How does your own mood affect how you communicate with animals?
My animal communication student Sandy asked, “Can you communicate with animals successfully while you are stressed, physically and mentally tired, at a low ebb, or, would the information be the same if you were alert, prepared and ‘raring’ to talk to the animal?“
Being alert, prepared and “raring” to talk with an animal can actually be off-putting to the animal IF, in your eagerness, you are pushing your thoughts, energy, emotions and agendas onto them.
Because when you do that, you may not be listening to them as much as you are overwhelming them with your energy.
The KEY to good communication isn’t so much about your stress or fatigue or energy levels.
It is about your ability to shift out of your head and into your soul (“heart”) and enter an open, feeling state of beingness.
You can do that no matter how stressed or fatigued you feel by detaching (letting go) from whatever got you out of balance in the first place.
The other reason this is important is that if you decide to wait to talk to animals until you are feeling great, energized and in a happy place moodwise, but much of your life is stressed, challenging, and at a low ebb energetically, then you will be waiting a long time for the window of opportunity.
Meaning, you’ll have a ton of excuses why you’re not practicing communicating properly, and no results.
You don’t want that.
Awaken and activate your intuitive senses (our Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club members have over 30 wonderfully fascinating intuition development lessons and exercises I custom designed especially for my animal communication students teaching you how).
Refocus and connect
Whenever you need to communicate with animals, shift your refocus and connect, heart to heart, soul to soul, mind to mind.
When you feel connected and have detached from the stressors, let your mind be silent and still, it’s time to offer a greeting.
Then you can begin the conversation with the right questions, in the right way and timing t get the best results.
It’s energetic, a feeling exploration, a dance between partners sharing telepathic information, using all your intuitive senses, noticing sensations, emotions, thoughts, becoming one with them and/or experiencing what life is like from their viewpoint.
I teach students how to do this in the Heart Wisdom Love Connection and with our Featured Animal Teacher guided meditations in every month’s Q&A Coaching Call.
When you get proficient at it, it won’t matter if you’re tired, stressed, or raring to go.
And it doesn’t take much time to do it either.
Literally like 2 seconds…
You simply breathe, shift out of your head, silence your mind, let everything else go.
Move into your soul (heart) space, feel your love, connect and then communicate.
When you do it correctly using the Heart Wisdom Methods, animal communication can feel delightfully refreshing, energizing, healing, and rebalancing as you and your animal come into harmony and sync.
You’ll feel renewed.
Short answer to the question is: no, it doesn’t matter.
What matters the most is your mindset, your education and training so you know how to communicate, and using the right techniques and step.
What matters next is whether you’re blocking, stopping, or limiting yourself, or whether you are flowing in alignment, harmony and in sync with love energy which is the basis for all good communication.
Now, before you start asking:
- Can I do this so my cat will stop scratching the couch, use their litter box, stop harassing my other cat?
- Can I stop my dog from barking, being aggressive, pulling on the leash, peeing in the house, jumping on people?
- Can I get my horse to listen to me, stop behaving skittishly, go where I want them to go, follow my cues, quit snapping at me when I tighten the girth?
And hundreds of other questions, I will give you my standard answer.
More questions?
If you’re a Gold or Platinum Coaching Club Member, you can bring your questions to the next Live Q&A Coaching Call (offered the second Saturday of each month).
Use what you know now and investigate, explore, observe and discover how it feels when you communicate successfully.
Give yourself permission and give it a go, or you’ll never know what you can or cannot do, or how it feels.
If nothing changes, then you’re missing something.
Keep practicing, get expert guidance when you need it to fine tune and grow your abilities, help you discover what you’re missing, and to get excited when you find out how easy it is when you stop blocking yourself.
(This is why the Heart School and Heart Wisdom Methods focus on doing your inner healing work so you can get out of your own way and stop sabotaging or undermining yourself…)
Get the RIGHT training for the best results!
This is where the right TRAINING, MINDSET, and EXPERIENCES, with expert ongoing training to guide you to being more capable, from the right teacher, someone who lovingly coaches you to show you the way.
You want someone who encourages and supports you in reclaiming and using your power, growing your intuitive abilities.
Choose an expert teacher/mentor who “gets” you and knows how to do the things you want to be amazing at.
