Do you experience self doubt when you practice communicating with animals?
A student asked, “How do I get rid of my self doubt and gain the confidence that what I’m getting is genuinely from the animal rather than my wishful thinking and imagination?”
Before I answer, if you have questions about animal communication, developing your intuitive abilities, or about your pet’s behavior, or health, or hearing what they’ve been trying to tell you, then you’ll be glad to know that answers are available.
Our next Live Q&A Coaching Call is offered the second Saturday of the month for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Members!
Now’s your chance to get the answers you need, but you must sign up before the next class.
It’s only $10 for your first 4 weeks as a trial Gold Member, which is ridiculously inexpensive for everything you get.
Click HERE for details
Now, back to the original question, which is:
“How do I get rid of my self doubt and gain the confidence that what I’m getting is genuinely from the animal rather than my wishful thinking and imagination?”
This a great question.
Because there’s a huge difference between just imagining words in your head and actually KNOWING what the animal is communicating accurately, clearly, confidently, and competently.
Beginners typically start learning how to communicate with animals by using their imagination. And that’s a good place to begin activating and exploring your intuitive senses.
Your imagination stimulates your creative intuitive abilities, and can help you begin a conversation.
But at some point, when you do it correctly and are connected properly, your mind and imagination go still and silent, and real time communication takes over.
When you sensitize yourself and activate your “clairs”, you’ll see, hear, feel and know things you wouldn’t have imagined.
How do you know when it’s not just your wishful thinking or imagination so you can eliminate your self doubt?
The impressions may surprise you, you may find yourself laughing or smiling, the energy behind the information feels right and in alignment, and you realize that THESE sensations, feelings, impressions, and thoughts are NOT your imagination.
The voice you “hear” in your head is not your own. (clairaudience)
The images they share with you aren’t yours. (clairvoyance)
The sensations you feel or sense in your body just pop in and they aren’t yours. (clairsentience)
And the knowing you just downloaded about something you didn’t know much about before?
Yep, not yours either. (claircognizance)
You may smell or taste something different that you weren’t expecting, like smelling or tasting coffee or yogurt or grass or pet food or flowers, and when you check with the pet’s person they confirm, why yes!
I was just drinking my coffee, or they just ate their breakfast, or we are in our garden and there are flowers blooming…
That’s awesome cool when it happens, and is easy to validate and confirm. 😊
You may be aware of a strong or weak life force energy…
You may feel strong emotions that aren’t yours…
You may feel hungry or hangry, but YOU just ate and were fine a minute ago so you know that’s not your feelings or sensations.
Practice, practice, practice where you can get proper feedback to get rid of self doubt and improve your intuitive abilities and skills!
The best and surest way to get rid of self doubt and gain confidence with animal communication is by practicing with OTHER PEOPLE’S PETS so you can get the proper feedback, validation and confirmation.
It’s the ONLY way to know for sure:
- When you got the animal messages and interpreted them correctly,
- When you didn’t get it right meaning you made mistakes, you got stuck in your imagination, or were disconnected or lost your focus
- A combination of these.
The biggest mistake animal communication students make that undermines your self confidence is this one.
When you’re beginning to learn and develop your communication skills, it’s a mistake to practice with your own animal.
Why? Because you haven’t yet learned how to be objective.
There’s nobody to give you proper validation and confirmation, or guidance to discover and correct the mistakes you’re making.
And without that, it’s much harder to grow your intuitive skills, gain confidence, and eliminate self doubt.
It’s why I highly recommend practicing with animals with caretakers who can give you that critically important feedback.
Where is the best place to practice communicating with animals and receive feedback and expert guidance to eliminate self doubt and improve confidence?
There are animal communication practice groups online, but they are often not the best place to improve your confidence.
That’s because the majority are full of people wanting others to give them free “psychic readings” for their pet but who are not actively working to learn how to communicate with animals themselves.
They don’t understand how to offer proper feedback for you to grow your abilities.
And the questions, education and training is very limited.
You need the BEST online animal communication coaching and training LIVE school and club!
This is why we have well over 300 animal teachers in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club available for students to practice communicating with, AND, why we feature an animal teacher every month.
Once you know how it FEELS to be accurate, confident, and crystal clear in your communications with an animal you do not know, you can expand out to focus on other animals, wild or domesticated, and your own pet with much better results.
You’ll know how it feels when your imagination hijacks your communication practice.
AND, you’ll discover how it feels when you are accurate.
When you make mistakes, you can get expert guidance to improve your skills and intuitive abilities too.
THAT is how to eliminate self doubt, gain confidence, and become a better communicator.
TIP: Your ego mind will be glad to jump in and distract you, telling you you’re making that up, and trying to guess the “right” answers.
Don’t let your thoughts or imagination hijack your intuitive abilities.
You’ll learn how to notice when self doubt creeps in, undermining and sabotaging your efforts.
Thoughts about your self worth, your abilities, why you suck at this, and that you should quit before you embarrass yourself, and the like?
NOT very helpful, is it?
That’s because these are old wounds and triggers that need healing.
This is normal, it happens to all of us.
Whether you feed the distractions and let them take you off track – or not – is up to you.
I highly recommend telling your ego or other “inner parts” thanks for trying to help, you are not helping, be quiet now and let me feel and focus.
Then let your mind go still and silent like wiping words off a whiteboard and stay focused on FEELING, sensing, and sharing impressions.
