Positive vs Negative Emotions – ALL Emotions Are Important!
People who are learning to communicate with animals will sometimes start to worry that if they share their strong “negative” emotions, it will hurt the animal.
So, let’s think about that a sec…
There is a way to hurt them that way, which I’ll get to in a minute.
But for the most part, the bottom line is that you can share what you’re feeling without fear of hurting them as long as your intention is pure and clear.
And besides, they already know how you’re feeling.
In fact, sometimes they know what you’re feeling BEFORE you are consciously aware of it yourself!
No sense in trying to hide or pretend otherwise.
Let’s unpack this further.
First, it’s important to express emotions in general – stuffing them down is actually harmful… to YOU, and your animals, too, because it confuses them.
The truth is, you are broadcasting your emotions to everyone around you, every moment of every day.
And yes, some of us are a bit better at masking or suppressing than others (but that’s not necessarily a good thing as I’ll share in a moment)…
Good, happy, positive emotions…
Darker, “negative”, painful emotions…
All of them, the whole kit and kaboodle, a – z and everything in between…
Fundamentally, you are a spiritual, energetic being having a human experience, just like animals are spiritual, energetic beings having animal experiences.
Having, feeling and experiencing emotions is a huge part of who you are, and much of your power, vitality and soul’s strength is accessed through them.
Suppressing or trying to hide emotions doesn’t work. It’s a temporary defense at best.
And stuffing emotions causes health problems and confusion because it forces those energies deeper into the body where they can stagnate, tangle up, and become degenerative to your health and well-being.
Resisting feeling your emotions just causes them to persist…
Stuffed emotions drain your energy, causing fatigue, confusion, pain, illness, and worse…
Especially if they get lodged in an important organ, gland or system, which they always do.
I know because listening to them, making sense of what they’re trying to tell you, clearing and healing emotions so you can recall your power, restore health, and live a good life is largely what my healing work is all about, and why I’m so effective in what I do.
That’s especially important when it comes to communicating with animals who can read your emotions and energy like a book.
Animals understand emotions, because they feel them too.
After all, they are sentient, highly intelligent, reasoning, feeling beings.
Yes, they sometimes feel sad… and glad… and happy… and even mad.
They also know how to get, well, UN-sad.
You’ll discover the truth of that in the conversation with them.
They can help you with your emotions, so when you share be sure to ask for and listen for their feedback and advice back to you.
Animals know that Emotions = Energy in Motion. (Our own intuitive E=MC squared animal heart wisdom formula! But I digress…)
Energy (in the guise of feelings/emotions) is supposed to move, shift, change and evolve, because it’s dynamic.
Don’t be afraid of your emotions.
Use them wisely. Learn from them.
Feel what you feel honestly, directly… face it squarely, lean into it.
Then, express your emotions from a place of congruence and alignment with someone who loves you, someone you know “gets” you, someone you feel safe with.
Who better to share with than your pet? Who better to be your sounding board?
Your committed listener, who loves you unconditionally?
Your guide, angel, teacher and healer disguised as an animal?
When you do that with animals, then sharing “negative” emotions doesn’t hurt them.
They are there for you, they get it.
And that holds true, unless…
You’re completely UNconscious about what you’re feeling, dishonest with yourself and others, are out of alignment, incongruent, and not willing to go any deeper or be responsible for sharing and processing your feelings in a healthy way.
Doing that forces your animal to react, respond, act out and mirror that emotional energy back to you.
And it blocks and limits your communication. It’ll get you stuck every time.
That’s the Human Animal BodyMind Connection at work, and that’s a topic for another day.
Finally, let’s talk about your intentions in sharing. What is your intention?
What do you want to have happen?
Is it possible you want to hurt your pets by pushing your strong, dark, emotional energy onto them, punishing them with it, forcing them to react and respond and mirror it back to you, with no intention of healing, shifting, or letting it go, or forgiving? (narcissists and energy vampires, that means you).
