4 Communication Styles to Listen With Your Heart, Not Your Mind
There are many different communication styles you can use to communicate with both pets and humans.
Everything that I’ve learned about talking with humans I learned from communicating with animals.
Animal communication and human communication are more similar than you think, and it may surprise you to find out that you can use both human and animal communication styles interchangeably.
Here’s What You Need to Know About Communication Styles
Have you noticed that people often aren’t genuinely listening anymore?
Consider Heart Wisdom Nugget #1: Listen With Your Intuitive Heart, Not Your Mind.
We are too busy thinking about what we want to say and wishing the other person will hurry up and stop talking so that we get our chance to talk.
Many people also tend to react or feel triggered and upset by what the other person is saying.
You know it’s true!
We spend most of our attention in a conversation formulating our responses before the other person has even stopped talking. We become lost in our heads, trapped in the inner clutter of our thoughts, betrayed by our feelings or overwhelmed by our other emotions, stuffed chock full of our internal chaos.
Not a very effective communication style, wouldn’t you agree?
It’s time to declutter and re-organize our inner space for greater understanding, harmony, peace, and health.
You Need to Listen to Animals, Too!
The truth is, animals hate it when we aren’t truly listening to them. They feel disrespected, overruled, ignored, and unimportant.
When this happens, they withdraw in their anger, suppressed and depressed.
Is it any wonder they act out or get sick? If you’ve ever tried to express your heart and mind to someone who treated you that way, you know exactly how it feels.
The key to animal communication is listening to them and understanding why they may feel the way they do.
So what could you do differently for greater understanding and communion in the conversation? How can you use different communication styles to connect mind to mind, heart to heart?
4 Communication Styles to Help You Communicate With Animals
There are different layers of listening that go along with the four different styles of intuitive abilities.
I call them Signature Intuitive Styles. (Students learn how to access and develop them in the Beginning Core Foundations Course)
They are:
- Clairvoyance: Being able to visualize information using your mental “third eye” monitor through impressions, internal videos, images and colors
- Clairaudience: Being able to hear something not audibly with your ears, like hearing a voice in your head that’s not your usual mental chatter
- Clairsentience: Being able to feel and receive energetic messages in your body at a visceral level, through a largely unconscious connection where the information isn’t filtered or processed through your mind initially
- Claircognizance: Being able to know something with a deep and/or broad level of understanding without knowing how you know that, like intuitively downloading the entire blueprint for a car engine’s dynamics, or where the break in a system is located.
We all have intuition. If you’ve begun developing and working with yours, then take a moment to consider which intuitive style is your best gift? Which is your worst or least used? What’s your “go to” ability?
Your goal is to become fluent in all these communication styles because it’s essential to meet animals and people where they are.
If they’re clairvoyant and you’re clairsentient, you’ll miss 90% of the information and will struggle to understand each other.
It’s a little like tuning a radio dial. If you’re not on the same channel, you won’t understand each other clearly. You might just get a lot of static or nothingness, and then you feel blocked or stuck.
TIP: Consider the difference between physical listening versus subtle listening.
Physical Listening vs. Subtle Listening
Physical listening is more about body language. It can look like facing the speaker, maintaining soft focus eye contact (or looking away), matching your breath with theirs, or mirroring their body language.
Try this: Open your arms with your hands in a relaxed position instead of hugging your chest with your arms or having a tight fist which are defensive postures. It feels different, doesn’t it?
Subtle intuitive listening is more about observing the energy, the flow (or lack thereof), the underlying emotion beneath the words or body language. It is the unspoken or messages between the words.
The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
Research has shown that approximately 90% of all communication is non-verbal. That’s true of the written word as well as the spoken word.
Notice the intention behind the communication, both yours as the listener or receiver, and theirs as the speaker or sender, and vice versa when you trade roles. Tune in and activate your intuition.
When you do, red warning bullshit flags offered from your Inner Guidance or your intuitive subconscious can alert you when the speaker is untrustworthy, is out of alignment, or is not telling you the whole truth.
Warning flags can also tell you when something is wrong, incongruent, out of integrity, when you’re in danger, or when someone isn’t trustworthy.
Your intuition also tells you when you receive insights, needed information, when you are loved, respected, and when you are safe.
There are more levels and layers to discover and activate, as you’ll find when you practice listening with your whole heart and active intuitive senses.
The bottom line is, the better use you make of all your senses – including your intuitive senses – the better person and communicator you’ll become. You’ll also improve your animal communication abilities as well.
What will you discover by listening at the deeper, consciously awakened levels? Give it a try and report back.
Thank you for loving and caring about – and talking to – animals.
Together we help make the world a better, happier, healthier place for all of us.
And that is worth talking about!
Click here to learn the three fundamental principles of animal communication.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
Want to Learn More About Your Intuitive Communication Styles?
Let me help you improve your animal communication skills so that you can open up to animals, communicate with them, and welcome new pets into your home. Through animal communication, you can tap into your pets’ experiences and grow a closer soul connection with them.
I am called the Real Dr. Doolittle, Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication® & the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club .
Get your free ebook, Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets HERE.
If you’d prefer personal coaching: Choose the consulting plan that fits your needs – animal communication, problem-solving, healing, or intuitive guidance.
Be sure to leave your comments below!
Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Horse Whispering: Animal Communication That Gets Results With Your Horse, Dog, or Cat
Talking With Animals Is Amazing! My Conversation With Grandfather Snake
TEDx Talk – Animals Are Smarter Than You Think
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