My Cat TuffyTiger Taught Me How To Purr Have you ever wondered, “If only animals could talk… boy, the things they could tell us!” Well they do talk, and yes, the things they tell us are fascinating. People often ask me what animals are telling me as a professional animal communicator, sometimes eagerly, and sometimes […]
Animal Talk Blog
Are Animals Healers? The Amazing Healing Power of A Cat’s Purr
Animals are healers Did you know there’s healing power in a cat’s purr? I have always maintained that animals are highly intelligent, feeling, reasoning, spiritual beings – and they are natural healers. They are attuned to our sense of well-being, both physical and mental. When we take the time to learn how they communicate they […]
Animal Communication: Klaudia Schmidt Running a Cat Rescue in Cyprus
I’m so excited to share the brilliance of one of my animal communication students, Klaudia Schmidt! Klaudia has been studying animal communication and is a founding member of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club. She lives in Cyprus, where she spends her free time caring for a huge cat rescue family, a small dog […]