This is why we offer such an extensive training and educational program designed to take you from newbie to intermediate to competent to powerfully proficient in communicating and healing, not only with animals but in every area of your life.
The Heart Wisdom Methods don’t just teach you how to communicate with animals.
Ultimately, this is a spiritual “Soul’s Journey” to healing, evolving and growing into your BEST Self.
And that includes communicating competently and confidently no matter how you’re feeling.
My goal is for my students to be incredibly well trained so you can be AMAZING, proficient, confident, and capable of handling anything that comes your way, using expanded abilities and experiences for the best possible results, for the rest of your life.
The roadmap to successful communication is HERE.
The self study courses are hosted for you online so they can be done on your schedule.
There’s no deadline and you have immediate and “forever” access.
All courses are guaranteed, with pay over time, cash flow friendly payment plans.
After studying Heart Wisdom Methods of animal communication and healing, you will discover that there is no ceiling to your development as a proficient, competent communicator.
It only requires your passion, love and enthusiasm to make a difference, to connect, and using the right techniques to get the best results.
Ultimately, if you want to be able to help animals with whatever they need help with.
Learning to communicate with animals is a critically important skill to have if you’re a pet parent, caretaker, work in shelters or as a trainer, pet sitter, groomer… any animal related role can be improved by being able to speak their language.
Ultimately, when you are competent and proficient with your intuitive telepathic animal communication skills, you’ll be able to help them heal or ease pains, prepare them properly for veterinary procedures, ease their transition, solve behavior problems, find pets if they get lost, or work with shelter animals to help them recover from abuse or accidents or trauma, and even find them when they reincarnate.
For Practitioners Who Want to Improve Your Abilities
My Professional Communicator Peer Coaching Program is perfect for practitioners who are already good at communicating but you want to be better.
This invitation is for animal communicators who are earning money from your practice, at least $2,500/mo, and you want to be more of a real success by earning 6 figures or more a year without burning out. You want to be more confident, improve your abilities, and know you’re making more of a difference with your work. I help you do that in 3 main areas:
- UPGRADE YOUR ABILITIES so you can quickly get to the root of what your clients most want help with, enjoy enhanced intuitive abilities to communicate with (and heal) animals, are more precise, confident, and consistent with great results.
- RECEIVE MORE MONEY flowing naturally from improving the value of your work, coming into alignment and congruence doing what you love to do, by upgrading your education, training, and expanding your intuitive abilities. Expert guidance on setting healthier rates because you are more confident, creating premium levels of services and unique programs that light you up and attract your ideal clients. This includes clearing your inner blocks like old negative beliefs, doing inner healing so you don’t misinterpret messages through the filter of your wounds, and expanding your ability to tap into prosperity so you can receive abundantly.
- TARGETED BUSINESS GUIDANCE on how to setup and solve website or logistic problems, improve your marketing efforts so you get better results, identify missing critical policies, legalities, and make automation work so your business management is less of a time suck and you are freed up to work smarter, not harder.
By the end of our time together, you’ll have identified your ideal services, rates, and packages to offer your ideal clients, including the skills to back them up and deliver. You’ll be setup to earn 6 figures a year or more for the rest of your career.
Interested? Contact me now and let’s find out if it’s a good fit for you.
Nita said:
“Extremely privileged to be studying with Val…… since I started the journey (rather sporadically and unsuccessfully I may add) 5 years ago, she is the first teacher to emphasize that animal communication is not just that, but a spiritual journey to make us better people, to heal, evolve and grow… so she gives us the best possible resources and guides us personally every step of the way. Thanks Val!”
Aww…!! Thanks, Nita!!
Ready to take the next step in your communication and healing journey?
Guiding you from beginner to intermediate to proficiency, and even to becoming a great and wise professional Heart Wisdom healer and communicator.
You’ll find more about the courses, membership options and private mentoring to be confident, accurate, and competent communicating with animals at
If you want to make a bigger difference in the world for all beings, then being amazing at speaking their language using Heart Wisdom Methods is a brilliant way to do it.
See you soon on the Heart School campus.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
Enjoyed this article? Here are 3 of my most popular articles to help you better communicate with animals:
Communicate with Animals Using These 3 Techniques
Speaking to Animals Changed My Life: The Day a Horse Spoke to Me
TuffyTiger Taught Me to Purr – It Was Magical
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