*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Accountability Feb15th – Feb 21st, 2024! Post & earn free session with Val
- This topic has 11 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by
Martina Sluková.
02/14/2024 at 11:12 am #95492
ModeratorTo help you stay on track growing your communication abilities, each week answer these 6 questions. As an ethical bribe incentive, when you post your answers for 12 weeks in a row, Gold and Platinum members earn a free Student Breakthrough Laser Coaching Session with Val (regularly $125).
The 6 questions you are tasked with answering each week address multiple and interconnected areas and are clarified below. Please post your answers with specifics for each question.
The goal is to guide you to become more consciously aware of your journey, to celebrate your successes and share any perceived “failures” so they can be acknowledged, learned from, healed, and cleared.
You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best completing each assignment every week. Practice with animals and receive proper feedback about what you got (example: talk with Featured Animal Teacher) is the best way to know if you’re doing it correctly, if you’re making mistakes along the way, and help you discover what adjustments could help you improve.
Rather than copy and paste the same answers every week, the answers must be unique each and every week. If we feel you are not putting real effort into this or trying to hack the system, then you will be asked to try again. If you still don’t improve your efforts, then your weekly posting sequence count will start over.
1) Each week there will be a new Accountability Discussion posted for the current week period.
Post your answers anytime from Thursday through Wednesday. If you miss the weekly deadline to post, you will have to start over with your weekly sequence count.
2) When you’ve successfully completed 12 consecutive weeks of posts you will receive an email from the Coaching Club Moderator with the Subject “Congratulations – you’ve earned a coaching session with Val.”
Your Congratulations email includes instructions on how to schedule your reward Laser Coaching session with Val. You can use your session for communication coaching, intuition development, mentoring, healing, and/or Val’s help working with your own animal(s).
Refer to your Welcome Module in your student member dashboard for more detailed instructions about the Accountability exercises and office policies.
Answer these 6 assigned task questions in the REPLY box below. Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom. If you did not do a task, you get 1 free pass during the 12 week period. After that if you’re still not making the effort to complete the required assignments, then your 12 week counter will start over.
1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
We look forward to reading about your week. You are welcome to comment on anyone else’s posts offering encouragement, loving support, and celebrating successes. After all, we are here to learn from and inspire each other too!Need help or have a question? Click Reply below, OR look under HELP in the top menu, OR email [email protected]
TIP: We recommend you type your answers elsewhere first, such as in a document in Word, Google docs, or Pages, and then copy and paste them into the Reply field below. That way if something glitches with your post, you won’t have to start over rewriting your accountability post.
NOTE: All students are invited to participate, but only Gold and Platinum Club Members are eligible to earn the Laser Coaching Session Rewards. Silver members can Upgrade to Gold or Platinum membership at any time by emailing [email protected] and letting us know your wishes. Put “Upgrade” in the subject line.
Much love, Val
02/17/2024 at 1:53 pm #95536
Nicole Prömmer
Platinum MemberWhich meditations did you do?
I got a bit out of my schedule this week, because of the passing of my grandmother, so I did not do the regular meditation.
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.
What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
I was talking to a dog called vino. He is the dog of one of my cousins and she found him as a small puppy next to the street somewhere in Georgia.
I connected to him and felt him very very alive with a lot of energy. he is so thankful to be in that life with my cousin and her husband. it seems that he realy connects to the husband and with my cousin he is sometimes a bit challenged with her emotions and shadows, she carries. He showed me long fields and grassy areas, where he loves to smell and would love to run. he transfers the feeling of how everything smells and it is very different, to how I smell. his smell is like reading a whole book. he gets all the information, of which animal, how the animal felt, which he smells, if it is sick, if it is healthy, if it is ready to go.When he is smelling, he is very much part of the nature. he is very wild in terms of ferral and he shows me some ancestry line of dogs, living freely. He is here to learn more domestic traits and also to help my cousin.3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.
What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
For the masterclass. It’s always so unbelievable, what happens, when I work with val.
