Let me tell you the story about JoJo and some Animal Talk students.
She’s a much loved Border Collie who suffered a terrible injury in a bizarre accident…
Border Collies are a herding breed that can be very single-minded. Once they have a task in their heads, even something that seems trivial to us, they can’t be deterred.
Many families purchase or adopt Border Collies and are caught by surprise at their need for constant activity. They have a need to “herd”, and for mental as well as physical stimulation.
When JoJo met with accidental misadventure, our animal talk and Heart Wisdom healing methods taught in The Heart School of Animal Communication® ’s Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Elite Platinum Club came to the rescue to facilitate her road to rapid recovery.
It’s one thing to hear me talk about all my success stories. After all, as The Real Dr. Doolittle, I help all manner of creatures heal from their physical and mental injuries every day.
It’s another thing altogether to have the honor of sharing the success achieved from the wonderful acts of Heart Method communication and healing my Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club students can carry out after learning how to talk with our animal companions.
JoJo’s story
One of our Platinum Club Members, Angela, asked The Heart School of Animal Communication® Coaching Club Student Community to rally together to help with an especially difficult situation.
JoJo had been in a terrible accident, running head first into a tree. While we didn’t learn all the details of her situation, we understood that she was suffering from a severe neck and back injury… She couldn’t walk, couldn’t hold up her head, she simply collapsed.
She was in a great deal of pain. Eating was a challenge with her appetite being virtually non-existent, and she was struggling to control her bowel movements, meaning she required constant attention and assistance for normal daily activities.
Her family was heartbroken. The vet had tried everything and they feared the worst for her. Nobody wants to see their pet suffer, but it’s also incredibly tough to decide to let them go.
They were advised that the most humane option was to put her down. Imagine the pain and suffering the family would experience having to euthanize their pet?
But thanks to our Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Student Angela, AND the rest of our student Club members who banded together to communicate with JoJo along with offering her advanced healing techniques they learned in the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses…
JoJo made a rapid recovery! The videos of JoJo racing around the yard and navigating turns and stops is heartwarming and a joy to see.
Her report to us warmed all our hearts as we celebrated her return to health.
The healing power of animal communication
We were so thrilled to hear about JoJo’s recovery and the crucial role Angela – and the Heart School of Animal Communication® Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club’s world wide community – had played in her rehabilitation.
The positive energy, support, communication and healing was critical to saving her life and her recovery.
Not only did she survive the massive injuries… she is now thriving.
What a Proud Mamma Bear Moment!
Through my teachings, my students were able to talk to her, heal her, and transform her life.
JoJo’s family was delighted, and Angela and our participating animal talk students experienced, firsthand, the thrill I always get from engaging from animal communication and Heart Wisdom Healing.
Animals have so much to share with us if we’ll only ask the right questions and then listen to their answers, and educate ourselves properly.
Knowing how to guide the conversations for a successful experience is the key to making a difference in someone’s life.
Would you like to become an Animal Communicator?
Have you felt like you would like to see into an animal’s mind and know their soul?
Have friends described you as empathic or highly sensitive?
Are you clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient, or think you might be?
Do you love animals and want the best for them?
If you answered yes to any or all of those questions, you’ll love this.
I’ve devoted my life to honing my intuitive senses and sharing that knowledge with people just like you. I’ve embraced skills as a professional animal communicator, and it brings me tremendous joy and fulfillment being the voice for animals.
If you’d like expert personal Elite Healing for you or your pet, start HERE!
And if you’d like to explore the world of animal talk yourself, join me for one of my online classes and find out if it’s the right path for you. A whole new world is waiting for you just around the corner!
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Dogs – just click on the picture below!
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