We all probably know that vague messaging is a major reason why it can be hard to communicate.
And when it comes to animal communication, that’s especially true.
Most people, though, don’t realize that there are two separate and distinct reasons for vague messaging:
1) You’re sending a vague message.
That is natural. Everyone starts out with a vague idea of how to properly formulate and deliver an easily understood, energetic, telepathic message to an animal. That’s because you haven’t yet clarified exactly what you want to tell them, or, how to go about explaining it in a way that makes sense to them.
2) You’re not receiving or interpreting their messages back to you correctly.
Animal communications are not vague, in the sense that they don’t know what they want to express. But if you’re blocking or are misinterpreting it, then you are not meeting them where they are, as a neutral receiver – meaning your own inner landscape is cluttered, busy with your own thoughts and feelings, and you’re confused.
It could also be that your main 4 intuitive senses aren’t open to receive.
Another thing that often happens is that the messages you receive aren’t what you’re expecting, so you gloss over them, ignore what the animal sends you, and disconnect, thinking that the animal doesn’t want to talk to you… When nothing could be further from the truth.
Your animals are desperate to talk to you, every day, about all kinds of important things!
It’s important to note that I only fix problems #1 AND #2. (yep, both of them)
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How do we fix problem #1:
Consider what you want to tell them first, and why it’s important. Get CLEAR.
How can you describe it – like, how would you tell it to a child? (and yes, animals are easily as smart as human children, often way more intelligent but that’s a story for another day…)
The point of the “how would you tell a child” exercise is more to help YOU get clear on your messaging.
Next, why is this important to YOU…. and even more importantly, why is it important for THEM?
That’s the part that needs to be clear from the get-go for the animal, otherwise, why should they pay attention to you? What’s in it for them?
Next, get clear about HOW to send that message energetically, heart to heart, mind to mind.
There are 3 steps to sending a message:
- See it in your mind’s eye using your mental monitor, like watching a video start to finish.
- Feel what you would feel if it were really happening right now, which gives the story context.
- Say it; speak out loud and in your head the story, like a narrator.
Capice? See it, Feel it, Say it.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
For example, you want your pet to stop waking you up at 2 or 3 am.
Why is that important? To them and to you?
You’d prefer them to wake you at 7 am, which is when you want to start your day as well rested, not sleep deprived and cranky, and also unhappy with them.
Makes good sense to me!
Tell them about it properly and discuss it with them so you know why they are waking you up, and you’re golden.
Like what happened for one of my students:
“I was living with my brother when his girlfriend and her older cat, Nellie, moved in with us. We all got along well. Within the first year, they decided to go on a winter hut trip, which meant they would be gone for a week, and she asked me to take care of Nellie.
I wasn’t happy when she told me that Nellie woke her up in the wee hours (1-2am) every night for a snack but I agreed without complaint. My sleep was and still is a big priority in my life.
After preparing for bed on the first night, Nellie followed me to my bedroom, but I stopped and turned to address her after I crossed the threshold.
She sat down and looked at me. I explained verbally that my sleep was important to me, and I didn’t want her to wake me up so I was going to shut my door, which I proceeded to do.
Seconds after my head hit my pillow, I received a very clear (clairvoyant) image in my head and a (claircognizant) knowing that Nellie would agree to not waking me if I agreed to the set up in the picture I received.
I literally bounced up and out of bed instantly, walked over to the door and opened it.
The clairvoyant image and what I was looking at in front of me were exact replicas. I saw my open door and Nellie curled up in the center of my doorway on the outer side of the threshold in a specific sleeping position.
I also knew that Nellie wanted to feel a sense of security that an open door provides. The exact duplicate images were astounding.
So, I left my door open every night for a week and Nellie slept in the same place every night without waking me once.
I’ve been jazzed about animal communication ever since!”
And that’s how it works.
You can also explore worst case scenarios with them so they understand the consequences of their actions, things that you know but they don’t.
Another example, working with 2 show dogs, German Shorthaired Pointers, who were chasing cars.
Gorgeous dogs, oh my goodness…
The problem? They were behaving badly, with cars.
Chasing cars is a fun dog game with deadly serious potential consequences.
Their loving human parents were terrified they’d get hurt, but had been unable to corral their dog’s extra-car-ricular activities (oh, what a terrible pun!).
These normally very well-behaved dogs ignored their human’s increasingly desperate screams to come, heel, stop it, come back, WATCH OUT!!!
