Open your heart and amazing communication with animals will follow!
An animal communication student asked, “Can we be intuitive (or develop our clairs) to communicate with animals without an open (activated and healed) heart?“
Before I answer, do you have questions you want answers to?
If so, you’ll be glad to know that our next Live Q&A Coaching Call is coming up on the second Saturday of the month for Gold and Platinum Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Members!
Now’s your chance to get answers, but you need to sign up before the next live class.
Click HERE for details
Open, activated, healed heart vs closed, wounded, shielded heart
This a great question, because there’s a huge difference between communicating and developing your intuitive abilities with an open (activated) heart, and a closed, unhealed, wounded heart.
The answer is a bit complicated, so bear with me while I explain.
First, there are many ways to use your intuition.
You are born with intuitive abilities.
As we grow up, for most of us our subtle senses are not encouraged or supported or even acknowledged.
For highly sensitive empaths, the lack of understanding and training in how to manage and use these abilities can make us a bit crazy.
We feel so much, we know things others don’t know, and we can access information others are ignorant about.
These experiences wound our sensitive, big, loving, caring hearts; as a consequence, we shut ourselves down and close off our hearts.
In effect, we de-activate our hearts trying to protect and shield ourselves from being more wounded.
We wind up relying on our “third eye” chakra to intuit information, which is what a lot of unhealed psychics do.
Our intuitive abilities are still there, but we have retreated into our head space and shut off our heart’s intuitive abilities (our “clairs”).
What are the “clairs”? These are the basic most commonly known intuitive abilities.
The most common 4 clairs are:
Clairvoyance (seeing things in your mind’s eye)
Clairaudience (hearing sounds in your mind that aren’t your own inner voice)
Clairsentience (knowing and feeling how someone else feels and what they know in your own body)
Claircognizance (instantaneous intuitive downloads of information)
There are many more intuitive abilities that are less commonly known (I teach about those in the Heart School, Classes, and Coaching Club).
When you have a wounded, closed heart, you have learned not to trust your intuition, to let your mind and ego and inner parts (inner skeptic, judge, conformist, guardian protectors, and the like) take over.
You’ll use your imagination primarily, not your heart wisdom to get by in life.
There are several problems with this issue when it comes to communicating with animals.
The first problem is, your mind, mental energy, and imagination projections are weak energies compared to the power of the heart – the Soul – your heart’s wisdom when it’s properly activated, open, and focused (*reference the HeartMath Institute research).
The second problem is, the unhealed mind and your imagination include your wounds, false teachings, expectations, and beliefs, including old painful experiences and memories – like a computer with “bugged” or glitchy programming that can muck up the operating system, take you offline, and give you faulty answers.
That’s not good.
There are more problems, but today let’s discuss these first.
You are not your mind, which functions like a computer.
In the computer analogy, you’re the computer operator, not the computer.
You are a spiritual being – a SOUL – experiencing life through a physical body, just like your animal is.
So when you try to understand telepathic animal messages – or send intuitive messages to animals – you’ll misinterpret or block them through the filter of your own wounds.
Your mind is smart, capable, and means well, but it is not reliable when it comes to using all your “clairs” and developing and activating your intuition.
Your healed (active and open) heart – your SOUL – has access to the wisdom of the Universe, is connected to Source, to God, and yes, to animals.
That’s why in my Heart Wisdom Methods of communicating (as I teach in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club and in the Heart School courses) I focus so much on the importance of doing our inner healing.
Yes, it’s an added step to the process of education and becoming proficient that isn’t usually taught in other training programs.
But it is SO important to get your head trash, your mental chatter, out of the way so your intuitive telepathic communications are crystal clear, trustworthy (high accuracy and confidence rates), and easy to interpret correctly.
We do that by connecting first from the heart – the SOUL – with animals, sending and receiving love energy frequency vibrations, and that is where the magic happens.
Can you be intuitive and develop your clairs without an open heart?
Yes, but you’ll never improve your competence, accuracy, and proficiency beyond a certain point without an open engaged, healed heart.
You don’t want that.
When you do your inner healing and open your heart, everything changes.
That’s why I say that learning animal communication using the Heart Wisdom Methods is a spiritual journey to heal, evolve and grow into your best self.
Becoming balanced, harmonious, in sync, congruent, connected, and in alignment, heart to heart, soul to soul, then mind to mind is the key to great communication.
In fact, this is why I developed the unique and powerful Heart Wisdom Love Connection and Healing Meditation.
(if you’d like to experience it for yourself, I guide students through it in every Live Q&A Coaching Call, and occasionally offer a more advanced version for our Masterclasses.
The Heart Wisdom Love Meditation is about quieting and focusing properly, clearing out mental head trash, transforming energy and emotions into love energy, FEELING (not thinking), so you can align, harmonize, and synchronize all levels of body, mind, spirit and Soul.
Incorporating a few of the basic and many of the advanced Soul Repair healing processes and techniques, I also include group healing for everyone who needs it (pets and people).
That includes a sacred healing water infusion to restore vital lifeforce both in the water molecules inside our bodies AND in our drinking water, and to help eliminate and neutralize toxins.
Focusing on accessing, expanding and guiding love energy frequencies, we then use that energy to connect, Soul to Soul, heart to heart with animals before we begin the communication.
I clear any “nasties” (dark energies) out of the student’s energy field.