4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
That my fear of dying, when I connect to trauma is unreasonable.
5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
Yes. I connect to her and the first thing she shows me is a bright light. I have to lough, because with my material eyes, I see the black fur and it is like she sends me that light, not to get confused with the color of her hair. I greet her and she is open and looks at me. she tells me, that she has been talking to many people and that she actually feels less anxious than when she met me first time. She is still cautious and a bit alert. this seems to be a part of her character or trauma. Now she shows me the place where she lives. it is warm and some green/gray color on the Wass. windows and a nice cosy dog bed. she sails: this is from my mom. she likes to very close to ner mum and enjoys her energy. she carries something from bevor, but still she is not showing me, where she was, bevor she came to her mom Cleary. it looks to me like a shelter. a small place.
She tells me, she is sensitive to food. she feels sick easily. Now she brings me her favorite toy, it looks, like a toy animal to carry in the mouth. I say thank you for sharing all the information and tell her I have to go and will come later again.6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
None from the heart campus. but my every life is about intuition. My working day includes scanning bodies of people, then ask for guidance, how to heal them, then do it. I was working with the spirit of my grandmother to help her to go into the light. I do tarot readings for me and my sisters, just for fun, but I live it. I do it for myself every day. -
02/17/2024 at 6:46 pm #95541
Mary Hill
Platinum Member1. I did mindful meditation while walking the dog, detaching meditation before bed, some of the meditations in our lessons.
3.I am most grateful to the universe for directing me to the answers I was seeking. Also thankful my laptop got fixed and did not need replacing.
4. Do trees have auras and why do I see a white light when meditating with my eyes closed? The light often takes the shape of a face.
5. Still healing, will try this week.
6. I used my senses of smell, sight and hearing to guess the sounds and scents of the trees and wind. -
02/19/2024 at 3:01 pm #95550
Martha Breeding
Platinum Member1. Meditating is important to your progress because it makes it easier to connect and communicate with animals, releasing mind chatter, improving your ability to be fully present. There are thousands of different kinds of meditations, taking anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour or more. There are no good excuses to not making the time to meditate during the week. You have a Meditation Module in your membership with many of our favorites especially designed for our students.
Which meditations did you do?
I meditated, yes.
On my walks with sunlight, trees, birds, and a butterfly.
Also one of my walks with a dog who is very special to me.
Also while rubbing Serenity’s belly.
Also to vibrational frequencies and while listening to a song during breakfast.
Also during a private session with Val.
Also when doing accupressure on myself.
Also when meditating once I did active meditation and envisioned things and scenery and “activities “ I would Love with the intention Hope to bring them to our life.
2. Practice communicating with at least one animal each week to strengthen and grow your communication skills, and so you can get validation and confirmation. It is often easier to communicate with animals that are not your own. Visit our Animal Teachers page or our Featured Animal Teacher and share what you get so their person can give you the proper feedback to grow your skills, or correct and learn from mistakes in our safe community.What is their name if you know it and what type of species? Briefly describe what you talked about. What did you discover from the experience?
My cat friend of my human friend in my building.
My dog friend on my walk.
Trees and birds
A client cat who is missing
Serenity and Hawkeye. Serenity told me something very interesting and important regarding when and why she transitioned from physical body as my mom to Spirit. One of the reasons was relating to me and was big.
3. Celebrating connections, life, feeling love, appreciation and practicing gratitude is important. There is always something to appreciate and for which to be grateful.What are you grateful for this week? Post at least one.
My cats.
Me learning more involving my body’s response to foods.
Hope for business and more money to buy the house to our highest and best good in the area to our highest and best good walking distance from here and Healing and being fully in the heart always and all to our highest and best good.4. Questions and/or Discoveries!
What questions do you have or what discoveries did you make about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
I don’t remember what exactly it was… but in regards to communicating with the client cat who is missing she showed something and gave a certain sense to be indicating something. I don’t remember details so it’s pretty vague.5. Communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month is a great opportunity to grow your animal communication skills. You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher? If not, why not?
