If you’re reading this, then you most likely feel it is part of your soul’s calling and purpose to be an animal communicator, either as a professional practitioner or as a hobby.
Perhaps you have a very deep kinship with these beautiful, sentient, feeling beings, who are true to themselves, intelligent, and very wise. Let’s begin by asking some questions…
As an animal communicator:
• Do you wish you could do more for the animals?
• Do you ever feel responsible for an animal in need?
• Do you feel like it’s your job to fix things for both the animals and their caretaker(s)?
• Do you ever feel drained, sad, or depleted after a communication session because of trying so hard to solve the problems to get the desired outcome?
• Do you ever feel discouraged by the results of your sessions?
If you can answer yes to any of these, you are not alone!
When an animal is not acting like themselves, and is in distress, acting out with bad behaviors or in obvious discomfort even though their family has done everything they can…
When they’ve gotten no good answers or real help with the issues they are struggling with…
The animal’s person will often turn to a professional animal communicator as a last resort.
That’s because the one thing they haven’t tried yet is to find out what the animal is thinking or feeling, or what they need to get better from their own unique viewpoint.
Animals do know how to communicate, and they do it very well. However, because they don’t communicate in the same way as humans, with spoken language, humans often misunderstand, ignore. or entirely miss their questions, needs and desires, feedback and signals.
This can become deeply disheartening to the animal and their family. It results in not knowing what to do to help each other.
As an animal communicator, unless we are qualified as a veterinary professional, it is not our job to diagnose. We don’t have that training, and it’s important that this is understood clearly from the start.
We do, however, have a way of talking with the animals to find out from their perspective what might be happening inside and outside of their bodies. Animals have a wonderful way of sharing energy by showing how they feel, and vibrations of pain or discomfort can be received from telepathic communication with them.
Various energy therapies can be offered through communicators specifically trained in such modalities with great success once the real issues are identified.
Thank goodness for the animal’s guidance and voice!
Animals know what they need, whether it be on a conscious or a higher soul’s level.
That’s one of the beautiful things about animal communication, a gift actually, and one I am truly grateful for.
To communicate telepathically, and on an energetic level, you must tap into your empathic abilities and use your intuitive senses.
It is not uncommon for a highly sensitive empath to take on a client’s (or animal’s) pain, especially if you don’t know how to release that energy after a session.
Because you want to help so much, you can feel your client’s hurts, confusions, and angers. Therefore you may feel responsible for solving the issues and making everyone happy.
I fell into this mindset and it was horrible!
For such a long time, I felt so alone and overwhelmed.
I thought it was just me and one of my many ‘faults’ for not fixing everyone’s problems and making everyone happy.
But then, one day, we had our monthly Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Heart Wisdom Masterclass with Val Heart and my fellow students.
Guess what?
We had the opportunity to talk about this very topic! It was comforting to learn that I was not alone in feeling or thinking this way.
Other students started sharing how they felt about their discouragement and self doubt about doing this wonderful work that we do. They shared how they felt so responsible for their clients (both animal and human) too, and sad when they couldn’t change everything for the better.
Together with Val’s expertise and sharing of her experiences in our conversation, we were able to talk things through. We received guidance to help ourselves and each other evolve and grow.
It was enlightening and healing on so many levels.
What woke me right up was when I told the group how I felt responsible for my client’s outcome, because there are some that come to me from a space of a last resort.
“My pet is lost! Can you find them?” they might ask, or “Please! I need your help immediately!”
I would start to feel responsible, and it would hurt so much because I could feel their pain, frustration and desperation.
Val asked me; “Where did you get the notion that you’re responsible for the outcome of everyone and everything? Have you been holding onto this idea for a long time?”
Holy moly! Those words struck a chord of awakening within me!
How can I possibly be responsible for the outcome of another’s journey?
I realized then that I was actually taking something that didn’t belong to me. It’s not my job to fix anyone, it’s their responsibility.
My eyes opened wide, and we all clearly witnessed just how much pressure I was putting on myself when doing this. Gheesh!!!
That’s when I decided that if I allow myself to stand in my own divine power, remembering my role is in being a conduit of energy and a messaging service as an animal communicator, that then, and only then, can I serve both myself and my clients in the best way possible.
If I keep feeling responsible for everyone and everything, how does that help them (or me)?
I wish to serve and do so in the way that is in the highest and the best for ALL. If I do not allow them to own their piece of their life’s journey and lesson, I am not helping. In fact, I am hindering.
That was a huge ‘aha’ moment.
So, I decided to become accountable and created a helpful list of what I am responsible for – and what I am NOT responsible for – that I could use and refer back to all the time.
It’s a reminder for me. If I ever fall off and go back to this previous internal paradigm, I can get back on track with ease.
This was a real game changer for me. If you ever find yourself experiencing things in this way, you too can know that you are not alone.
There are simple strategies to use, so that you can become the best version of yourself. Share your gifts of communication and servitude to those who need your help and your intuitive gifts.
Here are the 5 Main Responsibilities of an Animal Communicator
The Bottom Line
Sometimes we don’t know why clients call us in to assist and facilitate a part of their journey. However, we know are called in for a reason. There is something for everyone, including us as animal communicators, to learn, grow and evolve from these experiences.
When we remember who we are and what our job actually is as a conduit of energy as animal communicators, we can then serve ourselves AND our clients in the best way possible.
When we become authentic to this journey, remembering the 5 steps noted above, we can create the space and intention for standing in our power, our worth, and our ability to help, guide, and be there with LOVE.
What is the one best thing we can ever do for our clients?
We can LOVE them with our whole heart and show up fully present, ready to facilitate the conversation. That’s a great place to start solving problems of any kind for anyone.
Thank you for making a difference in the life of animals and their humans!
Author: Marybeth Haines, The Gal Who Speaks With Animals.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
How do these 5 responsibilities resonate with you? Leave your comment below!
Did you enjoy this article? Here is some more great posts all about animal communication:
5 Steps to Communicate With Animals Using a Picture
11 of the 27 Brilliant Reasons to Learn Animal Communication
Every Animal Lover Needs to Know How to Talk to Animals
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