Talking about Interspecies Communication on The Real Dr. Doolittle Show™
Hi! I’m Val Heart, the Real Dr Doolittle, Animal Communicator to the Stars, bestselling author and founder of The HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets® . I’m also the founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication® and host of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
Welcome to my series of live interviews with my professional animal communicator colleagues!
We want to bring you into our world, help you know what we know, see what we see when we communicate and work with animals.
My next guest in the Animal Communication Mini-Training Series is Professional Interspecies Communicator, Kate Solisti!
Kate has been a professional communicator for 22 years. She has taught animal communication, nutrition and meal planning for dogs and cats and holistic healing techniques for all animals in the US and in Europe.
She has 5 books published in seven languages and is a sought after lecturer and spokesperson on animals.
She was the keynote speaker at the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons meeting, various Whole Life Expos, been a guest faculty member at the International School for Professional Horsemanship in Belgium.
Kate has spoken at the National Association of Professional Petsitters conferences, given many dog & cat raw food “cooking” classes at Whole Foods and other venues, spoken on Flower essence therapy for animals for the Lang Institute of Canine Massage and the Boulder School of Massage, to name a few of her events.
Our topic is all about:
Why interspecies communication is so important personally & globally
*In our short, easy to fit into your day chat, we’ll be discussing:
*Positive things happening for animals around the world, including the Lion projects in Africa, Elephant/Rhino Rescue and rehab in Kenya.
*How each of us can make a difference and how learning to open one’s heart to communicating with all non-verbal beings heals the person and the planet
*How you can align your body, mind and voice to communicate clearly with animals, and be more open to listening so you can hear them at a deeper level
*The planet and all living beings need us to step into this connection now, before unconscious humans make Earth uninhabitable for life.
*Connecting soul to soul or higher self to higher self. It’s all about Love & Connection vs fear and separation.
*The planet and all living beings need us to step into this connection now, before unconscious humans make Earth uninhabitable for life.
*Conscious connection of a small group of people around the world has a quantum effect on the masses. Together WE can help change the world.
We can’t wait to hear what you think about it too. So watch the Show and then leave a comment for us, okay? We really do want to know what’s on your mind.
Stay tuned for more! My next guest interview is coming soon…
Ready to learn how to talk to animals yourself? Look on the Menu above and click Start Here!
Take a look and choose what most appeals to you. If you are a newbie, then I highly recommend starting with the Beginning Core Foundations Course.
The Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Course is awesome and includes many of my favorite, most powerful healing techniques along with many specific topics that every animal talk student needs to know how to deal with successfully.
What’s next?
If you enjoyed this interview and aren’t already registered for the whole series, I urge you to click the link below now and Register for more wonderful interviews with other professional pet psychics!
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If you’re already registered, then keep an eye on your inbox for the next announcement.
Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Pet Loss: We Love. Therefore We Grieve Losing Our Pets
How Cat Communication Prepared TuffyTiger To Go Outside Safely
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