Next I clear mind control including upleveling and cleaning your pineal gland so you can enjoy a better, stronger connection with faster access to the Divine for Guidance.
There’s more that I do behind the scenes for everyone on the call with the assistance of the Archangels and other high level love beings who are assisting and helping, like raising intelligence on all facets, balancing all chakras (major, sub chakras, and minor chakras), improving back alignment and dental healing, relieving pain, cool things like that.
All of which only takes a few minutes because I’m working at the 12D levels, that’s the space where miracles are possible.
Imagine that… 😄
Here’s the thing about healing and activating your heart in order to communicate with animals successfully.
If you don’t activate and open your heart, you will only get so far using and developing your intuitive abilities and senses.
Like when you meditate, focused on the wrong things with a busy mind and mental projections, think it’s a waste of time and end up more stressed than when you started.
Like practicing the wrong golf swing a 1000 times won’t help and only reinforces “body memory and patterns” of how not to get the best results.
Like riding your horse or training your dog the wrong way doesn’t help, and can make things worse.
Like practicing communicating with your own pets where you can’t get any objective validation or confirmation from an outside party to know when you are doing it right, what you missed, and where you got it wrong is not the best way to practice if you want to be a better, more confident communicator.
Which is why we all need expert teachers to show us where we’re messing up, and lovingly guide us to improve so we get better results faster and easier.
“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or back into safety.” Abraham Maslow
If you have been feeling stuck, walled off, or blocked in any way, or you are looking for new ways to grow your intuitive abilities, or want to heal your inner wounds so you can access and use your heart’s open energy, then let’s sort that out sooner than later.
Students and professionals train with me to gain that “extra edge” by going above and beyond the ‘average’.
They know they can do better.
BE better.
And THAT is what I’m all about.
Training you to be proficient at the highest level possible makes me a super happy camper, it’s my jam, the sun in my shine, and why I do what I do.
Working with me you’ll learn advanced and specific strategies, insights, and techniques to get greater results with every communication and healing session you do.
Which is what my Heart Wisdom Methods and Live Coaching are all about.
It’s also why I’ve dedicated so much of my life, education and training learning about helping people heal (45+ years), and translating those experiences so I can guide YOU to be the best you can possibly be.
Ready to take the next step in your communication and healing journey?
Guiding you from beginner to intermediate to proficient communicator, and even to becoming a professional communicator if that’s your sweet spot.
You’ll find the self study courses to become confident and competent communicating with animals, and membership options for the live Q&A classes at:
Another way to train with me, develop your intuitive and communication abilities to improve, and get expert coaching, mentoring, and answers to YOUR questions is to join us in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
We have well over 33 Development Lessons and Exercises for communicators, plus ongoing trainings to further your education, and a lovely personally created series of great Meditations especially designed for Animal Communicators available for Club members to pick and choose from.
It’s just one of the many benefits of being a Club member.
Join our next Live Q&A Coaching Call held the second Saturday of every month and get answers to your questions!
If you’re not a member yet, now’s a great time.
The information you need including all the other extraordinary benefits of being a Club member:
>> Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
You won’t find this level of training anywhere else.
Doing the critical self mastery work is what makes the Heart Wisdom Methods different and so much more powerful than other animal communication programs.
We call this a spiritual journey to healing, evolving and growing into your BEST Self.
It’s all about mastering yourself, growing your intuitive abilities as well as your ability to communicate with animals.
BIG hugs and much love,
Val “Guiding You to Communication Mastery is my Happy Place” Heart
P.S. You have 3 main ways to get my expertise for communication, medical intuitive scanning, healing and guidance for yourself and/or your pet:
1. Join me and your fellow students in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
You can earn free student coaching sessions with me, access our extensive Intuition Development Lessons, get help with your pets, and practice with other people’s pets so you get proper feedback to improve, which is the best way to grow your abilities and confidence.
Our monthly Live Q&A Coaching Calls are offered the second Saturday each month, 8:30 am Pacific / 10:30 am Central / 11:30 am Eastern.
Platinum Member’s Live Heart Wisdom Masterclasses are offered the third Saturday each month, same time.
Platinum Members also have immediate access to the entire Treasure Vault of recorded Masterclasses on a wide variety of advanced topics.
This link shows you the many benefits of being a Club Member and how to join us:
The Heart Wisdom School classes, self study courses, programs and memberships are outlined at:
2. Would you prefer private coaching, mentoring, healing?
Don’t wait if you want a private problem solving, healing session, because my schedule typically books approximately two months ahead with a wait list.
Did you know? At least half my private clients who work with me for their own personal healing, relationships, career, and life coaching don’t have pets.
In fact, one of my clients recently said:
“Working with Val gets better faster results in 1 session than doing 18+ typical therapist sessions. If you want to stop being triggered by old wounds and traumas, Val is the BEST.”
High praise indeed. 😊
Get started now at:
3. I also offer a Peer Program for Professional Communicators Who Want to Improve Your Abilities.
It’s perfect for practitioners who are already good at communicating; you’ve achieved some success in your practice, and you want to be better.
If interested, contact me now and let’s see if it’s the right fit for you.
Just beginning your animal communication and heart healing journey? Start by getting your copy of my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals. Just click on the picture below:
Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Speaking to Animals Changed My Life: The Day a Horse Spoke to Me
5 Responsibilities For a Professional Animal Communicator
How Visualizing Can Improve Animal Communication
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