Can you use animal communication to improve your pet’s behavior issues? A student asked “How do you change a pet’s behavior problems using animal communication?” Before I answer, if you have questions about animal communication, developing your intuitive abilities, solving bad (or puzzling) behavior issues, improving health, and understanding what they’ve been trying to tell […]
Animal Talk Blog
Open Your Heart for Your Intuition to Develop
Open your heart and amazing communication with animals will follow! An animal communication student asked, “Can we be intuitive (or develop our clairs) to communicate with animals without an open (activated and healed) heart?“ Before I answer, do you have questions you want answers to? If so, you’ll be glad to know that our next […]
The Difference Between Meditation and Grounding
“What is the difference between meditation and grounding? Is one more important than the other? And what about grounding our animals?” There’s a huge difference between meditation and grounding as you’ll soon discover for yourself. Beyond that, you need to know how – and when – to apply them with animals in your communication work […]
Animal Conversations: Can More Than 1 Animal Join In?
“When I connect with an animal through a picture and my cat is lying next to me, can she jump into the conversation?” Great question! Before I answer this, consider for a moment what’s possible when you can enjoy animal conversations using the Heart Wisdom Methods. Imagine you are walking along enjoying the day, or […]
Conquer Your Fears So They Don’t Conquer You
You must conquer your fears (anxiety, worries, inner tension) to be successful in animal communication First, consider the meaning behind this wonderful Zen parable: Once upon a time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to […]
What if I Don’t Score Well in My Intuitive Development Exercises?
Intuitive development exercises with animal communication An animal communication student asked, “If my intuition scores on the cards/colors intuition development exercise continue to be average or below….is there a point to continuing?” She’s referring to one of the many Intuition Development Exercises and Lessons I created especially for our animal communication Animal Talk Coaching & […]
Solving Pet Behavior Problems – Getting Your Pets to Listen
Solving Pet Behavior Problems – Getting Your Pet to Do What You Want I got the funniest response last week when I explained the steps involved in solving badly behaved cat problems using animal communication. One student said, “I don’t have cats so this doesn’t apply to me.” OMG! In case you were thinking that […]