Enter ME into the picture, expert problem solver with pets.
Fifteen minutes into the communication session, they were sitting with rapt attention at my feet listening to the story I told them about the dangers of chasing cars.
I answered their questions, addressed their concerns… we discussed the situation like civilized beings do…
And they never chased another car in their life.
Game over. Bada bing, bada boom, all done.
So why are people having this problem?
Based on my almost 30 years professional communicator experience speaking with thousands and thousands of animals and helping thousands of clients and teaching thousands of students, I’ve discerned that a huge reason for the lack of results with animal communication efforts is that the people in question fell into category #1 above.
They didn’t truly know what they wanted to say, how to say it properly, and weren’t connected in the first place.
Whereas the people who get great results have a lot of experience communicating with animals of all kinds (as in, “practicing in safe supportive community where they get proper guidance and feedback to grow their skills”), and are clear about what they want to say, and follow the steps as I teach.
What’s really disturbing is that many of the animal communication students who come to me for help and/or training were never taught how to do this correctly. which almost perfectly explains why some get results and some don’t.
There’s a lot more to discover if you want to communicate clearly once you get out of your human centered viewpoint.
So, what about problem #2?
Receiving and interpreting their messages back to you correctly.
Sending a message is really easy once you get your basics down and get clear. The next most important – critical – step is to be open enough to RECEIVE their messages back to you… and INTERPRET them correctly.
That requires your intuitive senses being active and open. They are the gifts of:
Clairvoyance (see images in your mind’s eye),
Clairaudience (hearing their voice inside your head),
Clairsentience (resonating with them at a visceral level so you just “know” it) and
Claircognizance (instant clarity, big picture style, conscious awareness).
Most people have at least one of their intuitive senses open and active. It’s important to develop all of them so you don’t miss anything.
It’s also important to have a still, quiet mind and to connect at the heart.
If you’re so full of your own thoughts and feelings, haven’t done any inner healing work or inner explorations of your own psyche and inner parts… it is really hard for an animal to get a word in edgewise.
If that’s you, then doing this will take a bit more work to do right, and it’s SO WORTH DOING.
Animals send messages to you all the time.
It disappoints them when you don’t “get” it and respond.
Get out of your own way, and stop blocking them.
Stop glossing over what you do get.
Pay attention, get quiet, activate your intuitive abilities and notice with your subtle senses, and you’ll understand exactly what they’ve been trying to tell you.
Imagine that.
When I first started solving behavior problems with animals, and teaching students how to do it too, I discovered that…
They always have very good reasons for their behavior.
They know how they feel, what helps, what makes things worse, what they need from you.
They know things you don’t.
Our job is to find out what those things are, and to learn how to communicate clearly in a two-way, heart to heart, mind to mind conversation.
Start with a love connection.
(That’s why I call this the Heart Wisdom Method, fundamentally it’s all about LOVE, Babycakes!)
These are the complex issues that my clients and students work on (and this is what I help them fix).
The thought processes I’ve described here are the kind that I take my animal talk students through in The Heart School of Animal Communication® courses and in the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club’s Live Monthly Group Q&A Calls (for Gold and Platinum members).
If you know what you want your animal to do but you’re not communicating clearly enough to solve those problems, I help you to really pin down how to connect mind to mind, heart to heart…
From there, let’s be crystal clear on WHAT exactly to say, HOW to say it, the right QUESTIONS to ask in the right way and timing, how to CONVEY that as a message they can understand, and how to LISTEN to your animal in return.
Hands down, THIS is the secret sauce behind successful training, and well-behaved animals.
Want more information about the Heart Wisdom Method of communicating with animals?
Beginners and advanced students and practicing professional communicators are welcome!
Your animal needs you to speak their language sooner than later. They have a lot to tell you.
Your thoughts? Leave your comments below!
I make this easy as 1-2-3 for big hearted, spiritually open animal lovers!
You can read more about how I can help you as a private client >> CLICK
Or go HERE to continue your communication education.
Imagine how your life will change when you have peace, clarity, confidence and a clear connection with animals, and you could communicate with animals anytime you wish.
Enjoyed this article and animal communication? Here are three more to help you:
Who’s your spirit animal? The truth may surprise you.
Clairaudience and 7 Ways to Grow Your Intuition
Exploring animal telepathy: How to send a powerful message in 3 easy steps.
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