I did during the call and I was accurate on a lot.6. Which Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises did you do this week? You have many to choose from (in your student dashboard under the Welcome Module). These are not games, they are exercises I designed especially for you. Do not use an intuition game app. If you didn’t do one of our exercises, reconsider what you did do and instead of answering “no” or “none this week” (which will disqualify you from earning your reward), reframe what you DID do and which senses you noticed or focused on instead.
Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuitive senses?
Tuning into my body to determine certain things.
Also with a new deck of cards I got that has cars on it! I got fairly even right and wrong and two I tried intuiting the color and suit and got one right on each. I got several right in a row and intuitively got off track some how on some. -
02/19/2024 at 4:21 pm #95551
Terrianne McGrath
Inactive Member#1 I meditate everyday. The past few days, meditations have been short or rushed. Which cancels the effects of meditation. Getting back on track.
#2 I connected with a golden colored mix terrier who recently has been acting Leary of her owner when it was time to get into the truck. Her name is Cass. Once in the truck, there was no difficulty getting in and out of the truck happily without a care in the world. The owner was starting to feel bad about it. I connected with Cass initially and one thing for certain was how much she loves her Dad and it wasn’t about him at all! She showed me a working garage which I understood to mean loud noises and cars. Prior to 2nd connection, Father told me she was Leary when he was trying to get her in the truck. I tried to deepen my connection as much as possible. I was still unable to answer the question as to why she is showing hesitancy getting into the truck at home. I got her sister dog waiting in the truck for Cass to hurry and get in. I saw a trail that didn’t feel particularly pleasant. That’s it. I really tried, and felt like I had a good connection. Tried remote viewing, One with animal, out of my head and into my heart. I feel like I was unsuccessful with the reading and left the owner “hanging” so to speak.
#3 This week I want to celebrate not allowing a negative loop to start playing in my head because I didn’t get the outcome that I wanted with the reading with Cass. My MO was to beat myself up and negatively spiral losing confidence in my abilities. I did not do that this time.
#4 What should you do when you believe you are connected but you can’t get a clear answer from the animal? Let’s say that this is not an instance that the animal chooses to remain aloof with her owner at times. This is a new behavior.
#5 Yes I have communicated with Keely and have posted it in FAT.
#6 I followed my intuition this week when I was transcribing notes. I was about to restart a recording I was transcribing and somehow managed to hit a button 5 spaces down to have another recording start to play. My intuition was to stop what I was doing and go make a phone call.
02/20/2024 at 8:21 am #95563
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Unfortunately, I’m still not able to sit up long enough to do a proper meditation, so I’m just listening to all the meditations and doing the visualization (as in the ambiance meditation) listening to short talks which precede the pranic healing meditations and doing a lot of Ho’oponopono.2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience? Post at least one.
I’m trying to connect to Tikli, getting nothing back…I will need help to get some closure and remove blocks.3. Name one (or more) thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for. Post at least one.
I’m grateful Tikli got almost 5 years of a life of safety and comfort with us here, though we had very rough patches and I couldn’t give her the best life.4. What questions do you have about communicating with animals this week? Post at least one.
Nothing in particular.5. Did you communicate with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not?
Weeks ago, but my brain is not clear enough to connect again right now…will certainly try again as soon as possible and post.6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition? Post at least one.
As with the meditations, I am listening to the masterclass recordings on intuition skill development. I can’t remember the last time I was so ill, so I’m trying to understand the message, if any. -
02/20/2024 at 4:03 pm #95564
Dakota Duncan
Gold Member1. Mediations: Breathing, Ambiance Meditation, Mindfulness, Extended Awareness
2. Who I talked to this week: I was pretty caught up in communication with our oldest cat, Max, and helping him to understand about the new kitties, Shasta and Lexi. I tried communicating with them, also, as well our our in spirit cat, Jasper. He has been helping with the adjustments.
3. Gratitude: I am grateful that our dog, Kola, has been being peaceful and calm when being introduced to Shasta and Lexi.
