Just a typical day at the office for me solving pet problems… Q: “Why does Buddy without Prozac get a crazy look in his eyes and want to tear someone’s face off?” Me: *nods* “When we communicate with Buddy, he can tell us why he does that. That’s the first step in solving every behavior […]
Animal Talk Blog
Speaking To Animals About Their Behavior Problems
What you’re missing when you try speaking to animals about behavior problems There’s an excellent chance that you don’t communicate with animals as clearly as you think you do. I got to thinking today about times when I’ve coached private clients and animal talk students who would get so annoyed because when they tried to […]
How Animal Communication Helped a Doctor Heal
How Animal Communication Helped Dr. Joey and His Companions Heal Has the death of one of your animal companions ever lead to the rest of your pets behaving badly, falling into depression, or your losing control? Well, you’re not alone. A lot of people feel this way. Here is one of their stories about how […]
Are You Listening To The Dog Signals You’re Being Sent?
Is your pup trying to send you a message? Are they sick, worried, bored, angry, frustrated, grieving, sad, confused…? We don’t always pay attention to dog signals… and it can be very frustrating for your pet. “Hey you! I’m talking here…!” Worse yet, it can wind up costing your dog their life if you don’t […]