Choose your thoughts wisely, and get healing and expert coaching when you need it.
This is also where your experience and training with a wide range of intuitive abilities come in very handy and why I teach so many ways to develop your senses.
The Beginning Course gets you started with the basics.
The Advanced Animal Talk Topics Course teaches more of my favorites and ways to apply using your telepathic abilities.
The Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club, Live Q&A monthly calls, and Heart Wisdom Masterclasses show you many more ways to develop and use your senses way beyond the basic “clairs”.
Students and professionals train with me to gain that “extra edge” by developing more than just the ‘average’ communicator skills.
They know they can do better. BE better. They want it all.
Training you to be proficient at the highest level possible makes me a super happy camper, it’s my jam, the sun in my shine, and why I do what I do.
It’s also why I’ve dedicated so much of my life, education and training learning about helping people heal (45+ years), and teaching so I can guide YOU to be the best you can possibly be.
Ready to improve your confidence and eliminate your self doubt?
Here’s how to take the next step in your communication and healing journey:
Teaching you how to communicate proficiently with animals and use powerful alternative healing modalities is a big part of what I do in the Heart School and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
I also teach you how to develop your intuitive abilities, build your confidence, and expand your education so you can help animals with whatever they most need help with.
For instance…
- Helping them feel better when they get sick or hurt or are in pain
- Improving their behavior when they are reactive, out of balance, resistant and obstinate, or even dangerous to themselves or others
- Knowing when they are getting ready to make their transition, and helping them prepare for a peaceful passing, and finding them when they reincarnate
It’s all aimed at guiding you to become a proficient, competent animal communicator as quickly as possible using my method (known as the Heart Wisdom Method).
By developing your “heart wisdom” and healing your inner wounds, you’ll know when you’re just imagining things and when your self doubt is tripping you up, and when you are accurate, confident, and proficient.
This is an all encompassing, spiritual journey to heal, evolve, and grow into your best self using ALL your intuitive abilities.
The Heart School training program is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent and confident you will be in my method known as The Heart Wisdom Method.
My “right fit” qualified students move through four levels of competence: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient.
In my 6 Months to Animal Communication Mastery Program (aka FastTrack Program) we work together with the goal of you becoming proficient by the end. In addition to 1-on-1 support, you also get self-study material and group coaching, practice, and training opportunities.
If you would rather work 1-on-1 in a completely customized program, contact me and we’ll see if it’s a good fit for you.
You can also choose to invest in the individual courses, private coaching sessions, and online membership separately if you don’t prefer to do the whole 6-month program right now.
You can start right away. It’s all spelled out for you at:
Another way to train with me, develop your intuitive and communication abilities to improve, and get expert coaching, mentoring, and answers to YOUR questions is to join us in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
You’ll have access to expertly designed Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises for animal communicators.
You’ll get ongoing new trainings to further your education, improve your confidence.
And you’ll enjoy a lovely personally created series of great Meditations designed for animal communicators ALL available for Club members to pick and choose from.
If you upgrade to the Advanced and Professionals Platinum Club you’ll get everything Gold members get, PLUS you’ll have immediate access to the entire Masterclass Treasure Vault.
It’s just one of the many benefits of being a Club member.
If you’re not a member yet, now’s a great time to step up.
You won’t find this level of training anywhere else.
Doing this critical self mastery and inner healing work is what makes the Heart Wisdom Methods different and so much more powerful than other animal communication programs.
It’s all about mastering yourself, growing your intuitive abilities at all levels, as well as improving your ability to communicate proficiently with animals
And when you do that, your confidence with soar as you eliminate self doubt.
Beginner communication students: Start your journey by getting my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
How else can you train with me?
You have 3 main ways to get my expertise for communication, medical intuitive scanning, healing and guidance for yourself and/or your pet:
1. Join me and your fellow students in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
You can earn free student coaching sessions with me, access our extensive Intuition Development Lessons, get help with your pets, and practice with other people’s pets so you get proper feedback to improve, which is the best way to grow your abilities and confidence.
Our monthly Live Q&A Coaching Calls are offered the second Saturday each month, 8:30 am Pacific / 10:30 am Central / 11:30 am Eastern.
Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Advanced and Professional Platinum Club Member’s Live Heart Wisdom Masterclasses are offered the third Saturday each month, same time.
Platinum Members also have immediate access to the entire Treasure Vault of recorded Masterclasses (well over 6 years worth now).
This link shows you the many extraordinary benefits of being a Club Member and how to join:
The Heart Wisdom School classes, self study courses, programs and memberships are outlined at:
2. Would you prefer private coaching, mentoring, healing?
Don’t wait if you want a private problem solving, healing session because my schedule normally books approximately 2 months ahead with a wait list.
You don’t need an animal to work with me. At least half my private clients want healing and guidance for their personal health, relationships, career, and life coaching. In fact, one of my clients recently said:
“Working with Val gets better faster results in 1 session than doing 18+ typical therapist sessions. If you want to stop being triggered by old wounds and traumas, Val is the BEST.”
High praise indeed. 😊
Want to work with me one on one? Visit to get started now at:
3. I also offer a Peer Mentoring Program for Professional Communicators Who Want to Improve Your Abilities.
It’s perfect for practitioners who are already good at communicating, you’ve achieved some success in your practice, and you want to be better.
If interested, contact me now and let’s see if it’s the right fit for you.
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