4. Discoveries/Questions: I have been wondering how old a cat, or any animal, needs to be before they have a real sense of self and how they fit in the world. I get a lot of very scattered, wild energy from Lexi, who is less than 10 months old.
5. FAT: I did not speak with Keely this week, but have spoken with her twice this month.
6. Intuition exercises: What Color Light (similar to choosing crayon or marker colors), Feel Your Food (was slightly better following Ambiance meditation), and Be the Animal (worked on feeling how our cats are feeling as they new ones learn the house and the other animals, and how our older animals feel with new beings in their home).
02/20/2024 at 11:57 pm #95565
Platinum Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
Strengthen Your Intuition Guided Meditation
Heart Wisdom Love Connection Meditation2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with? Briefly describe what happened. What did you discover or learn from the experience?
I was drawn to speak with Nita’s Brownie-in-spirit. I had planned to talk to her tonight when I got home from work. Unfortunately, I was not able to. I will talk with her before the end of this week.
3. Name one thing you want to celebrate or feel grateful for.
My sister was in a life-or-death situation, and she survived. I am grateful that my sister is still among the living.
4. What questions and/or discoveries do you have about communicating with animals this week?
In the 7 Step Blueprint Course, I discovered it is good to use starter words to ask animals open-ended questions to get where I want to get faster and easier. The course provided a lot of good questions to facilitate conversation with animals.
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal of the Month (FAT)? What did you discover? If not, why not? You are required to attempt at least one FAT communication per 4 week period.
I talked with the FAT during the last Q&A session.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore? If you didn’t do one of our Lessons, what else did you do to practice growing your intuition?
I took the Heart of the Conversation with Animals – 7 Step Blueprint for Successful Communication Course. It helped me to see why the role of imagination is so critical to my success in communicating with animals. I have been doing exercises to practice using my imagination.
02/21/2024 at 4:39 am #95566
Sandy Doherty
Gold Member1. Which meditations did you do
Extended Awareness Meditation and several times Mindfulness Releasing Thoughts
2. Practicing with animals
A dog, rescued from a foreign, recently abandoned factory – no food or water left for him.. Rescuers wanted to know if the dog would be safe, able to mix with other dogs and join led walks outside of the compound. At the moment he is kept separate from the other rescued dogs.. The dog and I discussed his situation and were grateful had been found. Wanted time to adjust to other dogs and ok going on walks alone with the handler. Liked idea of a new loving forever home. He is a lovely quiet dog and deserves a new loving family.
3. What are you grateful for this week
Grateful for feedback received from Eirka, in regards to my communication with Keely which resonated with Erika, therefore spurs me on to continue. Hopefully will communicate with Keely again, to discuss her past life/lives to confirm or not, that both her and Erika shared a past life.
Grateful the dog was found and will have a forever loving home
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Any form of meditation is still a struggle, especially if completing during the evening (generally fall asleep), therefore will give it another go, then maybe rearrange the timing of meditation. Case of trial and error
5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher
Not this week but will do so again.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week. Played and watched several card games, with other people, whereby all the cards are laid faced down after shuffling. Then you pick two cards of the same number. Intuition and mind games. Done quite well, so pleased. Continue with my ‘gut’ feelings in regards to situations and decisions to make
02/21/2024 at 7:14 am #95567
Kathy Simms
Gold Member1. Which meditation(s) did you do? Post at least one.
I have been going over the recordings of classes and doing the meditations with Val during those classes.
2. What is the name (or species type) of the being you practiced communicating with?
This has been a very busy week as Sabrina had her very first scent work trial. So to be off Sat, I had to work extra hrs during the week, then drive an hour to help the club set up for the trial and next morn be out there at 7:30 and leave at 5 p.. and then Sun went back to volunteragain. My aching body!
So I didn’t really get to do a real communication.3. What are you grateful for this week
I am so grateful and proud of my girl , my reactive girl that I have been working with so much and so long, not only qualified in all her events and got second place, but that she behaved in the middle of a hundred or more dogs. Got so many compliments on her from friends that are aware of her problem!
