Our topic today is: Crossing over the Rainbow Bridge: Death, Dying and our Beloved Animals in Transition
Hi! I’m Val Heart, the Real Dr Doolittle, Animal Communicator to the Stars, bestselling author and founder of The HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets® . I’m also the founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication® and host of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club. Welcome to my series of live interviews with my professional animal communicator colleagues! We want to bring you into our world, help you know what we know, see what we see when we communicate and work with animals. Today, we’re discussing transitions and the rainbow bridge.
My next guest in the Animal Communication Mini-Training Series is Cindy Brody
Cindy has been an animal communicator for over 30 years and is know for her CinergE healing. She often helps people whose animals are ready to make their transition out of this life, often referred to as “crossing the rainbow bridge”.
In our short, easy to fit into your day chat, we’ll be discussing:
- How to talk to animals that have passed away
- The messages they often have for us.
- Do animals mourn their passing?
- Are animals reunited with loved ones?
- Will they come back to us?
We can’t wait to hear what you think about it too. So watch the Show and then leave a comment for us, okay? We really do want to know what’s on your mind.
Stay tuned for more! My next guest interview is coming soon…
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
Ready to learn how to talk to animals yourself?
Look on the Menu above and click Start Here! Take a look and choose what most appeals to you. If you are a newbie, then I highly recommend starting with the Beginning Core Foundations Course. The Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Course is awesome and includes many of my favorite, most powerful healing techniques along with many specific topics that every animal talk student needs to know how to deal with successfully, including coping with the loss of a pet.
What’s next?
If you enjoyed this interview and aren’t already registered for the whole series, I urge you to click the link below now and register for more wonderful interviews with other professional pet psychics!
To sign up to be notified when the next episode in the series is ready, be sure to register here:
If you’re already registered, then keep an eye on your inbox for the next announcement.
PLEASE! Don’t keep this a secret!!
We can really use your support to help more pets and their people. This is an unprecedented, collaborative joint venture based on my mission of reaching and teaching One Million animal lovers around the world how to talk to animals. When we do that? We WILL change the world.
Share this with your animal loving friends now, okay?
You know your pet wants you to, right?
See you soon!
Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle
Founder of The HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets® www.ValHeart.com
Host of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club and Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication®
www.LearnHowToTalkToAnimals.com www.AnimalTalkCoachingClub.com
Please share your comments and insights about this episode in the comments below.
Did you enjoy this article? Here are some more all about communicating with animals:
How Animal Talk Students Save JoJo the Dog from Dying
5 Responsibilities For a Professional Animal Communicator
Why Learning to Be In Communion and Communication with Animals Is Your Fastest Path to Peace, Inner Power and Authentic Leadership
I really enjoyed this. Thank you Cindy and Val.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you Patty!
Oh my gosh, everything Cindy said, I know to be so true! Thank you for this. Nothing in the World like our precious Angels wrapped in fur!
Thank you, Barbara. I’m so glad it made you feel good!
“When we say goodbye, it’s not forever.” How beautiful and special. THANK YOU