Serenity Prayer for Today: In an Insane World Put on Hold by Covid-19
By: Kai Riversong and Bella, as gifted from the Akashic Records**
I am struggling, like a lot of people around the world, in this Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
However, I am thinking my struggle may be from a different facet than a lot of Westerners. Please do not crucify or stone me here. The last time I checked we still had the right to free speech, right, or has that changed also? I just need to keep remembering the Serenity Prayer.
I am beginning to think this is just so stupid, the lockdown I mean. This came to a head for me when I went to take my two furkids to the holistic vet for acupuncture and chiropractic treatment and they told me that I could not enter the facility even with gloves and a mask on.
They instructed me to drop the furkids off at the curb, one at a time, and the vet tech would take them inside. WHAT?!?! Are you freaking kidding me? This is simply and plainly unconscionable.
What parent of a minor human child would drop them off at the curb and simply wait in the car???
Our furkids in my mind, are pretty much like human toddlers, with the need for our guidance and support and protection. It IS NOT ok in any universe, in any dimension, to take my furkids away from me out of sight and do God knows what without my oversight and support.
Needless to say, I did NOT drop off the furkids and wait in the car. And even without the 114-degree temperature which made this impractical anyway, I would never have just dropped them off. Just crazy. In what universe is this shit ok??
I can go to the Salon and the stylist will do my hair. We all wear masks and they clean like crazy between clients. A haircut and highlights takes about 3 hours. The salons have figured out how to reduce their risks and keep the doors open.
But at the same time I cannot go into the vet with my furkids for acupuncture and chiropractic treatments which takes like 20 minutes, seriously. This is F*cked up. Where are the priorities here?
Then I think, what really is the purpose of this lockdown anyway?
We are all going to cross the rainbow bridge when it is our time regardless of masks and lockdowns. It seems to create a false sense of security or maybe a placebo effect. But it is the way the world is right now whether I like it or not.
Then I meditated, and the thought of reminded of the Serenity Prayer. Here is my version:
“Universe give me the courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the wisdom, insight and knowing to distinguish the one from the other. *”
I think as animal enthusiasts and members of Val Heart’s AnimalTalk Coaching and Mastery Club this is a really important topic.
Just how do we distinguish one from the other? As westerners we tend to FIGHT injustice, march, protest and try to change things.
This brings me to a parable that a colleague shared with me when I first started working in the Department of Health in the tropics.
A colleague shared with me that I should be aware of the cultural difference and understand that I was “Not in Kansas any Longer” (from the movie The Wizard of Oz). He explained the cultural difference this way.
Imagine you are walking down a path and you come across a giant boulder blocking the way. He said that many of the local cultures would just accept this obstacle and simple find a way to maneuver around it.
However, most westerners, Americans in particular, would drop everything and find a way to move that damn boulder out of the road at almost any cost.
At the time I was pretty young and thought “well of course someone should move the boulder out of the path”. The American way is the only way. Go get the Marines or the Corp of Engineers and some explosive experts and heavy equipment operators and traffic control experts to stop all progress until this obstacle is removed safely and dealt with and the path is restored.
But now I wonder, does the boulder really need to move at all?
The attitude of peacefully navigating around what “boulders” life puts in our path is somehow attractive to me now.
But then I am faced with the fact that it is not ok with me to have my dogs undergo medical treatments without me being present. OMG, what is a girl to do?
Serenity Now, Serenity Now, Serenity Now (borrowed from a funny Seinfeld episode).
Val Heart’s last AnimalTalk Club Platinum Masterclass was the third in a series about Chakras and I highly recommend listening to all three multiple times.
In class a fellow student asked Val asked “But how do I know?” (the topic does not matter here since this is a universal question).
Val answered, “Your Heart Knows”.
The Class was geared towards teaching us how to live from our hearts and not our heads. She provided specific tools to assist with this. I personally have made the commitment to myself to use the tools on a daily basis to reap the benefits from this wisdom.
In my heart of hearts, it is still not ok with me to drop the furkids off at the curb at the vets. I will trust my heart that a solution will present itself and, in the meantime, I am going to be meditating a lot and use the tools Val has taught us and be ok with what my intuition and heart is telling me. It is not ok to drop the furkids off; that is not how our relationship works. I am looking for a new vet but so far, no luck. Even the house call vet is turning down new clients….
Peace, health, and prosperity to you all, and serenity in this insane world. May we know the one from the other.
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* The Serenity Prayer was composed by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in 1932-33. Original version: Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.
** Val also has a great Heart Wisdom Masterclass in the Platinum Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club archives on the Accessing the Akashic Field for Healing
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