4. Questions and/or Discoveries
Well Val, once again you started coming thru my radio or something again. Have no clue how that happens when there is n o disk in but suddenly you start talking. I figure it is something I need to know. This time it was the portion of the class where you are talking about emotions and how we have to be in a more neutral state to communicate of we will only get back what we are putting out, that they are mirroring are emotions. For me that is too much love, have to hold back on that a little.
But after that initial hearing you again, I got my cd’s and starting to the original classes again. LOve them. Watching the train go by, then observing ourselves watching the train, and becoming the tree. I even became reacquainted with my old friend my black leopard which was one of my guides back when I used to do this faithfully.
So even tho it was a busy week for me and I didn’t really get to communicate with a specific animal, it was still a very rewarding and learning week for me listening to classes on my long drives back and forth to the trial.5. Did you communicate this week with the Featured Animal Teacher
No, only in class and can’t find my notes from that.
6. Which of the Intuition Development exercises did you explore this week.
I always carry a deck of cards with me anymore so that I can practice that whenever I have a few minutes -
02/21/2024 at 10:26 am #95568
Rosemary M
Platinum Member1.Yes. most days in the morning. .
2. I practised with a zebra. This is what I got: that they are proud, selfcontained and strong. They seem shy and quiet but can be strong and fierce when they need to be. Message: be fearless. Your uniqueness is your gift. All of this through pictures.
3. I want to celebrate that I I’’m beginning to believe I can do this. 🙂
4. My discovery: I’ve just realised that I get almost everything in pictures – I was frustrated because I wanted more words. It may seem strange but I’ve only just realised that my strongest sense is clarivoyance.
5.I got feedback from Erika and Keely. Most of it was accurate – and then there were parts that really weren’t! How does that work? Frustrating but I need to go back.
6.I’ve been trying to connect with creatures out and about: a slug thanked me for moving him to a new leaf out of harm’s way. He was so polite!!! -
02/21/2024 at 1:34 pm #95569
Martina Sluková
Gold MemberThis week I was meditating in nature on the walks with my dogs and horses, also during my yoga practice. On Friday I was fasting, keeping a day without any food, just on water and I was feeling really great, all my senses were more intense.
This week I was connecting with a sheltie puppy that was lost to her owners. They tried to search for her but the whole day they couldn’t find her. We had a very busy week, but when coming home late at night, we decided to connect and see how she was doing. She was very afraid at first but in a while we could feel her much calmer as she knew that we were trying to help her and searching for her. We had a strong feeling about the area near the river and also we could see that she was not moving much, so we thought that she was in some closed space. I had a vision of my own dog that once fell into the river and could not get back on the river bank. We were walking for nearly two hours around the river but could not find anything. Then we started to think that maybe she is trapped in the garden house near there but the man living there told us that he has his own two yorkshire dogs. We didn’t find her and went to bed. In the morning I went with my dogs for a walk but had just a little time so I called the owner and told her about the area where we felt the dog was. And you won’t believe it but she really found her. She fell under the river bank and only started barking, when her owner called her name. She kept calling her and finally found her. I was really happy for that little sheltie.
I feel grateful for this experience with searching for a lost dog.
I feel grateful for my work with horses and their people that I really love.
I feel grateful for the time that I can plan myself, that I can create all my day.
This week I realized that somewhere inside me is still a little ego, that would love others to say how good I am. That’s why I wanted so much to find the lost dog myself. But then I realized that the love we send and connection we make are very important and helpful for the animal and that is enough to make me happy:-)).
Also I slowly follow class two in Beginning Core Foundations.
I still haven’t connected with Keely as planned from last week. This week was really busy. This week I had therapy focused on my migraines and tomorrow I will travel for my first trauma healing, as I feel working on myself is very important.
This week I didn’t do any new intuition exercises but many times this week I was following my natural intuition and as I already mentioned, fasting was great for improving my senses.
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