How Animals and the BodyMind Connection Changed My Life
Here’s my story of how I discovered the fact that animals can mirror and reflect us through the phenomenon I call the Human Animal BodyMind Connection.
It’s the hidden secret that very few animal lovers know about but it affects you and your pet. Here’s why it’s critically important to factor it in when you’re trying to solve health or behavior problems.
So here’s what happened…
The heartache of not being able to solve pet problems weighed so heavy that I quit.
“No, I won’t accept your money. I haven’t earned it“, I said to my client, who was trying to give me a wad of cash.
She said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about! You communicated with my four ferrets, three bunnies, six cats, and our dog! I know things about them now that I didn’t know before, and I like working with you. Please, take the money!“
I’d just spent two hours talking with her animals. My accuracy was excellent. It was around 90% or better (which is impressive because the best psychics in the world have tested at approximately 80%).
But the problem was, their bad behavior didn’t change. It was breaking my heart.
I tried using all the animal communication skills I knew, but I’d failed to change the pet’s behavior. Her pets were not behaving nicely, there was aggression and even danger to her family going on… not good. But nothing I did seemed to help much.
My pride and my drive to not just communicate but to SOLVE problems with animals was biting me in the butt.
So in total despair, I quit.
I stopped doing animal communication work for almost a year after that heartbreaking moment of despair, and I worked to sort myself out.
I gave it a lot of thought. I realized that I had been trying to help the animals as individuals, ignoring the human part of the equation because the truth was, I had never felt safe or comfortable with people. And it just wasn’t working.
Guess what I found out?
People are a huge part of the puzzle! Talk about a lightbulb moment!
That’s when I discovered the phenomenon I call the BodyMind Connection between people and their pets.
It was clear that I had to find a way to help people improve their health, balance, and well-being in order to be successful in helping their animals improve their health and behavior.
As I considered more deeply how people and their pets were connected energetically – what their purpose was in being together – I found the bridge to solving problems.
The more I embraced this extraordinary, hidden and mostly unknown phenomenon, it changed my life.
What is the Human Animal BodyMind Connection?
The BodyMind Connection is how the person and the animal mirror and reflect each other, carry each other’s wounds and illnesses, and act out each other’s stress.
A behavior or health problem can be a shared issue when two or more beings are healing together. It can be a life lesson, a purpose, or sometimes even the very essence of what’s brought them together. But, until you acknowledge the heart, nothing will change.
There was also the environment, the animal’s management, the food they ate, medications, the person’s caregiving, or lack thereof. What else was going on in their lives to contribute to the problems at hand?
Hidden inner wounds had to heal. We had to reveal past lives, clear resistance, and overcome self-sabotage.
A few months later, I awoke to the realization that animal communication was only the start of a problem-solving process.
It was the first step. After that, I had to do more work to go deeper in order to solve issues like behavior, training, performance, and health problems.
I forgave myself for not being perfect, for making mistakes, and for not knowing everything yet.
I started talking to animals and practicing animal communication again, but this time with the intent to discover what was missing.
I had to consider the energetic, physical, emotional, mental and yes, even spiritual connections between the person and the animal, which I eventually came to call The Human Animal BodyMind Connection.
The journey to learn what I didn’t know yet.
I studied, trained, and got my certificate in alternative healing therapies in the Lionheart Institution (patterned from the NASA research scientist Barbara Brennan’s School of Healing).
I studied the BodyTalk System of Healing Animals and People, learning anatomy, consciousness, energetics, family constellation work, chakra balancing, physiology, and body chemistry (for clearing allergies, toxins, viruses, bacteria, and more). In addition, I discovered how to heal scars and adhesions, repair Wei Qi, and uplevel cellular repair and body genetics.
I received my certification at the PaRama level after taking hundreds of hours of training programs and practicing with people in my first ever local human healing office.
Talk about a massive leap of faith! Having my own private practice clinic was crazy, fun, exhausting, and oh so worth every minute of it.
I had clients piling into my practice back-to-back with extraordinary stories of healing. And yes, people brought their animals to me too.
I met Dr. Ernesto Fernandez, an instructor in the BodyTalk System.
He taught me his BodyMind Assessment approach, which he called the missing link in healthcare. I worked with him for four years to learn his system before he proclaimed me ready to practice his techniques, which I incorporated into my own Quantum Leap therapies.
I trained with Charlene Doyle in her extraordinary neuromuscular work. We healed lameness, structural problems, and more.
I’ve made mistakes. Not every single being I’ve worked with has healed 100%, but I keep studying and training to uplevel my skills.
That’s how the H.E.A.R.T. System of Solving Problems With Pets (and people) came to be.
At this point, I helped solve over 90% or more of my client’s problems.
And for the rest? I keep searching and working for the answers because I know they’re there if I just look hard enough and go deep enough.
Here’s the thing about mistakes.
It’s by falling down that we learn.
Even though things may not be perfect initially, you get better and better every time you receive feedback and apply it.
“You’re going to suck, but the more you do something, you’re going to suck less.” Garrett J White
You gain confidence by doing things.
You can’t steer a car to get anywhere if you’re idling or in park. You have to be in motion.
Your brain seeks guidance from your heart’s wisdom and intuition.
If you ask yourself, “Why can’t I do this?” Your brain will give you reasons why you can’t do that.
But if you ask yourself, “How can I do this?” Your brain goes to work finding reasons, support, connections, and ways to do that!
We don’t fail. We learn. You can choose to believe that you can or cannot do something, either way, you’ll prove yourself right.
Choose your thoughts wisely.
Excuses or results, you decide.
People think they need to have the confidence to do something before they do it, but it’s by starting, trying, and falling, that we learn. Even though things may not be perfect initially, you get better and better every time you receive feedback and apply it.
You can have results, or you can have excuses, but you can’t have both.
If you want something, find the time. Make a commitment to show up and do it. Soon you’ll discover it’s not as inconvenient as you were telling yourself.
It can become your lifeline and your joy, and soon everything changes.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
You can find out more about The H.E.A.R.T. System for Solving Problems with YOUR pets and how to unravel the somewhat complicated BodyMind Connection “soul knot” between you and your animals HERE
If you’re interested in discovering how to communicate with animals yourself, visit our Heart School of Animal Communication® Curriculum and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Membership options HERE.
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Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Soul Spirit Animals: Communicating With Deceased vs. Living Pets
Introducing a New Cat to Your Home: What You Should Know
4 Communication Styles to Listen With Your Heart, Not Your Mind
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