*Learn How to Talk to Animals with Professional Animal Communicator, Val Heart › Forums › Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Forum › Live Q&A Call June 8th, 2024 (Gold & Plat) + Golden Nuggets
- This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 months, 1 week ago by
Nita Mukherjee.
05/30/2024 at 11:58 am #96956
ModeratorThe next live Coaching Club Question & Answer Call for our Gold & Platinum members is on Saturday, June 8th to Ask Val Anything about Animal Communication, including reposting any still open questions. These audio only calls last up to 2 hours to provide:
– coaching and modeling how to do animal communication
– the healing Heart Wisdom Meditation
– a live guided practice communicating with our Featured Animal Teacher (FAT) of the month
– in addition to answers to your questions with modeling of how to do animal communication yourself.Please, in your specifically focused questions include specific details especially related to food, events, etc. for better clarity. If your question is related to communicating with a specific animal, please attach their picture using a small sized image that is named with your specific animal’s name and your name. This allows all of us to practice our communications skills as Val models techniques for us.
NOTE: The deadline for your questions to be considered during the call is 24 hours before the call (Friday at 12:00 noon Eastern). Val wants to have time to prepare.
Call-in information will be emailed to active members. Also, information on how to connect to this conference call can be found in your Gold or Platinum member course lesson on Question and Answer (QA) calls. Be sure to identify yourself by your full name when using the conference line’s computer application to login (VOIP). We do not recommend using Skype for these calls.
These calls are audio/voice only to keep our focus on heart communication. On the day of the call, log into your student account to see question details and pictures of the animals in this discussion in the Forum.
This Live Q&A Monthly Coaching Call is only for Gold & Platinum Club Members in good standing. If you’re not a Gold or Platinum Member and want to participate, email [email protected] and ask to be upgraded now.
If you have any trouble getting onto the conference call live, email [email protected] to ask for assistance.
06/02/2024 at 11:56 am #97004
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Val! When we connect with an animal in spirit, but one that may have reincarnated as another animal or even human, are we connecting to the soul of the “original” animal (eg. a pet that passed 40 years ago)? Secondly, do animals always remember past lives, and would they do so even after reincarnating as human beings? This question came to mind as I read an AC where a dog remembered the previous owner, and then said he was now a small girl, even described the household….is that possible? Thanks very much.
06/03/2024 at 10:01 am #97012
Erika Taylor
Platinum MemberDoes an animal having dementia impact his ability to reveive and send communication? My 13-year-old dog has dementia and sometimes is confused and doesn’t respond to his name or other cues. If i try to communicate with him, will he be able to receive my messages and reply, or does the dementia interfere?
06/04/2024 at 3:55 pm #97057
Natalie Shannon
Platinum MemberHi Val,
A cardinal has been visiting my friends house regularly, and the last time this happened it was just before her last dog passed away. The cardinal left at the same time. Now my friend is worried that the cardinal visiting regularly again is a sign that her current dog will pass soon. Is it possible that the cardinal is a sign? Would her dog know? How would you tactfully suggest that this is a possibility?
Thank you,
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06/07/2024 at 9:45 am #97085
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberHi Val! Nicholas, our new rescue, has pulled up lame on his right front foot. My experience is telling me the problem is an abscess in his hoof, in which case it’s a waiting game until it gets better, but I don’t want to miss anything. Is there anything you can tell me about his foot and whether it might be more than an abscess?
