: Mum? I’m the mum.
I asked about you. She said that you are busy and grounded. She said: We’re doing great together. We all work together. We are in balance.Then she lay with her head between her paws on a cool tiled floor. She is happy. She is very content with her life.
Thank you so much Terrrianne and Sophie!
Rosemary x -
02/01/2024 at 2:58 pm #95335
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Rosemary,
That was wonderful and on target with all points. There are orthopedic beds all over the house. She has the choice of surfaces that she wants to lay on.
Yes we do have a pool. Sophie is the pool lifeguard. When the kids were little she would pace back and forth watching them diligently making sure all was well. The kids used to splash her with water and she would try to catch it. They had a fun time with that game. Now that the kids are older, she doesn’t have to run from side to side as much but she will go into the pool on the first step and play lifeguard from the first step. No one will drown on her watch! (You didn’t make that up).
She can swim but you are correct, she is not a fan. She does like walking in the ocean too. Interesting that the ocean helps her to move.We do have a very close family. Sophie is a true Matriarch but we are Co-Matriarchs. It is nice that she sees me as busy but grounded. I do try to work on being grounded throughout my days. I would also describe our family as balanced. We work well together supporting each other.
Your ending comment described Sophie to her core. She loves laying down with her head between her paws on the tile floor. Watching her family and inserting herself when she deems appropriate. She is a happy, content girl when she is with her family.
Thank you for that. That was a very nice conversation. Brought me back to when the kids were little. ❤️
02/06/2024 at 5:28 am #95395
Martina Sluková
Gold MemberDear Terianne,
here is what my husband Radek got when connecting with Sophie. I would be very happy for your time and feedback.Sophie: I’m glad you want to talk to me, I feel grown up and I’d like you to tell me something about yourself.
What kind of dogs do you have at home? Radek: Belgian Shepherd and Collie.
I don’t really like Belgian shepherds and I don’t know collies, in general I don’t like other dogs very much – not that I attack or fear them, but I’m more of a loner. I love people and especially my one master, she is a god to me – the others in the family too, but not because I would like them as my master but because they are very important to her. My essence is that I am not a speedster, I like to relax and observe things – I like to look out of the window the most. I like water – cold water in a bowl but not much bathing – I get in there but I don’t have to. I like when things happen at home, but I don’t have to be a part of it. I like to observe things, think about them. I’m not very fit – I have a bit of pressure on my stomach – not that I’ve overeaten, but I’m a little sick to my stomach – I don’t digest certain things well – dairy products don’t do me any good – I like them but it’s not right for my digestion. I also like meat, but dry things like granules make my stomach feel good. I don’t like a cold, but most of all I don’t like wet fur. Flea and parasite collars don’t do me any good and I feel like I need to lose a few pounds, sometimes my tummy hurts on my feet pads. I’m very happy when someone talks to me or someone talks about me. I often feel alone and that’s why I’m also an introvert. In the presence of my master, it changes so that I can express my love to her, but my favorite time is when my master is resting and I can rest by dreaming. I am very obedient and willing to work for my master, but I don’t enjoy it, I prefer when my master talks to me and confides in me. I think that some big life change awaits her, I don’t know exactly what it is, but she is afraid of it – I don’t know what it is, but she is afraid of it unnecessarily. I’m not afraid of losing my master, I’m just worried that she spends a lot of time thinking and can’t relax and rest. She hasn’t been sleeping well lately. I don’t like the dark, I always want at least some light on. I prefer to be in the kitchen and living room. I hate bikes, I love driving and running – luckily no one wants me to but… I feel that I have little water in my body – I would like to get more water into my body but I am not always thirsty. Sometimes my back legs also hurt and it’s hard to get up. Someone has been added to my family who wasn’t there before – I’m not related to him. Is that ok for you to start with?
Thank you, will you come talk to me again? Radek: I think so.
Sophie: The goal of this talk and my wish is to move my master – it bothers me that she is worried and does not have courage. She misses her parents, especially her mother – the close proximity of her mother’s hugs – sometimes she longs to be a small child and not solve anything – I help her with the pain.
Radek’s feeling: Dental hygiene – possible inflammation in the gums or plaque on the teeth.Radek: She doesn’t want to say goodbye – she wants to keep talking or rather that someone is always with her – she’s afraid of being alone.
02/12/2024 at 10:04 am #95455
Rosemary M
Platinum MemberTerrianne,
Thank you so much for your reply. I’m glad I got stuff right! I wonder too if Sophie wanted me to ask her that question to remind you of great memories!
Rosemary x -
02/12/2024 at 1:19 pm #95459
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive MemberHi Rosemary,
It took me a minute or two to find out how to reply. Something changed after the 31st of January. Anyway, I just reread your original post and I hope I gave you enough accolades. It made me smile and it did bring back nice memories and everything you said I had a memory for, so that was really nice. Sophie and I are Co-Matriarchs of the family. Our family is very close and most times we travel as a family unit, whether it is dinners, movies or just hanging out by the poolside. Gold star for your post! Thank you!
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