That’s nasty… don’t do that.
Maybe you’re so angry that shoving your puppy’s nose in the mistake they just made in the house is how you decide to “share” your emotions?
Nononono… that is an awful way to potty train your dog and is an abuse of your authority, power and leadership (parenting) role.
Using your emotional energy to hammer someone like Thor smashing bad guys is a terrible way to behave on the whole, especially when it’s your pet who is NOT a bad guy or gal.
So, if your intention is to override, smother and otherwise punish your pet, then yes, there’s a strong possibility of hurting them, and of breaking their trust in you.
That’s the wrong way to do this.
Here’s the right way to share emotions to get the best results that don’t cause bad things to happen.
Consider that if your true intention is to:
- Unburden your heart
- Share a struggle you’re going through
- Ask for their help with something
- Clarify consequences of bad choices
- Get help making better decisions together
- Problem solve or brainstorm solutions to situations
- Find out what they know that you don’t know yet…
Then you’ll wind up bonding and understanding each other at a much deeper level.
Imagine that.
Advanced Tip: Hold your emotions lightly, like holding a little bird. If you hold it too tightly, it hurts. Listen to it, then let it “fly” away when it’s ready to go, and let go.
That’s when the shift happens.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
Communicating with animals the Heart Wisdom Way is all about healing, evolving and growing into your best self.
Knowing your intention and goals for a conversation with your animal can be tricky, especially when you feel too much, are overwhelmed, are in a dark place and can’t find your way out of the emotional h*ll hole you’ve found yourself trapped in.
It’s one of the things I coach people through in our mentorship program for animal communication students.
Helping you process and heal your emotions is one reason animals are in your life as God’s gift to you… it’s part of their purpose after all.
The only caveat to this is when your soul or consciousness is fragmented, you’re possessed or influenced by dark energies/entities draining your spirit, health and vitality.
In that case you aren’t just sad, depressed, maybe even suicidal, suffering PTSD or worse.
You’re in deep spiritual doo doo.
Your soul and spirit need to recover and no amount of sharing how you feel with your pet or therapist or doctor is going to change that or get you out of the doldrums.
You may feel temporary relief at first, but then you go right back down the hole into suffering.
I talk about how to how to heal those kinds of Soul Repair and Spirit Healing problems HERE
Bottom line on sharing emotions with animals through animal communication is this.
If you can’t be upfront and honest about what you’re feeling, then the animal thinks they can’t trust you to be honest and up front with them either.
That’s why my students (and clients) discover that communicating with animals the Heart Wisdom Way is a life transformational, spiritual journey of healing, evolving and growing.
These are the complex issues and advanced intuitive skills that I use with my clients and students.
All you have to do to get good at communicating with animals is to learn what you don’t know yet, practice, and do the inner work.
Seriously, I can coach students all day long about animal communication and healing so you can enjoy extraordinary conversations and interactions with animals.
To do that, we have to increase your awareness, and grow your ability to understand.
At the end of the day, there’s no substitute for actually working with someone and getting the feedback that is tailored to you so that you can practice and learn – and yes, understand each other – more efficiently and effectively.
Got it?
If you can’t talk with them yet, then now’s the perfect time to learn how to communicate.
The Heart Wisdom thought processes I’ve described in this post are taught in The Heart School of Animal Communication® , which offers a mixture of self-study material, opportunities to practice communicating with other animal lovers and their animals, and coaching calls with me.
If you’d like to experience similar training, support and coaching to what were described in this post, and advance your intuitive skills, I recommend starting HERE
Do it now. Your animal needs you to speak their language sooner rather than later. They have a lot to share with you too.
If you’d prefer to work with me 1:1 to solve the problems you’re struggling with, visit www.ValHeart.com
Be sure to leave your comment below.
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Who’s your spirit animal? The truth may surprise you
Clairaudience and 7 Ways to Grow Your Intuition
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