One way to improve your intuition, confidence, and accuracy is through the practice of remote viewing. This is especially useful with animal communication work because remote viewing can access other places and times.
In some ways, remote viewing can act as a gateway, allowing us a greater understanding of the animal. It helps us learn what they have experienced that may have led to their distress, upset, or anxiety.
It can even help us get to the root of their bad behavior. Whether it’s using your closet as a bathroom, attacking other dogs at the park, suddenly forgetting how to navigate hurdles in an equestrian ring, or hiding under a rock all day.
Similar to the practice of Astral Projection (out of body experiences), remote viewing can open up another realm of possibilities. It can help us understand and remedy situations for pets and their caretakers.
Taking your intuition to another level using remote vision
We’ve all experienced those intuitive flashes of insight…
Those moments when our foresight told us what was about to transpire.
Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people such as George Soros, Conrad Hilton, and Thomas Edison, have talked about these moments of illumination.
What if I told you that it was possible to harness that ability?
There are people born with natural psychic ability. I was born with this ability, and I have learned to channel it over time. In doing so I have helped animals – and their owners – overcome fear, anxiety, and dysfunctions of all kinds.
And, remote viewing is a skill you can learn. Once you’ve awakened and activated your intuition and consciousness, you can open up your senses to a whole new world.
There are Two Types of Remote Viewing: Parapsychology and Controlled Remote Viewing
1. Parapsychology Remote Viewing:
Most psychics do this in a free random kind of way, whatever seems to work for them. Their accuracy can be more hit or miss.
For instance, when you partner up with your spirit guide, you can go anywhere including going beyond the boundaries of time and space.
I confess, as a pet psychic using parapsychology approaches is one of the ways I work with animals. However, when I learned Controlled Remote Viewing, my accuracy and confidence skyrocketed.
(For more training on working with your spirit animals, totems, or guides, check out my masterclasses!)
2. Controlled Remote Viewing:
The other approach is called Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV).
Lyn Buchanan teaches that learning to do this in a laboratory setting with controls and strict protocols is the best method.
In his words, it avoids “waffling, BS, and pumping the client for information” which can often happen with psychic work. It also greatly improves the accuracy, results, and confidence in the work.
CRV only uses “targets” that are concrete in nature and is much more specific and down to earth than the much more generic and less meaningful term, remote viewer.
Once you have mastered the basics of CRV, you would participate in a series of double-blind, independently judged remote viewing trials to test your skills. And that is when your confidence and accuracy in your intuitive abilities can soar!
Remote viewing: the Tasker, the Source, the Conduit
The remote viewing experience can be broken down into three component parts – or “stakeholders” in the process. Each of them has an important role to play.
1. The Tasker
This is the person with a question about a specific place, event, or object.
During the remote viewing session, they must not ask any leading questions in order to not lead the Conduit astray. If this happens, then the viewing could lead to less than desirable or reliable results.
For example, if the Tasker asks the conduit to find the criminal, the treasure, or the bomb, then they have overlaid the task with emotional details. This makes it impossible to keep a clear mind and be open to other possibilities. It gets in the way.
Rather, what the Tasker could say, is that the target is a person, “man-made”, an event, an activity, or is biological.
If the Tasker has fulfilled their role correctly, then the Conduit can discover for themselves what there is to find from a neutral witness mode of observation and report back.
2. The Source
This is an undefined and hotly debated source of the answer.
The Source is usually provided from coordinates or other specifics that can be tracked and identified in other ways.
3. The Conduit
The Conduit brings information from the source to the tasker in as unpolluted and accurate a condition as possible. Providing an eye witness account via mental and physical means.
The tasked site may be hundreds of miles away or years removed into the past or future. As such, the Conduit often finds missing or hidden information that is not readily available from other sources.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
Remote viewing is a learned skill
Everyone has had a moment of prescience. But imagine if you could harness those lightning bolts of understanding to help people and animals?
What if you could turn that electricity into pure knowledge and understanding?
You can try to master remote viewing on your own, or you can join one of our classes and explore the full range of intuitive abilities you might possess that allow you to communicate with animals.
Have you ever had an out of body experience, or done remote viewing? We’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment below.
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