Just a typical day at the office for me solving pet problems…
Q: “Why does Buddy without Prozac get a crazy look in his eyes and want to tear someone’s face off?”
Me: *nods* “When we communicate with Buddy, he can tell us why he does that.
That’s the first step in solving every behavior problem.”
Them: “Oh, really? That’s great!”
Different Q:
“Why does he act afraid when we have had him since he was 4 weeks old and he has never been abused?”
Me: “When we communicate with him, he can tell us why he does that.
We’ll find out what he’s responding to that you can’t see (and don’t understand yet), and why his behavior makes perfect sense to him.”
Them: “Oh, I guess that’s true. I’d love to know what he’s thinking.”
Yet another Q:
“My cat is a good boy. The only thing I am having trouble with is getting him to understand not to scratch on the sofa.
He has a cat tower covered in carpet and two scratching posts, but I can’t seem to get him to use them.
He prefers the furniture. He already destroyed one sofa. How can I get him to stop?”
Me: “Only he knows why he’s doing that, so our first step is to communicate with him.
When we do he can tell us why his behavior makes perfect sense to him and why he doesn’t like using the cat tower and scratching posts. What it is about the sofa that makes him want to scratch it instead.
And we can explain why this is a serious problem for you, so he understands how you feel, too.
After that, we can go to work redirecting his behavior so we can solve this expensive issue.”
Them: “Oh, really? That makes sense. When can we start?”
Are you starting to sense a pattern here? There’s a theme, see if you can find it.
Here’s another Q:
“Is there a guarantee that your communication (and/or healing) service will fix my animal (or me)?”
Me: “Actually, no one on this planet can make guarantees of results. Because no one has a crystal ball.
I’m not in control of everything that affects you and your animal, OR, what you choose to do with the information, coaching, healing, and intuitive guidance.
And no, this isn’t just about me and my services – that’s true for everyone in every field of practice, whether they are doctors, lawyers, or your veterinarian.
This work isn’t rocket science, and I’m not ‘selling’ widgets guaranteed to perform in a certain way.
These kinds of Soul Journey life experiences and lessons and evolvement are uniquely personal, for YOU and your animal.
My job is to serve you and be in alignment with your highest best good for all concerned.
To solve pet problems, I use my 30 plus years of professional experience, extensive education, and advanced training, along with my proprietary systems and processes to solve problems with pets.
I am very good at communicating, healing, and guiding my clients (and students) to get the results you want as quickly as possible.”
Client: “Oh, I get it now.”
Consider this both a comforting message and a kick in the pants.
The first thing to do to solve the pet problems you are facing applies to EVERY problem you could have.
As long as you’re telling yourself the story that you’re the only one who has a certain struggle and that there should be a one-size-fits-all solution to make your pet behave better, like a magic pill or applying mind control, that gives you an excuse to hide from the answer.
So… no more hiding.
It’s time to communicate!
I am using frequent, regular emails and my Facebook presence to share every tip I can for helping you solve all kinds of problems with animals (and yes, it works with people too).
Join me on Facebook >> HERE!
Sign up for Animal Heart Talk emails and get your copy of my free ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets >> HERE!
The first answer, in every case and with every situation involving pet problems, is to communicate with them.
In fact, communication is where every problem-solving adventure begins whether the problem is with your coworker, spouse, kids, and yes, your animal.
Communication is so important, it is the first step in the HEART System, my 5 Step Process for solving problems.
My hope today is that if you’ve been telling yourself that you can’t apply those teachings because you/your animal are “different,” you’ll now start to see the teachings with new eyes.
Because when you communicate and better understand each other’s viewpoints, you come into alignment and partner up to solve problems together as a team.
When we listen to them, they feel heard, respected, understood… just like you.
Now everything gets easier because you can understand them by speaking their language.
No more expensive guesswork!
They can tell you exactly how they feel and what they think, why they do what they’re doing.
Sometimes the problem isn’t so much with them as it is with YOU, the signals you’re giving off, your thinking, your inadequate caretaking, the stress you’re living with, your wounds, and your confusion/cloudy thinking.
Often, it’s about using the wrong things like the wrong cat tower in the wrong place….
Or a painful bit or saddle fit issue (or other unknown pain problem) for your horse…
Or the wrong harness or collar for your dog, or wrong training approach…
Or feeding the wrong food or treats, things that make them sick or act out…
Or it’s an unknown element like hidden pain or the unseen that must be dealt with.
But you wouldn’t know any of that until you talked with them in a heart to heart, mind to mind conversation.
I can teach you how to talk with animals!
That’s why my Heart Wisdom work is so unique and includes a wide variety of therapies, healing techniques and expertise.
I discovered early on in my 30 plus years of professional experience that just doing animal communication isn’t always enough to get you where you want to go. We need more.
Those extra bits are discovered and solved in the other 4 Steps in the HEART System Process.
Still, the conversation, connecting in the right way, asking the right questions in the right way and timing is critical to your success.
It is fascinating, because every animal has their own unique story… just like you do.
Imagine that!
There’s a lot to discover if you want to communicate clearly once you get out of your human centered viewpoint.
When I first started solving behavior problems with animals, and teaching students how to do it too, I discovered that they always have very good reasons for their behavior.
Our job is to find out what those reasons are, and to learn how to communicate clearly in a two-way, heart to heart, mind to mind conversation.
Start with a love connection and communication.
These are the complex issues that my clients and students work on (and are the kinds of things I help them solve).
The communication and problem-solving processes I’ve described here are the kind that I take my private clients and coach my animal talk students through in The Heart School of Animal Communication® courses and in the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club’s Live Classes.
If you know what you want your animal to do but you’re not communicating clearly enough to solve those problems, I help you to really pin down how to connect mind to mind, heart to heart…
From there, let’s be crystal clear on what exactly to SAY, HOW to say it, the right questions to ask in the right way and timing, how to convey that as a message they can understand, and how to listen to your animal in return.
Hands down, THIS is the secret sauce behind happy, healthy, well-behaved animals.
And if your pet is happy, then you’re happy, right?
All you have to do to be good at communicating with animals is to learn what you don’t know yet, practice, and do the inner work.
Now, you have a choice to make.
- Option A: Learn how to talk with animals yourself so you can solve your own problems with pets… (find out how to do that HERE, starting with your free ebook)
- Option B: Hire an expert to sort things out for you 1:1 privately… (find out how to do that HERE under 1:1 Work with Val)
- Option C: Get expert coaching in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club HERE
- Option D: All of the Above.
Whatever you do, do it sooner rather than later.
Imagine how your life will change when you have peace, clarity, confidence, and a clear connection with animals, and you can communicate with animals anytime you wish, easily solving your own problems.
Your thoughts? Questions?
Be sure to leave your comment below.
Wishing you and your pets health, love, and good relationships!
Be sure to pick up your copy of my free ebook to get started. Your animal needs you to speak their language sooner than later. They have a lot to tell you.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
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