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06/08/2024 at 12:50 am #97089
Nicole Prömmer
Platinum MemberDear Val,
I have a question about experiencing different dimensions: All my life I have had the experience to come in touch with different dimensions a lot and on a daily base. (fe, a few days ago I went swimming in the local pool and after 20 min, when my system went into a meditative state, I connected to an other dimension, where I am a mermaid. I could feel exactly, how it feels to be this being and to swim in the deep sea.I started to swim with a group whales and what was outstanding was, the extremely deep feeling of love for the whales, which whom I was connected telepaticly)
I have many such experiences, the thing I do not understand is, that it seems , that this experiences have no impact at all in the live I live here, which I feel at times is so heard, so lonely and in big parts empty. When I went out of the pool, I carried the experience for a few hours with me, but then, I went “back” to my life here. I don’t understand. A few years ago I was visited from a very fiery goddess, called ishta. she gave me a big download. I thought, that a lot in my life would change afterwards, but no.It Seems that here is no connection from this worlds to my human. The last years I completely stopped to pay attention to this kind of happenings, because I thought that it is for nothing. but this also does not feel right somehow. I would love to find out, how I can connect all the parts and make use of themThank you
06/09/2024 at 10:16 am #97104
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberYesterday was the usual power packed, enlightening class, yet every call has a subtle distinguishing nuance of its own. The meditation is the same, yet every month the experience is different, difficult to put it into words. The same applies to the exercise with the FAT…the responses from Henrietta and Rosemary were very touching.
2 powerful reminders from the introduction: The rising tide shifts all ships, and tension blocks the flow of energy. But the real nuggets always come from the Q and A section. Val’s communications are always amazing, and the delving into Nicholas’ issue was no exception….love the idea of dipping his hoof into a bucket of love energy! The suggestions that Erika’s dog may not have dementia but something the vet may not know, could even include an out of body experience was fascinating, as is the reminder that dogs may be aware of what we are not. The analogy to simply changing clothes, and the fact that we connect to the soul, an anchor to one of the lifetimes of an animal, clarified my doubt about connecting to a pet who’s been in spirit for decades. It was apt that we were guided to connect with Henrietta, who had passed 35 years ago. My childhood dog’s 44th anniversary is next week, so this reassurance came at the right time! Finally, other reminders in answer to Natalie’s question ….anxiety can cause a fear based response, and interpretation can be influenced by inner wounds, hence the stress on inner healing. Also if in any doubt about an animal’s transition, one can ask if the purpose is over. Thanks very much Val, for another lively and educational session! -
06/09/2024 at 2:45 pm #97106
Elizabeth Burton
Platinum MemberVal, I can’t improve on Nita’s summary, but I wanted to let you know I just came in from the barn where we’d been soaking Nicholas’ foot. Still no breakthrough yet, but every time, he tosses his head up and down to get the love energy all over him, :-). I also wanted to tell you that I was watching the horses out my window while you were talking with him–when you said he was putting his head down and licking, that’s exactly what he was doing. It was the same when you said he was tossing his head. I know that doesn’t surprise you, but for me, it was a wonderful confirmation! I just finished a book on Ho’oponopono and this was the first time I’d heard Val use it. It was very powerful!
Like Nita, I was reassured by the fact that we can connect with animals in spirit regardless of when they passed. Nicholas reminds me so much of my soulmate horse, Sam, that I’m encouraged to talk to Sam. He passed almost 30 years ago. I’d also wondered whether one could communicate with an animal without a picture (all of my pictures of Sam and my other horses were lost) and Val answered that question in the call.
I was particularly struck by the answer to Natalie’s question. I was fascinated to know that fear can interfere (word choice intentional) with our interpretations.
And what can I say about Rosemary and Henrietta? I cried. I’d already met Henrietta previously, but she seemed so much more this time. I was glad I got to experience connecting with her again.
Thanks so much, Val, for the call and for answering our questions. It’s much appreciated!
06/10/2024 at 10:02 am #97110
Nita Mukherjee
Platinum MemberHi Elizabeth, lovely to hear of your observations of Nicholas during Val’s communication! Yes, it’s no surprise! I’m sure he’ll be fine soon. You may have followed Sunny’s progress on our FB group, after a communication and healing session with Val. I so regret panicking and losing my mind when my Tikli suddenly took ill….instead of consulting Val straightaway, I rushed her to the vet the next day for 3 days of needless suffering till she passed. Even if that was to be the outcome, it would have been easier for both of us.
And yes, Val’s version of the Ho’oponopono takes it to a whole new level…she says if done properly, it’s enough to say it even a couple of times. In fact, I’ve requested a class on this when Val asked for suggestions.
Hope Smokey is doing well. Love and healing light to Nicholas.
Lots of love and blessings
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